16 research outputs found

    Health at work and coping with stress of prison officers.

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    Sygit–Kowalkowska Ewa, Weber-Rajek Magdalena, Szrajda Justyna, Kraszkiewicz Krzysztof. Health at work and coping with stress of prison officers. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2017;7(3):153-165. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.268294 http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/4230 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 1223 (26.01.2017). 1223 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7 © The Author (s) 2017; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 05.01.2017. Revised 21.01.2017. Accepted: 02.02.2017. Health at work and coping with stress of prison officers Ewa Sygit–Kowalkowska1, Magdalena Weber-Rajek2, Justyna Szrajda3, Krzysztof Kraszkiewicz1 1 Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Institute of Psychology, Department of Organizational and Management Psychology, Bydgoszcz, Poland Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego, Zakład Psychologii Organizacji i Zarządzania, Bydgoszcz, Polska 2 Collegium Medicum in Bydgoszcz, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Department of Physiotherapy, Division of Principles of Physiotherapy, Bydgoszcz, Poland Collegium Medicum w Bydgoszczy, Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, Katedra Fizjoterapii, Zakład Podstaw Fizjoterapii, Bydgoszcz, Polska 3 Collegium Medicum in Bydgoszcz, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Department of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Ergonomics, Bydgoszcz, Poland Collegium Medicum w Bydgoszczy, Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, Katedra Higieny, Epidemiologii i Ergonomii, Bydgoszcz, Polska Summary Background The aim of the study was to assess the state of mental and physical health and the expressed strategies for coping with stress of prison officers which are a group that is relatively unknown and seldom subjected to the tests. Among the coping strategies, the authors also identified those that were predictors of mental and physical well-being at work men working professionally in penitentiary institutions. Material and Methods The sample consisted of 90 prison officers working in the security department who are in direct contact with inmates. The control group consisted of 85 men working in services and trade in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship (Poland), chosen by the authors as a result of intentional selection. The study used the following tools: "Psychosocial Working Conditions" Questionnaire by R. Cieślak, M. Widerszal–Bazyl, Mini-COPE Questionnaire by C.S. Carver, adapted to Poland by Z. Juczyński and N. Ogińska-Bulik. Socio-demographic data were also collected. The results were compared with a group of men working outside the uniformed services. Results In the group of prison officers, longer seniority was associated with a statistically significant deterioration of mental and physical well-being. Based on higher level of seeking support in stressful situations as well as a lower level of helplessness, one could predict a higher general level of physical and mental well-being. Conclusions Due to the character of the work and the risk of negative phenomena is important broad-based health promotion in this occupational group. Key words: health, work, stress, prison, officer. Streszczenie Wstęp Celem pracy była ocena stanu zdrowia psychofizycznego i przejawianych strategii radzenia sobie ze stresem u funkcjonariuszy służby więziennej. Spośród strategii radzenia sobie, założono również określenie tych, które stanowią predyktory dobrego samopoczucia psychofizycznego w pracy mężczyzn pracujących zawodowo w ramach struktur penitencjarnych. Materiał i metody Próbę badawczą stanowiło 90 funkcjonariuszy służby więziennej pracujących w dziale ochrony, którzy pozostają w bezpośrednim kontakcie z osadzonymi. Grupę porównawczą stanowiło 85 mężczyzn, pracujących w branży usług i handlu, wybranych przez autorów niniejszych badań w wyniku doboru celowego. W badaniu wykorzystano następujące narzędzia: Kwestionariusz „Psychospołeczne Warunki Pracy” autorstwa R. Cieślak i M. Widerszal – Bazyl do oceny samopoczucia psychofizycznego, Kwestionariusz Mini - COPE autorstwa C.S. Carvera w polskiej adaptacji Z. Juczyńskiego N. Ogińskiej-Bulik, który służy do oceny stosowanych strategii radzenia sobie ze stresem oraz metryczkę zawierającą dane socjodemograficzne. Wyniki W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań stwierdzono, że kondycja psychofizyczna funkcjonariuszy służby więziennej jest znacząco gorsza w stosunku do osób wykonujących inne zawody. Predyktorami wyższego poziomu samopoczucia psychofizycznego jest poszukiwanie wsparcia w sytuacjach stresowych. Wnioski Z uwagi na charakter pracy i zagrożenie negatywnymi zjawiskami ważna jest szeroko zakrojona promocja zdrowia w tej grupie zawodowej. Słowa kluczowe: zdrowie, praca, stres, więzienie, funkcjonariusz

    Evaluation of Work Mode and Its Importance for Home–Work and Work–Home Relationships: The Role of Resilience, Coping with Stress, and Passion for Work

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    Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).The COVID-19 pandemic necessitated and facilitated the introduction of telework in organizations. This has also impacted the workers’ relationship between work and private life. The aim of the current study was to examine the links between resilience and mode of work (stationary vs. remote) and the work–home and home–work relationships, and whether they are mediated by passion for work and strategies of coping with stress. The study was carried out on a sample of 1251 participants from Great Britain, India, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, and Vietnam. The following measures were used: The Survey Work–Home Interaction, The Brief Resilience Coping Scale, The Passion Scale, and the Brief COPE. Results showed that the more stationary the mode of work, the lower the intensity of the negative influence of personal life on work. Resilience was revealed to have a positive effect on worker functioning. The study also showed a relationship between education and gender and passion for work. Finally, the importance of furthering the knowledge on the home–work and work–home relationships among teleworkers is discussed.publishedVersio

    Cechy pracy a wypełnianie roli wychowawczej pracowników młodzieżowych ośrodków wychowawczych i socjoterapii

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    Przeznaczeniem młodzieżowych ośrodków wychowawczych (MOW) i ośrodków socjoterapii (MOS) jest praca z dziećmi i młodzieżą doświadczającymi zaburzeń prawidłowego funkcjonowania o różnej etiologii. Szczególna rola tych instytucji powoduje, że praca z wychowankami ośrodków jest niezwykle wymagająca. Wobec tego przyjęto za cel zaprezentowanie charakterystyki psychospołecznych warunków pracy w ośrodkach wychowawczych i socjoterapii. Dokonano przeglądu badań w tym zakresie. Ukazano potencjalne zależności między cechami środowiska pracy a wykonywaną pracą terapeutyczną. Wskazano zarówno na potrzebę kontynuacji badań w tym zakresie, jak i działań profilaktycznych skierowanych do tej grupy zawodowej

    Emotional intelligence vs. health behaviour in selected groups in late adulthood

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    Introduction The study deals with the relationship between the emotional intelligence of people in late adulthood and their health behaviour not described in the earlier literature on this subject. The objective of the research was to study the impact of emotional abilities on positive mental attitude, preventive behaviour, correct dietary habits and pro-health practice in selected older persons. Material and Methods The inventory of Pro-Health Behaviour (IZZ) by Juczyński Z was applied, together with the Polish adaptation of the INTE Questionnaire of Emotional Intelligence by Ciechanowicz A, Jaworowska A and Matczak A. A total of 199 people were examined. Two groups were taken into consideration: residents of care homes (DPS group) and attendees of the Third Age University (UTW group). Results Analyses of results showed statistically significant relationships between the variables: emotional intelligence and the individual categories of pro-health behaviour. This correlation had a positive nature: an increase in the intensity of emotional abilities, including the awareness of such abilities, led to the increase of health-care oriented behaviours. The division into DPS and UTW groups proved to be significant for the relationships between emotional intelligence, a positive mental attitude, and correct dietary habits. Conclusions The result of the study show that pro-health activities are directly associated with the abilities to understand and to control the emotions of older people. The data obtained confirm the positive relationship between the high level of emotional intelligence and pro-health behaviour

    Inteligencja emocjonalna a strategie radzenia sobie ze stresem. Psychologiczna analiza funkcjonowania mieszkańców ośrodków pomocy społecznej i studentów uniwersytetów trzeciego wieku

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    Introduction. In this study it was assumed that emotional intelligence is a resource that differentiates an individual’s behaviour in the field of health, including in the face of difficulties experienced. The essential goal of the study was to describe the relationship between the level of emotional intelligence and individual strategies for coping with situations of stress.Material and methods. The described relationships were analysed using a sample of persons above the age of 60 from the Bydgoszcz and Toruń region. A total of 199 persons were examined via questionnaire. This analysis included two groups: elderly residents in welfare houses (DPS group) and students of the Universities of the Third Age (UTW group). The research tools were: Mini-COPE Inventory for Measuring Coping with Stress, and Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (INTE). The data concerning socio-demographic variables (sex, age, education) taken into consideration during the research was gathered with the use of a questionnaire.Results. Strategies for coping with stress correlate with the level of emotional intelligence. Categories such as: Active Coping Seeking Support, Acceptance — positively correlate with the results of the INTE. A similar relationship does not exist in the case of the following strategies: Avoidance Behaviour, Turning to Religion and Sense ofHumour. High level of emotional intelligence in both DPS and UTW groups means significantly higher results in Active Coping, Seeking Support, Avoidance behaviour, Acceptation.Conclusions. The higher the level of skills and knowledge pertaining to emotions that make up the construct of emotional intelligence, the greater the presence of strategies that potentially serve the individual’s welfare have been observed in both groups of elderly residents in welfare houses and students of the Universities of the Third Age. Frequent manifestation of Acceptance, Active Coping and Seeking Support show that emotional intelligence is a personal resource for coping with stress in a healthy manner.Wstęp. W badaniu przyjęto, że inteligencja emocjonalna jest zasobem osobistym różnicującym zachowanie jednostki w obliczu doświadczanych trudności życiowych. Zasadniczym celem badań było opisanie zależności między poziomem inteligencji emocjonalnej a poszczególnymi strategiami radzenia sobie przejawianych w sytuacjach stresowych.Materiał i metody. Opisane zależności były analizowane na próbie osób powyżej 60. roku życia z terenu Bydgoszczy i Torunia. Przebadano łącznie 199 osób metodą kwestionariuszową. Grupę badawczą stanowiły osoby zamieszkujące ośrodki pomocy społecznej oraz studenci uniwersytetów trzeciego wieku. Narzędziami badawczymi były: Inwentarz do Pomiaru Radzenia Sobie ze Stresem Mini-COPE, Kwestionariusz Inteligencji Emocjonalnej (INTE) oraz ankieta pozwalająca uzyskać dane socjodemograficzne na temat osób badanych.Wyniki. Strategie radzenia sobie ze stresem, takie jak: aktywne radzenie sobie, poszukiwanie wsparcia, akceptacja, pozytywnie korelują z wynikami INTE. nie ma takiej zależności w przypadku strategii zachowań unikowych, zwrotu ku religii i poczucia humoru. Podział grup na mieszkańców ośrodków opiekuńczych i studentów wykazał, że wysoki poziom inteligencji emocjonalnej oznacza średnio częstsze korzystanie ze strategii: aktywnego radzenia sobie, poszukiwania wsparcia, zachowań unikowych i akceptacji. Wnioski. Im wyższy poziom zdolności i wiedzy o emocjach, składających się na konstrukt inteligencji emocjonalnej, tym większe nasilenie strategii potencjalnie służących dobrostanowi jednostki, zarówno w grupie mieszkańców ośrodków pomocy społecznej, jak i studentów uniwersytetów trzeciego wieku. Częstsze przejawianie akceptacji, aktywnego radzenia sobie oraz poszukiwania wsparcia świadczy o tym, że inteligencja emocjonalna jest osobistym zasobem dla zdrowego radzenia sobie ze stresem

    Psychological analysis of adults’ attitudes to penalization of selected illegal acts with regard to socio-demographic features and empathy levels. Research report

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    Postawy społeczne wobec karalności za wybrane przestępstwa są tematem licznych badań. Wskazują one jasno na określone ustosunkowanie obywateli wobec wymiaru kary, z punktu widzenia ich zasadności i sprawiedliwości. Niniejsze badanie miało na celu przeanalizowanie pod kątem psychologicznym współzależności między zmiennymi o charakterze demograficznym, społecznym i emocjonalnym a ustosunkowaniem wobec penalizacji wybranych przestępstw. Wyniki pokazały, że kobiety mają średnio wyższe nasilenie stopnia empatii, ogólnie częściej postawę rygorystyczną, w tym za przestępstwo dzieciobójstwa. Osoby o najwyższych średnich wynikach w teście Kwestionariusza Rozumienia Empatycznego, prezentowały średnio częściej postawę bardziej rygorystyczną, niż jest to przewidziane w prawie karnym. Pewne kategorie przestępstw: 1) gwałtu ze szczególnym okrucieństwem, 2) zabójstwa ze szczególnym okrucieństwem, 3) propagowania lub pochwalania zachowań pedofilskich, 4) przymuszania do prostytucji, jednogłośnie zostały ocenione jako niezasługujące na łagodniejszy niż przewidywany, wymiar kary. Istnieje potrzeba dalszych analiz, które wskazywałyby, w jaki sposób cechy indywidualne człowieka decydują o wyborze kary w obliczu oceny czyjegoś bezprawnego zachowania.There is a bulk of research on social attitudes to the penalization of selected crimes. Studies clearly show that citizens tend to adopt a specific attitude to penalties, which is conditioned by their appropriateness and fairness. The aim of our study was to analyze, in psychological terms, the relation between demographic, social and emotional variables and the attitude adopted towards the incrimination of some illegal acts. The results show generally higher empathy levels and stricter attitudes among women, especially to infanticide. Individuals with the highest average results in the EUQ (Empathic Understanding Questionnaire) displayed on average a more rigorous attitude than the one specified by the criminal code. For certain categories of crimes, such as: 1) rape with extreme cruelty; 2) murder with extreme cruelty; 3) dissemination and welcome of pedophile activity; and 4) forced prostitution, there was a unanimous agreement that penalties should not be less than those already set forth in legislation. There is a need for further analyses to demonstrate how the individual’s specific characteristic may influence their choice of penalty when faced with the task of assessing an illegal behavior

    Work Engagement among Prison Officers. The Role of Individual and Organizational Factors in the Polish and Indonesian Penitentiary Systems

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    The literature on work engagement among prison officers (POs) remains rather scarce, and there are no analyses on the factors determining this phenomenon. The current study aimed to examine the relationships between work engagement, subjective well-being, coping strategies, and organizational factors utilizing the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-9), the Coping Orientation to Problems Experienced (COPE), and Cantril’s Ladder of Health Scale (CLHS), and involving 312 POs from Poland and 467 POs from Indonesia. Results showed a statistically significant relationship between active coping and work engagement in both groups. Subjective well-being was moderately related to work engagement among Polish POs. Mean work engagement and subjective well-being scores were higher among Indonesian POs. The analyses showed a significant indirect effect of subjective well-being for the relationship between penitentiary unit type, active coping, as well as avoidant behaviors and work engagement in the Polish group. Closed prison officers more often declared higher subjective well-being. Work engagement is a complex psychological phenomenon. There exists a justified need for the analyses to consider personal determinants (e.g., coping strategies) as well as organizational factors related to the POs’ work environment. The literature presents a broad picture of the benefits of studying this phenomenon

    Work for the Prison Service: selected health consequences – investigating the role of personal resources, job demands, work stress, and burnout

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    Objectives The specific job demands of the Prison Service (PS) may affect the health of officers. The job demands-resources model (JD-R) model was used to design a survey of the consequences of working subject to particular job demands. The aim was to gain an insight into the relationship between job demands, personal resources, occupational stress and burnout and selected health consequence indicators (such as behaviors associated with the consumption of alcohol, stress symptoms). Material and Methods A total of 1732 PS officers in Poland were surveyed. The following tools were used as part of the survey: the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ II), the Multidimensional Inventory for Assessing Coping Responses (COPE), the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) and a form with a respondent’s particulars. Path analysis using partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) was performed. Results The assumed hypotheses were partially confirmed by the results. Out of 4 job demands categories only work pace turned out not to be a significant predictor of burnout and stress. For alcohol related behaviors, stress level was the only significant predictor, both as a direct and indirect effect taking into account job demands. It transpired that support from superiors rather than support from colleagues or self-efficacy was a significant moderator in the emotional demands – stress relationship. Limitations of the study and perspectives for its continuation are also presented herein. Conclusions Based on the obtained results it may be concluded that job demands and support from superiors do have an impact on stress in the PS group. This is also consistent with available reports in literature. At the same time stress is a significant predictor of alcohol related behaviors. Coping through the use of psychoactive substances was not a significant factor in statistical analyses and it has still not been subject to sufficient scientific analysis

    Predicting the Role of Personality Traits, Organizational Factors, and Strategies for Coping with Stress in Job Satisfaction in Correctional Services

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    Correctional staff is particularly exposed to occupational stress which in turn can have a negative impact on their job performance. This study attempted to analyse the role of personality, organizational factors, and stress coping strategies in shaping job satisfaction. 163 correctional staff members who were being trained at the Central Training Centre of Correctional Services in Kalisz, Poland, participated in the study. The following tools were used: The Bochum Inventory of Personal Work Features (BIP), the Multiphasic Inventory for Measuring Coping (COPE), and the Satisfaction with Job Scale (SSP). Staff working directly with inmates scored the lowest in terms of job satisfaction. Social sensibility is a predictor of job satisfaction among each study subgroup and each correctional department and correctional staff as a whole. Correlates of job satisfaction among correctional officers were: Active coping with stressful situations and Seeking social support for emotional and instrumental reasons