12 research outputs found

    Do Brazilian hospital pharmacists record, document, archive and disseminate their clinical practice?

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    An exploratory study was conducted to present the approach of Brazilian hospital pharmacists to registering, documenting, archiving and disseminating clinical practice. The data were collected using an electronic questionnaire (n=348). In fact, 97.41% of pharmacists record their clinical practice, out of which 64.01% (n=217) do in electronic form, mainly in private hospitals (p<0.000), in the central, southern and southeastern regions (p=0.040), and by professionals with 1-5 years of experience (p=0.001). The main software used is non-specific to clinical practice: an electronic spreadsheet (47.93%; n=104) and text editor (13.37%; n=29). The archiving of records is performed by 87.61% (n=297) of professionals, where 80.13% (n=238) do so in physical form; however, 77.31% (n=184) of these files are kept for less than the standard recommended time. Documentation in medical records is carried out by 55.17% (n=192) of pharmacists, increasing among those with 1-5 years of clinical practice (p=0.001), and dissemination is performed by 74.71% (n=260) of hospital pharmacists, with a lower frequency in public hospitals (p=0.012) and among professionals with fewer hours dedicated exclusively to clinical pharmacy (p=0.012). These results can undergird the revision of competency-based training programs of Brazilian clinical pharmacists to remain pharmacists as a valuable health team member

    Pharmaceutical care in transplant patients in a university hospital: pharmaceutical interventions

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    A descriptive and prospective study was conducted on the pharmaceutical care in the post-transplant outpatient clinic of Hospital Universitario Walter Cantidio of Universidade Federal do Ceará (HUWC/UFC), in Fortaleza- Ceará in the period of April to October of 2011. The aim of the present study was to describe the pharmaceutical interventions performed in a Pharmaceutical Care service structured in the liver and kidney transplant outpatient clinic of an academic hospital. The Pharmaceutical interventions (PI) were classified according to Sabater et al.(2005), with significance based on Riba et al.(2000) and the Negative Outcomes associated with Medication (NOM) established at the Third Consensus of Granada. Statistical analyses were performed using the Epi Info v.3.5.1 program and hypothesis tests were done with the SigmaPlot v.10.0 program. A chi-squared (X²) test was utilized for statistical analysis of the sample. A total of 97 patients were followed, where 54 problems related to medications were identified and 139 PI performed. The main PI were in education of the patient about treatment (n=111; 80%) (pTrata-se de um estudo de descritivo e prospectivo, realizado durante o atendimento farmacêutico nos ambulatórios de pós-transplante do Hospital Universitário Walter Cantídio da Universidade Federal do Ceará (HUWC/UFC), em Fortaleza-Ceará no período de abril a outubro de 2011. O presente trabalho objetiva apresentar as intervenções farmacêuticas realizadas em um serviço de Atenção Farmacêutica (ATENFAR) estruturado nos ambulatórios do transplante hepático e renal de um Hospital Universitário. As intervenções farmacêuticas (IF) foram classificadas de acordo com Sabater et al.(2005), a significância baseadas em Riba et al.(2000) e os Resultados Negativos associados a Medicamentos (RNM) fundamentados no Terceiro Consenso de Granada. As análises estatísticas foram realizadas no programa Epi Info v.3.5.1 e os testes de hipótese foram feitos no programa SigmaPlot v.10.0. O teste estatístico utilizado para análise da amostra foi o qui-quadrado (X²). Foram acompanhados 97 pacientes, identificados 54 problemas relacionados aos medicamentos e realizadas 139 intervenções farmacêuticas. As principais IF realizadas foram na educação do paciente sobre o tratamento (n=111; 80%) (

    Automedicação em gestantes de alto risco de uma maternidade de referência do estado do Ceará / Self-medication in high risk pregnant womem from a reference maternity in the state of Ceará

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    A automedicação no período gestacional possui riscos elevados, tendo em vista o grande número de medicamentos considerados de alto risco ou teratogênicos, os aspectos farmacocinéticos modificados em mulheres durante a gravidez e a possibilidade da presença de comorbidades que influenciam diretamente a segurança da gestação. Nesta perspectiva, este estudo teve por objetivo verificar a automedicação em gestantes de alto risco assistidas numa Maternidade Escola de referência do estado do Ceará. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo com abordagem quantitativa, realizado na Maternidade Escola Assis Chateaubriand – (MEAC) localizada em Fortaleza – CE, com 950 gestantes atendidas no ambulatório Materno-Fetal no período de fevereiro a agosto de 2018. Os dados foram coletados por meio de uma entrevista, após a consulta de pré-natal de alto risco ou naquelas gestantes que estavam devidamente reguladas, mas à espera da consulta no momento da pesquisa, por meio de um questionário estruturado com perguntas abertas e fechadas. O estudo mostrou o elevado percentual de gestantes com idade de 29 a 39 anos, casadas (81,1%), com ensino médio completo (80,2%), habitando em residência alugada, (76,5%) e com renda de até 1 salário mínimo. Quanto ao perfil obstétrico, a maior parte das mulheres (56.57%) eram nulíparas e afirmaram estar no segundo trimestre (71.71%) de gestação. A Hipertensão e Diabetes gestacional foram as doenças de alto risco mais prevalentes com respectivamente, 39% e 24,2%, confirmando as condições clínicas preexistentes que caracterizam uma gestação de alto risco. O uso de medicamentos pela prática da automedicação foi considerado baixo, comparado aos dados obtidos em outros estudos, confirmada por 10% (n=95) das entrevistadas. Quanto a classificação FDA de risco ao feto, houve maior prevalência da Categoria C com 53,3% dos medicamentos. Nesse cenário, é fato que o consumo de medicamentos pela automedicação em gestantes é uma questão de saúde pública, verificando a necessidade de formulações de políticas de orientações do uso seguro, bem como ações que previnam o consumo elevado percebendo a viabilização de intervenções educativas pode então promover a conscientização dos riscos inerentes aos medicamentos

    Environmental variables and errors in the preparation and administration of medicines

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    ABSTRACT Objective: to identify the relationship between environmental factors and errors in the preparation and administration of antibacterial. Method: an observational, cross-sectional study conducted between August and December, 2014 in two clinical units. The sample consisted of 265 doses of medication, observed in different shifts that through a form had the environmental conditions of noise, illumination, humidity, temperature and physical space measured in the preparation and administration stages. Results: the physical dimension for the preparation was inadequate in one unit (3.8m2), and the items illumination, temperature and noise were extremely oscillating in the three shifts and in the two clinics, with averages generally higher than the recommended for the hospital environment, however, variations in illumination and noise were not statistically significant to cause dose errors or erroneous medicine choice (p> 0.05). Conclusion: the environmental variables analyzed may favor medication errors in both the preparation and administration stages

    Knowledge, skills and attitudes of hospital pharmacists in the use of information technology and electronic tools to support clinical practice: A Brazilian survey

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    <div><p>This study aimed to identify the knowledge, skills and attitudes of Brazilian hospital pharmacists in the use of information technology and electronic tools to support clinical practice. Methods: A questionnaire was sent by email to clinical pharmacists working public and private hospitals in Brazil. The instrument was validated using the method of Polit and Beck to determine the content validity index. Data (n = 348) were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson's Chi-square test and Gamma correlation tests. Results: Pharmacists had 1–4 electronic devices for personal use, mainly smartphones (84.8%; n = 295) and laptops (81.6%; n = 284). At work, pharmacists had access to a computer (89.4%; n = 311), mostly connected to the internet (83.9%; n = 292). They felt competent (very capable/capable) searching for a web page/web site on a specific subject (100%; n = 348), downloading files (99.7%; n = 347), using spreadsheets (90.2%; n = 314), searching using MeSH terms in PubMed (97.4%; n = 339) and general searching for articles in bibliographic databases (such as Medline/PubMed: 93.4%; n = 325). Pharmacists did not feel competent in using statistical analysis software (somewhat capable/incapable: 78.4%; n = 273). Most pharmacists reported that they had not received formal education to perform most of these actions except searching using MeSH terms. Access to bibliographic databases was available in Brazilian hospitals, however, most pharmacists (78.7%; n = 274) reported daily use of a non-specific search engine such as Google. This result may reflect the lack of formal knowledge and training in the use of bibliographic databases and difficulty with the English language. The need to expand knowledge about information search tools was recognized by most pharmacists in clinical practice in Brazil, especially those with less time dedicated exclusively to clinical activity (Chi-square, p = 0.006). Conclusion: These results will assist in defining minimal competencies for the training of pharmacists in the field of information technology to support clinical practice. Knowledge and skill gaps are evident in the use of bibliographic databases, spreadsheets and statistical tools.</p></div