4,042 research outputs found

    De la intrahistoria a la literatura : la capital novohispana en la obra de Luis González Obregón

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    1 archivo PDF (18 páginas). tyvlxxxii"Como dijera Azorín en Una hora de España a propósito de la belleza de un viejo palacio, estas construcciones han adquirido "la dulce pátina del tiempo", "el encanto melancólico de lo viejo. Ahora sus piedras nos dicen lo que antes no podían decir: la tragedia del tiempo que se desvanece". 0, como escribió con un sentido similar Italo Calvino en su conocido libro Las ciudades invisibles, la ciudad, en tanto paisaje creado durante siglos por el ser humano, "no dice su pasado, lo contiene como las líneas de una mano", y nos muestra la sabiduría inmemorial de sucesivas generaciones que parecen hablar desde los surcos de sus piedras. A este llamado de la ciudad en su historia profunda acudió uno de los principales colonialistas de México en el período de entresiglos: Luis González Obregón.

    Embeddings Among Toruses and Meshes

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    Toruses and meshes include graphs of many varieties of topologies, with lines, rings, and hypercubes being special cases. Given a d-dimensional torus or mesh G and a c-dimensional torus or mesh H of the same size, we study the problem of embedding G in H to minimize the dilation cost. For increasing dimension cases (d \u3c c) in which the shapes of G and H satisfy the condition of expansion, the dilation costs of our embeddings are either 1 or 2, depending on the types of graphs of G and H. These embeddings a,re optimal except when G is a torus of even size and H is a mesh. For lowering dimension cases (d \u3e c) in which the shapes of G and H satisfy the condition of reduction, the dilation costs of our embeddings depend on the shapes of G and H. These embeddings, however, are not optimal in general. For the special cases in which G and H are square, the embedding results above can always be used to construct embeddings of G in H: these embeddings are all optimal for increasing dimension cases in which the dimension of H is divisible by the dimension of G, and all optimal to within a constant for fixed values of d and c for lowering dimension cases. Our main analysis technique is based on a generalization of Gray code for radix-2 (binary) numbering system to similar sequences for mixed-radix numbering systems

    Hubungan Antara Kontrol Diri Dengan Perilaku Konsumtif Online Shopping Pada Mahasiswi Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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    Consumptive behaviour is a tendency to consume goods excessively and without much consideration. Female college students act consumptive because they enter a new period of their growth time and mind their looks more. One important element that determines the consumptive behaviour of female college student when online shopping is self control. One who has positive self control can manage their shopping behaviour that suits their needs.The purpose of this research is to know the relationship between self control and consumptive behaviour in female students of faculty of psychology in Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. The research is done with quantitative method with 100 female college students as subject. The sampling method is incidental sampling. The research used self control scale and consumptive behaviour scale to collect datas. The data analysis method used is product moment. The result of this research shows that correlation coefficient of rxy = 0,096 with p = 0,071 (p>0.05) means that there is no relation between self control with consumptive behaviour. The subjects of this research have a high level of self control with emprical average of 85.86 and hypothetical average of 75, the subjects have consumptive behaviour level that belong in moderate category with empirical average of 56.84 and hypothetical average of 60. Keywords: self control, consumptive behaviour, online shoppin

    A graduate’s employability study of bachelor of science in entrepreneurship of Isabela State University, Philippines

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    The bachelor of science in entrepreneurship (BSE) program is offered to address the needs of learners who want to obtain a degree adapted to their talents and abilities to contribute to the industrialization of the country. To assess transparency, the college has the responsibility to keep track of the success of its graduates and whether their curriculum has affected the person, the society, or the country. The graduate tracer analysis will aid in evaluating the employability of the graduate and define the multiple variables that will act as a framework for optimizing students’ college instruction and facilities. In this tracer study, 69 alumni who graduated from 2013 to 2017 were surveyed using a modified graduate tracer study (GTS) instrument, administered using social media and other digital platforms. The contribution to alumni employability of factors: curriculum, student services, facilities, faculty competence, methods of instruction, and career guidance-were quantified and ranked. Based on the results, the most significant factors contributing to alumni employability were course content/curriculum, student services (training, seminars), and facilities. As such, the researchers recommend strengthening the BSE curriculum, conducting employee training and seminars, and streamlining administrative facilities

    Efikasi Diri Pada Istri Jamaah Tabligh

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    Jemaah tabligh is an association of some poeplo who aim to spread the godness to others by preaching wich called as khuruj. Everyone who doing khuruj will leave thir house for a few days until months to leave their familly, especially their wife and children. Than, wife of jemaah tabligh is someone who have a husband as a active jemaah tabligh especially khuruj. When the husband did khuruj programe, there are some impact will happen to his familly. There are family, environtment and economics. Because of these impacts, the wife must have confidence in the ability of it. The purpose of this research are to know how the dynamics of self-efficacy is and the factors that influence it. Researcher using the phenomenological qualitative approach with five informants as a jemaah tabligh’s wife with a minimum times is 40 days khuruj an life in Surakarta. The informants in this research were selected by a purposive sampling. The result of this research indicated that the jemaah tabligh’s wife has their ability after getting the social support from groups and families. It will make informants feel sincere and able to interprate khuruj that make a religious personality. Than the informants was able to prove that that’s fine to let their husband leave their house for khuruj. It will be happen if the jemaah tabligh’s wife has the factor. Thera are social support, ikhlas, khuruj’s meaning, and religious


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    Lactic acid fermentation with L. bulgaricus induced large changes in the morphology of corn starch granules. The production of amylolytic enzymes as well as lactic acid produced fractures along the granule hilum, which led to disintegration of starch granules at long fermentation times. On the other hand, lactic acid fermentation increased crystallinity and double-helices structures, which led to increased susceptibility to acidic hydrolysis. In fact, thermal analysis results indicated than an improved internal organization of granule residues occurred. In general, the results showed that the fermentation time can be considered as a suitable parameter for modulating the physicochemical properties of corn starch granules. Additionally, it can be postulated that lactic acid fermentation of starchy food matrices has a positive effect on the acidic digestibility of starch granules, by improving the content of resistant starch fractionsLactic acid fermentation (LAF) has been used since antiquity to conserve food including starchy food. The bioaccessibility of starch depends on the food microstructures. Therefore, the understanding of the physicochemical transformations of the starch suffered during LAF will allow to develop an adequate processing of the alimentary matrices. In this work, native corn starch (NCS) dispersions were inoculated with Lactobacillus bulgaricus (2×107 cells ml−1) and fermented for 24 h at 38 ºC. Physicochemical changes of starch granules during fermentation time were monitored by XRD, FTIR and DSC. The crystallinity content achieved a maximum value (39.72±1.02%) after 12 h of fermentation. In contrast, the absorbance ratio 1047/1022 from FTIR measurements increased as the fermentation advanced. Likewise, DSC analysis showed that the gelatinization enthalpy increased 60.0% after 12 h of fermentation, reflecting the production of ordered microstructures. Thus, it is suggested that LAF increased the resistant starch content in corn starch granules

    Intervenciones para disminuir el consumo de alcohol en adolescentes: una revisión sistemática

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    Objective: To synthesize and evaluate the scientific evidence available during the 2006-2016 period regarding interventions that have been made to reduce alcohol consumption among adolescents.Materials and methods: a search was conducted in EBSCO, PubMed, Science Direct, Scielo Redalyc and Google academic, delineated to ten years, 61 articles were included that met the inclusion criteria. DeCS and mesh descriptors were used, using words keys for the search of the studies in Spanish and English and the bolean operators AND and OR.Results: the level of evidence found was 2 (3%), 3 (3%), 4 (34.4%) and 5 (55.7%). 8.1% of the RCTs adhered to the CONSORT, 60.6% of the interventions were directed only to adolescents, the application scenario was 59% in school, while 34.4% received the intervention through multimedia elements and / or the Internet, at 74.1 % were given general knowledge about alcohol consumption, 18% mentioned having performed the intervention between 2 and 20 sessions, 31% followed up between 1 and 8 months after giving the treatment; 16.3% gave reinforcements and 95% of the studies showed decreased alcohol consumption among adolescents.Conclusions: Interventions in adolescents regarding alcohol consumption are complex, due to the stage in which the study subject is. Analyzing the general panorama of the interventions over time allows to show the evolution of the approach to this phenomenon of interest for science.Objetivo: Sintetizar y valorar la evidencia científica disponible durante el período 2006-2016 respecto a las intervenciones que se han realizado para disminuir el consumo de alcohol en adolescentes.  Materiales y métodos: Se realizó búsqueda en EBSCO, PubMed, Science Direct, Scielo Redalyc y Google académico, delimitada a diez años, se incluyeron 61 artículos que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. Se utilizaron descriptores DeCS y mesh, a partir del uso de palabras claves para la búsqueda de los estudios en español e inglés y los operadores boléanos AND y OR.Resultados: El nivel de evidencia encontrado fue 2 (3%), 3 (3%), 4 (34.4%) y 5 (55.7%). El 8.1% de los ECA se apegaron al CONSORT, 60.6% de las intervenciones estuvieron dirigidas solo a adolescentes, el escenario de aplicación fue la escuela en un 59%, mientras que 34.4% recibió la intervención mediante elementos multimedia y/o internet, al 74.1% se le dio conocimientos generales acerca del consumo de alcohol, 18% mencionó haber realizado la intervención entre 2 y 20 sesiones, 31% dio seguimiento entre 1 y 8 meses después de entregar el tratamiento; 16.3% dio refuerzos y el 95% de los estudios arrojaron disminuir con sus intervenciones el consumo de alcohol en los adolescentes. Conclusiones: Las intervenciones en adolescentes respecto al consumo de alcohol son complejas, por la etapa en la que se encuentra el sujeto de estudio. Analizar el panorama general de las intervenciones a través del tiempo permite evidenciar la evolución del abordaje a este fenómeno de interés para la ciencia