740 research outputs found

    Prevalence and correlates of insufficient physical activity in school adolescents in Peru

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the prevalence and correlates of insufficient physical activity in adolescents in Peru. METHODS: We used a self-administered questionnaire developed from Global school-based Student Health Survey to collect information from secondary school students in North Lima and Callao in 2015. We carried out Poisson regression with robust variance using generalized linear models to estimate the crude and adjusted prevalence ratios (APR) with 95% confidence intervals (95%CI) of insufficient physical activity for its correlates. RESULTS: We have found that 78% of the adolescents did not meet the global recommendation of the World Health Organization on physical activity in the last week before the survey. Female respondents (APR = 1.13, 95%CI 1.04–1.21), respondents who perceived themselves as overweight (APR = 1.10, 95%CI 1.03–1.18), and respondents who consumed insufficient vegetables and fruits [no vegetables (APR = 1.30, 95%CI 1.06–1.59), no fruits (APR = 1.15, 95%CI 1.00–1.31) as compared to those who consumed ≥ 2 servings every day in the last seven days] were more likely to report insufficient physical activity. Adolescents who worked after school (APR = 0.92, 95%CI 0.84–0.99), had physical education classes five times per week (APR = 0.94, 95%CI 0.88–0.99), and had parental supervision (APR = 0.92, 95%CI 0.87–0.98) were less likely to report insufficient physical activity. CONCLUSIONS: Sex, work after school, perceived body weight, physical education class, parental support, and healthy dietary behaviors were associated with insufficient physical activity. Attempts to improve physical activity should look for ways to enhance leisure-time physical activity, parental support, physical education classes, healthy dietary behaviors, and normal body weight maintenance in adolescents with integrated efforts from the family and school

    School-based obesity prevention interventions in Latin America: A systematic review

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of school-based interventions to prevent obesity conducted in Latin America and provide suggestions for future prevention efforts in countries of the region. METHODS: Articles published in English, Spanish, and Portuguese between 2000 and 2017 were searched in four online databases (Google Scholar, PubMed, LILACS, and REDALYC). Inclusion criteria were: studies targeting school-aged children and adolescents (6–18 years old), focusing on preventing obesity in a Latin American country using at least one school-based component, reporting at least one obesity-related outcome, comprising controlled or before-and-after design, and including information on intervention components and/or process. RESULTS: Sixteen studies met the inclusion criteria. Most effective interventions (n = 3) had moderate quality and included multi-component school-based programs to promote health education and parental involvement focused on healthy eating and physical activity behaviors. These studies also presented a better study designs, few limitations for execution, and a minimum duration of six months. CONCLUSIONS: Evidence-based prevention experiences are important guides for future strategies implemented in the region. Alongside gender differences, an adequate duration, and the combined use of quantitative and qualitative evaluation methods, evidence-based prevention should be considered to provide a clearer and deeper understanding of the true effects of school-based interventions

    Hull-form optimization of a 66,000 dwt bulk carrier in irregular wave condition

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    This paper deploys optimization techniques to obtain the optimum hull form of a 66,000 DWT bulk carrier in calm water and in irregular head waves at sea state 6. Parametric modification functions for the bow hull-form variation are SAC shape, section shape (U-V type, DLWL type). Multi-objective functions are applied to minimize the values of wave-making resistance in calm water and mean added resistance in waves. WAVIS version 1.3 is used to obtain wave-making resistance in calm water condition. The modified Fujii and Takahashi's formula is applied to obtain the added resistance in short waves. The added resistance in long wave is obtained from the potential-flow solver based on the 3-D panel method. And the mean added resistance in irregular head waves is obtained by linear superposition of the wave spectrum and the response function. The PSO (Particle swarm optimization) algorithm is employed for the optimization technique. The resistance and motion characteristics in calm water, in regular head waves and in irregular head waves of the two hull forms are compared. It has been shown that the optimal brings 6.8% reduction in the mean added resistance at sea state 6

    Comparison of maternal health services and indicators in three districts of the Volta Region, Ghana

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    Background: Ghana’s maternal mortality ratio continues to decline, but is not expected to meet the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 5 target. The Ghana Health Service and Ministry of Health have displayed a high commitment to the improvement of maternal health in the country. One of the most recent partnerships directed at this is with the Korea International Cooperation Agency.Methods: This study was conducted among women between ages 15 and 49 resident in Keta Municipal, Ketu North and Ketu South districts in the Volta Region of Ghana who were pregnant or who had children aged less than five. Ethical approval was obtained from the Ghana Health Service Ethical Review Committee. Data were collected using questionnaires, entered into Stata version 12 and analyzed using frequency distribution and assessment of means. Comparisons among districts were conducted using chi square test and one way analysis of variance (ANOVA).Results: The study covered 630 women whose mean age was 28.4 years. Almost all participants (99.1%) from Ketu North knew where to obtain family planning services. Use of modern contraception was highest in Ketu North with 31% of respondents using a modern method. Delivery in a health facility was highest in Keta Municipal (62.3%) with overall institutional delivery being 57.6%. Delivery by a skilled birth attendant (SBA) was also highest in Keta Municipal.Conclusion: Indicators used to assess maternal health services show a coverage of over 50% but we need to improve institutional delivery, use of modern contraception and education about danger signs in pregnancy. Funding: This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea Grant funded by the Korean Government (NRF-2013S1A5B8A01055336) and the Korea International Cooperation Agency(2013).Keywords: Maternal Health, Ghana, Volta Region, Family Planning, Skilled Birth Attendan

    Escuelas promotoras de la salud: un programa multicompente para prevenir los riesgos conductuales en adolescentes (2014-2017)

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    DOI: 10.26439/persona2020.n023(1).4834 This article is based on the analysis of the systematization of the Health Promoting School project implemented in Lima, Peru, from 2014 to 2017 by an agreement between the International cooperation agency of South Korea and the Ministry of health in Peru. A description of the phases developed, the strategies used, and the alliances built for their implementation will be presented. For that purpose, a review of secondary sources and interviews to key players as primary sources were made. The project considered the prevention and health promotion paradigms as complementary ones.DOI: 10.26439/persona2020.n023(1).4834 Este artículo se basa en el análisis de la sistematización del Proyecto de las Escuelas Promotoras de la Salud, implementado en Lima, Perú, del 2014 al 2017, a través de un acuerdo entre la Agencia de Cooperación Internacional de Corea del Sur, y el ministerio de Salud de Perú. Se describe el desarrollo de las fases del proyecto, las estrategias que se usaron, así como las alianzas que se construyeron para la implementación del proyecto. Para el análisis se revisaron fuentes secundarias y se entrevistaron a los agentes clave, como fuentes primarias. Consideramos que los paradigmas de prevención y promoción de la salud deben ser considerados como complementarios

    Implementation of batchwise bioscouring of cotton knits

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    The examination of critical factors determining the performance of bioscouring showed that a short treatment of the fabric at greater than 80°C after pectinase treatment at 60°C was essential for removal of waxes from the fabric as demonstrated by diminished intensities of methylene peaks in FT-IR measurements. Batch-wise bioscouring of cotton knits was carried out several times with post-treatment at 80°C using a rapid dyeing machine. The dye-ability of bioscoured knits was as good as the company's alkaline scoured ones with slightly higher K/S values. Water pollution caused by effluents of bioscouring and alkaline processes were estimated, as well as that due to the input of chemicals and enzymes. Higher BOD:CODCr ratios for enzymes indicated their biodegradable character. After calculation of energy consumption using a simulation program, an economic evaluation of the two processes was done on the basis of one ton production by considering the costs of chemicals and enzyme, water usage, energy consumption and waste water treatment charge

    COVID-19 Perception, Knowledge, and Preventive Practice: Comparison between South Korea, Ethiopia, and Democratic Republic of Congo

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    In Africa, the first confirmed case of COVID-19 was reported in Egypt on February 14, 2020. Since then, the number of cases has continued to  increase with Ethiopia, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Nigeria, Sudan, Angola, Tanzania, Ghana, and Kenya identified as vulnerable  countries. The present study aimed to: 1) identify differences in trust level of COVID-19 diagnosis, recent healthcare utilization experiences, and COVID-19-related knowledge, information, and prevention practices in South Korea, Ethiopia, and DRC; and 2) identify factors influencing trust level in healthcare facilities regarding COVID-19 diagnosis. The present study was cross-sectional. The questionnaire survey was conducted between May 1–14, 2020 using Google forms, and 748 respondents were included in the final analysis. The data collected were analyzed using ANOVA, post - hoc test, and binary logistic regression analysis. South Korea showed higher rate of practice for COVID-19 prevention such as hand washing, mask wearing, and etc. than Ethiopia and DRC. The results showed significant differences with the trust level being 3.129 times higher in respondents from DRC than those from Ethiopia (aOR=3.129, 95% CI: [1.884-5.196], p<.000) and 29.137 times higher in respondents from South Korean than those from Ethiopia (aOR=29.137, 95% CI: [13.869-61.210], p<.000). Gender, age, number of family members, healthcare utilization experience, information, and practice were significant variables. Health education expansion for information and practice about COVID-19 in Ethiopia and DRC is necessary. Keywords: COVID-19, Pandemic, Ethiopia, DRC, South Korea, Online Survey En Afrique, le premier cas confirmé de COVID-19 a été signalé en Égypte le 14 février 2020. Depuis, le nombre de cas n'a cessé d'augmenter avec l'Éthiopie, la République démocratique du Congo (RDC), le Nigéria, le Soudan, l'Angola, La Tanzanie, le Ghana et le Kenya ont été identifiés comme pays vulnérables. La présente étude visait à: 1) identifier les différences de niveau de confiance dans le diagnostic du COVID-19, les expériences récentes d'utilisation des soins de santé et les connaissances, informations et pratiques de prévention liées au COVID-19 en Corée du Sud, en Éthiopie et en RDC; et 2) identifier les facteurs influençant le niveau de confiance dans les établissements de santé concernant le diagnostic du COVID-19. La présente étude était transversale. L'enquête par questionnaire a été menée du 1er au 14 mai 2020 à l'aide de formulaires Google, et 748 répondants ont été inclus dans l'analyse finale. Les données collectées ont été analysées en utilisant une analyse ANOVA, un test post-hoc et une analyse de régression logistique binaire. La Corée du Sud a montré un taux de pratique plus élevé pour la prévention du COVID-19, comme le lavage des mains, le port d'un masque, etc. que l'Éthiopie et la RDC. Les résultats ont montré des différences significatives, le niveau de confiance étant 3,129 fois plus élevé chez les répondants de RDC que chez ceux d'Éthiopie (aOR = 3,129, IC à 95%: [1,884-5,196], p <.000) et 29,137 fois plus élevé chez les répondants sud-coréens que ceux d'Éthiopie (aOR = 29,137, IC à 95%: [13,869-61,210], p <.000). Le sexe, l'âge, le nombre de membres de la famille, l'expérience d'utilisation des soins de santé, l'information et la pratique étaient des variables importantes. L'élargissement de l'éducation sanitaire pour l'information et la pratique du COVID-19 en Éthiopie et en RDC est nécessaire. Mots-clés: COVID-19, Pandémie, Éthiopie, RDC, Corée du Sud, Enquête en lign

    Neural Substrate Responsible for Crossed Aphasia

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    Crossed aphasia (CA) refers to language impairment secondary to right hemisphere lesion. Imaging analysis on the lesion location of CA has not yet been reported in the literature. This study was proposed to analyze the most prevalent lesion site related to CA. Brain MRI of 7 stroke patients satisfying the criteria for CA were used to define Region of interest (ROIs) before overlaying the images to visualize the most overlapped area. Talairach coordinates for the most overlapped areas were converted to corresponding anatomical regions. Anatomical lesions where more than 3 patients' images were overlapped were considered significant. The overlayed ROIs of 7 patients revealed the lentiform nucleus as the most frequently involved area, overlapping in 6 patients. Our study first demonstrates the areas involved in CA by lesion mapping using brain MRI, and lentiform nucleus is the responsible neural substrate for crossed aphasia.Crossed aphasia (CA) refers to language impairment secondary to right hemisphere lesion. Imaging analysis on the lesion location of CA has not yet been reported in the literature. This study was proposed to analyze the most prevalent lesion site related to CA. Brain MRI of 7 stroke patients satisfying the criteria for CA were used to define Region of interest (ROIs) before overlaying the images to visualize the most overlapped area. Talairach coordinates for the most overlapped areas were converted to corresponding anatomical regions. Anatomical lesions where more than 3 patients' images were overlapped were considered significant. The overlayed ROIs of 7 patients revealed the lentiform nucleus as the most frequently involved area, overlapping in 6 patients. Our study first demonstrates the areas involved in CA by lesion mapping using brain MRI, and lentiform nucleus is the responsible neural substrate for crossed aphasia.OAIID:oai:osos.snu.ac.kr:snu2013-01/102/0000005165/7SEQ:7PERF_CD:SNU2013-01EVAL_ITEM_CD:102USER_ID:0000005165ADJUST_YN:YEMP_ID:A075663DEPT_CD:801CITE_RATE:1.249FILENAME:첨부된 내역이 없습니다.DEPT_NM:의학과EMAIL:[email protected]_YN:YCONFIRM:

    Clinical Efficacy of Primary Tumor Volume Measurements: Comparison of Different Primary Sites

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    ObjectivesThe purpose of study was to determine the clinical efficacy of primary tumor volume measurements of different primary sites in the oropharynx compared to the oral cavity.MethodsA retrospective analysis of 85 patients with oral cavity or oropharynx cancer. The tumor area was manually outlined from axial magnetic resonance (MR) series. The software calculated the tumor volumes, automatically. The values of the primary tumor volumes were then subdivided into separate groups (≤3,500 mm3, >3,500 mm3).ResultsThe prognostic indicators were the cT and cN (oral cavity); age, primary site, cT, cN, and primary tumor volume (oropharynx) on the univariate analysis. There was no significant prognostic factor for oral cavity cancer on the multivariate analysis. Primary site, cN, and primary tumor volume were independent prognostic indicators for oropharynx cancer by multivariate analysis.ConclusionPrimary tumor volume measurement is a reliable way to stratify outcome, and make up for the weak points in the American Joint Committee on Cancer staging system with oropharynx cancer