478 research outputs found

    Introduction : la valeur du commun

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    L’idĂ©e de littĂ©rature moderne se fonde sur une sĂ©paration entre leslangues littĂ©raire et courante : il est de fait signifi catif que le lieu commun, issude la rhĂ©torique, acquiert son sens pĂ©joratif justement au seuil de la modernitĂ©,lorsque la littĂ©rature devient autonome. Pourtant, comme le savent dĂ©jĂ  lesĂ©crivains des xixe et xxe siĂšcles – Baudelaire et Flaubert en tĂȘte –, le lieu communpermet de diff user des idĂ©es, de communiquer des contenus, de se rĂ©approprierun rapport au langage qui n’est pas sans valeur esthĂ©tique. Il est surtout le signed’une pensĂ©e collective et participe Ă  la constitution de communautĂ©s dont lesĂ©crivains modernes ne sont pas toujours exclus. Rendu Ă  son sens littĂ©ral, il peutĂȘtre un espace de rencontre entre l’art et la foule, entre l’art et la vie.L’idĂ©e de littĂ©rature moderne se fonde sur une sĂ©paration entre leslangues littĂ©raire et courante : il est de fait signifi catif que le lieu commun, issude la rhĂ©torique, acquiert son sens pĂ©joratif justement au seuil de la modernitĂ©,lorsque la littĂ©rature devient autonome. Pourtant, comme le savent dĂ©jĂ  lesĂ©crivains des xixe et xxe siĂšcles – Baudelaire et Flaubert en tĂȘte –, le lieu communpermet de diff user des idĂ©es, de communiquer des contenus, de se rĂ©approprierun rapport au langage qui n’est pas sans valeur esthĂ©tique. Il est surtout le signed’une pensĂ©e collective et participe Ă  la constitution de communautĂ©s dont lesĂ©crivains modernes ne sont pas toujours exclus. Rendu Ă  son sens littĂ©ral, il peutĂȘtre un espace de rencontre entre l’art et la foule, entre l’art et la vie

    Mallarmé et Ponge, ou la formule

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    Dans l’un de ses premiers articles, publiĂ© en 1926 dans un numĂ©ro spĂ©cialde la N.R.F. consacrĂ© Ă  StĂ©phane MallarmĂ©, Francis Ponge, plutĂŽt que de cĂ©lĂ©brerle maĂźtre de l’obscuritĂ© poĂ©tique ou de louer sa parole paradoxalementsilencieuse, l’aff uble au contraire d’une « massue cloutĂ©e d’expressions-fi xes »et fait de lui le champion, tonitruant, du lieu commun. Y a-t-il chez le poĂšte desDivagations, comme chez celui du Parti pris des choses, un art de la formule quimet en jeu le statut de la parole poĂ©tique et la rend Ă  des usages communs ? AprĂšsavoir soulignĂ© la fascination de Ponge pour le proverbe, et montrĂ© que MallarmĂ©aussi mesure trĂšs bien les pouvoirs de l’aphorisme, l’article entreprend de saisirsur quelle vision de la poĂ©sie de telles apologies du lieu commun s’adossent

    Sinopsis de la legislaciĂłn de partidos polĂ­ticos en el Uruguay

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    El presente artĂ­culo se publica en cumplimiento del acuerdo de canje celebrado con la "Revista JurĂ­dica Estudiantil" de Montevideo. RepĂșblica Oriental de Uruguay, el 3 de agosto de 1987

    Outdoor Play fĂŒr alle – gemeinsam sind wir stark! : Einflussfaktoren auf die Partizipation von Kindern im Outdoor Play und die Rolle der Ergotherapie bei dessen Förderung

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    Darstellung des Themas: Trotz bestehenden Gesetzen und Richtlinien haben nicht alle Kinder die gleichen Möglichkeiten, im Outdoor Play zu partizipieren. Ergotherapeutinnen und Ergotherapeuten besitzen die nötigen Kompetenzen, um die Partizipation im Outdoor Play zu fördern. Diese Kompetenzen können anhand der Enablement-Skills aus dem Ergotherapie-Modell CMOP-E erlĂ€utert werden. Ziel: Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist, aufzuzeigen, welche Faktoren die Partizipation von Kindern im Outdoor Play beeinflussen und wie die Ergotherapie die Partizipation fördern kann. Methode: Mit einer systematischen Literaturrecherche wurde Literatur zum Thema gesucht. Die Ergebnisse aus der Literatur werden anhand der Enablement-Skills aus dem CMOP-E Modell auf die ergotherapeutische Arbeit ĂŒbertragen. Relevante Ergebnisse: Die Partizipation im Outdoor Play wird von verschiedenen Faktoren beeinflusst. Diese sollen berĂŒcksichtigt sowie die Partizipation der Kinder und verschiedenen Fachpersonen bei der Planung von SpielflĂ€chen gefördert werden. Schlussfolgerung: Das Outdoor Play hat fĂŒr die kindliche Entwicklung einen essentiellen Wert und muss gefördert werden. Ergotherapeutinnen und Ergotherapeuten sind in der Lage auf verschiedenen Ebenen aktiv zu werden. Das Recht auf und die Wichtigkeit von Outdoor Play muss in der Gesellschaft und in der Politik Anerkennung finden und durchgesetzt werden

    Der Konsum von Vapes : eine Befragung bei Jugendlichen des 10. Schuljahres im Kanton X

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    Einleitung: Immer mehr Jugendliche konsumieren Vapes. Gesundheitsorganisationen warnen vor diesem Trend. Besonders fĂŒr Jugendliche stellen Vapes eine Gefahr dar. Die Datenlage zum Konsum von Vapes ist in der Schweiz gering. Diese Arbeit soll aufzeigen, welche Bedeutung das Vapen bei Jugendlichen des 10. Schuljahres im Kanton X hat. Fragestellung: Welches Konsumverhalten zeigen Jugendliche des 10. Schuljahres im Kanton X betreffend Vapes auf und welche Handlungsempfehlungen lassen sich daraus fĂŒr SuchtprĂ€ventionsstellen ableiten? Methode: Mittels quantitativer Online-Befragung wurde das Konsumverhalten und die Meinung betreffend Vapes und der diesbezĂŒglichen PrĂ€ventionsarbeit von 154 Jugendlichen erhoben. Diese besuchen alle das 10. Schuljahr im Kanton X. Die Befragung wurde mit qualitativen Fragen ergĂ€nzt. Folglich erfolgte die Datenauswertung deskriptiv und interpretativ. Ergebnisse: 24 % der Befragten vapen, wobei Frauen hĂ€ufiger vapen als MĂ€nner. Gut ein Drittel der Vaper:innen konsumiert tĂ€glich. Vapes werden hauptsĂ€chlich aufgrund des Geschmackes, zum Stressabbau und aus Langeweile konsumiert. Jugendliche möchten mittels Social Media und Peers ĂŒber Vaping aufgeklĂ€rt werden. Schlussfolgerung: Um Jugendliche vor den Gefahren des Konsums von Vapes zu schĂŒtzen, ist es notwendig, aktiv zu werden. Bei der PrĂ€vention von Vaping gibt es noch viel Potenzial fĂŒr das Berufsfeld der Gesundheitsförderung und PrĂ€vention. Es besteht eine zunehmende Dringlichkeit bei der Umsetzung von Massnahmen auf der VerhĂ€ltnis- und Verhaltensebene

    Information search and organization in multi-attribute decisions : results on strategy-incompatibility and processing costs

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    Abstract A lot of research on multi-attribute decisions (i.e., choice of the best available option based on information provided by cues) has been devoted to investigate the influence of the way information is presented, and it was concluded that decision makers reduce costs (e.g., effort and time) by adapting information search to the way information is organized. However, two aspects had largely been neglected in this research: (1) Are costs for strategies deviating from the one supported by the information presentation a necessity for effects on decision behavior––or could also purely perceptual presentation manipulations affect decision behavior by providing “visual guidance” for information search? (2) What can be learned about the decision process if the well-structured, often artificial information presentation formats typically used in multi-attribute decisions are abandoned and information organization is left to participants? Within the scope of this dissertation, the first question was approached with manipulations drawing on Gestalt principles to induce the impression of groups of information. That is, the information was presented in a matrix, and either the rows (representing one information-providing cue each) or the columns (representing one choice option each) were highlighted. Acquiring information column-wise when rows were highlighted or vice-versa was as easy as acquiring the information along the highlighted dimension because the grouping was merely perceptual. No effects on decision behavior emerged with these perceptual manipulations. This result contrasts with previous findings from experiments using much stronger information presentation manipulations (e.g., separate sheets of paper or separate booklets to isolate groups of information). Differential processing costs for the application of different strategies due to the way information is organized are therefore a necessity for information presentation effects to occur; perceptual grouping is not sufficient. Adaptive cost–benefit considerations are thus an adequate explanation for information presentation effects. The second question was approached with the introduction of a new task format and a corresponding index to assess and quantify subjective information organization. The basic idea was that participants would use subjective information organization to establish a coherent task representation and that subjective information organization would therefore mirror the decision process. In a validation experiment, the task proved sensitive to different decision strategies, and in a simulation study, the index was shown to fulfill basic statistical requirements. In investigations on the importance of a strategy-compatible information organization (i.e., the organization mirrors the strategy’s process), only users of compensatory decision strategies, but not participants using the more frugal non-compensatory Take-the- Best heuristic, organized information in a strategy-compatible manner. Thus subjective information organization did not generally mirror the decision process to support a coherent task representation. Further investigations showed that the type of display used for the subjective information organization task only increased processing costs for the most information- intensive, strictly compensatory strategies when the organization was strategy-incompatible rather than -compatible. That is, strategies that are considered more cumbersome per se (i.e., more effortful to apply) are more easily affected by a strategy-incompatible information organization. Concerning strategy selection, there was no evidence for an adaptive reduction of the use of strictly compensatory strategies when information was organized in a strategy- incompatible manner. However, whether people really are insensitive to subtle processing costs is subject to future research

    Deciphering Stromal Changes between Metastatic and Non-metastatic Canine Mammary Carcinomas

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    Cancer-associated stroma (CAS) is widely recognized to influence development and progression of epithelial tumours including breast cancer. Canine mammary tumours (CMTs) such as simple canine mammary carcinomas represent valuable models for human breast cancer also with respect to stromal reprogramming. However, it remains unclear whether and how CAS changes in metastatic tumours compared to non-metastatic ones. To characterize stromal changes between metastatic and non-metastatic CMTs and identify potential drivers of tumour progression, we analysed CAS and matched normal stroma from 16 non-metastatic and 15 metastatic CMTs by RNA-sequencing of microdissected FFPE tissue. We identified 1438 differentially regulated genes between CAS and normal stroma, supporting previous results demonstrating stromal reprogramming in CMTs to be comparable with CAS in human breast cancer and validating deregulation of pathways and genes associated with CAS. Using primary human fibroblasts activated by treatment with TGFÎČ, we demonstrate some of the strongest expression changes to be conserved in fibroblasts across species. Furthermore, we identify 132 differentially expressed genes between CAS from metastatic and non-metastatic tumours, with strong changes in pathways including chemotaxis, regulation of apoptosis, immune response and TGFÎČ signalling and validate deregulation of several targets using RT-qPCR. Finally, we identify specific upregulation of COL6A5, F5, GALNT3, CIT and MMP11 in metastatic CAS, suggesting high stromal expression of these targets to be linked to malignancy and metastasis of CMTs. In summary, our data present a resource supporting further research into stromal changes of the mammary gland in relation to metastasis with implications for both canine and human mammary cancer

    Deciphering Stromal Changes between Metastatic and Non-metastatic Canine Mammary Carcinomas

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    Cancer-associated stroma (CAS) is widely recognized to influence development and progression of epithelial tumours including breast cancer. Canine mammary tumours (CMTs) such as simple canine mammary carcinomas represent valuable models for human breast cancer also with respect to stromal reprogramming. However, it remains unclear whether and how CAS changes in metastatic tumours compared to non-metastatic ones. To characterize stromal changes between metastatic and non-metastatic CMTs and identify potential drivers of tumour progression, we analysed CAS and matched normal stroma from 16 non-metastatic and 15 metastatic CMTs by RNA-sequencing of microdissected FFPE tissue. We identified 1438 differentially regulated genes between CAS and normal stroma, supporting previous results demonstrating stromal reprogramming in CMTs to be comparable with CAS in human breast cancer and validating deregulation of pathways and genes associated with CAS. Using primary human fibroblasts activated by treatment with TGF & beta;, we demonstrate some of the strongest expression changes to be conserved in fibroblasts across species. Furthermore, we identify 132 differentially expressed genes between CAS from metastatic and non-metastatic tumours, with strong changes in pathways including chemotaxis, regulation of apoptosis, immune response and TGF & beta; signalling and validate deregulation of several targets using RT-qPCR. Finally, we identify specific upregulation of COL6A5, F5, GALNT3, CIT and MMP11 in metastatic CAS, suggesting high stromal expression of these targets to be linked to malignancy and metastasis of CMTs. In summary, our data present a resource supporting further research into stromal changes of the mammary gland in relation to metastasis with implications for both canine and human mammary cancer.ISSN:1083-3021ISSN:1573-703

    Motor Imagery Experiences and Use: Asking Patients after Stroke Where, When, What, Why, and How They Use Imagery: A Qualitative Investigation

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    Background. A framework on where, when, what, why, and how to use imagery from sports psychology was explored whether it can be applied in patients after stroke in their chronic stage. Methods. Eleven patients (ages 31–85, 3 females, 1.3–6.4 years after stroke) were interviewed. Semistructured interviews were conducted before and after a two-week MI intervention period with six MI sessions. Information was obtained regarding experiences and knowledge of MI, and the evaluation of an MI practical example. The coding scheme was based on the framework and a hierarchical categorisation. Results. Information regarding domains where, when, what, why, and how to use imagery was addressed. Patients imagined themselves as healthy individuals, did not focus on surroundings during MI practice,and reported to use positive imagery only. After MI training, patients became more flexible regarding their location and position during MI practice. Conclusions. MI became an automatic process, and patients did not need specific concentration and quietness as mentioned in the first interview. Patients recommended daily MI training and began to transfer MI to practice movements that were affected by the stroke. In contrast to sports, patients did not talk about how MI was triggered rather than how MI was designed
