39 research outputs found

    Record fledging count from a seven-egg clutch in the Cooper’s Hawk (\u3ci\u3eAccipiter cooperii\u3c/i\u3e)

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    Cooper’s Hawks (Accipiter cooperii) typically lay 3–5 eggs per clutch, rarely 6 eggs, and there are 2 accounts of 7-egg clutches and 1 record of a maximum 8-egg clutch for the species. Brood sizes of 3–5 young are common and the previous maximum brood count is 6 young. However, in 2019, we found an urban nest in Stevens Point, Wisconsin, with 7 eggs that resulted in a record high of 7 fledglings. We genetically confirmed that the attending male sired all the offspring and the attending female laid all 7 eggs. Larger body size of the tending adults may have been a factor in the exceptional reproduction reported here. El gavila´n Accipiter cooperii t´ıpicamente pone 3–5 huevos por puesta, rara vez 6. Hay 2 reportes de puestas de 7 huevos y 1 registro ma´ximo de una puesta de 8 huevos para esta especie. Los tama˜nos de nidada de 3–5 polluelos son comunes y la nidada ma´xima es de 6 polluelos. Sin embargo, en 2019 encontramos un nido urbano en Stevens Point, Wisconsin, con 7 huevos que result ´o en un r´ecord ma´ximo de 7 polluelos emancipados. Confirmamos gen´eticamente que el macho que los cuidaba era el padre de todos los polluelos y que la hembra que los cuidaba puso los 7 huevos. El tama˜no corporal de los adultos a cargo podr´ıa ser un factor en el evento de reproducci´on extraordinario que reportamos aqu´ı

    A new class of large-amplitude radial-mode hot subdwarf pulsators

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    Using high-cadence observations from the Zwicky Transient Facility at low Galactic latitudes, we have discovered a new class of pulsating, hot compact stars. We have found four candidates, exhibiting blue colors (g − r ≤ −0.1 mag), pulsation amplitudes of >5%, and pulsation periods of 200–475 s. Fourier transforms of the light curves show only one dominant frequency. Phase-resolved spectroscopy for three objects reveals significant radial velocity, T eff, and log(g) variations over the pulsation cycle, which are consistent with large-amplitude radial oscillations. The mean T eff and log(g) for these stars are consistent with hot subdwarf B (sdB) effective temperatures and surface gravities. We calculate evolutionary tracks using MESA and adiabatic pulsations using GYRE for low-mass, helium-core pre-white dwarfs (pre-WDs) and low-mass helium-burning stars. Comparison of low-order radial oscillation mode periods with the observed pulsation periods show better agreement with the pre-WD models. Therefore, we suggest that these new pulsators and blue large-amplitude pulsators (BLAPs) could be members of the same class of pulsators, composed of young ≈0.25–0.35 M ⊙ helium-core pre-WDs.Published versio

    Two Small Temperate Planets Transiting Nearby M Dwarfs in K2 Campaigns 0 and 1

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    The prime Kepler mission revealed that small planets (<4 R_⊕) are common, especially around low-mass M dwarfs. K2, the repurposed Kepler mission, continues this exploration of small planets around small stars. Here we combine K2 photometry with spectroscopy, adaptive optics imaging, and archival survey images to analyze two small planets orbiting the nearby field-age M dwarfs, K2-26 (EPIC 202083828) and K2-9. K2-26 is an M 1.0 ± 0.5 dwarf at 93 ± 7 pc from K2 Campaign 0. We validate its planet with a day period of 14.5665 and estimate a radius of 2.67_(-0.42)^(+0.46)R_⊕. K2-9 is an M2.5 ± 0.5 dwarf at 110 ± 12 pc from K2 Campaign 1. K2-9b was first identified by Montet et al.; here we present spectra and adaptive optics imaging of the host star and independently validate and characterize the planet. Our analyses indicate K2-9b is a 2.25_(-0.96)^(+0.53)R_⊕ planet with a 18.4498 day period. K2-26b exhibits a transit duration that is too long to be consistent with a circular orbit given its measured stellar radius. Thus, the long transits are likely due to the photoeccentric effect and our transit fits hint at an eccentric orbit. Both planets receive low incident flux from their host stars and have estimated equilibrium temperatures <500 K. K2-9b may receive approximately Earth-like insolation. However, its host star exhibits strong GALEX UV emission which could affect any atmosphere it harbors. K2-26b and K2-9b are representatives of a poorly studied class of small planets with cool temperatures that have radii intermediate to Earth and Neptune. Future study of these systems can provide key insight into trends in bulk composition and atmospheric properties at the transition from silicate dominated to volatile rich bodies

    A New Class of Large-amplitude Radial-mode Hot Subdwarf Pulsators

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    Using high-cadence observations from the Zwicky Transient Facility at low Galactic latitudes, we have discovered a new class of pulsating, hot compact stars. We have found four candidates, exhibiting blue colors (g − r ≤ −0.1 mag), pulsation amplitudes of >5%, and pulsation periods of 200–475 s. Fourier transforms of the light curves show only one dominant frequency. Phase-resolved spectroscopy for three objects reveals significant radial velocity, T_(eff), and log(g) variations over the pulsation cycle, which are consistent with large-amplitude radial oscillations. The mean T_(eff) and log(g) for these stars are consistent with hot subdwarf B (sdB) effective temperatures and surface gravities. We calculate evolutionary tracks using MESA and adiabatic pulsations using GYRE for low-mass, helium-core pre-white dwarfs (pre-WDs) and low-mass helium-burning stars. Comparison of low-order radial oscillation mode periods with the observed pulsation periods show better agreement with the pre-WD models. Therefore, we suggest that these new pulsators and blue large-amplitude pulsators (BLAPs) could be members of the same class of pulsators, composed of young ≈0.25–0.35 M_⊙ helium-core pre-WDs

    Orbital decay in an accreting and eclipsing 13.7 minute orbital period binary with a luminous donor

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    We report the discovery of ZTF J0127+5258, a compact mass-transferring binary with an orbital period of 13.7 minutes. The system contains a white dwarf accretor, which likely originated as a post-common envelope carbon-oxygen (CO) white dwarf, and a warm donor (Teff, donor=16,400±1000 KT_{\rm eff,\,donor}= 16,400\pm1000\,\rm K). The donor probably formed during a common envelope phase between the CO white dwarf and an evolving giant which left behind a helium star or helium white dwarf in a close orbit with the CO white dwarf. We measure gravitational wave-driven orbital inspiral with ∼35σ\sim 35\sigma significance, which yields a joint constraint on the component masses and mass transfer rate. While the accretion disk in the system is dominated by ionized helium emission, the donor exhibits a mixture of hydrogen and helium absorption lines. Phase-resolved spectroscopy yields a donor radial-velocity semi-amplitude of 771±27 km s−1771\pm27\,\rm km\, s^{-1}, and high-speed photometry reveals that the system is eclipsing. We detect a {\it Chandra} X-ray counterpart with LX∼3×1031 erg s−1L_{X}\sim 3\times 10^{31}\,\rm erg\,s^{-1}. Depending on the mass-transfer rate, the system will likely evolve into either a stably mass-transferring helium CV, merge to become an R Crb star, or explode as a Type Ia supernova in the next million years. We predict that the Laser Space Interferometer Antenna (LISA) will detect the source with a signal-to-noise ratio of 24±624\pm6 after 4 years of observations. The system is the first \emph{LISA}-loud mass-transferring binary with an intrinsically luminous donor, a class of sources that provide the opportunity to leverage the synergy between optical and infrared time domain surveys, X-ray facilities, and gravitational-wave observatories to probe general relativity, accretion physics, and binary evolution.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables, submitted to ApJ

    First Ultracompact Roche Lobe–Filling Hot Subdwarf Binary

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    We report the discovery of the first short-period binary in which a hot subdwarf star (sdOB) filled its Roche lobe and started mass transfer to its companion. The object was discovered as part of a dedicated high-cadence survey of the Galactic plane named the Zwicky Transient Facility and exhibits a period of P = 39.3401(1) minutes, making it the most compact hot subdwarf binary currently known. Spectroscopic observations are consistent with an intermediate He-sdOB star with an effective temperature of T_(eff) = 42,400 ± 300 K and a surface gravity of log(g) = 5.77 ± 0.05. A high signal-to-noise ratio GTC+HiPERCAM light curve is dominated by the ellipsoidal deformation of the sdOB star and an eclipse of the sdOB by an accretion disk. We infer a low-mass hot subdwarf donor with a mass M_(sdOB) = 0.337 ± 0.015 M⊙ and a white dwarf accretor with a mass M_(WD) = 0.545 ± 0.020 M⊙. Theoretical binary modeling indicates the hot subdwarf formed during a common envelope phase when a 2.5–2.8 M⊙ star lost its envelope when crossing the Hertzsprung gap. To match its current P_(orb), T_(eff), log(g), and masses, we estimate a post–common envelope period of P_(orb) ≈ 150 minutes and find that the sdOB star is currently undergoing hydrogen shell burning. We estimate that the hot subdwarf will become a white dwarf with a thick helium layer of ≈0.1 M⊙, merge with its carbon/oxygen white dwarf companion after ≈17 Myr, and presumably explode as a thermonuclear supernova or form an R CrB star

    Eleven multiplanet systems from K2 campaigns 1 and 2 and the masses of two hot super-Earths

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    We present a catalog of 11 multiplanet systems from Campaigns 1 and 2 of the K2 mission. We report the sizes and orbits of 26 planets split between seven two-planet systems and four three-planet systems. These planets stem from a systematic search of the K2 photometry for all dwarf stars observed by K2 in these fields. We precisely characterized the host stars with adaptive optics imaging and analysis of high-resolution optical spectra from Keck/HIRES and medium-resolution spectra from IRTF/SpeX. We confirm two planet candidates by mass detection and validate the remaining 24 candidates to &gt;99% confidence. Thirteen planets were previously validated or confirmed by other studies, and 24 were previously identified as planet candidates. The planets are mostly smaller than Neptune (21/26 planets), as in the Kepler mission, and all have short periods (P &lt; 50 days) due to the duration of the K2 photometry. The host stars are relatively bright (most have Kp &lt; 12.5 mag) and are amenable to follow-up characterization. For K2-38, we measured precise radial velocities using Keck/HIRES and provide initial estimates of the planet masses. K2-38b is a short-period super-Earth with a radius of R ⊕, a mass of M ⊕, and a high density consistent with an iron-rich composition. The outer planet K2-38c is a lower-density sub-Neptune-size planet with a radius of R ⊕ and a mass of M ⊕ that likely has a substantial envelope. This new planet sample demonstrates the capability of K2 to discover numerous planetary systems around bright stars

    Eleven Multiplanet Systems from K2 Campaigns 1 and 2 and the Masses of Two Hot Super-Earths

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    We present a catalog of 11 multiplanet systems from Campaigns 1 and 2 of the K2 mission. We report the sizes and orbits of 26 planets split between seven two-planet systems and four three-planet systems. These planets stem from a systematic search of the K2 photometry for all dwarf stars observed by K2 in these fields. We precisely characterized the host stars with adaptive optics imaging and analysis of high-resolution optical spectra from Keck/HIRES and medium-resolution spectra from IRTF/SpeX. We confirm two planet candidates by mass detection and validate the remaining 24 candidates to >99% confidence. Thirteen planets were previously validated or confirmed by other studies, and 24 were previously identified as planet candidates. The planets are mostly smaller than Neptune (21/26 planets), as in the Kepler mission, and all have short periods (P < 50 days) due to the duration of the K2 photometry. The host stars are relatively bright (most have Kp < 12.5 mag) and are amenable to follow-up characterization. For K2-38, we measured precise radial velocities using Keck/HIRES and provide initial estimates of the planet masses. K2-38b is a short-period super-Earth with a radius of 1.55 ± 0.16 R⊕, a mass of 12.0 ± 2.9 M⊕, and a high density consistent with an iron-rich composition. The outer planet K2-38c is a lower-density sub-Neptune-size planet with a radius of 2.42 ± 0.29 R⊕ and a mass of 9.9 ± 4.6 M⊕ that likely has a substantial envelope. This new planet sample demonstrates the capability of K2 to discover numerous planetary systems around bright stars