275 research outputs found

    Vidners rolle i forebyggelse af mobning: En undersøgelse af det teoretiske og empiriske grundlag for design af vidneinterventioner

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    Through constructive intervention bystanders may contribute to preventing bullying at work. However, research shows that bystanders to negative acts are often passive or collude with the perpetrator. Thus, if bystanders are to play a constructive role in the prevention of bullying at work, interventions must address factors and mechanisms affecting bystanders’ behavior towards targets. The purpose of this mainly theoretical article is to begin outlining a theoretical and methodological framework for developing effective bystander interventions. Following a defi nition of the concept of bystanders and an overview of bystander roles, the article introduces Bartholomew and Mullen’s (2011) model for intervention research in which theories and evidence play a central role. Focusing on the model’s fi rst phase, the article identifi es determinants of bystander behaviour using O´Reilly and Aquino’s (2011) model of third parties’ reactions to injustices and the Attribution-Emotion Model of Stigmatization (Dijker and Koomen, 2003; Weiner et al., 1988). Secondary empirical data are then used to cautiously evaluate the models. Additional organization-level factors infl uencing bystander behaviour are also identifi ed. Focusing briefl y on the intervention model’s second and third phase, the article suggests elements and processes that could form part of a bystander intervention. The conclusion points to perspectives for research and practice.Ved at gribe ind overfor krænkende handlinger kan vidner medvirke til at forebygge mobning på arbejdspladsen. Forskning viser dog, at vidner til mobning ofte er passive, eller ligefrem støtter udøveren. Dette indikerer et behov for at udvikle interventioner, som får fl ere vidner til at gribe konstruktivt ind overfor krænkende handlinger. Interventioner bør igen designes og implementeres på basis af empirisk funderet teori, fremfor erfaringsbaserede formodninger. Herværende artikel, som primært er konceptuel teoretisk, udgør et forsøg på at etablere en teoretisk og metodisk forståelsesramme, som forskere og arbejdsmiljøprofessionelle kan anvende som basis for udvikling, implementering og evaluering af interventioner rettet mod vidner til mobning på arbejdspladsen. Bartholomew og Mullens (2011) model over interventionsforskning anvendes til at identifi cere faser i udviklingen af en vidneintervention samt elementer og processer, som kunne indgå i en sådan. Der præsenteres to teoretiske modeller, O’Reilly og Aquinos (2011) model over tredjeparters reaktioner på oplevet uretfærdighed og Attribution-Emotion Modellen for Stigmatisering (Dijker og Koomen, 2003; Weiner et al., 1988), som beskriver centrale mekanismer involveret i vidneadfærd. Modellernes relevans vurderes tentativt ud fra sekundær empiri, og der identifi ceres yderligere organisatoriske forhold af betydning for vidners reaktioner på krænkende handlinger. Med udgangspunkt i den præsenterede model og forskning foreslås konkrete elementer og processer, som kan indgå i en vidneintervention

    TECHNICAL NOTE: Blood collection in mink

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    Effect of Disc Filtration with and without Addition of Flocculent on Nano- and Micro-Particles and Their Associated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Stormwater

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    Many municipalities in Denmark and around Europe currently work towards separating stormwater and sewage. In existing urban areas this may imply disconnecting stormwater from the old combined sewer systems suffering from hydraulic overloading and discharging directly to nearby surface waters. Stormwater runoff may, however, be heavily polluted and Best Available Technologies (BAT) are therefore needed to treat the stormwater before discharge. The aim here was to determine the sizes of particles found in stormwater from roads and to evaluate the use of a cationic organic flocculant to increase the size of the particles and thereby increase the removal efficiency of a 10 µm woven polyester disc filter. The samples were collected in connection with a project testing a pilot scale disc filter for treating stormwater runoff. The micro-sized particles were found to be mainly below 10 µm (6.9–19 µm) and nano-sized particles were also observed (ca. 76–228 nm). The flocculent increased the observed particle micrometer sizes by 46% and the removal of particle-associate Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) was confirmed. The majority of the particles were, however, still below 10 µm after addition of flocculant, which shows that application of flocculants with the woven disc filter technology for stormwater treatment needs further refinement

    Long-Term Follow-Up of Nonoperatively and Operatively Treated Acute Primary Patellar Dislocation in Skeletally Immature Patients

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    Purpose. The present study reports a long-term follow-up of acute primary patellar dislocation in patients with open physes. The purpose of the study was to evaluate knee function and recurrence rates after surgical and nonsurgical treatment of patellar dislocation. Methods. A total of 51 patients, including 29 girls and 22 boys, who were 9–14 years of age at the time of injury, were retrospectively evaluated. The minimum follow-up time was 5 years. Thigh muscle torque, range of motion, the squat test, the knee injury and osteoarthritis outcome score (KOOS), the Kujala score, and the recurrence rate were registered. Radiological predisposing factors at the time of injury were determined. Results. Quality of life and sports/recreation were the most affected subscales, according to KOOS, and a reduced Kujala score was also observed in all treatment groups. The surgically treated patients had a significantly lower recurrence rate. Those patients also exhibited reduced muscle performance, with a hamstring to quadriceps ratio (H/Q) of 1.03. The recurrence rate was not correlated with knee function. Conclusions. Patellar dislocation in children influences subjective knee function in the long term. Surgery appears to reduce the recurrence rate, but subjective knee function was not restored
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