81 research outputs found

    Validity and reliability of the Amharic version of supportive care needs survey - short form 34 among cancer patients in Ethiopia

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    Objectives: Supportive care needs survey short form has a total of 34 items that have 5 domains that measure the unmet needs of cancer patients. It is important to validate this tool since there are differences in culture, geographic areas, and clinical care service which influence patients’ needs. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the construct validity and reliability of the tool. Methods: The study was conducted among 170 cancer patients from April 1st to 30th 2019 in Hawassa hospital, South Ethiopia. Confirmatory factor analysis was done using fit indices. Convergent and discriminant validity was evaluated using average variance extracted and maximum shared variance respectively. Known group validity was checked using the Mann-Whitney U test. The reliability of the instrument was examined using Cronbach’s alpha. Results: Domains except for health system and information, and patient care and support maintained convergent and divergent validity. The remaining validity was maintained after removing items that were redundant and double loading. The average variance extracted of domains varied from 0.52–0.81. The Square of correlation between constructs was lower than the average variance extracted for the constructs. The tool had reliability r = 0.932. The root mean square error of approximation was 0.057, comparative fit index 0.954, and the other fit indices were also indicating a good fit. Known groups difference was seen by age and type of treatment taken across the different domains. Conclusion: After the health system and information, and patient care, and support domain validity issues were corrected by removing 8 items, the reduced tool was found to be a valid and reliable tool. The validated tool will be valuable if included in routine cancer care in our clinical settings

    Contemporary treatment patterns and survival of cervical cancer patients in Ethiopia.

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    BACKGROUND Cervical cancer is the second commonly diagnosed cancer and the second leading cause of cancer death in women in Ethiopia, with rates among the highest worldwide. However, there are limited data on cervical cancer treatment patterns and survival in the country. Herein, we examine treatment patterns and survival of cervical cancer patients treated in Tikur Anbessa Hospital Radiotherapy Center (TAHRC), the only hospital with radiotherapy facility in the country. METHODS Women with histologically verified cervical cancer who were seen in 2014 (January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014) at TAHRC were included. Information about clinical characteristics and treatments were extracted from the patients' medical record files. The information on vital status was obtained from medical chart and through telephone calls. RESULT Among 242 patients included in the study, the median age at diagnosis was 48 years. The median waiting time for radiotherapy was 5.6 months (range 2 to 9 months). Stage migration occurred in 13% of patients while waiting for radiotherapy. Consequently, the proportion of patients with stage III or IV disease increased from 66% at first consultation to 74% at the initiation of radiotherapy. Among 151 patients treated with curative intent, only 34 (22.5%) of the patients received concurrent chemotherapy while the reaming patients received radiotherapy alone. The 5-year overall survival rate was 28.4% (20.5% in the worst-case scenario). As expected, survival was lower in patients with advanced stage at initiation of radiotherapy and in those treated as palliative care. CONCLUSION The survival of cervical cancer patients remains low in Ethiopia because of late presentation and delay in receipt of radiotherapy, leading to stage migration in substantial proportion of the cases. Concerted and coordinated multisectoral efforts are needed to promote early presentation of cervical cancer and to shorten the unacceptable, long waiting time for radiotherapy

    An Emerging Problem of Shisha Smoking among High School Students in Ethiopia

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    Shisha smoking is also known as hookah, water pipe, goza, and nargile. Shisha use among the young is increasing globally. Shisha smoke results in a high concentration of carbon monoxide, tar, nicotine, and heavy metals which can be toxic to humans, especially with chronic exposure. This study aims to determine the prevalence and risk factors of shisha smoking among in-school adolescents in Ethiopia. Four regional states in Ethiopia (Oromia, Amhara, Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples’ Region, Tigray) and the capital city (Addis Ababa) were the study areas. A two-stage cluster sampling approach was employed to produce a representative sample. From the sampling frames in the study areas, 36 high schools were selected randomly. A multi-level logistic regression analysis was used to account for cluster-specific random effects, the effect of individuals’, and school-level variables for ever-use of shisha. A total of 3355 secondary school grade 9 and 10 students aged between 13 and 22 years took part in this study. A total of 86 (2.6%) and 20 (0.6%) of the study participants, reported that they had ever smoked or were current smokers of shisha, respectively. Of all study participants, 38.6% perceived shisha as less harmful than cigarettes and 48.5% reported that they do not know which was more harmful to health. Students were more likely to ever use shisha if they had friend/s who smoke shisha (AOR = 16.8, 95% CI: 6.4–44.3), ever smoked cigarettes (AOR = 8.2, 95% CI: 3.4–19.8), ever used khat (AOR = 4.2, 95% CI: 1.9–10.4), ever used marijuana (AOR = 3.9, 95% CI: 1.4–11.1), ever used smokeless tobacco (AOR = 3.1 95% CI: 1.1–8.4), and students had received income from their parents (AOR = 3.1 CI: 1.1–8.8). Prevalence of ever and current use of shisha among high school students is low in Ethiopia compared to many countries in Africa. The majority of adolescents perceived shisha as less harmful to health than cigarette smoking. Health education about the harmful effects of shisha should be delivered to adolescents, along with information on other substances like khat, cigarettes, marijuana, and smokeless tobacco to prevent initiation of substance use

    Non-pharmacological interventions to achieve blood pressure control in African patients: a systematic review

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    Objectives This systematic review aims to evaluate the evidence of non-pharmacological strategies to improve blood pressure (BP) control in patients with hypertension from African countries. Design We performed a systematic review and searched Medline, Central, CINAHL and study registers until June 2020 for randomised studies on interventions to decrease BP of patients with hypertension in African countries. We assessed the study quality using the Cochrane risk of bias tool and narratively synthesised studies on non-pharmacological hypertension interventions. Setting We included studies conducted in African countries. Participants Adult African patients with a hypertension diagnosis. Interventions Studies on non-pharmacological interventions aiming to improve BP control and treatment adherence. Outcomes Main outcomes were BP and treatment adherence. Results We identified 5564 references, included 23 with altogether 18 153 participants from six African countries. The studies investigated educational strategies to improve adherence (11 studies) and treatment by healthcare professionals (5 studies), individualised treatment strategies (2 studies), strategies on lifestyle including physical activity (4 studies) and modified nutrition (1 study). Nearly all studies on educational strategies stated improved adherence, but only three studies showed a clinically relevant improvement of BP control. All studies on individualised strategies and lifestyle changes resulted in clinically relevant effects on BP. Due to the type of interventions studied, risk of bias in domain blinding of staff/participants was frequent (83%). Though incomplete outcome data in 61% of the studies are critical, the general study quality was reasonable. Conclusions The identified studies offer diverse low-cost interventions including educative and task-shifting strategies, individualised treatment and lifestyle modifications to improve BP control. Especially trialled physical activity interventions show clinically relevant BP changes. All strategies were trialled in African countries and may be used for recommendations in evidence-based guidelines on hypertension in African settings

    Perceived barriers to timely treatment initiation and social support status among women with breast cancer in Ethiopia

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    Timely care is essential to increase breast cancer survival. However, patients in Ethiopia still face multilevel barriers on their pathway to timely treatment initiation. This cross-sectional study at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital Oncology Unit in Addis Ababa assessed systemic treatment initiation intervals of breast cancer patients and quantified the impact of socio-demographic and clinical factors, perceived barriers, and the patients´ perceived social support status on timely systemic treatment initiation (chemotherapy or hormonal therapy). A structured questionnaire was designed based on Pechansky´s “Concept of Access”. Applying simple and multivariate logistic regression we analysed the influence of patients´ characteristics as well as their perceived barriers on timely treatment initiation. We measured social support with the Multidimensional Score of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) and used the Wilcoxon Rank-Sum Test to assess its relationship with timely treatment initiation. Of 196 patients included into the study, 53% received systemic treatment within 90 days of their pathological diagnosis–the median treatment initiation interval was 85 days (IQR 123.5). Older women and patients diagnosed at late stages had higher odds of timely treatment initiation. Not being able to pay for services and lack of transport were most often perceived as barriers towards timely care. However, none of the perceived barriers showed a substantial influence on timely treatment initiation in the multivariate regression model. The patients´ perceived social support was found to be high, with an average MSPSS score of 73 out of 84 (SD 13,63). No impact of the perceived social support status on timely treatment initiation was found. The percentage of breast cancer patients waiting longer than 90 days from pathological diagnosis to systemic treatment initiation in Ethiopia remains unacceptably high. While women generally feel well supported by their social environment, costs and accessibility of treatment are perceived to be major barriers towards timely treatment initiation

    "If I don't smoke shisha, I won't be able to sleep":Lived experiences of high school students in Ethiopia

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    BACKGROUND: Shisha smoking predisposes the users to cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and infections, such as tuberculosis, hepatitis, and herpes. In Ethiopia, there is little data on the adolescents’ shisha smoking experience. This study aimed to explore the lived experience of high school students and inform ongoing and future prevention and control interventions. METHODS: This study was conducted in Addis Ababa and Adama cities in Ethiopia. Twenty-five secondary school students aged 15-22 years who had shisha smoking experience participated in this study. A topic guide was used to facilitate the in-depth interviews (IDIs) and a digital audio recorder recorded the interviews. Interviews varied between 40-90 minutes and were conducted in private open-air spaces where only the interviewee and researcher were present. Each transcript was coded using Atlas.ti version 8 software. The analytical approach was iterative, with interview transcripts analyzed at the time of coding and re-analyzed after a preliminary result was drafted to search for additional themes. RESULTS: Students described two key factors that influenced their decision to initiate shisha smoking: peer influence and perceiving it as a means to release stress. After initiating shisha use students maintained the behaviour because of: peer influence, khat chewing, enjoyment of shisha smoking, having prolonged leisure time, and accessibility to shisha. Students regretted the impact shisha use had on their lives, such as conflict with their families, poor academic performance, and spending money on shisha smoking. Female students were also concerned about reproductive health risks related to shisha use. CONCLUSIONS: Peer influence played a major role both in initiating and maintaining shisha use. However, students admitted concern over the impact of shisha smoking on academic performance and their relationship with their families. Since shisha use is associated with khat chewing; shisha smoking control programs cannot be successful without controlling khat. Especially young girls had worries about their reproductive health risks associated with shisha use. This suggests that targeted awareness raising programs highlighting the dangers of shisha use for both health and safety; especially for young women is required

    Survival and predictors of breast cancer mortality in South Ethiopia: A retrospective cohort study

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    Background: Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer and the leading cause of cancer death in over 100 countries. In March 2021, the World Health Organization called on the global community to decrease mortality by 2.5% per year. Despite the high burden of the disease, the survival status and the predictors for mortality are not yet fully determined in many countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, including Ethiopia. Here, we report the survival status and predictors of mortality among breast cancer patients in South Ethiopia as crucial baseline data to be used for the design and monitoring of interventions to improve early detection, diagnosis, and treatment capacity. Methods: A hospital-based retrospective cohort study was conducted among 302 female breast cancer patients diagnosed from 2013 to 2018 by reviewing their medical records and telephone interviews. The median survival time was estimated using the Kaplan-Meier survival analysis method. A log-rank test was used to compare the observed differences in survival time among different groups. The Cox proportional hazards regression model was used to identify predictors of mortality. Results are presented using the crude and adjusted as hazard ratios along with their corresponding 95% confidence intervals. Sensitivity analysis was performed with the assumption that loss to follow-up patients might die 3 months after the last hospital visit. Results: The study participants were followed for a total of 4,685.62 person-months. The median survival time was 50.81 months, which declined to 30.57 months in the worst-case analysis. About 83.4% of patients had advanced-stage disease at presentation. The overall survival probability of patients at two and three years was 73.2% and 63.0% respectively. Independent predictors of mortality were: patients residing in rural areas (adjusted hazard ratio = 2.71, 95% CI: 1.44, 5.09), travel time to a health facility ≥7 hours (adjusted hazard ratio = 3.42, 95% CI: 1.05, 11.10), those who presented within 7–23 months after the onset of symptoms (adjusted hazard ratio = 2.63, 95% CI: 1.22, 5.64), those who presented more than 23 months after the onset of symptoms (adjusted hazard ratio = 2.37, 95% CI: 1.00, 5.59), advanced stage at presentation (adjusted hazard ratio = 3.01, 95% CI: 1.05, 8.59), and patients who never received chemotherapy (adjusted hazard ratio = 6.69, 95% CI: 2.20, 20.30). Conclusion: Beyond three years after diagnosis, patients from southern Ethiopia had a survival rate of less than 60% despite treatment at a tertiary health facility. It is imperative to improve the early detection, diagnosis, and treatment capacities for breast cancer patients to prevent premature death in these women

    Taking on breast cancer in East Africa: global challenges in breast cancer.

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    PURPOSE OF REVIEW: To provide an update on breast cancer epidemiology, early detection, and therapy in Africa. RECENT FINDINGS: Breast cancer has been a long neglected topic in Africa. Due to increased activities of population-based cancer registries, cancer incidence rates become available. Data from 26 African countries for 2012 suggest that in the majority of countries, breast cancer has turned into the leading cancer among the female population. Yet data from hospital-based registries show that patients often present late. Efforts are being made to implement early detection programs; however, there are open questions how best to organize screening activities, referral and how to assure pathology service. Adjuvant treatment is still limited to a small number of centers; neoadjuvant treatment is underutilized. New data have become available from different countries reporting high proportions of estrogen receptor-positive tumors, which would possibly justify the administration of tamoxifen in unknown receptor status. SUMMARY: Breast cancer is an increasing health problem in low-resource countries. More information on incidence, clinical presentation, outcome, and tumor biology in Africa has become available. Further evidence is needed on strategies to improve awareness, appropriate treatment options, and implementation of palliative care. VIDEO ABSTRACT: http://links.lww.com/COOG/A1
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