798 research outputs found

    Desperately constructing ethnic audiences: Anti-immigration discourses and minority audience research in the Netherlands

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    This article examines how minority ethnic audiences are measured, and thus constructed, in the Netherlands today. The analysis shows that this process is tightly woven into the dominant assimilationist and neoliberal discourse. This discourse portrays specific minority groups as deviant in relation to an essentialized notion of Dutchness. Furthermore, it presents social inclusion as an opportunity that is limited to well-adjusted, profitable consumers. Different attempts to represent minority audiences – including efforts to promote a more just minority representation in Dutch media – are compelled to accommodate to this dominant discourse. The article underscores the limited scope for contesting current hegemonic representations of minority groups and national belonging in the Netherlands

    Vasopressin release is enhanced by the Hemocontrol biofeedback system and could contribute to better haemodynamic stability during haemodialysis

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    Haemodialysis with the Hemocontrol biofeedback system (HHD) is associated with improved haemodynamic stability compared with standard haemodialysis (HD) (SHD). Although the beneficial effect of HHD on haemodynamic stability is generally explained by its effect on blood volume, we questioned whether additional factors could play a role. Since HHD is associated with higher initial dialysate sodium concentrations and ultrafiltration (UF) rate, we studied whether the beneficial effect of HHD on haemodynamic stability may be explained by an increased release of the vasoconstrictor arginine vasopressin (AVP). Fifteen chronic dialysis patients underwent SHD and HHD in random order. All other treatment factors were identical and patients served as their own control. Plasma levels of AVP were measured pre-dialysis, at 30 and 60 min intra-dialysis and, next, hourly until completion of the dialysis session. Plasma AVP levels did not change significantly during SHD, whereas AVP levels rose significantly within 30 min after the start of HHD (P 0.01). AVP levels were significantly higher at 30 and 60 min of HHD in comparison with SHD (P 0.05). Dialysis hypotension occurred significantly less frequent during HHD than during SHD (P 0.05). HHD is associated with higher initial AVP levels compared with SHD. The enhanced release of the vasoconstrictor AVP with HHD could contribute to the lower frequency of dialysis hypotension by facilitating fluid removal during the first part of the dialysis session, permitting lower UF rates during the second half of the dialysis session

    Про ефективність діяльності товарних бірж України в роки НЕПу

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    Об’єктом дослідження статті є економічна та соціальна ефективність діяльності товарних бірж України в період непу. При цьому основна увага зосереджується на таких аспектах проблеми: посередництво в купівлі й продажу товарів; реєстрація позабіржових угод; надання послуг учасникам біржового торгу; підтримка комерційної освіти, благодійність тощо.Объектом исследования статьи является экономическая и социальная эффективность деятельности товарных бирж Украины в период нэпа. При этом основное внимание сосредоточивается на таких аспектах проблемы: посредничество в купле и продаже товаров; регистрация внебиржевых сделок; предоставление услуг участникам биржевого торга; поддержка коммерческого образования, благотворительность и т. п

    A model for integrating home-work tour scheduling with time-varying network congestion and marginal utility profiles for home and work activities.

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    The existing literature on activity-based modeling emphasizes that individuals schedule their activities by keeping the whole-day activity pattern in mind. Several attempts have been made to integrate this with network congestion; however, for explicit explanation of travel behavior of individuals, further improvements are required. The proposed model is a combined model that addresses the scheduling of the home-work tour with time-varied network congestion in a fixed-point problem frame-work. Marginal utility profiles that represent individual time-of-day preferences and satiation effect of the activities are incorporated for the measurement of the utility of activity engagement along with the disutility of travel. Consideration of only time-of-day dependent marginal utility profiles of activities in the utility function does not appropriately integrate activities and travel within the tour. The proof is shown analytically and numerically. This finding contradicts earlier research into integration of morning and evening commutes with network congestion. Additionally, the results of two numerical experiments are presented. In the first experiment, an arbitrary dynamic tolling strategy is assumed, and then a detailed analysis is performed to show variation in the balance of trade-offs involved in the process. The second experiment assesses the sensitivity of the combined model through incorporation of different dynamic traffic loading models. Some meaningful observations are drawn from these experiments and are discussed with the identification of avenues for future research

    Transverse Plane Tendon and Median Nerve Motion in the Carpal Tunnel: Ultrasound Comparison of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Patients and Healthy Volunteers

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    The median nerve and flexor tendons are known to translate transversely in the carpal tunnel. The purpose of this study was to investigate these motions in differential finger motion using ultrasound, and to compare them in healthy people and carpal tunnel syndrome patients.Transverse ultrasounds clips were taken during fist, index finger, middle finger and thumb flexion in 29 healthy normal subjects and 29 CTS patients. Displacement in palmar-dorsal and radial-ulnar direction was calculated using Analyze software. Additionally, the distance between the median nerve and the tendons was calculated.We found a changed motion pattern of the median nerve in middle finger, index finger and thumb motion between normal subjects and CTS patients (p<0.05). Also, we found a changed motion direction in CTS patients of the FDS III tendon in fist and middle finger motion, and of the FDS II and flexor pollicis longus tendon in index finger and thumb motion, respectively (p<0.05). The distance between the median nerve and the FDS II or FPL tendon is significantly greater in patients than in healthy volunteers for index finger and thumb motion, respectively (p<0.05).Our results suggest a changed motion pattern of the median nerve and several tendons in carpal tunnel syndrome patients compared to normal subjects. Such motion patterns may be useful in distinguishing affected from unaffected individuals, and in studies of the pathomechanics of carpal tunnel syndrome

    An agent-based approach to assess drivers’ interaction with pre-trip information systems.

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    This article reports on the practical use of a multi-agent microsimulation framework to address the issue of assessing drivers’ responses to pretrip information systems. The population of drivers is represented as a community of autonomous agents, and travel demand results from the decision-making deliberation performed by each individual of the population as regards route and departure time. A simple simulation scenario was devised, where pretrip information was made available to users on an individual basis so that its effects at the aggregate level could be observed. The simulation results show that the overall performance of the system is very likely affected by exogenous information, and these results are ascribed to demand formation and network topology. The expressiveness offered by cognitive approaches based on predicate logics, such as the one used in this research, appears to be a promising approximation to fostering more complex behavior modelling, allowing us to represent many of the mental aspects involved in the deliberation process

    The relationship between cadence, pedalling technique and gross efficiency in cycling

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    Technique and energy saving are two variables often considered as important for performance in cycling and related to each other. Theoretically, excellent pedalling technique should give high gross efficiency (GE). The purpose of the present study was to examine the relationship between pedalling technique and GE. 10 well-trained cyclists were measured for GE, force effectiveness (FE) and dead centre size (DC) at a work rate corresponding to ~75% of VO2max during level and inclined cycling, seat adjusted forward and backward, at three different cadences around their own freely chosen cadence (FCC) on an ergometer. Within subjects, FE, DC and GE decreased as cadence increased (p < 0.001). A strong relationship between FE and GE was found, which was to great extent explained by FCC. The relationship between cadence and both FE and GE, within and between subjects, was very similar, irrespective of FCC. There was no difference between level and inclined cycling position. The seat adjustments did not affect FE, DC and GE or the relationship between them. Energy expenditure is strongly coupled to cadence, but force effectiveness, as a measure for pedalling technique, is not likely the cause of this relationship. FE, DC and GE are not affected by body orientation or seat adjustments, indicating that these parameters and the relationship between them are robust to coordinative challenges within a range of cadence, body orientation and seat position that is used in regular cycling

    Developing institutional capacity for reproductive health in humanitarian settings: A descriptive study

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    © 2015 Tran et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Introduction. Institutions play a central role in advancing the field of reproductive health in humanitarian settings (RHHS), yet little is known about organizational capacity to deliver RHHS and how this has developed over the past decade. This study aimed to document the current institutional experiences and capacities related to RHHS. Materials and Methods. Descriptive study using an online questionnaire tool. Results. Respondents represented 82 institutions from 48 countries, of which two-thirds originated from low-and middle-income countries. RHHS work was found not to be restricted to humanitarian agencies (25%), but was also embraced by development organizations (25%) and institutions with dual humanitarian and development mandates (50%). Agencies reported working with refugees (81%), internally-displaced (87%) and stateless persons (20%), in camp-based settings (78%), and in urban (83%) and rural settings (78%). Sixtyeight percent of represented institutions indicated having an RHHS-related policy, 79% an accountability mechanism including humanitarian work, and 90% formal partnerships with other institutions. Seventy-three percent reported routinely appointing RH focal points to ensure coordination of RHHS implementation. There was reported progress in RHHSrelated disaster risk reduction (DRR), emergency management and coordination, delivery of the Minimum Initial Services Package (MISP) for RH, comprehensive RH services in post-crisis/recovery situations, gender mainstreaming, and community-based programming. Other reported institutional areas of work included capacity development, program delivery, advocacy/policy work, followed by research and donor activities. Except for abortion-related services, respondents cited improved efforts in advocacy, capacity development and technical support in their institutions for RHHS to address clinical services, including maternal and newborn health, sexual violence prevention and response, HIV prevention, management of sexually-transmitted infections, adolescent RH, and family planning. Approximately half of participants reported that their institutions had experienced an increase in dedicated budget and staff for RHHS, a fifth no change, and 1 in 10 a decrease. The Interagency RH Kits were reportedly the most commonly used supplies to support RHHS implementation. Conclusion. The results suggest overall growth in institutional capacity in RHHS over the past decade, indicating that the field has matured and expanded from crisis response to include RHHS into DRR and other elements of the emergency management cycle. It is critical to consolidate the progress to date, address gaps, and sustain momentum

    A protocol for periprosthetic joint infections from the Northern Infection Network for Joint Arthroplasty (NINJA) in the Netherlands

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    Periprosthetic joint infection (PJI) is a devastating complication of joint arthroplasty surgery. Treatment success depends on accurate diagnostics, adequate surgical experience and interdisciplinary consultation between orthopedic surgeons, plastic surgeons, infectious disease specialists and medical microbiologists. For this purpose, we initiated the Northern Infection Network for Joint Arthroplasty (NINJA) in the Netherlands in 2014. The establishment of a mutual diagnostic and treatment protocol for PJI in our region has enabled mutual understanding, has supported agreement on how to treat specific patients, and has led to clarity for smaller hospitals in our region for when to refer patients without jeopardizing important initial treatment locally. Furthermore, a mutual PJI patient database has enabled the improvement of our protocol, based on medicine-based evidence from our scientific data. In this paper we describe our NINJA protocol