38 research outputs found

    Uso do feromônio sexual sintético para captura de machos da traça-das-crucíferas

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    The aim of this work was to study the attractiveness of males of Plutella xylostella L. (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae) to different formulations of synthetic sex pheromone. The treatments were: 1) commercial formulation; 2) Z-11,16:Ald; 3) Z-11,16:Ac; 4) binary blends 7:3 of 2+3; 5) binary blends 5:5 of 2+3; 6) rubber septa with hexane (control); 7) five virgin females. The commercial formulation of the synthetic sex pheromone was more attractive to males, and did not differ significantly from virgin females and binary blends 5:5 treatments. The components alone were less attractive to males. Five traps were evaluated: Pherocon 1 CP (wing trap), Delta, "PVC 200", "PVC 250" and Black Round Trap, where the wing trap was more effective in capturing males than the other traps tested. The wing trap was evaluated at 5, 30 and 60 cm. More males were caught at 30 cm above the ground level, while the height of 5 and 60 cm did not differ significantly.Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a atração dos machos da traça-das-crucíferas (Plutella xylostella L., Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae) por diferentes formulações do feromônio sexual sintético. Os tratamentos consistiram em: 1) formulação comercial; 2) Z-11,16:Ald; 3) Z-11,16:Ac; 4) mistura 7:3 de 2+3; 5) mistura 5:5 de 2+3; 6) septos de borracha com hexano (testemunha); e 7) cinco fêmeas virgens. A formulação comercial do feromônio sexual sintético propiciou maior captura de machos, não diferindo significativamente de fêmeas virgens e da mistura 5:5 utilizadas como isca. Os componentes isoladamente foram pouco atrativos aos machos. Foram testados cinco modelos de armadilhas. A armadilha Pherocon 1 CP (33,2 machos/armadilha/noite) foi a mais eficiente na captura de machos, seguida pelas armadilhas Cilíndrica Aberta, Cilíndrica Fechada, Delta e Redonda Aberta. Três alturas de instalação da armadilha foram avaliadas. Ocorreu significativamente maior captura de machos na altura do ápice das plantas (30 cm do solo). As alturas de 5 e 60 cm não diferiram entre si

    Trichogramma pretiosum attraction due to the Elasmopalpus lignosellus damage in maize

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate if corn plants damaged by the lesser cornstalk borer (Elasmopalpus lignosellus) larvae release volatile organic compounds capable of attracting the egg parasitoid Trichogramma pretiosum. The treatments consisted of plants subjected to harm caused by E. lignosellus larvae, plants subjected to mechanical damage, and undamaged plants. The parasitoid was more attracted by the volatiles released by the insect damaged plants than to those released by undamaged corn plants, after 24 and 72 hours. The volatiles (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate, β-pinene, β-myrcene, (E)-4,8-dimethylnona-1,3,7-triene, and benzothiazole were released in significantly larger quantities by damaged plants. Volatiles released by corn plants damaged by E. lignosellus larvae may act as an indirect defense, attracting by T. pretiosum.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar se plantas de milho danificadas por lagartas da broca-do-colo (Elasmopalpus lignosellus) liberam compostos orgânicos voláteis capazes de atrair o parasitoide de ovos Trichogramma pretiosum. Os tratamentos consistiram de plantas submetidas a dano por lagartas de E. lignosellus, plantas submetidas a dano mecânico e plantas sem danos. O parasitoide foi mais atraído pelos voláteis emitidos por plantas danificadas pela lagarta do que pelos liberados pelas plantas sem danos, após 24 e 72 horas. Os volatéis (Z)-3-acetato de hexenila, β-pineno, β-mirceno, (E)-4,8-dimetilnona-1,3,7-trieno e benzotiazol foram liberados em quantidades significativamente maiores pelas plantas danificadas. Os voláteis liberados pelas plantas de milho danificadas por lagartas de E. lignosellus podem agir como defesa indireta, por meio da atração a T. pretiosum

    Por que as populações flutuam erraticamente? Tantos e tão poucos... E suas implicações no manejo integrado de pragas

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    Elucidating the intriguing processes that make natural populations oscilate in time has been one of the greatest chalenges for ecologists. This information is crucial for developing mathematical models that allow forecasting the oscilation time and intensity. For agricultural pests, forecasting can result in better timming of control strategies. Several hypotheses have been proposed and some of them have allowed the construction of satisfactory forecasting models, which sometimes lead to paradoxically opposite results. One peculiar characteristic of the models is that, regardless of being based in natural phenomena like density dependence, chaotic, quasi-periodic, and periodic solutions can be achieved with the values of parameter manipulation. More instigating is the scaling behavior in the frequency domain that makes these processes similar to other completely different natural phenomena that belong to the same universal class.Desvendar os intrigantes processos que levam o número de indivíduos de uma população a oscilar ao longo do tempo tem sido um dos grandes desafios dos ecólogos. A busca desta informação é crucial para o desenvolvimento de modelos matemáticos que permitam prever a época e intensidade das oscilações. No caso de pragas agrícolas, esta previsão pode resultar em estratégias de controle mais adequadas. Diversas hipóteses têm sido propostas e várias delas permitem a elaboração de modelos de previsão satisfatórios, porém com resultados por vezes paradoxalmente opostos. Uma característica peculiar destes modelos é que, apesar de serem fundamentados por fenômenos naturais, como a dependência de densidade, soluções caóticas, multiperiódicas e periódicas podem ser obtidas com a manipulação dos valores dos parâmetros. Ainda mais instigante é o comportamento com escalamento no domínio de freqüências, que tornam estes processos similares a outros fenômenos naturais completamente distintos, porém pertencentes à mesma classe universal

    Feromônio sexual sintético do minador-dos-citros em pomares brasileiros de citros

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    The objective of this work was to determine the best conditions of use of the synthetic sex pheromone of Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton for monitoring this species in citrus groves in northeastern Brazil. Pheromone doses (0.0, 0.1, 1, 10 and 100 µg) and longevity (1, 15, 29, 43 and 57-day-old lures) and trap height (0.5, 1.5 and 2.5 m), color (green, red, and white) and model influence on P. citrella males capture were evaluated. The doses of 10 and 100 µg of the synthetic sex pheromone – a 3:1 blend of (Z,Z,E)-7,11,13-hexadecatrienal and (Z,Z)-7,11-hexadecadienal –  attracted the greatest number of P. citrella males. Traps baited with these two both dosages continued to capture P. citrella males at a comparable rate for over eight weeks in citrus groves. Although there was no significant decrease in activity of both dosages until 57 days of exposure to the environment, the higher dose, as time passed, attracted significantly more P. citrella males than the lower dose. There were no significant differences in male capture in traps with synthetic sex pheromone placed at 1.5 and 2.5 m height, wich had the better results. Trap color and model did not affect male capture.O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar as melhores condições de uso do feromônio sexual sintético de Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton para o monitoramento dessa espécie em pomares de citros no Nordeste do Brasil. Foram avaliados: doses (0,0, 0,1, 1, 10 e 100 µg), duração (1, 15, 29, 43 e 57 dias de exposição do feromônio sexual sintético), altura de instalação (0,5, 1,5 e 2,5 m), cor (verde, vermelha e branca) e modelo de armadilha na captura de machos de P. citrella. As doses de 10 e 100 µg do feromônio sintético – proporção de 3:1 da mistura de Z,Z,E-7,11,13-hexadecatrienal e (Z,Z)-7,11-hexadecadienal – atraíram o maior número de machos de P. citrella. Armadilhas contendo a mistura feromonal nessas duas doses capturaram machos de P. citrella por mais de oito semanas em pomares de citros. Embora nenhuma das duas doses tenha sofrido decréscimo na atividade por até 57 dias de exposição ao ambiente, com o passar do tempo a maior dose atraiu significativamente mais machos de P. citrella que a menor dose. Não houve diferença significativa na captura de machos nas armadilhas com o feromônio sexual instaladas a 1,5 e 2,5 m de altura, as quais apresentaram os melhores resultados. O modelo e a cor das armadilhas não afetaram a captura dos machos

    Changes in Epigaeic Ant Assemblage Structure in the Amazon during Successional Processes after Bauxite Mining

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    Environmental impact studies often involve monitoring and using bioindicators to evaluate the restoration stage of impacted areas. We aimed to assess ant assemblages’ response to the ecological succession of previously disturbed areas in the Brazilian Amazon. We sampled epigeic ant assemblages in five bauxite mining areas, representing different restoration stages, and compared them with two pristine areas. We also compared trends in species richness at the same mine site investigated 14 years earlier. Ten pitfall traps and four Winkler samples of litter were taken along a 100-m transect in each area. We expected that ant species richness would increase with the amelioration in habitat condition (i.e., environmental surrogates of ecological succession, including litter depth, soil penetrability, the circumference of trees, the distance of trees to adjacent trees, and percentage of ground cover). We also compared the efficacy of both sampling methods. Due to more significant sampling effort, pitfall traps captured more ant species than Winkler sacks. However, Winkler samples’ addition allowed the collection of more cryptic species than by pitfall traps alone. We sampled a total of 129 ant species, with increases in ant species richness in more mature rehabilitation. Nevertheless, similarity analysis indicated a significant difference between ant assemblages of rehabilitated areas and pristine ones. Assemblages differed mainly by the presence of specialist and rare species, found only in pristine plots. Rehabilitated areas exhibited a significant increase in tree circumference as they reached more ecologically advanced stages, which contributed to increasing ant species richness. These trends and comparison with the earlier study indicate that although there are favorable increases in ant species richness, in terms of species composition, rehabilitated areas were far from achieving an ant assemblage composition or environmental status that closely resembles pristine areas

    Atração de Trichogramma pretiosum devida ao dano causado por Elasmopalpus lignosellus em milho

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate if corn plants damaged by the lesser cornstalk borer (Elasmopalpus lignosellus) larvae release volatile organic compounds capable of attracting the egg parasitoid Trichogramma pretiosum. The treatments consisted of plants subjected to harm caused by E. lignosellus larvae, plants subjected to mechanical damage, and undamaged plants. The parasitoid was more attracted by the volatiles released by the insect damaged plants than to those released by undamaged corn plants, after 24 and 72 hours. The volatiles (Z)‑3‑hexenyl acetate, β‑pinene, β‑myrcene, (E)-4,8-dimethylnona-1,3,7-triene, and benzothiazole were released in significantly larger quantities by damaged plants. Volatiles released by corn plants damaged by E. lignosellus larvae may act as an indirect defense, attracting by T. pretiosum.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar se plantas de milho danificadas por lagartas da broca‑do‑colo (Elasmopalpus lignosellus) liberam compostos orgânicos voláteis capazes de atrair o parasitoide de ovos Trichogramma pretiosum. Os tratamentos consistiram de plantas submetidas a dano por lagartas de E. lignosellus, plantas submetidas a dano mecânico e plantas sem danos. O parasitoide foi mais atraído pelos voláteis emitidos por plantas danificadas pela lagarta do que pelos liberados pelas plantas sem danos, após 24 e 72 horas. Os volatéis (Z)‑3‑acetato de hexenila, β‑pineno, β‑mirceno, (E)-4,8-dimetilnona-1,3,7-trieno e benzotiazol foram liberados em quantidades significativamente maiores pelas plantas danificadas. Os voláteis liberados pelas plantas de milho danificadas por lagartas de E. lignosellus podem agir como defesa indireta, por meio da atração a T. pretiosum

    Rearing of immatures cosmopolites sordidus (GERMAR) using natural and artificial diets

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    An artificial diet for laboratory reared of Cosmºpolites sordidus (Germar) (Coleoptera: Curoulionidae) was developed to obtain adults for different studies. The immature period of insects reared with the new artificial dietwas compared to that obtained with the natural diet. The preparation of the natural diet was more time eonsuming, but insects were obtained within fewer days than when using the artificial diet