1,815 research outputs found

    Charakterisierung der molekularen Funktionen der WD-Repeat Proteine RACK1 und FAN und ihr Einfluss auf die TNF-vermittelte Signalweiterleitung

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    This thesis investigates the influence of the WD-Repeat proteins FAN (Factor associated with neutral Sphingomyelinase Activation) and RACK1 (Receptor for Activated C-Kinase 1) on TNF-Signalling. The structural resemblance of the protein CHS (Chediak-Higashi Symptom) to FAN, the mutated PKC (Protein-Kinase C) activity in CHS cells and the described interaction between RACK1 and FAN gave reason to take a closer look at the translocation and co-localization of RACK1 in murine cells after stimulation. No co-localization between RACK1 and PKC-beta II was seen in murine embryonic fibroblasts and murine NK-cells after PMA stimulation of PKC and antibody-incubation. After over-expression of PKC-beta-II-EGFP the translocation of PKC to the plasma membrane could be shown, but no co-localization of RACK1 was seen. TNF Stimulation did not seem to cause a change in the distribution of PKC or RACK1 no matter if FAN was present or not There was no unregulated phosphorylation of RACK1 after TNF-stimulation which is another indication that TNF-stimulation does not activate the PKC in murine fibroblasts. The interaction of RACK1 with Actin could be observed, after TNF-stimulation there is a different co-localization, this difference is not FAN dependent. The mapping of interacting domains of FAN and RACK1 as shown in the yeast-two-hybrid system and co-immunoprecipitation revealed the importance of WD7 of RACK1. In relation to preceding experiments of the group this shows the importance of WD 5-7 for the interaction of FAN and RACK1. Over expression of nSMase2 in murine Fibroblasts revealed a changed phenotype, but so far no hint of senescence could be observed. Interaction studies of FAN and nsMase2 using the yeast-two-hybrid system, co-immunoprecipitation and the laser scanning microscope showed no direct interaction of these two proteins in spite of the described influence of FAN on the activation of nSMase2. The missing link in this chain has yet to be found

    The search for knowledge among the Seventh-Day Adventists in the area of Maroantsetra, Madagascar.

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    The thesis is an ethnographic inquiry into the nature of Seventh-day Adventism in Maroantsetra, a small town on the northeast coast of Madagascar, and Sahameloka, a nearby village. The Seventh-day Adventists in Maroantsetra and Sahameloka do not participate in traditional practices through which local people communicate with their ancestors, because they consider such practices to be the work of the devil. This is highly significant in the context of Madagascar and causes serious tension between Adventist and non-Adventist kin. The thesis examines whether the members of the church form a discrete community, but finds that they remain firmly embedded in existing kinship networks despite the difficulties involved. The main body of the thesis is concerned with the nature of the commitment of local church members to Seventh-day Adventism. It is argued that the core of their commitment, and what they value most, is the practice of Bible study and the pleasure which derives from that activity. Moreover, it is suggested that Adventist Bible study is similar to certain aspects of scientific practice. The thesis further examines the ways in which Bible study is conceptually linked to an image of clarity, an image of dis-covering the truth from beneath Satan's many deceptions and of acquiring a clear vision of reality. In conclusion, it is argued that while other studies of phenomena labelled 'religious fundamentalism' have tried to understand what kinds of people join movements such as Seventh-day Adventism, and why they do so, insufficient attention has been paid to the nature of converts' commitment beyond initial conversion. Finally, it is suggested that Seventh-day Adventism in Maroantsetra and Sahameloka does not correspond to the modern concept of Christianity based on belief as an inner state

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    Measurement of Subcellular CA2+ Redistribution in Cardiac Muscle In Situ: Time Resolved Rapid Freezing and Electron Probe Microanalysis

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    To directly assess the physiological roles of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) and miitochondria (MT), we have utilized energy dispersive electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) on ultrathin freeze-dried cryosections from isolated papillary muscles, rapidly frozen at precise time points of the contractile cycle. Using this approach, we can detect redistribution of subcellular Ca2+ during the cardiac contractile cycle. Changes in Ca2+ of less than 1.0 mmol/kg dry wt can be detected. By determining the variability of the Ca2+ measurements in preliminary experiments, we have also demonstrated that it is possible to optimize experimental design, i.e., to predict the number of animals per treatment group and the number of X-ray spectra per animal that are required in order to detect a specified Ca2+ difference. Quantitative EPMA of rapidly frozen contracting papillary muscle has also allowed us to correlate the Ca2+ content of SR and MT with the contractile state of the muscle. Our results show a decrease of 40% in the amount of Ca2+ stored in the junctional SR during a cardiac muscle twitch, thus providing direct evidence for a role of the SR as a primary site of Ca2+ release. In addition, we have demonstrated dissociation between MT Ca2+ uptake and activation of regulatory enzymes, such as pyruvate dehydrogenase, indicating that MT Ca2+ uptake is not required for activation of MT metabolism

    Geflüchtete Kinder in sonderpädagogischen Lernsettings : eine qualitative Analyse aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven

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    Ausgehend von bildungsstatistischen Daten, die zeigen, dass in der Schweiz Kinder mit Fluchthintergrund überproportional häufig in integrativen oder separativen sonderpädagogischen Settings unterrichtet werden, haben wir mittels qualitativer Methoden versucht, die Prozesse der Einstufung von Schülerinnen und Schülern im Zürcher Schulsystem zu analysieren und nachzuvollziehen. Ziel dieser Untersuchung war es, die Schullaufbahn von Kindern im Alter zwischen 4 und 16 Jahren im Kanton Zürich detailliert zu analysieren, um die Faktoren zu identifizieren, die zur Platzierung in integrative oder separative sonderpädagogische Settings führen. Wir konzentrierten uns dabei nicht auf die Diagnose selbst, sondern auf die Prozesse, die zu dieser Diagnose resp. Platzierung führen. Dabei berücksichtigten wir die verschiedenen Perspektiven der Eltern und Kinder sowie der Fach- und Lehrkräfte. Besonderes Augenmerk legten wir auf das Thema Traumatisierung, da ein grosser Teil der Kinder mit Fluchthintergrund unter den Folgen eines Traumas leidet und die Forschung zeigt, dass eine posttraumatische Belastungsstörung die kognitiven Leistungen vorübergehend negativ beeinflussen kann. Durch narrative Interviews mit betroffenen Eltern sowie mit Fach- und Lehrkräften haben wir wichtige Momente und Faktoren identifiziert, die für die Schullaufbahnen wichtig sind und daraus Empfehlungen für die Praxis formuliert

    Analyzing directionality of influence among ensemble musicians using Granger Causality

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    In small musical groups, performers can seem to coordinate their movements almost effortlessly in remarkable exhibits of joint action and entrainment. To achieve a common musical goal, co-performers interact and communicate using non-verbal means such as upper-body movements, and particularly head motion. Studying these phenomena in naturalistic contexts can be challenging since most techniques make use of motion capture technologies that can be intrusive and costly. To investigate an alternative method, we analyze video recordings of a professional instrumental ensemble by extracting trajectory information using pose estimation algorithms. We examine Kansei perspectives such as the analysis of non-verbal expression conveyed by bodily movements and gestures, and test for causal relationships and directed influence between performers using the Granger Causality method. We compute weighted probabilities representing the likelihood that each performer Granger Causes co-performers’ movements. Effects of different aspects of musical textures were examined and results indicated stronger directionality for homophonic textures (clear melodic leader) than polyphonic (ambiguous leadership)
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