1,991 research outputs found

    The greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with aquatic carbon removal during drinking water treatment

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    Peatlands and other terrestrial ecosystems export large amounts of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) to freshwater ecosystems. In catchments used for supplying drinking water, water treatment works (WTWs) can remove large quantities of this organic matter, and can therefore play a unique modifying role in DOC processing and associated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions within the fluvial system. During this study we quantified the GHG emissions due to processes associated with carbon (C) removal during water treatment at four contrasting WTWs in the UK. Our results demonstrate that the removal of DOC from raw water supplies via coagulation, leading to the formation of sludge, usually makes it less susceptible to short-term oxidation when compared to DOC remaining in the fluvial system. Although this could be considered a means of reducing CO2 emissions from waterborne carbon, the current practise of land spreading of sludge is unlikely to represent a long-term C sink and therefore water treatment probably only delays the rate at which fluvial C re-enters the atmosphere. Furthermore, we estimate that indirect CO2 missions resulting from electricity use during water treatment, together with the use of chemicals and CO2 degassing from the water during treatment, far outweigh any potential CO2 reductions associated with DOC removal. Thus, the post-treatment handling of sludge has the potential to mitigate, but not to negate, GHG emissions associated with water treatment processes

    Controls on the processing and fate of terrestrially-derived organic carbon in aquatic ecosystems: synthesis of special issue

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    This special issue brought together a complementary set of studies describing the range of processes affecting the cycling and fate of terrigenous organic matter within aquatic systems. It focuses in particular on headwater streams, and on peat catchments as major global sources of freshwater dissolved organic matter and of particulate organic matter in areas of peat erosion. This work is placed within the wider context of processes occurring in forested and agricultural headwaters, larger river systems and estuaries, and in a policy context in relation to national-scale carbon fluxes, the treatment of organic matter in drinking water supplies and the inclusion of aquatic carbon in international greenhouse gas accounting

    The role of waterborne carbon in the greenhouse gas balance of drained and re-wetted peatlands

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    Accounting for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and removals in managed ecosystems has generally focused on direct land-atmosphere fluxes, but in peatlands a significant proportion of total carbon loss occurs via fluvial transport. This study considers the composition of this ā€˜waterborne carbonā€™ flux, its potential contribution to GHG emissions, and the extent to which it may change in response to land-management. The work describes, and builds on, a methodology to account for major components of these emissions developed for the 2013 Wetland Supplement of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. We identify two major components of GHG emissions from waterbodies draining organic soil: i) ā€˜on siteā€™ emissions of methane (and to a lesser extent CO2) from drainage ditches located within the peatland; and ii) ā€˜off siteā€™ emissions of CO2 resulting from downstream oxidation of dissolved and particulate organic carbon (DOC and POC) within the aquatic system. Methane emissions from ditches were found to be large in many cases (mean 60 g CH4 m-2 yr-1 based on all reported values), countering the view that methane emissions cease following wetland drainage. Emissions were greatest from ditches in intensive agricultural peatlands, but data were sparse and showed high variability. For DOC, the magnitude of the natural flux varied strongly with latitude, from 5 g C m-2 yr-1 in northern boreal peatlands to 60 g C m-2 yr-1 in tropical peatlands. Available data suggest that DOC fluxes increase by around 60% following drainage, and that this increase may be reversed in the longer-term through re-wetting, although variability between studies was high, especially in relation to re-wetting response. Evidence regarding the fate of DOC is complex and inconclusive, but overall suggests that the majority of DOC exported from peatlands is converted to CO2 through photo- and/or bio-degradation in rivers, standing waters and oceans. The contribution of POC export to GHG emissions is even more uncertain, but we estimate that over half of exported POC may eventually be converted to CO2. Although POC fluxes are normally small, they can become very large when bare peat surfaces are exposed to fluvial erosion. Overall, we estimate that waterborne carbon emissions may contribute about 1 to 4 t CO2-eq ha-1 yr-1 of additional GHG emissions from drained peatlands. For a number of worked examples this represented around 15 to 50% of total GHG emissions

    Transformations in DOC along a source to sea continuum; impacts of photo-degradation, biological processes and mixing

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    Peatlands export significant amounts of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) to freshwaters, but the quantity of DOC reaching marine environments is typically less than the input to the fluvial system due to processing within the water column. Key removal processes include photo-chemical degradation, and heterotrophic bacterial respiration. In this study we examined these processes using 14C-labelled DOC to quantify the extent of DOC breakdown and to determine its fate following irradiation under controlled laboratory conditions. We examined the influence of microbial processes occurring within the water column, the potential role of stream-bed biofilms, and the possible modifying effects of downstream mixing, as DOC in water from the peatland encounters runoff from upland mineral soils (ā€œMountainā€), nutrient-rich runoff from agricultural soils, and seawater in an estuary. Our results demonstrated conservative mixing of DOC from Peatland and Mountain waters but interactive effects when Peatland water was mixed with Agricultural and Estuary waters and exposed to solar radiation. The mixing of Peatland and Agricultural waters led to net DOC production, suggesting that DOC was only partially degraded by solar radiation and that the products of this might have fuelled autotrophic microbial growth in the samples. The mixing of Peatland water with saline estuary water resulted in net DOC loss following irradiation, suggesting a role for sunlight in enhancing the flocculation of DOC to particulate organic carbon (POC) in saline environments

    Potential Aboriginal-Occupation-Induced Dune Activity, Elbow Sand Hills, Northern Great Plains, Canada

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    Geomorphological and archeological evidence indicates potential linkages between Plains aboriginal occupation and dune activity in the Elbow Sand Hills of southern Saskatchewan, Canada. Vegetation encroachment has rapidly outpaced migration of an active dune complex over the last 65 years. Optical ages of stabilized dune remnants indicate that dune activity predates Euro-Canadian settlement (ca. AD 1900). Early Euro-Canadian explorers observed local occupation and exploitation of the sand hills by aboriginal groups for herding and impounding bison. Mapping of archeological sites in relation to physiography reveals that sand dunes, in close proximity to permanent water resources, were preferred areas of occupation. Collectively, these results support the hypothesis that aboriginal occupation disturbance may have perpetuated dune activity in the Elbow Sand Hills until the late 19th century, and that Euro-Canadian settlement and land use emphasizing conservation may have encouraged recent stabilization. We propose that similar aboriginal occupation disturbances may have been responsible for perpetuating dune activity in other dune fields in the Great Plains. To this end, climatic variability should not be considered exclusive of other drivers of dune activity in semivegetated inland dune fields of the Great Plains

    Spatial controls on dissolved organic carbon in upland waters inferred from a simple statistical model

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    Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations in upland surface waters in many northern hemisphere industrialised regions are at their highest in living memory, provoking debate over their ā€˜ā€˜naturalnessā€™ā€™. Because of the implications for drinking water treatment and supply there is increasing interest in the potential for mitigation through local land management, and for forecasting the likely impact of environmental change. However, the dominant controls on DOC production remain unresolved, hindering the establishment of appropriate reference levels for specific locations. Here we demonstrate that spatial variation in long-term average DOC levels draining upland UK catchments is highly predictable using a simplemultiple logistic regression model comprising variables representing wetland soil cover, rainfall, altitude, catchment sensitivity to acidification and current acid deposition. A negative relationship was observed between DOC concentration and altitude that, for catchments dominated by organo-mineral soils, is plausibly explained by the combined effects of changing net primary production and temperature-dependent decomposition. However, the magnitude of the altitude effect was considerably greater for catchments with a high proportion ofwetland cover, suggesting that additional controls influence these sites such as impeded respiratory loss of carbon in wet soils and/or an increased susceptibility to water level drawdown at lower altitudes. The model suggests (1) that continuing reductions in sulphur deposition on acid sensitive organo-mineral soils, will drive further significant increases in DOC and, (2) given the differences in the magnitude of the observed altitude-DOC relationships, that DOC production from catchments with peatdominated soilsmay bemore sensitive to climate change than those dominated by mineral soils. However, given that mechanisms remain unclear, the latter warrants further investigation

    Peatland initiation and carbon accumulation in the Falkland Islands

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    The Falkland Islands in the South Atlantic Ocean contain extensive peatlands at the edge of their global climatic envelope, but the long-term carbon dynamics of these sites is poorly quantified. We present new data for ten sites, compile previously-published data and produce a new synthesis. Many peatlands in the Falkland Islands developed notably early, with a fifth of basal 14 C dates pre-Holocene. Falkland Islands peats have high ash content, high carbon content and high bulk density compared to global norms. In many sites carbon accumulation rates are extremely low, which may partly relate to low average rainfall, or to carbon loss through burning and aeolian processes. However, in coastal Tussac peatlands carbon accumulation can be extremely rapid. Our re-analysis of published data from Beauchene Island, the southernmost of the Falkland Islands, yields an exceptional long-term apparent carbon accumulation rate of 139 g C m āˆ’2 yr āˆ’1 , to our knowledge the highest recorded for any global peatland. This high accumulation might relate to the combination of a long growing-season and marine nutrient inputs. Given extensive coverage and carbon-dense peats the carbon stock of Falkland Islands peatlands is clearly considerable but robust quantification will require the development of a reliable peat map. Falkland Island peatlands challenge many standard assumptions and deserve more detailed study

    Rapid ice sheet retreat triggered by ice stream debuttressing: Evidence from the North Sea

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    Using high-resolution bathymetric and shallow seismic data from the North Sea, we have mapped hitherto unknown glacial landforms that connect and resolve longstanding gaps in the Quaternary geological history of the basin. We use these data combined with published information and dates from sediment cores to reconstruct the extent of the Fennoscandian and British Ice Sheets (FIS and BIS) in the North Sea during the last phases of the last glacial stage. It is concluded that the BIS occupied a much larger part of the North Sea than previously suggested and that North Sea ice underwent a dramatic disintegration ~18,500 yr ago. This was triggered by grounding-line retreat of the Norwegian Channel Ice Stream, which debuttressed adjacent ice masses, and led to an unzipping of the BIS and FIS accompanied by drainage of a large ice-dammed lake. Our reconstruction of events provides an opportunity to improve understanding and modeling of the disintegration of marine-based ice sheets, and the complex interplay between ocean circulation and the cryosphere
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