933 research outputs found

    Measurement and modeling of hydrogen transport through high-flux Pd membranes

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    The permeability of H2-selective palladium membranes fabricated with microsystem technology has been studied. The permeation experiments have been carried out at temperatures between 623 and 873 K at H2 feed partial pressures of 0.2–1.0 bar. At 823 K, a permeance based on the free membrane area of 18 mol H2/m2 s bar0.58 has been measured for a Pd membrane with a thickness of 0.5 μm. From the permeation experiments the rate determining transport step and the stability of the membranes have been determined. At 873 K the H2/He selectivity decreases rapidly, indicating the formation of pinholes at higher temperatures. From a combination of experiments and computer simulations the limiting transport step has been determined to be H-atom diffusion through the membrane at elevated temperatures and H2 surface reactions at the retentate side at lower temperature

    Requirements and operational guidelines for secure and sustainable digital phenotyping:Design and development study

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    Background: Digital phenotyping, the measurement of human behavioral phenotypes using personal devices, is rapidly gaining popularity. Novel initiatives, ranging from software prototypes to user-ready research platforms, are innovating the field of biomedical research and health care apps. One example is the BEHAPP project, which offers a fully managed digital phenotyping platform as a service. The innovative potential of digital phenotyping strategies resides among others in their capacity to objectively capture measurable and quantitative components of human behavior, such as diurnal rhythm, movement patterns, and communication, in a real-world setting. The rapid development of this field underscores the importance of reliability and safety of the platforms on which these novel tools are operated. Large-scale studies and regulated research spaces (eg, the pharmaceutical industry) have strict requirements for the software-based solutions they use. Security and sustainability are key to ensuring continuity and trust. However, the majority of behavioral monitoring initiatives have not originated primarily in these regulated research spaces, which may be why these components have been somewhat overlooked, impeding the further development and implementation of such platforms in a secure and sustainable way.Objective: This study aims to provide a primer on the requirements and operational guidelines for the development and operation of a secure behavioral monitoring platform.Methods: We draw from disciplines such as privacy law, information, and computer science to identify a set of requirements and operational guidelines focused on security and sustainability. Taken together, the requirements and guidelines form the foundation of the design and implementation of the BEHAPP behavioral monitoring platform.Results: We present the base BEHAPP data collection and analysis flow and explain how the various concepts from security and sustainability are addressed in the design.Conclusions: Digital phenotyping initiatives are steadily maturing. This study helps the field and surrounding stakeholders to reflect upon and progress toward secure and sustainable operation of digital phenotyping–driven research

    Стресспротекторы в коррекции воспаления слизистой оболочки полости рта

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    На основе данных литературы показан стрессовый характер воспалительных заболеваний слизистой оболочки полости рта и целесообразность включения в их комплексную терапию стресспротекторов.На основі даних літератури показано стресовий характер запальних захворювань слизової оболонки ротової порожнини та доцільність включення до їх комплексної терапії стреспротекторів.Based on the literature data, stress character of inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and expediency to include in their therapy stress-protectors are shown

    Unsteady-state flux behaviour in relation to the presence of a gel layer

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    The unsteady-state flux behavior for silica and dextran in a stirred ultrafiltration cell was studied. The 2 compds. show clearly different flux behaviors. During the filtration of dextran, only a polarization layer is built up. For silica, a gel layer formation also occurs. As a result, the time to reach steady-state flux is 1 h. The osmotic pressure model provides a good description of the flux for the expts. with dextran. If mass-transfer coeffs. are used that are higher than those electrochem. measured, the transient flux for silica can be rather well predicted by the gel-polarization model. The use of flux measurements under unsteady-state conditions as an indication for the presence of a gel layer is discussed. [on SciFinder (R)

    Migrations et médiations des langues et des hommes : quel rôle pour la didactique des langues ?

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    L’aspect de continuité dans l’enseignement est très fortement remis en cause par les mouvements de migration actuels. Enrichissement ou appauvrissement ? La diversité doit-elle conduire à un inéluctable nivellement par le bas ou au contraire, peut-elle jouer le rôle de renouvellement éducatif et d’explosion de la connaissance ? Quel rôle médiateur peut ou doit jouer la didactique des langues afin de contrebalancer l’effet migratoire sur la continuité du développement de l’enfant/ étudiant apprenant dans un système scolaire fossilisé ? Qu’en est-il de l’enseignant-apprenant ? Quelles leçons peut-on tirer des expériences passées et dans un contexte européen ? Dans cet article, j’insiste sur une vision inclusive et contextualisée de l’éducation. Je donne la parole aux apprenants et aux enseignants que j’ai rencontrés pour qu’ils nous parlent de leurs pratiques, de leurs savoirs, de leurs croyances sur l’enseignement. J’adopte une approche interdisciplinaire intégrée de l’enseignement des langues seconde, étrangère, de l’enseignement bilingue. À la suite de Hornberger, je plaide pour que l’éducation, la recherche et la théorie deviennent intégralement liées et mutuellement informées (Hornberger, 2004) au service de la médiation des langues et des cultures.The aspect of continuity in education is very strongly challenged by the current movements of migration. Enrichment or impoverishment ? Should diversity lead to an inevitable leveling from the bottom or, on the contrary, can it play the role of educational renewal and the explosion of knowledge ? What mediating role can or should language teaching play to offset the migratory effect on the continuity of development of the child / student learning in a fossilized school system ? What about the teacher-learner ? What lessons can be learned from past experiences and in a European context ? In this article, I insist on an inclusive and contextualized view of education. I give the floor to the learners and teachers I have met to tell us about their practices, their knowledge and their beliefs about teaching. I adopt an integrated interdisciplinary approach to teaching second-, second-, and foreign languages ​​in bilingual education. Following Hornberger, I advocate that education, research and theory become fully interrelated and mutually informed (Hornberger, 2004) in service of the mediation of languages and cultures