469 research outputs found

    De l'anticartellisme à l'antiparlementarisme dans la France des années Vingt: "Appropriations, mutations et diffusion d'un discours critique contre le régime parlementaire par la droite de 1924 à 1926."

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    15 pagesNational audienceThe electoral victory of the Cartel des gauches in 1924 marked a new period of governmental instability in France. For the first time since the end of WWI, the extreme right-wing developed an antiparliamentarian movement which engaged, in1925-1926, a significant portion of French public opinion, socially and geographically. This movement grew up in a European political context marked by the rise of Mussolini in Italy since 1922, with his new authoritarian model, ¬fascism¬, convincing and attractive for a part of the French extreme right-wing. The traditional parliamentary institutions of the Third Republic were challenged by the new economical, social and political order of post WWI, and they were considered obsolete and to be changed by a more efficient authoritarian government. Poincaré new government in July 1926, included right-wing, put temporarily an end to this antiparliamentary movement.La victoire du Cartel des gauches en 1924 ouvre une période d'instabilité politique qui favorise, pour la première fois depuis la fin de la guerre, l'émergence d'un courant antiparlementaire d'extrême droite qui connut, en 1925-1926, une forte extension sociale et géographique, touchant de larges couches de l'opinion publique. Il se nourrit d'un contexte européen marqué par l'arrivée au pouvoir de Mussolini en Italie depuis 1922, offrant un contre-modèle crédible et attractif, aux yeux de l'extrême droite, pour remplacer les institutions parlementaires de la Troisième République, jugées inadaptées aux nouveaux enjeux économiques, sociaux et politique de l'après guerre. Le retour au pouvoir de Poincaré en 1926 marque un coup d'arrêt à cette vague d'antiparlementarisme, la droite se trouvant alors de nouveau associée au pouvoir

    " Eugène Chassaing : un notable radical en Livradois-Forez "

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    Cet article présente le parcours politique d'un parlementaire radical du Puy-de-Dôme, Eugène Chassaing, et s'interroge sur les raisons locales de son ancrage et de sa longévité politiques dans le premier Xxe siècle

    Brighter but not clearer: Entertainment-dependent destinations dealing with long COVID

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    At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, we explored a range of very different possible outcomes for destinations that rely heavily on their entertainment sector (Dubois & Dimanche, 2021). Several months later, this article seeks to revisit those outcomes, while also highlighting the ongoing recovery efforts and evolving strategies of entertainment-dependent destinations (EDDs). To do so, we reconnected with the panel of respondents from various destinations (i.e., Las Vegas, Nashville, New Orleans etc.) to take stock of both new challenges and opportunities, as well as emerging factors impacting their respective markets. Our results show that while EDDs are facing a brighter situation, the overall recovery trajectories, permanent effects, and future outlooks remain still very much uncertain

    L’observance thérapeutique en physiothérapie et le statut socio-économique: une revue systématique de la littérature

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    Introduction L’observance thérapeutique est définie comme le suivi des recommandations médicales par le patient. Dans la littérature plusieurs barrières sont identifiées compromettant une bonne observance au traitement en physiothérapie. Les facteurs du statut socio-économique sont encore peu explorés. Objectif L’objectif de cette revue systématique narrative est de mettre en évidence un lien entre le statut socio-économique bas d’un patient et son observance thérapeutique à un traitement en physiothérapie. Méthode Les moteurs de recherches PEDro, PubMed, CINHAL, Web of Science, Embase et PsycINFO ont étés consultés, 738 références ont étés relevées. Une sélection en deux tris et une évaluation de la qualité des articles ont permis d’en retenir trois au total

    Le pilotage de la genèse de communautés créatives par le co-design : contextes, dynamiques et organisation.

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    More and more organizations turn to collective activities to design new products, services, processes or public policies with users, employees, citizens and other stakeholders. As a result, we know how to organize collective innovation under several forms : generally for moderated innovation with actors who work well together, within collectives who also function well. Yet, before discussing interactions for the purpose of innovating, we must recognize that we do not always perceive how these creative collectives emerge. Little is known about the moment it emerges. We also denote an antagonism regarding the management of communities, which is often badly perceived and potentially fatal. But then again, how can one stay on the touchlines when all the proper conditions are not in place a priori and when everything remains to be built?Thus, we are faced with a double unknown: 1) on the emergence of the creative communities, and de facto 2) on the management of the emergence of these collectives. How can we manage without being intrusive in contexts where there is nothing? Can innovation be a resource in this process and not only an effect? If that is the case, then we must understand how and for which reasons. Yet, the literature tends to separate both dimensions. It discusses innovation, but often portrays it as if it was reserved for "established" collectives ; or, on the other side, it discusses collectives, but it does not show how innovation can help in their development. Rather, the thesis demonstrates that there is a strong link between communities (relations) and innovation (for we are dealing with creative communities). That engaging in innovation (to design) strengthens the collective and that the collective strengthens the capacity of to innovate.We argue that co-design deals preciscly with this question. That this type of design poses as a tremendous space for the creation of collectives, where other methods fail, and that it gives way to creative communities where collective action was the least expected. More precisely, the thesis adresses the following three questions: 1) What are the characteristics of the collectives and the contexts "pre" community? 2) What is the role of design in the emergence of creative communities?; and 3) How to manage creative communities on the long run? By a qualitative and constructivist approach, it mobilizes a range of methodologies: multiple cases study, modelling and experimentation, as well as intervention research.Axis I deals with unstructured interpersonal relationships and contexts of innovation even less fertile than anticipated. Nevertheless, these conflicting initial relationships give way to a collective capacity to explore the unknown by the fact of engaging in co-design. The first managerial act of the genesis of a creative community lies in the capacity to transform, through a collective design activity, conflicts in common "undecidables", without solving them necessarily.Axis II demonstrates that the relational links strengthen as soon as actors engage in the generation of concepts; when they get to share and combine their knowledge in new ways. However, once this transformation has occured, communities need external resources to pursue their expansion. Thus, the second managerial act consists in putting back communities under tension by bringing in independent knowledge.Finally, the management of more elaborate and longer co-design initiatives in the third axis offers solutions to the various intra and inter sessions issues uncovered along the way. It also identifies two additional managerial acts: the consolidation of value and of the creative community, as well as the resolution collective proposals and the opening of new explorations.De plus en plus d'organisations se tournent aujourd'hui vers des activités de conception collectives pour concevoir de nouveaux produits, services, processus ou politiques publiques avec les usagers, employés, citoyens et autres parties prenantes. Résultat, nous savons organiser sous plusieurs formes l'innovation collective : généralement de l'innovation modérée avec des acteurs qui fonctionnent bien ensemble, au sein de collectifs qui fonctionnent également bien.Or, avant de traiter d'interactions au service de l'innovation, il faut reconnaitre que l'on ne perçoit pas toujours comment ces collectifs créatifs émergent. Pourquoi tel mutisme sur le temps zéro ? On dénote aussi un antagonisme en matière de pilotage de communautés, lequel est souvent mal perçu et potentiellement fatal. Nous sommes donc confrontés à une double ignorance : 1) sur l'émergence des communautés créatives, et de facto 2) sur le management de l'émergence de ces collectifs. Comment peut-on gérer sans être intrusif dans des contextes où il n'y a rien? Est-ce que l'innovation peut être une ressource dans ce processus et non pas seulement un effet? Si tel est le cas, alors il faudra comprendre comment et pour quelles raisons. Or, le problème est que la littérature a tendance à séparer les deux dimensions. On parle d'innovation, mais on pense souvent qu'elle est réservée aux collectifs « bien constitués » ; de l'autre on parle de collectifs, mais on ne pense pas que l'innovation puisse aider à l'émergence de nouveaux collectifs. La thèse démontre plutôt qu'il y a un lien très intime et profond entre les aspects « communautés » (relations) et l'action d'innover (car c'est de communautés créatives qu'il s'agit). Que l'action d'innover (la conception) renforce le collectif et que le collectif renforce la capacité de conception.Nous montrons que c'est précisément de cette question que traite le co-design. L'approche de conception se pose en effet comme un formidable espace de création de collectifs, là où d'autres méthodes échouent. Elle enclenche la mise en route de communautés créatives là où l'on n'attendait plus la moindre action collective. Plus précisément, la thèse aborde les trois questions suivantes : 1) Quelles sont les caractéristiques des collectifs et des contextes « pré »-communauté? 2) Quel est le rôle de la conception dans l'émergence de communautés créatives? 3) Comment piloter des communautés créatives dans la durée ? Par une approche qualitative et constructiviste, elle mobilise une foule de méthodologies : l'étude de cas multiples, la modélisation et l'expérimentation, ainsi que la recherche-intervention.L'axe I se penche sur des rapports interpersonnels encore plus déstructurés et des contextes d'innovation encore moins fertiles qu'anticipés. De ces rapports initiaux antagonistes émerge pourtant une capacité à se projeter collectivement dans l'inconnu grâce la mise en place d'espaces de conception. Le premier acte managérial de la genèse d'une communauté créative tient dans la capacité à transformer, par un espace de conception, des conflits en indécidables communs, sans forcément les résoudre.L'axe II démontre que les liens relationnels se renforcent dès que l'on parvient à pousser les acteurs à générer des concepts; à faire circuler les connaissances et à favoriser leur combinaison. Mais une fois cette transformation effectuée, la communauté doit se doter de ressources externes pour poursuivre son expansion. Le deuxième acte managérial consiste donc à remettre la communauté sous tension en ramenant des connaissances indépendantes pour préserver la part d'indécidable.Finalement, le pilotage de l'axe III offre des pistes de solutions aux différents enjeux intra et inter séances de co-design relevés en cours de route. Il identifie aussi deux actes managériaux supplémentaires : la consolidation de la valeur et de la communauté, ainsi que la résolution des propositions collectives et l'ouverture de nouvelles explorations


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    Background: Denial of pregnancy is an issue that is often discovered a posteriori with sometimes dramatic complications. Denial of pregnancy is considered partial when the woman becomes aware of the pregnancy after the fifth month before delivery. The populations studied were heterogeneous, which made it impossible to establish a standard algorithm of the treatment and support of a discovery of partial denial of pregnancy. Subjects and methods: Based on a literature review and a discussion of partial denial of pregnancy case and the consequential treatment with a five-year follow-up, the global management recommendations need consideration in the case of partial denial of pregnancy. Results: The reported case confirmed the significance of the trauma caused by the discovery of pregnancy in a patient in denial, but also showed that this trauma can extend to caregivers concerned by the treatment. Conclusion: Continuous training of all caregivers for denial of pregnancy is essential even if the issue may be considered infrequent. Contraception, prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and the importance of gynecological follow-up must be systematically addressed in a medical consultation. A standard algorithm for the treatment of partial denial is difficult to establish, but the rapid mobilization of a multidisciplinary team or hospitalization is recommended for the announcement of the diagnosis as well as personalized support during ultrasounds. The establishment of a relationship of trust remains the major issue

    The dual-path hypothesis for the emergence of anosognosia in Alzheimer's disease

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    Although neurocognitive models have been proposed to explain anosognosia in Alzheimer's disease (AD), the neural cascade responsible for its origin in the human brain remains unknown. Here, we build on a mechanistic dual-path hypothesis that brings error-monitoring and emotional processing systems as key elements for self-awareness, with distinct impacts on the emergence of anosognosia in AD. Proceeding from the notion of anosognosia as a dimensional syndrome, ranging from the lack of concern about one's own deficits (i.e., anosodiaphoria) to the complete lack of awareness of deficits, our hypothesis states that (i) unawareness of deficits would result from a failure in the error-monitoring system, whereas (ii) anosodiaphoria would more likely result from an imbalance between emotional processing and error-monitoring systems. In the first case, a synaptic failure in the error-monitoring system, in which the cingulate cortex plays a major role, would have a negative impact on error (or deficits) awareness, preventing patients from becoming aware of their condition. In the second case, an impairment in the emotional processing system, in which the amygdala and orbitofrontal cortex play a major role, would prevent patients from monitoring the internal milieu for relevant errors (or deficits) and assigning appropriate value to them, thus biasing their impact on the error-monitoring system. Our hypothesis stems from two scientific premises. One comes from preliminary results in AD patients showing a synaptic failure in the error-monitoring system and decline of awareness at the time of diagnosis. Another comes from the somatic marker hypothesis, which proposes that emotional signals are critical to adaptive behavior. Further exploration will be of great interest to illuminate the foundations of self-awareness and improve our understanding of the underlying mechanisms of anosognosia in AD

    Unveiling Candida albicans intestinal carriage in healthy volunteers: the role of micro- and mycobiota, diet, host genetics and immune response

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    Candida albicans; Colonization resistance; MetagenomicsCandida albicans; Resistència a la colonització; MetagenòmicaCandida albicans; Resistencia a la colonización; MetagenómicaCandida albicans is a commensal yeast present in the gut of most healthy individuals but with highly variable concentrations. However, little is known about the host factors that influence colonization densities. We investigated how microbiota, host lifestyle factors, and genetics could shape C. albicans intestinal carriage in 695 healthy individuals from the Milieu Intérieur cohort. C. albicans intestinal carriage was detected in 82.9% of the subjects using quantitative PCR. Using linear mixed models and multiway-ANOVA, we explored C. albicans intestinal levels with regard to gut microbiota composition and lifestyle factors including diet. By analyzing shotgun metagenomics data and C. albicans qPCR data, we showed that Intestinimonas butyriciproducens was the only gut microbiota species whose relative abundance was negatively correlated with C. albicans concentration. Diet is also linked to C. albicans growth, with eating between meals and a low-sodium diet being associated with higher C. albicans levels. Furthermore, by Genome-Wide Association Study, we identified 26 single nucleotide polymorphisms suggestively associated with C. albicans colonization. In addition, we found that the intestinal levels of C. albicans might influence the host immune response, specifically in response to fungal challenge. We analyzed the transcriptional levels of 546 immune genes and the concentration of 13 cytokines after whole blood stimulation with C. albicans cells and showed positive associations between the extent of C. albicans intestinal levels and NLRP3 expression, as well as secreted IL-2 and CXCL5 concentrations. Taken together, these findings open the way for potential new interventional strategies to curb C. albicans intestinal overgrowth.This work was supported by a grant from Agence Nationale de la Recherche (FunComPath ANR-14-IFEC-0004), the French Government’s Investissement d’Avenir program (Laboratoire d’Excellence Integrative Biology of Emerging Infectious Diseases [ANR10-LABX-62-IBEID], and [ANR-10-LABX-69-01]), the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie action, Innovative Training Network (FunHoMic; Grant No. 812969), and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program (HDM-FUN, Grant No. 847507). AWW and the Rowett Institute (University of Aberdeen) received core funding support from the Scottish Government’s Rural and Environmental Sciences and Analytical Services (RESAS)
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