108,551 research outputs found

    New racisms, new racial subjects? The neo-liberal moment and the racial landscape of contemporary Britain

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    The articles in this volume reflect upon a very specific moment in the social architecture of British society: a moment which brings financial meltdown together with some sizeable shifts in the racial and ethnic landscape of the UK. As a ‘neoliberal revolution’ (Hall 2011) heralds the end of public services and the end of the welfare state, it proclaims ‘the end of race’ as well. But cultural retrenchment and coded xenophobia have also been sweeping the political terrain, accompanied by ‘new racisms’ and ‘new racial subjects’ which only close contextual analysis can unpick. Against those who suggest we live in a post-racial time, the research presented offers friction. By focusing on particular locations in Britain at a particular moment, the articles explore local stories of ‘race’ and racism across changing socio-political ground

    Ethnic Origin and Disability Data Collection in Europe : Measuring Inequality - Combating Discrimination

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    This report has been published in the framework of the Equality Data Initiative (EDI), which aims to develop research on, and increase awareness of, the need for data regarding specific minority groups in the European Union.Reliable data is needed to ensure equality and actively fight discrimination. Data does this by measuring inequalities and allowing the development of positive solutions to inequality such as targeted social policies. Data also allows us to monitor whether these measures work.The Equality Data Initiative (EDI), initiated by the Open Society Foundations, is implemented in collaboration with the Migration Policy Group and the European Network Against Racism. Its goal is to enhance the measurability of (in)equality for groups at risk of discrimination

    Integrating New Communities - Challenging Racism

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    In this report, the needs of new people hoping to settle in Ireland, and how these are responded to, provides the context in which racism in Ireland can be considered and one in which to identify opportunities where funding could make an important difference. This research considers the patterns of migration to Ireland and the likely future trends with reference to the particular groups of people who are choosing Ireland as a country in which to make a new life. Furthermore, this research explores what is known about racism in Ireland, and the initiatives currently being undertaken to combat racism are set out

    Xenophobia, International Migration and Human Development

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    In the continuing discussion on migration and development, the vulnerability of all migrant groups to exploitation and mistreatment in host countries has been highlighted along with an emphasis on protecting their rights. However, xenophobia has not yet received explicit attention although anti-migrant sentiments and practices are clearly on the rise even in receiving countries in developing regions. Despite gaps in existing empirical work, research and anecdotal evidence exposes pervasive forms of discrimination, hostility, and violence experienced by migrant communities, with the latter becoming easy scapegoats for various social problems in host countries. This study attempts to insert xenophobia in this debate on migration and development by examining the growth of this phenomenon in host countries in the South. It provides short accounts of xenophobia witnessed in recent times in five countries including South Africa, India, Malaysia, Libya, and Thailand. The ambiguity surrounding the concept is discussed and crucial features that define xenophobia are outlined. A variety of methods to study it are likewise identified. Using a wide range of examples from diverse contexts, the paper explores possible reasons for the intensification of xenophobia. The final sections of the paper briefly outline the developmental consequences of rampant xenophobia for migrant and host populations while examining policy options to tackle it

    Anti-Racist Policies in France. From Ideological and Historical Schemes to Socio-Political Realities

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    In France, since the 1980s, imaginaries derived from decolonization have played a major role in the elaboration of anti-racist policies. Simultaneously, because of the universalistic conception of the French Republic, the use of ethnic categories has been taboo and systematically replaced, in political schemes, by socio-economic criteria. Multiculturalism, in the Anglo-Saxon meaning, has therefore not been a traditional political analysis framework. Nevertheless, since the 1990s, the French model of integration, which was based on the individual, has been more and more accused of giving way to inequalities and racism. For ten years, the rise of the concept of the «ethnicization» of cultural groups in public debate has thus inspired political demands that require concrete answers, notably against urban violence and education.Anti-racist policies, French model of integration, Multiculturalism, Ethnicization, Urban violence, Education

    Roma expulsions and discrimination: the elephant in Brussels

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    This article will critically examine the treatment of migrant Roma in Western Europe, particularly Italy and France, in the light of the obligations under the E U Citizenship Directive 2004/38. The role of the political institutions will be considered, especially the European Commission, who have yet to take a decisive position on the Roma expulsions and on the wider issue of Roma discrimination in Europe. It is argued that the focus on non-discrimination cannot address the entrenched inequality which characterises the Roma's situation in Europe. Furthermore, that the comparative disadvantage experienced by Europe's Roma communities constitutes a major human rights crisis which has so far been side-lined by Brussels. A European strategy is urgently required which demands leadership from the Commission and the full participation of Roma representatives
