4,530 research outputs found

    What should be taught in courses on social ethics?

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    The purpose of this article is to discuss the concept and the content of courses on “social ethics”. I will present a dilemma that arises in the design of such courses. On the one hand, they may present versions of “applied ethics”; that is, courses in which moral theories are applied to moral and social problems. On the other hand, they may present generalised forms of “occupational ethics”, usually professional ethics, with some business ethics added to expand the range of the course. Is there, then, not some middle ground that is distinctively designated by the term “social ethics”? I will argue that there is such a ground. I will describe that ground as the ethics of “social practices”. I will then illustrate how this approach to the teaching of ethics may be carried out in five domains of social practice: professional ethics, commercial ethics, corporate ethics, governmental ethics, and ethics in the voluntary sector. My aim is to show that “social ethics” courses can have a clear rationale and systematic content

    Stein Center News - June 2014

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    CBERN - Naskapi Projects

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    The Canadian Business Ethics Research Network (CBERN) began working in collaboration with the Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach (NNK) in early 2007. This relationship was initiated by former NNK Chief Phil Einish. The goal was to ensure that the Naskapi people benefited from mining on their traditional territories and avoided the negative impacts caused by previous mining activity by the Iron Ore Company of Canada.Funding Program: SSHRC Insight Grant Funding Amount: $469,23

    Stein Center News - December 2014

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    Stein Center News - December 2013

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    Advisory Board Members

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    For SSHRC funded projects, the Applicant, now Principal Investigator (PI), has responsibility for the direction of the project and all financial expenditures. Consistent with this requirement, the CBERN/SSHRC proposal contains two Governance elements. First, the Principal Investigator is required to report to an annual meeting whose membership includes co-applicants, now co-investigators, collaborators and partners, on financial expenditures, project activities and strategic planning. In addition, the proposal calls for the establishment of an Advisory Board, which is to meet at least twice yearly, in person at the Annual Meeting and by telephone conference mid-way through the year. Initial membership and structure of the Advisory Board was set out in the proposal

    CBERN - The First Six Years: Challenges and Achievements

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    CBERN was created in 2006. Its mandate was to create a network able to address critically, persuasively and visibly the foundational role of ethics in business and economic development. The task facing the network was significant. The field was fractured by suspicion, hostility and lack of communication and trust between and among people and organizations in the private, public, voluntary and academic sectors. Research was siloed in the four different sectors and a variety of academic disciplines and sub disciplines. What is more, the role of business ethics in management education and academic research agendas was modest and relatively insubstantial. The challenge facing CBERN has been to address these challenges and build the foundations for change.A successful proposal for a 2.1millionStrategicKnowledgeClustersgrantin2006.Theproposalwassupportedbyapproximately2.1 million Strategic Knowledge Clusters grant in 2006. The proposal was supported by approximately 300,000 in private sector financial and in kind commitments.Since its inception, CBERN has received an additional 152,000inSSHRCgrantswithDr.Cragg,CBERN’sProjectDirectorandPrincipalInvestigator,astheleadapplicant;152,000 in SSHRC grants with Dr. Cragg, CBERN’s Project Director and Principal Investigator, as the lead applicant;125,000 in Schulich School of Business and York cash contributions; modest additional private sector funding, and significant additional in kind contributions from partners: firms, research centres, voluntary sector organizations, and volunteer interns. CBERN has been a partner on an additional 1,269,000 in SSHRC grants as well as aResearch & Dialogue in Support of Ethical Business Practices &Economic, Environmental and Social Sustainability 2 25 million dollar Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) grant for the Canadian International Institute for Extractive Industries and Development (CIIEID)

    Symposium on Revenue Transparency, Resource Development, and the Challenge of Corruption

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    Revenue transparency and corruption in the mining industry have long been topics of national and international conversation. Mining plays an important role in the Canadian economy, contributing billions to Canada’s GDP. It is also the only domestic industry in which Canada plays an undisputed leading international role, having major operations in countries around the world. Unfortunately, there is also a dark side to mining. Historically, both in Canada and worldwide, very few local communities, Indigenous peoples, or developing and underdeveloped nations have benefitted from mining development. To the contrary, these communities have typically borne heavy costs associated with mining activities and reaped few long-term benefits. Further, mining in underdeveloped countries with poorly enforced governance and transparency laws presents multiple opportunities for corruption and social unrest. In response, ethically responsible and sustainable mining have become fundamental objectives for leading Canadian mining companies, mining associations, and governments. This symposium aimed to spark an international dialogue on the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, its implementation, its effectiveness, and areas for improvement in promoting revenue transparency and mitigating corruption. As part of its ongoing “Ethics and Mining” related research, CBERN used the workshop to convene a series of meetings and public lectures to assess progress to date on meeting the challenges posed by corruption for resource extraction and to map a ‘next steps’ research agenda. Invited speakers and participants came from Canada, Africa, and the United Kingdom.CBERN received generous financing from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council’s (SSHRC) Connections grant program which allowed this event to take place

    Request for Approval For Attendance At Events

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    **Form** Request for Approval For Attendance At Event


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    The New Jersey State Ethics Commission modified its training requirement for special State employees (Academic Specialists) of the State public colleges and universities. In lieu of requiring special State employees to complete an online training program module, the Commission is now requiring that special State employees receive and review a copy of the brochure entitled, “Ethics Standards in Brief – Special State Employees.” Therefore, Academic Specialists are not required to complete the online training program module. Upon your receipt and review of the brochure, please complete, sign and date the receipt form and return to the Ethics Liaison Officer in the Office of University Counsel, Kean Hall Room 117
