31 research outputs found

    Copy number variations and risk for schizophrenia in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome

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    22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome (22q11.2DS) is a common microdeletion syndrome with congenital and late-onset features. Testing for the genomic content of copy number variations (CNVs) may help elucidate the 22q11.2 deletion mechanism and the variable clinical expression of the syndrome including the high (25%) risk for schizophrenia. We used genome-wide microarrays to assess CNV content and the parental origin of 22q11.2 deletions in a cohort of 100 adults with 22q11.2DS (44 with schizophrenia) and controls. 22q11.2DS subjects with schizophrenia failed to exhibit de novo CNVs or any excess of novel inherited CNVs outside the 22q11.2 region. There were no significant effects of parental origin of the 22q11.2 deletion, deletion length, parental age or family history on expression of schizophrenia. There was no evidence for a general increase of de novo CNVs in 22q11.2DS. A novel finding was the relative paucity of males with de novo 22q11.2 deletions of paternal origin (P = 0.019). The Y chromosome may play a mediating role in the mechanism of 22q11.2 deletion events during spermatogenesis, resulting in the previously observed excess of maternal de novo 22q11.2 deletions. Hemizygosity of the 22q11.2 region appears to be the major CNV-related risk factor for schizophrenia in 22q11.2DS. The results reinforce the need for further efforts to identify specific molecular mechanisms underlying this expression and to identify the 1% of patients with schizophrenia who carry 22q11.2 deletions

    Source-based morphometry reveals structural brain pattern abnormalities in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome

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    22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11DS) is the most frequently occurring microdeletion in humans. It is associated with a significant impact on brain structure, including prominent reductions in gray matter volume (GMV), and neuropsychiatric manifestations, including cognitive impairment and psychosis. It is unclear whether GMV alterations in 22q11DS occur according to distinct structural patterns. Then, 783 participants (470 with 22q11DS: 51% females, mean age [SD] 18.2 [9.2]; and 313 typically developing [TD] controls: 46% females, mean age 18.0 [8.6]) from 13 datasets were included in the present study. We segmented structural T1-weighted brain MRI scans and extracted GMV images, which were then utilized in a novel source-based morphometry (SBM) pipeline (SS-Detect) to generate structural brain patterns (SBPs) that capture co-varying GMV. We investigated the impact of the 22q11.2 deletion, deletion size, intelligence quotient, and psychosis on the SBPs. Seventeen GMV-SBPs were derived, which provided spatial patterns of GMV covariance associated with a quantitative metric (i.e., loading score) for analysis. Patterns of topographically widespread differences in GMV covariance, including the cerebellum, discriminated individuals with 22q11DS from healthy controls. The spatial extents of the SBPs that revealed disparities between individuals with 22q11DS and controls were consistent with the findings of the univariate voxel-based morphometry analysis. Larger deletion size was associated with significantly lower GMV in frontal and occipital SBPs; however, history of psychosis did not show a strong relationship with these covariance patterns. 22q11DS is associated with distinct structural abnormalities captured by topographical GMV covariance patterns that include the cerebellum. Findings indicate that structural anomalies in 22q11DS manifest in a nonrandom manner and in distinct covarying anatomical patterns, rather than a diffuse global process. These SBP abnormalities converge with previously reported cortical surface area abnormalities, suggesting disturbances of early neurodevelopment as the most likely underlying mechanism

    Periventricular nodular heterotopia and bilateral intraventricular xanthogranulomas in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome

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    22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11DS) is the most common pathogenic copy number variant in humans. Neuropsychiatric phenotypes, including schizophrenia, are prominent. Imaging studies of individuals with this syndrome show a variety of abnormalities that may indicate abnormal neuronal migration. Here we present the neuroimaging and neuropathologic features of a 22q11DS patient with bilateral periventricular nodular heterotopias (PNH) and intraventricular xanthogranulomas that were identified by post-mortem examination. Keywords: 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome, periventricular nodular heterotopia, neuronal migration, xanthogranulom

    Linkage of Familial Schizophrenia to Chromosome 13q32

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    SummaryOver the past 4 years, a number of investigators have reported findings suggestive of linkage to schizophrenia, with markers on chromosomes 13q32 and 8p21, with one recent study by Blouin et al. reporting significant linkage to these regions. As part of an ongoing genome scan, we evaluated microsatellite markers spanning chromosomes 8 and 13, for linkage to schizophrenia, in 21 extended Canadian families. Families were analyzed under autosomal dominant and recessive models, with broad and narrow definitions of schizophrenia. All models produced positive LOD scores with markers on 13q, with higher scores under the recessive models. The maximum three-point LOD scores were obtained under the recessive-broad model: 3.92 at recombination fraction (θ) .1 with D13S793, under homogeneity, and 4.42 with α=.65 and θ=0 with D13S793, under heterogeneity. Positive LOD scores were also obtained, under all models, for markers on 8p. Although a maximum two-point LOD score of 3.49 was obtained under the dominant-narrow model with D8S136 at θ=0.1, multipoint analysis with closely flanking markers reduced the maximum LOD score in this region to 2.13. These results provide independent significant evidence of linkage of a schizophrenia-susceptibility locus to markers on 13q32 and support the presence of a second susceptibility locus on 8p21