54 research outputs found

    Study of interaction between blood plasma and biodegradable polyester fibrous materials

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    V této práci je studován vliv krevní plasmy na biodegradabilní vlákenné polyesterové materiály. Konkrétně se jedná o poly(E-kaprolakton) (PCL) a kopolymer kyseliny polymléčné a poly(E-kaprolaktonu) (PLCL) a jejich polymerních směsí (blendů) v poměrech PCL:PLCL 1:1, 1:3, 3:1. Vliv plazmy na materiály je vyhodnocován zkoumáním degradace materiálu a adheze plazmatických bílkovin. Adheze plazmatických bílkovin je vyhodnocována pomocí elektroforézy SDS PAGE a spektrofotometrické metody. Degradace materiálů je hodnocena elektronovou mikroskopií a následnou analýzou snímků, váhovým úbytkem a hodnocením gelové permeační chromatografie.This work studies interaction between blood plasma and polyester fibrous biodegradable materials, especially poly(E- caprolakton), copolymer of polylactic acid and poly(E- kaprolaktonu) (PLCL) and mixtures (blends) of these materials in ratios PCL:PLCL 1:1, 1:3, 3:1.Influence of blood plasma to polymer materials will be tested by degradation of materials and adhesion of plasmatic proteins on input materials. Adhesion of plasmatic proteins will be evaluated by SDS PAGE electrophoresis and total amount of proteins by spektrofotometric method. Degradation of material will be tested by electron microscopy photoes diameters of fibers, weight loss and gel permeation chromatography

    Application of Bernoulli Process-based Charts to Electronic Assembly

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    The application of protective gel, which is a subprocess of the electronic assembly of the exhaust gas recirculation sensor, is a highly capable process with the fraction of nonconforming units as low as 200 ppm. Every unit is inspected immediately after gel application. The conventional Shewhart chart is of no use here, and the approach based on the Bernoulli process is therefore considered. The number of conforming items in a row until the occurrence of first or the r-th nonconforming is determined and CCC-r, CCC-r EWMA, and CCC CUSUM charts are applied. The aim of the control is to detect the process deterioration, and so the one-sided charts are used. So that the charts based on the geometric or negative binomial distribution can be compared, their performance is assessed through the average number of inspected units until a signal (ANOS). Our study confirmed that CCC-r EWMA and CCC CUSUM are able to detect the process shift more quickly than the CCC-r chart. Of the two charts, the first is easier to construct


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    Teaching methods in MBA and Lifelong Learning Programmes (LLP) for managers should be topically relevant in terms of content as well as the teaching methods used. In terms of the content, the integral part of MBA and Lifelong Learning Programmes for managers should be the development of participants’ leadership competencies and their understanding of current leadership concepts. The teaching methods in educational programmes for managers as adult learners should correspond to the strategy of learner-centred teaching that focuses on the participants’ learning process and their active involvement in class. The focus on the participants’ learning process also raises questions about whether the programme’s participants perceive the teaching methods used as useful and relevant for their development as leaders. The paper presents the results of the analysis of the responses to these questions in a sample of 54 Czech participants in the MBA programme and of lifelong learning programmes at the University of Economics, Prague. The data was acquired based on written or electronically submitted questionnaires. The data was analysed in relation to the usefulness of the teaching methods for understanding the concepts of leadership, leadership skills development as well as respondents’ personal growth. The results show that the respondents most valued the methods that enabled them to get feedback, activated them throughout the programme and got them involved in discussions with others in class. Implications for managerial education practices are discussed

    Editorial . „Totenkultur“: Umrlci a oživené hroby

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    The effect of feeding milk thistle seed cakes on quality indicators of broiler chickens meat

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    This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of feeding milk thistle (Silybum marianum L.) seed cakes at dose 5% and 15% in feed mixture on quality indicators of broiler chickens meat. The used milk thistle seed cakes contained 3.73% of flavonolignans and 129.83 mg.kg-1 of cyanidin-3-glucoside. A 150 cockerels of Ross 308 were divided into three equal groups. The chickens were fattened on conventional deep litter system. The experimental groups received feed mixtures containing 5% of milk thistle seed cakes (MT5), 15% of milk thistle seed cakes (MT15) and third group was control - without milk thistle seed cakes (C). The trial lasted 37 days. At the end of trial was observed significant higher average weight of chickens (2,320.31 g) in control group. Compare to that the experimental group MT5 achieved significant lower mean bodyweight 2,166.69 g. From the perspective of fattening was decreased growth of chickens where a higher percentage of milk thistle seed cakes (MT15). The group MT15 was up to 420 g lower slaughter weight compared to the control group. This was probably due to the higher content of fiber in the feed. At the end of experiment 15 birds were selected randomly from each group, weighed and slaughtered. Feathers were removed and chickens were eviscerated. Carcass yield was calculated for each group like as percentage of live weight. The MT5 and MT15 group had significantly higher breast meat tenderness that the control group. Initial pH1 was highest in group with its middle addition of milk thistle seed cakes (MT5). Significant differences were not observed between control and group MT15. Breast meat was rated as the best in parameter flavour in control and MT15 group. The thigh meat was evaluated significantly best for colour parameter in MT15 group. Fibreness was rated as the finest in MT15 group. The addition of milk thistle seed cakes do not worsened sensory characteristic of breast or thigh meat of broilers and reflects optimal sensory quality traits

    Europske migracije Istok − Zapad i uloga motivacije u željama za migracijom

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    International migration has been extensively studied in the second half of the century, but mainly from economic, demographic, sociological and cultural-anthropological viewpoints. Psychologists have shown somewhat less interest in the issue, focusing on acculturation and adjustment problems of migrants. With the globalization and acceleration of migration at present, the authors argue, psychologists should also get more involved in better understanding the "migrant personality". They propose a model of the motivational structure of emigrants. This model was tested with 1,050 college students in three Central/East European countries: Albania, the Czech Republic and Slovenia. As predicted, it was found that students who want to emigrate have higher achievement and power motivation than students who do not want to emigrate. If this pattern is confirmed in other studies, this could have a significant effect on migration policy and research.Međunarodne migracije su se sveobuhvatno proučavale u drugoj polovici stoljeća, ali većinom s ekonomskog, demografskog, sociološkog i kulturno-antropološkog gledišta. Psiholozi su pokazali manje interesa za ovu temu, usredotočujući se na akulturaciju i probleme prilagodbe kod migranata. Sa sadašnjom globalizacijom i ubrzanjem migracije, tvrde autori, psiholozi bi se također morali više angažirati u boljem razumijevanju "migrantske osobnosti". Oni predlažu model motivacijske strukture emigranata. Taj je model testiran na 1.050 studenata u tri srednjo/istočnoeuropske zemlje: Albaniji, Češkoj i Sloveniji. Kao što se pretpostavljalo, rezultati su pokazali da studenti koji se žele iseliti imaju veća postignuća i motivacijsku volju nego oni koji to ne žele. Ako se taj uzorak potvrdi i u drugim istraživanjima, to bi moglo imati znatan učinak na migracijsku politiku i istraživanje

    Mortal Prague. Funeral culture of the early-modern period using Prague as an example.

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    Keywords: ars moriendi, castrum doloris, early modern period, epitaphs, funeral essentials, funeral procession, funeral sermons, Prague, sepulcher essentials, tomb stones The thesis introduces a specific part of the cultural history of the early modern period - the funeral culture. Considering the extensiveness of thematter, the scope has been limited to the area of Prague, to the cultural sphere of secular nobility and to the time period between the years 1500 and 1700. Naturally, the timeframe is not and cannot be absolute given the nature of this subject matter, which is culture. In the introductory chapter, the paper seeks to clarify eschatology and religious conditions in the early modern period, depicting death and its grip in the 16th and 17th centuries. Each chapter is devoted to a specific phenomenon of the funeral culture, in the same order in which the succession should logically follow shortly before and after the death of an important person. As such, the thesis specifically discusses the doctrine of "good death" - so called ars moriendi, exhibitions of the body, the funeral procession, construction of the Castrum Doloris, funeral sermons, and provision of funeral monuments. At the conclusion, the thesis ventures into the geographically and religiously distant Duchy of Finland, which..