1,764 research outputs found

    An Australian version of the neighborhood environment walkability scale : validity evidence

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    This study examined validity evidence for the Australian version of the Neighborhood Environment Walkability Scale (NEWS-AU). A stratified two-stage cluster sampling design was used to recruit 2,650 adults from Adelaide (Australia). The sample was drawn from residential addresses within eight high-walkable and eight low-walkable suburbs matched for socio-economic status (SES). Neighborhood walkability was measured using Geographic Information Systems data on dwelling density, intersection density, net retail area, and land-use mix. Participants completed the NEWS-AU and reported weekly minutes of walking for transport and recreation (International Physical Activity Questionnaire [IPAQ]). Multilevel confirmatory factor analysis (MCFA) was used to define the individual- and Census Collection District (CCD)-level measurement model of the NEWS-AU. Seven individual-level and five CCD-level factors were identified. These measurement models were somewhat similar to those of the original Neighborhood Environment Walkability Scale (NEWS). Patterns of associations between the NEWS-AU factors/scales and the walking measures provided some validity evidence for the instrument. <br /

    Walkable neighbourhoods and community engagement: is there a relationship?

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    Brand identity management and corporate social responsibility: an analysis from employees’ perspective in the banking sector

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    Brand identity management and corporate social responsibility have increased importance in both managerial practice and academic research. However, only a small number of studies have examined how these strategic tools influence employees’ attitudes and behaviours. The aim of this paper is, therefore, to analyse how employees’ perceptions of brand identity management and corporate social responsibility affect their attitudes and behaviours. An empirical study was undertaken among a sample of 297 front line employees working in the UK banking sector. Hypotheses were tested using partial least square regression. The results show that employees’ perceptions of brand identity management and corporate social responsibility determine their commitment towards their organisations, both directly and indirectly through perceived external prestige. Organisational commitment explains employees’ brand performance and brand citizenship behaviour. Age differences indicate higher impact of brand identity management on older employees, and higher effects of perceived corporate social responsibility in younger employees. The results extend existing knowledge and are informative for bank managers

    Managing brand identity: effects on the employees

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to better understand the brand identity management process from the employees’ perspective. Specifically, it explores how the different dimensions of brand identity management influence employees’ attitudinal and behavioural responses. Design/methodology/approach: An empirical study was carried out to test the proposed model. The sample consisted of 297 employees in the UK financial services sector. Hypothesis testing was conducted using partial least square regression. Findings: Results indicate that effective brand identity management can increase employees’ identification with their organisations. Specifically, the most influential dimension is the employee-client focus. Results also show that organisational identification is a key variable to explain job satisfaction, word-of-mouth and brand citizenship behaviour. Research limitations/implications: This study focusses on the UK financial sector. To explore the generalisability of results, replication studies among other sectors and countries would be useful. The cross-sectional nature of the study also limits its causal inference. Practical implications: This study shows the importance of brand identity management to foster positive employee attitudes and actions that go beyond their job responsibilities. The model developed may help organisations analyse the impact of managerial actions, monitoring the potential effects of changes in brand identity management amongst employees. Originality/value: Although numerous conceptual frameworks highlight the importance of brand identity management, empirical studies in this area are scarce. The current work extends previous research by empirically analysing the effects of the dimensions of brand identity management from the employees’ perspective

    An Augmented Regularized Combined Source Integral Equation for Nonconforming Meshes

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    [EN] We present a new version of the regularized combined source integral equation (CSIE-AR) for the solution of electromagnetic scattering problems in the presence of perfectly conducting bodies. The integral equation is of the second kind and has no spurious resonances. It is well conditioned at all frequencies for simply connected geometries. Reconstruction of the magnetic field, however, is subject to catastrophic cancelation due to the need for computing a scalar potential from magnetic currents. Here, we show that by solving an auxiliary (scalar) integral equation, we can avoid this form of low-frequency breakdown. The auxiliary scalar equation is used to solve a Neumann-type boundary value problem using data corresponding to the normal component of the magnetic field. This scalar equation is also of the second kind, nonresonant, and well conditioned at all frequencies. A principal advantage of our approach, by contrast with the hypersingular electric field integral equation, the combined field integral equation, or CSIE formulations, is that the standard loop-star and related basis function constructions are not needed, and preconditioners are not required. This permits an easy coupling to fast algorithms such as the fast multipole method. Furthermore, the formalism is compatible with nonconformal mesh discretization and works well with singular (sharp) boundaries.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under Project TEC2016-78028-C3-3-P and in part by the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering and AFOSR through the NSSEFF Program under Award FA9550-10-1-0180.Vico Bondía, F.; Greengard, L.; Ferrando Bataller, M.; Antonino Daviu, E. (2019). An Augmented Regularized Combined Source Integral Equation for Nonconforming Meshes. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 67(4):2513-2521. https://doi.org/10.1109/TAP.2019.2891399S2513252167

    The Fine Line Between Normal and Starburst Galaxies

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    Recent literature suggests that there are two modes through which galaxies grow their stellar mass - a normal mode characterized by quasi-steady star formation, and a highly efficient starburst mode possibly triggered by stochastic events such as galaxy mergers. While these differences are established for extreme cases, the population of galaxies in-between these two regimes is poorly studied and it is not clear where the transition between these two modes of star formation occurs. We utilize ALMA observations of the CO J=3-2 line luminosity in a sample of 20 infrared luminous galaxies that lie in the intermediate range between normal and starburst galaxies at z ~ 0.25-0.6 in the COSMOS field to examine the gas content and star formation efficiency of these galaxies. We compare these quantities to the galaxies' deviation from the well-studied "main sequence" correlation between star formation rate and stellar mass (MS) and find that at log(SFR/SFRMSSFR/SFR_{MS}) < 0.6, a galaxy's distance to the main sequence is mostly driven by increased gas content, and not a more efficient star formation process.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figure

    Examining the role of advertising and sales promotions in brand equity creation.

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    This study explores the relationships between two central elements of marketing communication programsadvertising and sales promotions -and their impact on brand equity creation. In particular, the research focuses on advertising spend and individuals&apos; attitudes toward the advertisements. The study also investigates the effects of two kinds of sales promotions, monetary and non-monetary promotions. Based on a survey of 302 UK consumers, findings show that the individuals&apos; attitudes toward the advertisements play a key role influencing brand equity dimensions, whereas advertising spend for the brands under investigation improves brand awareness but is insufficient to positively influence brand associations and perceived quality. The paper also finds distinctive effects of monetary and non-monetary promotions on brand equity. In addition, the results show that companies can optimize the brand equity management process by considering the relationships existing between the different dimensions of brand equity

    La importancia de medir el valor de marca desde la perspectiva del consumidor:evidencia empírica en España y el Reino Unido

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    Dado el papel central que las marcas ocupan en la estrategia de las empresas, la medición y control de su valor sigue siendo una de las líneas de investigación más importantes del marketing. Ante la falta de acuerdo existente en la conceptualización y medición del valor de marca, el presente estudio tiene como objetivo proponer y validar una medida para su valoración. Así, tras poner de relieve la importancia de la gestión y medición del valor de las marcas, se realiza una propuesta de medición del valor de marca, fiable y práctica, para cuya validación se realiza un estudio en dos países: España y el Reino Unido. De acuerdo a los resultados del trabajo, el valor de marca está constituido por las siguientes dimensiones: la notoriedad de marca, la calidad percibida, la lealtad y las asociaciones de marca, que incluyen el valor percibido, la personalidad de la marca y las asociaciones organizativas. La propuesta de medición realizada permite analizar y comprender el valor otorgado por los consumidores a las enseñas, presentando diversos usos para las empresas
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