192 research outputs found

    \u201c12 Angry Men\u201d. The Group and the Individual: From Objectiveness to Subjectiveness

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    Screened fiction stirs people\u2019s psyches through emotions, which refer to a virtual world and therefore have the potential to help the individual grow in self-awareness while feeling relatively \u201csafe\u201d. An innovative method to work on movies for education and training purposes was developed by Eugenio Torre, and is proposed here for the film 12 Angry Men. This movie may be used in training settings focused on helping relationships to reflect upon the meaning of being an individual in a group, being a group, responsibility and choice. A key to the reading of the movie is proposed at two different but complementary levels. From an \u201cextra-psychical\u201d standpoint, movie characters may represent a working group of 12 very different people sharing a task, while from an \u201cintra-psychical\u201d one, each character may represent an embodiment or symbol of an individual\u2019s part and/or complex. According to the movie suggestion, we describe a path from objectiveness to subjectiveness and the final accomplishment of an ethical choice

    P02-270 Study of the correlations between theory of mind, symptoms and personality characteristics of a non-psychiatric population

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    Aims:A deficit in the theory of mind has been identified, although without univocal results, in various pathologies, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and some personality disorders. Aim of the study was to evaluate, in a non- psychiatric population, the correlation of personological characteristics and symptoms with theory of mind and emotion recognition tasks.Methods:The following protocol was administrated to 130 voluntary students from Novara (Italy) School of Medicine: EPQ-R test for personality analysis; an intention-inferencing task for theory of mind (adapted from Happè's version); the emotion recognition test (adapted from Blair's version); and SCL-90 for symptoms evaluation. Spearman correlation coefficient (SC) was calculated; p< 0.05 was considered statistically significant.Results:No statistically significant correlations were found between the EPQ-R (psychoticism, estroversion and nevroticism) and theory of mind test scores. Better performances in the theory of mind test corresponded to lower scores in SCL-90 subscales: obsessive-compulsive disorder (SC:-0.248; p=0.004); depression (SC:-0.280; p=0.001); anxiety (SC:-0.276; p=0.001); hostility (SC:-0.178; p=0.042); phobic anxiety (SC:-0.197;p=0.025); paranoid ideation (SC:-0.191;p=0.03); and psychoticism (SC:-0.189; p=0.032). A lower capacity in the recognition of the happiness emotion corresponded to higher scores in the hostility (CS:-0.194; p=0.027) and phobic anxiety (CS:-0.211; p=0.016) SCL-90 subscales, while higher scores in the EPQ-R subscale psychoticism and somatisation SCL-90 subscales were respectively related to lower skills in the recognition of fear (CS:-0.226; p=0.01) and envy (CS:-0.193; p=0.028) emotions.Conclusions:Theory of mind skills seem independent from personological traits, but are inversely correlated to various symptomatological subscale scores. The recognition of specific emotions correlates selectively with various personological traits and symptomatological subscales

    The effectiveness of a new approach using movies in the training of medical students

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    INTRODUCTION: The use of movies in medical (particularly psychiatric) education has been often limited to portraits of mental illness and psychiatrists. The Psychiatric Institute of the Universit\ue0 del Piemonte Orientale has a longstanding tradition of working with/on movies according to a method developed by Eugenio Torre, using dynamic images as educational incitements. Our aim is to describe the preliminary results on the impact of this intervention in medical students. METHODS: The cinemeducation project lasted 6 months, and included 12 meetings. Forty randomly selected participants were assessed with: Attitudes Towards Psychiatry Scale (ATP-30), Social Distance Scale (SDS), Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI), and Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS), both at baseline and after 6 months, when the workshop was concluded. RESULTS: A significant increase was found in the ATP-30 score, and a reduction of the SDS and IRI-Personal Distress scale scores. CONCLUSIONS: Informal feedback from participants was strongly positive. Preliminary results from the assessment of participants are encouraging. Students' attitudes towards psychiatry and ability to tolerate anxiety when experiencing others' distress improved, while stigma decreased. The evocative power of movie dynamic images, developed in the group and integrated with the help of the group leader, can enrich students' knowledge, both from a cognitive and emotional standpoint

    Biogas upgrading from vinasse digesters: a comparison between an anoxic biotrickling filter and an algal-bacterial photobioreactor

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    Producción CientíficaBiological technologies for biogas upgrading such as anoxic biotrickling filters (BTF) and algal–bacterial photobioreactors (PBR) constitute a cost-effective, environmentally friendly alternative to conventional physical–chemical methods. Nonetheless, there is a lack of studies comparing their performance when treating real biogas.Junta de Castilla y León (programa de apoyo a proyectos de investigación – Ref. VA024U14)This research was supported by FAPESP, Brazil (Process number: 2009/15984-0) and CONACyT México (No. Reg: 237873)

    Valorizzare il patrimonio del Registro Italiano ArtroProtesi (RIAP): un passo necessario per migliorare la qualità delle cure e la sicurezza del paziente

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    Nel 2020 il Registro Italiano ArtroProtesi (RIAP) ha compiuto 10 anni dalla sua fondazione presso l’Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS). Il numero degli interventi di artroprotesi in Italia cresce ogni anno mediamente del 4,2%. Istituito con la finalità di tutelare la sicurezza del paziente protesizzato e migliorare la qualità delle cure, il RIAP ha oggi tutti i prerequisiti per essere pienamente operativo e rispondere a quanto previsto dalle norme nazionali ed europee. Con la pubblicazione del Regolamento previsto dal DPCM del 3 marzo 2017 ne sarà stabilito l’iter di adesione. L’infrastruttura è pronta ed è cruciale l’attiva partecipazione di tutte le Regioni.(Enhancing the achievements of the Italian Arthroplasty Registry: a necessary step to improve the quality of care and patient safety) - In 2020 the Italian Arthroplasty Registry (RIAP) celebrates 10 years since its foundation at the Italian National Institute of Health (ISS). The number of arthroplasty operations in Italy grows by an average of 4.2% per year. Established with the aim of improving the quality of orthopaedic care and the patients’ safety, today the RIAP has all the prerequisites to be fully operational and comply with the national and European standards. The Regulation (provided for in the Prime Ministerial Decree of March 3, 2017), to be issued soon, will establish the Registry procedures access. The infrastructure is ready, and the active participation of all regions is now crucial

    El uso de indicadores sintéticos en la ordenación del territorio.

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    Los indicadores sintéticos son una herramienta para comprender el estado en el que se encuentra la comunidad autónoma de Aragón a diferentes escalas: de asentamientos, municipales y comarcales. Estos indicadores se recogen en el objetivo 9 de Equilibrio territorial de la Estrategia de Ordenación del Territorio de Aragón, en el cual aparecen diferentes estrategias y normas para su elaboración. Mediante el Índice Sintético de Desarrollo Territorial se analizan numerosas y diferentes variables territoriales para conocer el nivel de desarrollo y así ver qué grado de cohesión existe en Aragón. El Índice Sintético de Desarrollo Territorial está compuesto por cinco factores (actividades económicas, alojamiento, movilidad, equipamientos y servicios, escenario vital y patrimonio territorial), los cuales a su vez se forman por variables parciales y diversas. No solo se debe ver los datos numéricos, sino proceder a analizarlos e interpretarlos para poder llegar a una conclusión, mediante su tratamiento y elaboración de diferentes resultados como cartografías y comentarios. Con esto se pretende equilibrar el territorio de forma precisa mediante el Fondo de Cohesión Comarcal.<br /

    Confocal Imaging at 0.3 THz with depth resolution of a painted wood artwork for the identification of buried thin metal foils

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    A compact confocal terahertz microscope working at 0.30 THz based on all-solid-state components is used to locate buried thin metal foils in a painted wood artwork. Metal foils are used for decoration, and their precise localization under the pictorial layer is relevant information for conservation scientists and restorers, which can neither be obtained by X-ray radiography nor by spectroscopic imaging in the infrared, as we directly show here. The confocal microscopy principle based on the spatial pinhole concept is here implemented by positioning the first focus of an ellipsoidal reflector at the phase center of horn antennas coupled to Schottky diode detector and emitter mounted in rectangular waveguide blocks, together with an optical beamsplitter. The second focus of the reflector is mechanically scanned inside the sample in three dimensions. The predictions of diffraction theory for a confocal microscope at an imaging wavelength of 1.00&nbsp;mm with numerical aperture of 0.53 are verified experimentally (1.2 and 2.8&nbsp;mm for the lateral and the axial resolution, respectively). These values of resolution allow a precise determination of the position of buried metal foils in an ancient piece of art hence making restoration interventions possible