30 research outputs found

    Metoda: Polymerázová řetězová reakce – PCR

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    The activation of W and Zr by deuterons at energies up to 20 MeV

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    The proton and deuteron induced reactions are of a great interest for the assessment of induced radioactivity of accelerator components, target and beam stoppers. In order to investigate the important nuclides, we have carried up the irradiation experiments with the variable-energy cyclotron U-120 M of the NPI CAS Řež. The production cross sections of the nuclides 179,181,182m,182,183,184m,184,186Re and 187W from reaction on natural W were investigated by deuteron beams of 20 MeV energy. A part of preliminary results of deuteron activation of natural Zr is also shown. The stacked-foil technique was utilized. The comparison of present results to data of other authors and to predictions of evaluated data libraries is discussed

    Legislation of Violence on Workplace (Mobbing) in Spain

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    The Spanish legislation does not regulate in any law the protection of employees against mobbing (with the exception of public administration). Violence on workplace violates fundamental rights included in the Constitution, mainly the right for equal handling and the right for dignity. Even though the Labour Code, nor the Law for Prevention of Hazard on Workplace do not contain definition of prohibition of mobbing, but protection of employees can be found in general provisions of the law. The legislation of administrative penalties in labour relations can be found in the Law of Offences and Sanctions in Social Order. The protection is provided by the Social Court Order in case of violation. The activity of the inspection of labour in the field of harassment and violence on workplace is regulated by notice which determines the procedure in the administrative trial. The important role plays the jurisdiction in trials dealing with mobbing

    Proton and deuteron activation measurements at the NPI and future plans in SPIRAL2/NFS

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    The proton- and deuteron-induced reactions are of a great interest for the assessment of induced radioactivity of accelerator components, target and beam stoppers as well as isotope production for medicine. In the present work, the deuteron-induced reaction cross sections on zinc were investigated by stacked-foil activation technique with deuteron beam of 20 MeV energy from the cyclotron U-120M of NPI CAS ež. Also the proton activation cross section measurement of iron is presented. The comparison of present results to data of other authors and to predictions of evaluated data libraries is discussed. The investigation shall continue for higher proton and deuteron energy interval 20-35 MeV at SPIRAL2/NFS facility using a charged particle irradiation chamber with pneumatic transport system to measure isotopes and isomers with half-lives in minutes-regions

    The activation of W and Zr by deuterons at energies up to 20 MeV

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    The proton and deuteron induced reactions are of a great interest for the assessment of induced radioactivity of accelerator components, target and beam stoppers. In order to investigate the important nuclides, we have carried up the irradiation experiments with the variable-energy cyclotron U-120 M of the NPI CAS ež. The production cross sections of the nuclides 179,181,182m,182,183,184m,184,186Re and 187W from reaction on natural W were investigated by deuteron beams of 20 MeV energy. A part of preliminary results of deuteron activation of natural Zr is also shown. The stacked-foil technique was utilized. The comparison of present results to data of other authors and to predictions of evaluated data libraries is discussed

    Regulacja prawna monitoringu pracowników w miejscu zatrudnienia w Republice Czeskiej

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    The monitoring of employee by employers is most often motivated by the employer’s interest in protecting his/her property, controlling technological or other work procedures, or even monitoring the productivity of his/her subordinates. At present, electronic means of communication are increasingly used, which increases the risk of the misuse of personal data. The employer’s right to monitor employees is regulated by the Labour Code, but also in labour-law relationships, the employee must be provided with an adequate level of privacy.Monitorowanie pracowników przez pracodawców jest najczęściej motywowane interesem pracodawcy w zakresie ochrony jego własności, kontrolowania procedur technologicznych lub innych procedur pracy, a nawet monitorowania produktywności jego podwładnych. Obecnie coraz częściej wykorzystywane są elektroniczne środki komunikacji, co zwiększa ryzyko niewłaściwego wykorzystania danych osobowych. Prawo pracodawcy do monitorowania pracowników jest regulowane przez Kodeks pracy, ale także w relacjach z zakresu prawa pracy, pracownikowi należy zapewnić odpowiedni poziom prywatności

    Anti-mobbing Legislation in Public Administration in Spain

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    The Spanish legislation does not regulate in any law the protection of employees against mobbing, with the exception of public administration. Violence on workplace violates fundamental rights governed by the Constitution, mainly the right for equal handling and the right for dignity. The branch of public administration is regulated by the Law No. 7/2007 of Fundamental Status of an Employee in Public Administration that determined that moral harassment (mobbing) is a disciplinary offence. Procedural process that deals with the harassment in public administration is regulated by notice which states specific actions and procedure with the aim to prevent harassment on workplace in the field of public administration as well as actions and sanctions for cases that occur in this matter

    Legal regulation concerning prohibition of acting as a rival and duration of employment relationship and after it was terminated in the first half of the 20th century

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    Ve 2. polovině 19. století se u nás začala výrazně zvyšovat průmyslová výroba a s ní související obchod. S rozvojem trhu byla stále aktuálnější otázka konku­rence mezi jednotlivými podnikateli a začala se objevo­vat i možnost nekalé konkurence ze strany zaměstnan­ce. Snaha zaměstnavatele omezit činnost zaměstnance, kterou mu mohl konkurovat, potom našla svůj odraz i v právní úpravě