1,122 research outputs found

    Macroeconomic Coordination and Inflation Targeting in a Two-Country Model

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    This paper deals with a macroeconomic coordination and its stabilization within a new Keynesian framework. The dynamic treatment of a twocountry model is made by simulation, using the linear quadratic algorithm. We compare the optimal monetary policy rule for three types of equilibria: macroeconomic coordination, Nash and Stackelberg, using parameters that reflect the relative size and degree of openness of the economies. Under the strict inflation target, we obtain higher output and inflation volatilities due to each economy's reaction to the other country's policy. The only exception is the case of optimal macroeconomic coordination rules. This dynamic model finds that macroeconomic coordination policy is better than non-coordination rules, supporting the traditional result found in static models.

    Designing Re-materialized Interactive Object Using Makey Makey

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    As ICT (Information & Communication Technology) and microcontroller technology have been developed, physical characteristics in products have disappeared gradually because controlling and displaying data becomes main features of products. However, after the concept of Graspable User Interface was introduced, there have been many design experiments for materializing user interfaces inside 2D screens and products. These are very meaningful in terms of designing intuitive and natural interaction methods because a human being lives in the physical world. In order to design re-materialized interactive object, tangible interaction researches from journals, thesis, and articles about the experimental prototypes were collected and categorized with the human-system interaction model. The human-system interaction model is suggested in this paper to describe the relationship amongst a human, interfaces (i.e. mouse, keyboard, screen, tangible user interface), and control and data inside object. The collected cases are organized in three different phases with the human-system interaction model. This paper proposes new model to generate concepts for next generation tangible interactive object design. The Makey Makey was selected as the toolkit for the new experiment and two interactive product design courses were instructed at Yonsei University and Seoul National University of Science & Technology from 2014 to 2015 in Korea. Many interesting outcomes by mapping control and data with humans everyday behaviors were designed. This paper can contribute to the study on the future of products how objects can be designed in tangible and physical ways.OAIID:RECH_ACHV_DSTSH_NO:A201625592RECH_ACHV_FG:RR00200003ADJUST_YN:EMP_ID:A080155CITE_RATE:FILENAME:abstract-483.pdfDEPT_NM:디자인학부EMAIL:[email protected]_YN:FILEURL:https://srnd.snu.ac.kr/eXrepEIR/fws/file/f20faf7c-3d58-4837-b6d4-220eafeaa0c7/linkCONFIRM:

    Wide-band, Quasi-isotropic, km-range RF Energy Harvesters for Perpetual IoT

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    This research demonstrates, through real-world field-tests, an ambient RF (radio frequency) energy harvesting system, fabricated on low cost FR4 (flame retardant 4), capable of harvesting from all surrounding UHF-TV (ultra high frequency television) and FM (frequency modulation) towers across km ranges in all UHF-TV and FM frequencies simultaneously to perpetually power a WSN (wireless sensor node). The broader impact of this research is to encourage researchers in the field to focus their efforts on real-world usability, thereby advancing ambient RF energy harvesting towards widespread adoption. The system achieves -10 dB matching across the entire frequency bands. The FBW (fractional bandwidth) is as wide as 31 % for the UHF-TV portion and 23 % for the FM portion. For UHF-TV, front and rear antenna gains combined is 1 or greater across all θ and ϕ, allowing isotropic harvesting (omnidirectional for FM). The RF-dc efficiency is as high as 70 % (56 % for FM). The system is as sensitive as -18 dBm (-17 dBm for FM). The UHF-TV portion harvested as much as 231 μW across 5.83 km (885 μW across 1.53 km for FM). The alignment-free, channel-agnostic nature demonstrates potential for ambient RF energy harvesting's adaption by users outside of the RF community who are not expected to be familiar with antenna alignment and frequency selection.Ph.D

    Tracking Brazilian Exchange Rate Volatility

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    This paper examines the relation between dollar-real exchange rate volatility implied in option prices and subsequent realized volatility. It investigates whether implied volatilities contain information about volatility over the remaining life of the option which is not present in past returns. Using GMM estimation consistent with telescoping observations evidence suggests that implied volatilities give superior forecasts of realized volatility if compared to GARCH(p,q), and Moving Average predictors, and that econometric models forecasts do not provide significant incremental information to that contained in implied volatilities.implied volatility, telescoping observations, GMM

    Recognition of partially occluded threat objects using the annealed Hopefield network

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    Recognition of partially occluded objects has been an important issue to airport security because occlusion causes significant problems in identifying and locating objects during baggage inspection. The neural network approach is suitable for the problems in the sense that the inherent parallelism of neural networks pursues many hypotheses in parallel resulting in high computation rates. Moreover, they provide a greater degree of robustness or fault tolerance than conventional computers. The annealed Hopfield network which is derived from the mean field annealing (MFA) has been developed to find global solutions of a nonlinear system. In the study, it has been proven that the system temperature of MFA is equivalent to the gain of the sigmoid function of a Hopfield network. In our early work, we developed the hybrid Hopfield network (HHN) for fast and reliable matching. However, HHN doesn't guarantee global solutions and yields false matching under heavily occluded conditions because HHN is dependent on initial states by its nature. In this paper, we present the annealed Hopfield network (AHN) for occluded object matching problems. In AHN, the mean field theory is applied to the hybird Hopfield network in order to improve computational complexity of the annealed Hopfield network and provide reliable matching under heavily occluded conditions. AHN is slower than HHN. However, AHN provides near global solutions without initial restrictions and provides less false matching than HHN. In conclusion, a new algorithm based upon a neural network approach was developed to demonstrate the feasibility of the automated inspection of threat objects from x-ray images. The robustness of the algorithm is proved by identifying occluded target objects with large tolerance of their features

    Numerical Modelling for Effect of Water Curtain in Mitigating Toxic Gas Release

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    PresentationAs the chemical industry has developed, the use of toxic substances has increased, and leakage accidents have increased. Among various substances, hydrogen fluoride (HF) and ammonia (NH3) are representative materials for the study since both are hazardous and important in the chemical industry. HF is a strong, pervious substance that is a stimulates on the body, respiratory system, and skin. HF is widely used in electronics manufacturing as a polisher and disinfectant. Since an HF release accident occurred in Gumi, S. Korea (2012) the Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency (KOSHA) has emphasized that special attention and management is needed with respect to this toxic substance. NH3 is widely used in the semiconductor industry and chemical processes. There have been about 20 large accidents regarding NH3 around the world in last 10 years. In this study, ANSYS Fluent, a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) program, was used to identify the effect of a water curtain as a mitigation system for toxic substances that are leaked from industrial facilities. Simulations were conducted to analyze how effectively a water curtain mitigated the dispersion of toxic substances. To verify the accuracy of the simulation, Goldfish experiment and INERIS Ammonia dispersion experiment were simulated and compared. Various water curtains were applied to the simulated field experiment to confirm the mitigation factors of toxic substances. The results show that the simulations and experiments are consistent and that the dispersion of toxic substances can be mitigated by water curtains

    Flight simulator for hypersonic vehicle and a study of NASP handling qualities

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    The research goal of the Human-Machine Systems Engineering Group was to study the existing handling quality studies in aircraft with sonic to supersonic speeds and power in order to understand information requirements needed for a hypersonic vehicle flight simulator. This goal falls within the NASA task statements: (1) develop flight simulator for hypersonic vehicle; (2) study NASP handling qualities; and (3) study effects of flexibility on handling qualities and on control system performance. Following the above statement of work, the group has developed three research strategies. These are: (1) to study existing handling quality studies and the associated aircraft and develop flight simulation data characterization; (2) to develop a profile for flight simulation data acquisition based on objective statement no. 1 above; and (3) to develop a simulator and an embedded expert system platform which can be used in handling quality experiments for hypersonic aircraft/flight simulation training

    Proposal of a New Scenario Composition Method for Escape Room Game Design

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    리얼 방탈출 게임은 (이하 방탈출 게임) 관찰력과 창의력을 발취하여 팀원 간의 상호작용을 통해 실제 공간에서 진행할 수 있는 게임으로서 전 세계적으로 많은 인기를 얻고 있다. 본 논문은 방탈출 게임 디자인의 기반이 되는 시나리오 구성 방법을 제안하고자 한다. 이를 위해 방탈출 게임의 체험 및 관찰 통해 사람들이 즐거움을 느끼는 과정을 이해하고 시나리오 구성 과정을 정의한 뒤 시나리오 초안을 작성하여 스토리라인을 강조하는 방탈출 게임의 시나리오 기본 요소와 구성 원칙을 제안하였다.OAIID:RECH_ACHV_DSTSH_NO:A201701934RECH_ACHV_FG:RR00200003ADJUST_YN:EMP_ID:A080155CITE_RATE:FILENAME:hci2017_방탈출 게임 디자인을 위한 시나리오 구성방법 제안.pdfDEPT_NM:디자인학부EMAIL:[email protected]_YN:FILEURL:https://srnd.snu.ac.kr/eXrepEIR/fws/file/977abf52-2a2d-4bec-8817-4fb7e3ef54d7/linkCONFIRM: