8 research outputs found

    Personal factors associated with health-related quality of life in persons with morbid obesity on treatment waiting lists in Norway

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    Purpose To explore relationships of socio-demographic variables, health behaviours, environmental characteristics and personal factors, with physical and mental health variables in persons with morbid obesity, and to compare their health-related quality of life (HRQoL) scores with scores from the general population. Methods A cross-sectional correlation study design was used. Data were collected by self-reported questionnaire from adult patients within the first 2 days of commencement of a mandatory educational course. Of 185 course attendees, 142 (76.8%) volunteered to participate in the study. Valid responses on all items were recorded for 128 participants. HRQoL was measured with the Short Form 12v2 from which physical (PCS) and mental component summary (MCS) scores were computed. Other standardized instruments measured regular physical activity, social support, self-esteem, sense of coherence, self-efficacy and coping style. Results Respondents scored lower on all the HRQoL subdomains compared with norms. Linear regression analyses showed that personal factors that included self-esteem, self-efficacy, sense of coherence and coping style explained 3.6% of the variance in PCS scores and 41.6% in MCS scores. Conclusion Personal factors such as self-esteem, sense of coherence and a high approaching coping style are strongly related to mental health in obese persons

    Personal factors associated with health-related quality of life in persons with morbid obesity on treatment waiting lists in Norway

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    Purpose To explore relationships of socio-demographic variables, health behaviours, environmental characteristics and personal factors, with physical and mental health variables in persons with morbid obesity, and to compare their health-related quality of life (HRQoL) scores with scores from the general population. Methods A cross-sectional correlation study design was used. Data were collected by self-reported questionnaire from adult patients within the first 2 days of commencement of a mandatory educational course. Of 185 course attendees, 142 (76.8%) volunteered to participate in the study. Valid responses on all items were recorded for 128 participants. HRQoL was measured with the Short Form 12v2 from which physical (PCS) and mental component summary (MCS) scores were computed. Other standardized instruments measured regular physical activity, social support, self-esteem, sense of coherence, self-efficacy and coping style. Results Respondents scored lower on all the HRQoL subdomains compared with norms. Linear regression analyses showed that personal factors that included self-esteem, self-efficacy, sense of coherence and coping style explained 3.6% of the variance in PCS scores and 41.6% in MCS scores. Conclusion Personal factors such as self-esteem, sense of coherence and a high approaching coping style are strongly related to mental health in obese persons

    Personal factors associated with health related quality of life in patients attending patient education courses while waiting for bariatric surgery.

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    In Norway, patients on waiting lists for treatment of their morbid obesity are required to attend a comprehensive patient education course at a Patient Education Resource Center. The aims of this study was 1) to explore the relationship between socio-demographic variables, health behaviour (physical activity), social support, and personal factors (self-esteem, self-effi cacy, sense of coherence and coping style) in relation to physical and mental health at the beginning of the course, and; 2)to compare participants’ HRQoL scores with norms from the general polulation

    Personer med sykelig overvekt hadde økt mestringsforventning og selvfølelse etter pasientkurs

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    Bakgrunn: Pasientopplæringstiltak som viser positive resultater når det gjelder egenmestring av kronisk sykdom må sees som viktige bidrag til redusert press på helsetjenestene. Selvstyrkende metoder benyttet i pasientkurs kan være viktig supplement til annen behandling. Hensikt: Undersøke endringer i mestringsforventning og selvfølelse hos kursdeltakerne ett år etter fullført kurs. Metode: Spørreskjema ble i 2009 delt ut til deltakere på kurs for sykelig overvektige ved tre Lærings- og mestringssentre i Øst-Norge. Deltakerne besvarte 12 ulike skjemaer på fem ulike tidspunkter. Denne artikkelen presenterer resultater fra spørreskjema om mestringsforventning og selvfølelse. Skjemaene ble fylt ut på kursets første dag og 12 måneder etter kursslutt. Resultater: Totalt 142 av 185 forespurte kursdeltakere besvarte skjema første kursdag, etter ett år svarte 67 deltakere. Gjennomsnittsalderen var 43,3 år; 75 prosent var kvinner; 64 prosent hadde under 12 års utdanning, det var ingen statistisk signifikante forskjeller mellom kvinner og menn. Deltakerne hadde økning i selvfølelse og mestringsforventning etter ett år. Resultatene var både statistisk og klinisk signifikante endringer. Konklusjon: Kurs som vektlegger at deltakerne får grunnleggende kunnskap om sin sykdomssituasjon og lærer selvstyrkende metoder kan bidra til bedre mestringsforventning og selvfølelse. Resultatene samsvarer med internasjonal forskning knyttet til egenmestring

    Personer med sykelig overvekt hadde økt mestringsforventning og selvfølelse etter pasientkurs

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    Bakgrunn: Pasientopplæringstiltak som viser positive resultater når det gjelder egenmestring av kronisk sykdom må sees som viktige bidrag til redusert press på helsetjenestene. Selvstyrkende metoder benyttet i pasientkurs kan være viktig supplement til annen behandling. Hensikt: Undersøke endringer i mestringsforventning og selvfølelse hos kursdeltakerne ett år etter fullført kurs. Metode: Spørreskjema ble i 2009 delt ut til deltakere på kurs for sykelig overvektige ved tre Lærings- og mestringssentre i Øst-Norge. Deltakerne besvarte 12 ulike skjemaer på fem ulike tidspunkter. Denne artikkelen presenterer resultater fra spørreskjema om mestringsforventning og selvfølelse. Skjemaene ble fylt ut på kursets første dag og 12 måneder etter kursslutt. Resultater: Totalt 142 av 185 forespurte kursdeltakere besvarte skjema første kursdag, etter ett år svarte 67 deltakere. Gjennomsnittsalderen var 43,3 år; 75 prosent var kvinner; 64 prosent hadde under 12 års utdanning, det var ingen statistisk signifikante forskjeller mellom kvinner og menn. Deltakerne hadde økning i selvfølelse og mestringsforventning etter ett år. Resultatene var både statistisk og klinisk signifikante endringer. Konklusjon: Kurs som vektlegger at deltakerne får grunnleggende kunnskap om sin sykdomssituasjon og lærer selvstyrkende metoder kan bidra til bedre mestringsforventning og selvfølelse. Resultatene samsvarer med internasjonal forskning knyttet til egenmestring.Persons with morbid obesity had increased self-efficacy and selfesteem after patient education Background: Patient education providing positive results with regard to persons’ coping with chronic illness is important to decrease the demand on health care services. Methods aimed at strengthening the person’s self-perception may be an important supplement to medical treatment. Objective: To explore changes in self-efficacy and self-esteem one year after completing patient education. Method: Participants in patient courses for morbid obese persons at three different sites answered 12 questionnaires five times in 2009. This article presents results from questionnaires on self-efficacy and self-esteem completed on the first day of the course and 12 months after course completion. Results: From 185 course participants, 142 returned questionnaires the first day of the course and 67 completed it after one year. Mean age was 43.3, 75% female; 64% had less than 12 years of education; no statistically significant differences were found between women and men. The participants had increased scores on self-efficacy and selfesteem after one year. The results were both statistically and clinically significant. Conclusion: Courses providing basic knowledge about the illness and methods to strengthen perception of self may contribute to improved self-efficacy and self-esteem. The results are in accordance with international research on coping with illness. Key words: Self-efficacy, selfesteem, morbid obesity, patient education, longitudinal design

    Personal factors associated with health-related quality of life in persons with morbid obesity on treatment waiting lists in Norway

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    Purpose: To explore relationships of socio-demographic variables, health behaviours, environmental characteristics and personal factors, with physical and mental health variables in persons with morbid obesity, and to compare their health-related quality of life (HRQoL) scores with scores from the general population. Methods: A cross-sectional correlation study design was used. Data were collected by self-reported questionnaire from adult patients within the first 2 days of commencement of a mandatory educational course. Of 185 course attendees, 142 (76.8%) volunteered to participate in the study. Valid responses on all items were recorded for 128 participants. HRQoL was measured with the Short Form 12v2 from which physical (PCS) and mental component summary (MCS) scores were computed. Other standardized instruments measured regular physical activity, social support, self-esteem, sense of coherence, self-efficacy and coping style. Results: Respondents scored lower on all the HRQoL subdomains compared with norms. Linear regression analyses showed that personal factors that included self-esteem, self-efficacy, sense of coherence and coping style explained 3.6% of the variance in PCS scores and 41.6% in MCS scores. Conclusion: Personal factors such as self-esteem, sense of coherence and a high approaching coping style are strongly related to mental health in obese persons