20 research outputs found

    Regeneración de empresas de la economía social: un reto en el País Vasco

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    Las organizaciones en general a lo largo de su existencia experimentan un proceso de degeneración de los principios por los cuales fueron creadas. Lo mismo les ocurre a las organizaciones pertenecientes a la Economía Social. A este respecto existe abundante literatura explicando este fenómeno degenerativo de las empresas de la Economía Social. Sin embargo, en el País Vasco se están dando varios casos en los que se busca regenerar dichas empresas, mayoritariamente cooperativas, tratando de implementar y reestablecer los principios y valores por las que fueron creadas. Además son empresas de la Economía Social de envergadura como son el Grupo Eroski, S. Cooperativa, Irizar, S. Cooperativa y el Grupo GBE-NER. Estos tres casos serán analizados en el presente trabajo

    Regeneración de empresas de la economía social: un reto en el País Vasco

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    The organizations in general throughout their existence suffer a process of degeneration of the principles by which they were created. The same phenomenon happens to the organizations belonging to the Social Economy. In this respect, there also exists abundant Literature dealing with cooperatives. Nevertheless, in the Basque Country there are several cases in which they try to regenerate these companies, mainly cooperatives, trying to implement and to re-establish the principles and values by which they were created. Among these companies, some of them are of great relevance like Eroski Group, Irizar, S. Cooperativa and GBE-NER Group. These three groups will be analyzed in this research work.Las organizaciones en general a lo largo de su existencia experimentan un proceso de degeneración de los principios por los cuales fueron creadas. Lo mismo les ocurre a las organizaciones pertenecientes a la Economía Social. A este respecto existe abundante literatura explicando este fenómeno degenerativo de las empresas de la Economía Social. Sin embargo, en el País Vasco se están dando varios casos en los que se busca regenerar dichas empresas, mayoritariamente cooperativas, tratando de implementar y reestablecer los principios y valores por las que fueron creadas. Además son empresas de la Economía Social de envergadura como son el Grupo Eroski, S. Cooperativa, Irizar, S. Cooperativa y el Grupo GBE-NER. Estos tres casos serán analizados en el presente trabajo

    Consideraciones conceptuales sobre la Economía Social a la luz de la Ley 5/2011

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    The passing of Law 5/2011 of March 29th regarding Social Economy, besides establishing a common legal framework for the group of entities subject to it, signifies, as far as the conceptual debate is concerned, an extremely important anchorage point inasmuch as it clearly defines that which should be understood and recognized as such. This article aims to design the theoretical context which has given rise to the formulation of the concept of Social Economy enshrined in the law and also to draw attention to what, in our opinion, are some of the debates which are now open with a view to the future. In this respect, the object of this article is twofold: on the one hand to present that which is formulated in the law as the synthesis of various processes of debate both internal debates arising from the world of Social Economy itself and debates which are developed within this field through related concepts, and, on the other hand, interpret the consequences which stem from adopting a notion that is more ample than the traditional one of Social Economy. This widening of the concept could well give rise to new conceptual challenges, which have been identified in this article as opportunities and threats and which, in our opinion, should not be ignored, with a view to consolidating the concept of Social Economy.; La aprobación de la Ley 5/2011, de 29 de marzo, de Economía Social, además de establecer un marco jurídico común para el conjunto de entidades adscritas a ella, supone en lo que al debate conceptual se refiere, un punto de anclaje muy importante en tanto en cuanto delimita de una forma clara lo que debe ser en tendido y reconocido como tal. En este artículo se pretende dibujar el contexto teórico que ha dado lugar a la formulación del concepto de Economía Social que consagra la ley y señalar, además, lo que a nuestro juicio, son algunos de los de bates que quedan abiertos de cara al futuro. A este respecto, el objetivo de este artículo es doble. Por un lado, presentar lo formulado en la ley como la síntesis de diversos procesos de debate, tanto internos del propio mundo de la Economía Social, como los desarrollados en su entorno a través de conceptos afines. Por otro lado, interpretar las consecuencias que se derivan de adoptar una noción más amplia que la tradicional de la Economía Social. Esta ampliación del concepto puede plantear nuevos retos conceptuales que han sido identificados en este trabajo como oportunidades y amenazas y que, en nuestra opinión, no se deberían obviar de cara a consolidar el concepto de Economía Social

    Consideraciones conceptuales sobre la Economía Social a la luz de la Ley 5/2011

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    The passing of Law 5/2011 of March 29th regarding Social Economy, besides establishing a common legal framework for the group of entities subject to it, signifies, as far as the conceptual debate is concerned, an extremely important anchorage point inasmuch as it clearly defines that which should be understood and recognized as such. This article aims to design the theoretical context which has given rise to the formulation of the concept of Social Economy enshrined in the law and also to draw attention to what, in our opinion, are some of the debates which are now open with a view to the future. In this respect, the object of this article is twofold: on the one hand to present that which is formulated in the law as the synthesis of various processes of debate both internal debates arising from the world of Social Economy itself and debates which are developed within this field through related concepts, and, on the other hand, interpret the consequences which stem from adopting a notion that is more ample than the traditional one of Social Economy. This widening of the concept could well give rise to new conceptual challenges, which have been identified in this article as opportunities and threats and which, in our opinion, should not be ignored, with a view to consolidating the concept of Social Economy.; La aprobación de la Ley 5/2011, de 29 de marzo, de Economía Social, además de establecer un marco jurídico común para el conjunto de entidades adscritas a ella, supone en lo que al debate conceptual se refiere, un punto de anclaje muy importante en tanto en cuanto delimita de una forma clara lo que debe ser en tendido y reconocido como tal. En este artículo se pretende dibujar el contexto teórico que ha dado lugar a la formulación del concepto de Economía Social que consagra la ley y señalar, además, lo que a nuestro juicio, son algunos de los de bates que quedan abiertos de cara al futuro. A este respecto, el objetivo de este artículo es doble. Por un lado, presentar lo formulado en la ley como la síntesis de diversos procesos de debate, tanto internos del propio mundo de la Economía Social, como los desarrollados en su entorno a través de conceptos afines. Por otro lado, interpretar las consecuencias que se derivan de adoptar una noción más amplia que la tradicional de la Economía Social. Esta ampliación del concepto puede plantear nuevos retos conceptuales que han sido identificados en este trabajo como oportunidades y amenazas y que, en nuestra opinión, no se deberían obviar de cara a consolidar el concepto de Economía Social

    Urban Touristification in Spanish Cities: Consequences for the Rental-Housing Sector in San Sebastian

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    This study aims to analyse the relationship between tourist growth in urban destinations and certain transformations apparent in main recipient cities. Particular attention is paid to the impact of tourism on housing in popular tourist destinations, and on the people who live there. We focus on the case of San Sebastian, in Spain, which is a major tourist destination and, together with Dubrovnik, Venice, Barcelona and Amsterdam, is one of the European cities which has seen a growing concern over mass tourism. Firstly, this study seeks to analyse different research approaches conducted over recent years on the complex relationship between tourism and the rental-housing sector. Secondly, the study examines whether the increase in the intensity of use of the Airbnb platform is related to the price asked when renting a property long-term. The analysis conducted shows that a one standard deviation increase in Airbnb intensity is associated with an increase of 7.3% in rental prices. Our suggestions for urban planners and managers in charge of urban tourist destinations are for greater regulation of tourist accommodation in line with long-term house rentalsThis work was supported by research group on Social Economy and its Law IT1327-19, Research group of the Basque university system 2019-2021 (GEZKI institute, University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU)

    On the origin of the Kerker phenomena

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    We provide an insight into the origin of the phenomena reported 40 years ago by Kerker, Wang and Giles (Journal of the Optical Society of America, 73, 6, pp. 765-767, (1983)). We show that the impedance and refractive index matching conditions, discussed in Sections II and IV of the seminal paper, are intimately related with space-time symmetries. We derive our results starting from the theory of representations of the Poincar\'e group, as it is the theory on which one of the most elemental descriptions of electromagnetic waves is based. We show that fundamental features of electromagnetic waves in material environments can be derived from group theoretical arguments. In particular, we identify the Casimir invariants of P3,1P_{\scriptscriptstyle{{3,1}}} subgroup as the magnitudes which describe the nature of monochromatic electromagnetic waves propagating in matter. Finally, we show that the emergence of the Kerker phenomena is associated with the conservation of such Casimir invariants in piecewise homogeneous media

    Kerker Conditions Upon Lossless, Absorption, and Optical Gain Regimes

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    The directionality and polarization of light show peculiar properties when the scattering by a dielectric sphere can be described exclusively by electric and magnetic dipolar modes. Particularly, when these modes oscillate in-phase with equal amplitude, at the so-called first Kerker condition, the zero optical backscattering condition emerges for non-dissipating spheres. However, the role of absorption and optical gain in the first Kerker condition remains unexplored. In this work, we demonstrate that either absorption or optical gain precludes the first Kerker condition and, hence, the absence of backscattered radiation light, regardless of the size of the particle, incident wavelength, and incoming polarization. Finally, we derive the necessary prerequisites of the second Kerker condition of the zero forward light scattering, finding that optical gain is a compulsory requirement

    Optical design and development of a fiber coupled high-power diode laser system for laser transmission welding of plastics

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    Laser transmission welding (LTW) of thermoplastics is a direct bonding technique already used in different industrial applications sectors such as automobiles, microfluidics, electronics, and biomedicine. LTW evolves localized heating at the interface of two pieces of plastic to be joined. One of the plastic pieces needs to be optically transparent to the laser radiation whereas the other part has to be absorbent, being that the radiation produced by high power diode lasers is a good alternative for this process. As consequence, a tailored laser system has been designed and developed to obtain high quality weld seams with weld widths between 0.7 and 1.4 mm. The developed laser system consists of two diode laser bars (50 W per bar) coupled into an optical fiber using a nonimaging solution: equalization of the beam parameter product (BPP) in the slow and fast axes by a pair of step-mirrors. The power scaling was carried out by means of a multiplexing polarization technique. The analysis of energy balance and beam quality was performed considering ray tracing simulation (ZEMAX®) and experimental validation. The welding experiments were conducted on acrylonitrile/butadiene/styrene (ABS), a thermoplastic frequently used in automotive, electronics and aircraft applications, doped with two different concentrations of carbon nanotubes (0.01% and 0.05% CNTs). Quality of the weld seams on ABS was analyzed in terms of the process parameters (welding speed, laser power and clamping pressure) by visual and optical microscope inspections. Mechanical properties of weld seams were analyzed by mechanical shear tests. High quality weld seams were produced in ABS, revealing the potential of the laser developed in this work for a wide range of plastic welding applications

    Euskal enpresen egoitza eta erabaki zentroen lekualdatzeak

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    Artikulu honetan euskal enpresen ikuspegitik erabaki zentroen lekualdatzeei buruzko analisi bat aurkezten dugu. Lanaren lehenengo zatian, globalizazioaren eremuan aztertuko ditugu enpresa gertakari hauek, aparteko erreferentzia bat eginez enpresa multinazionalen egiturazko ezaugarriei. Enpresa hauek estatuekin dauzkaten harremanak aztertzen ditugu bi alderdi oinarritzat hartuz: batetik enpresa multinazionalen aberriaren inguruko eztabaidan murgilduko gara, eta, bestetik, enpresa hauen egoitzak lekualdatzeak lurralde batean eragiten dituen arrazoi eta ondorioei erreparatuko diegu. Bigarren zatia, euskal ehun industrialean ari diren enpresa multinazional atzerritar eta bertakoei arreta desberdindua eskeiniz hasten da. Segidan, euskal enpresen egoitza aldaketak hartuko ditugu aztergai, zenbait euskal enpresa ez-kooperatiboen hedapen estrategiak Arrasateko kooperatiben hedapen eta multinazionalizazio ereduekin kontrajarriz. Azkenik,lana gogoeta batzuekin amaitzen da, hauen helburua, azken ondorio batzuk ematea baino haratago, garatutako gaiei buruzko eztabaida sustatzea delarik.KUTXA;Vicerrectorado de Campus de Gipuzkoa de la UPV/EH

    Gizarte ekonomiaren sustapenerako politika publikoak Euskadin

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    Lan honekin Gizarte Ekonomia sustatzera eta indartzera zuzenduta dauden Euskal Herriko politika publikoen mapa islatu nahi da. Lana Europako ongizate eredu desberdinetan burututako politika publiko nagusien tipologia bat aurkeztuz hasten da. Jarraian, euskal Gizarte Ekonomiaren errealitatea islatzen duen azterketa deskriptiboa egiten da. Hirugarren atalean euskal Gizarte Ekonomiako politika publikoen gaia lantzen da, eta bertan, sektorearen euskarria diren erakunde eta tresna nagusiak aipatzen dira, bakoitzean burututako politikak zehaztuz. Azkenik, ondorio modura, Gizarte Ekonomiari zuzendutako politiken garapenerako ildo nagusiak azpimarratzen dira.KUTXA; Vicerrectorado de Campus de Gipuzkoa de la UPV/EH