19 research outputs found

    A data infrastructure for the assessment of health care performance: Lessons from the BRIDGE-health project

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    The integration of different administrative data sources from a number of European countries has been shown useful in the assessment of unwarranted variations in health care performance. This essay describes the procedures used to set up a data infrastructure (e.g., data access and exchange, definition of the minimum common wealth of data required, and the development of the relational logic data model) and, the methods to produce trustworthy healthcare performance measurements (e.g., ontologies standardisation and quality assurance analysis). The paper ends providing some hints on how to use these lessons in an eventual European infrastructure on public health research and monitoring. Although the relational data infrastructure developed has been proven accurate, effective to compare health system performance across different countries, and efficient enough to deal with hundred of millions of episodes, the logic data model might not be responsive if the European infrastructure aims at including electronic health records and carrying out multi-cohort multi-intervention comparative effectiveness research. The deployment of a distributed infrastructure based on semantic interoperability, where individual data remain in-country and open-access scripts for data management and analysis travel around the hubs composing the infrastructure, might be a sensible way forward

    International comparison of spending and utilization at the end of life for hip fracture patients.

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    ObjectiveTo identify and explore differences in spending and utilization of key health services at the end of life among hip fracture patients across seven developed countries.Data sourcesIndividual-level claims data from the inpatient and outpatient health care sectors compiled by the International Collaborative on Costs, Outcomes, and Needs in Care (ICCONIC).Study designWe retrospectively analyzed utilization and spending from acute hospital care, emergency department, outpatient primary care and specialty physician visits, and outpatient drugs. Patterns of spending and utilization were compared in the last 30, 90, and 180 days across Australia, Canada, England, Germany, New Zealand, Spain, and the United States. We employed linear regression models to measure age- and sex-specific effects within and across countries. In addition, we analyzed hospital-centricity, that is, the days spent in hospital and site of death.Data collection/extraction methodsWe identified patients who sustained a hip fracture in 2016 and died within 12 months from date of admission.Principal findingsResource use, costs, and the proportion of deaths in hospital showed large variability being high in England and Spain, while low in New Zealand. Days in hospital significantly decreased with increasing age in Canada, Germany, Spain, and the United States. Hospital spending near date of death was significantly lower for women in Canada, Germany, and the United States. The age gradient and the sex effect were less pronounced in utilization and spending of emergency care, outpatient care, and drugs.ConclusionsAcross seven countries, we find important variations in end-of-life care for patients who sustained a hip fracture, with some differences explained by sex and age. Our work sheds important insights that may help ongoing health policy discussions on equity, efficiency, and reimbursement in health care systems

    Federated causal inference based on real-world observational data sources:Application to a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine effectiveness assessment

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    Introduction Causal inference helps researchers and policy-makers to evaluate public health interventions. When comparing interventions or public health programs by leveraging observational sensitive individual-level data from populations crossing jurisdictional borders, a federated approach (as opposed to a pooling data approach) can be used. Approaching causal inference by re-using routinely collected observational data across different regions in a federated manner, is challenging and guidance is currently lacking. With the aim of filling this gap and allowing a rapid response in the case of a next pandemic, a methodological framework to develop studies attempting causal inference using federated cross-national sensitive observational data, is described and showcased within the European BeYond-COVID&nbsp;project. Methods A framework for approaching federated causal inference by re-using routinely collected observational data across different regions, based on principles of legal, organizational, semantic and technical interoperability, is proposed. The framework includes step-by-step guidance, from defining a research question, to establishing a causal model, identifying and specifying data requirements in a common data model, generating synthetic data, and developing an interoperable and reproducible analytical pipeline for distributed deployment. The conceptual and instrumental phase of the framework was demonstrated and an analytical pipeline implementing federated causal inference was prototyped using open-source software in preparation for the assessment of real-world effectiveness of SARS-CoV-2 primary vaccination in preventing infection in populations spanning different countries, integrating a data quality assessment, imputation of missing values, matching of exposed to unexposed individuals based on confounders identified in the causal model and a survival analysis within the matched&nbsp;population. Results The conceptual and instrumental phase of the proposed methodological framework was successfully demonstrated within the BY-COVID project. Different Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR) research objects were produced, such as a study protocol, a data management plan, a common data model, a synthetic dataset and an interoperable analytical&nbsp;pipeline. Conclusions The framework provides a systematic approach to address federated cross-national policy-relevant causal research questions based on sensitive population, health and care data in a privacy-preserving and interoperable way. The methodology and derived research objects can be re-used and contribute to pandemic&nbsp;preparedness.</p

    International comparison of health spending and utilization among people with complex multimorbidity.

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    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to explore cross-country differences in spending and utilization across different domains of care for a multimorbid persona with heart failure and diabetes. DATA SOURCES: We used individual-level administrative claims or registry data from inpatient and outpatient health care sectors compiled by the International Collaborative on Costs, Outcomes, and Needs in Care (ICCONIC) across 11 countries: Australia, Canada, England, France, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United States (US). DATA COLLECTION/EXTRACTION METHODS: Data collected by ICCONIC partners. STUDY DESIGN: We retrospectively analyzed age-sex standardized utilization and spending of an older person (65-90 years) hospitalized with a heart failure exacerbation and a secondary diagnosis of diabetes across five domains of care: hospital care, primary care, outpatient specialty care, post-acute rehabilitative care, and outpatient drugs. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Sample sizes ranged from n = 1270 in Spain to n = 21,803 in the United States. Mean age (standard deviation [SD]) ranged from 76.2 (5.6) in the Netherlands to 80.3 (6.8) in Sweden. We observed substantial variation in spending and utilization across care settings. On average, England spent 10,956perpersoninhospitalcarewhiletheUnitedStatesspent10,956 per person in hospital care while the United States spent 30,877. The United States had a shorter length of stay over the year (18.9 days) compared to France (32.9) and Germany (33.4). The United States spent more days in facility-based rehabilitative care than other countries. Australia spent 421perpersoninprimarycare,whileSpain(Aragon)spent421 per person in primary care, while Spain (Aragon) spent 1557. The United States and Canada had proportionately more visits to specialist providers than primary care providers. Across almost all sectors, the United States spent more than other countries, suggesting higher prices per unit. CONCLUSION: Across 11 countries, there is substantial variation in health care spending and utilization for a complex multimorbid persona with heart failure and diabetes. Drivers of spending vary across countries, with the United States being the most expensive country due to high prices and higher use of facility-based rehabilitative care

    Differences in health outcomes for high-need high-cost patients across high-income countries.

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    ObjectiveThis study explores variations in outcomes of care for two types of patient personas-an older frail person recovering from a hip fracture and a multimorbid older patient with congestive heart failure (CHF) and diabetes.Data sourcesWe used individual-level patient data from 11 health systems.Study designWe compared inpatient mortality, mortality, and readmission rates at 30, 90, and 365 days. For the hip fracture persona, we also calculated time to surgery. Outcomes were standardized by age and sex.Data collection/extraction methodsData was compiled by the International Collaborative on Costs, Outcomes and Needs in Care across 11 countries for the years 2016-2017 (or nearest): Australia, Canada, England, France, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United States.Principal findingsThe hip sample across ranged from 1859 patients in Aragon, Spain, to 42,849 in France. Mean age ranged from 81.2 in Switzerland to 84.7 in Australia, and the majority of hip patients across countries were female. The congestive heart failure (CHF) sample ranged from 742 patients in England to 21,803 in the United States. Mean age ranged from 77.2 in the United States to 80.3 in Sweden, and the majority of CHF patients were males. Average in-hospital mortality across countries was 4.1%. for the hip persona and 6.3% for the CHF persona. At the year mark, the mean mortality across all countries was 25.3% for the hip persona and 32.7% for CHF persona. Across both patient types, England reported the highest mortality at 1 year followed by the United States. Readmission rates for all periods were higher for the CHF persona than the hip persona. At 30 days, the average readmission rate for the hip persona was 13.8% and 27.6% for the CHF persona.ConclusionAcross 11 countries, there are meaningful differences in health system outcomes for two types of patients

    Differences in health care spending and utilization among older frail adults in high-income countries: ICCONIC hip fracture persona.

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    ObjectiveThis study explores differences in spending and utilization of health care services for an older person with frailty before and after a hip fracture.Data sourcesWe used individual-level patient data from five care settings.Study designWe compared utilization and spending of an older person aged older than 65 years for 365 days before and after a hip fracture across 11 countries and five domains of care as follows: acute hospital care, primary care, outpatient specialty care, post-acute rehabilitative care, and outpatient drugs. Utilization and spending were age and sex standardized..Data collection/extraction methodsThe data were compiled by the International Collaborative on Costs, Outcomes, and Needs in Care (ICCONIC) across 11 countries as follows: Australia, Canada, England, France, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United States.Principal findingsThe sample ranged from 1859 patients in Spain to 42,849 in France. Mean age ranged from 81.2 in Switzerland to 84.7 in Australia. The majority of patients across countries were female. Relative to other countries, the United States had the lowest inpatient length of stay (11.3), but the highest number of days were spent in post-acute care rehab (100.7) and, on average, had more visits to specialist providers (6.8 per year) than primary care providers (4.0 per year). Across almost all sectors, the United States spent more per person than other countries per unit (13,622perhospitalization,13,622 per hospitalization, 233 per primary care visit, $386 per MD specialist visit). Patients also had high expenditures in the year prior to the hip fracture, mostly concentrated in the inpatient setting.ConclusionAcross 11 high-income countries, there is substantial variation in health care spending and utilization for an older person with frailty, both before and after a hip fracture. The United States is the most expensive country due to high prices and above average utilization of post-acute rehab care

    A methodology for identifying high-need, high-cost patient personas for international comparisons.

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    ObjectiveTo establish a methodological approach to compare two high-need, high-cost (HNHC) patient personas internationally.Data sourcesLinked individual-level administrative data from the inpatient and outpatient sectors compiled by the International Collaborative on Costs, Outcomes, and Needs in Care (ICCONIC) across 11 countries: Australia, Canada, England, France, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United States.Study designWe outline a methodological approach to identify HNHC patient types for international comparisons that reflect complex, priority populations defined by the National Academy of Medicine. We define two patient profiles using accessible patient-level datasets linked across different domains of care-hospital care, primary care, outpatient specialty care, post-acute rehabilitative care, long-term care, home-health care, and outpatient drugs. The personas include a frail older adult with a hip fracture with subsequent hip replacement and an older person with complex multimorbidity, including heart failure and diabetes. We demonstrate their comparability by examining the characteristics and clinical diagnoses captured across countries.Data collection/extraction methodsData collected by ICCONIC partners.Principal findingsAcross 11 countries, the identification of HNHC patient personas was feasible to examine variations in healthcare utilization, spending, and patient outcomes. The ability of countries to examine linked, individual-level data varied, with the Netherlands, Canada, and Germany able to comprehensively examine care across all seven domains, whereas other countries such as England, Switzerland, and New Zealand were more limited. All countries were able to identify a hip fracture persona and a heart failure persona. Patient characteristics were reassuringly similar across countries.ConclusionAlthough there are cross-country differences in the availability and structure of data sources, countries had the ability to effectively identify comparable HNHC personas for international study. This work serves as the methodological paper for six accompanying papers examining differences in spending, utilization, and outcomes for these personas across countries

    Real-World Comparative Effectiveness of SARS-CoV-2 Primary Vaccination Campaigns Against SARS-CoV-2 Infections: A Federated Observational Study Emulating a Target Trial in Three Nations

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    Background: To assess the impact of large-scale SARS-CoV-2 vaccination campaigns in uncontrolled settings across regions, we performed a reproducible cross-border comparison of the real-world effectiveness of primary vaccination in preventing SARS-CoV-2 infections across three sites: Aragon (Spain), Brussels and Wallonia (Belgium), and Finland. Methods: This observational study emulated a target trial by daily matching primary vaccinated individuals 1:1 to un- or partially vaccinated individuals based on a set of confounders from January to September 2021. Matched individuals were followed up until a SARS-CoV-2 infection was contracted or a censoring event occurred. Vaccine effectiveness in preventing infections was estimated by the difference in Restricted Mean Survival Time (RMST). Findings: Primary vaccination extended the mean time until contracting a SARS-CoV-2 infection on average by 35.9 (95% CI [34.9&#8239;—&thinsp;37.0]), 59.6 (95% CI [59.3&#8239;—&thinsp;60.0]), and 1.6 (95% CI [1.1&#8239;—&thinsp;2.0]) days over 365 days in the population cohort of Aragon (Spain), Brussels and Wallonia (Belgium), and Finland, respectively. Interpretation: This federated population-based observational study showed the effectiveness of the SARS-CoV-2 primary vaccination campaign in prolonging the mean time to infection in the Aragon (Spain) and Brussels &amp; Wallonia (Belgium) population cohorts. Only a minor difference over this time frame was found in Finland&#8217;s population cohort. Funding: This research was supported by funds from the BY-COVID Project. BY-COVID (BeYond COVID) is a Horizon Europe funded project from the European Union (grant agreement HORIZON-INFRA-2021- EMERGENCY-01 101046203), launched in October 2021. Declaration of Interest: Not applicable. Ethical Approval: Ethical approval was granted for linking different individual-level data sources to comply with the data requirements specified in the study in the sites Aragon (Spain), Brussels and Wallonia (Belgium), and Finland. In Aragon (Spain), the Research Ethics Committee of Aragon (CEICA) granted approval for linking the required data sources (the COVID-19 public health surveillance and monitoring information system of COVID-19 cases, the SARS-CoV-2 vaccination population registry, the health system users databases, and data from electronic health records), via BIGAN (https://bigan.iacs.es/en/home), in its ruling of 22 February 2023 (reference number C.I. EPA 23/008). In Brussels and Wallonia (Belgium), activities of this study and thus linkage of the required data sources (the vaccine registry VACCINNET+, the COVID-19 test result database, the COBRHA database, the Intermutualistic Agency (IMA) database, the STATBEL database) are covered by the existing deliberation of the Information Security Committee Social Security and Health (ISC-SSH) of the LINK-VACC project. The LINKVACC project was approved by the Medical Ethics Committee UZ Brussels–VUB on 3 February 2021 (reference number 2020/523), and authorization was granted from the ISC Social Security and Health (reference number IVC/KSZG/21/034). Informed consent was waived based on Art. 6 and 9 of the GDPR. The collection is allowed based on general interest (art. 6 GDPR) and regarding article 9 § 2 of the GDPR: processing is necessary for reasons of public interest in the area of public health, such as protecting against serious cross-border threats to health or ensuring high standards of quality and safety of health care and of medicinal products or medical devices, on the basis of Union or Member State law which provides for suitable and specific measures to safeguard the rights and freedoms of the data subject, in particular, professional&nbsp;secrecy.</p

    Restarting more routine hospital activities during covid-19: approaches from six countries.

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    Background During the COVID-19 pandemic, hospitals face the concurrent challenges of maintaining routine services while attending to COVID-19 patients. Method This article shares approaches taken in six countries to resume hospital care after the first wave of the pandemic by surveying country experts and using data extracted from the COVID-19 Health Systems Response Monitor (HSRM). Results Four strategies were observed in all six countries: prioritisation or rationing of treatments, converting clinical spaces to separate patients, using virtual treatments, and implementing COVID-19 free hospitals or floors. Conclusion Clear guidance about how to prioritise activities would support hospitals in the next phases of the pandemic

    Within and across country variations in treatment of patients with heart failure and diabetes.

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    ObjectiveTo compare within-country variation of health care utilization and spending of patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) and diabetes across countries.Data sourcesPatient-level linked data sources compiled by the International Collaborative on Costs, Outcomes, and Needs in Care across nine countries: Australia, Canada, England, France, Germany, New Zealand, Spain, Switzerland, and the United States.Data collection methodsPatients were identified in routine hospital data with a primary diagnosis of CHF and a secondary diagnosis of diabetes in 2015/2016.Study designWe calculated the care consumption of patients after a hospital admission over a year across the care pathway-ranging from primary care to home health nursing care. To compare the distribution of care consumption in each country, we use Gini coefficients, Lorenz curves, and female-male ratios for eight utilization and spending measures.Principal findingsIn all countries, rehabilitation and home nursing care were highly concentrated in the top decile of patients, while the number of drug prescriptions were more uniformly distributed. On average, the Gini coefficient for drug consumption is about 0.30 (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.27-0.36), while it is, 0.50 (0.45-0.56) for primary care visits, and more than 0.75 (0.81-0.92) for rehabilitation use and nurse visits at home (0.78; 0.62-0.9). Variations in spending were more pronounced than in utilization. Compared to men, women spend more days at initial hospital admission (+5%, 1.01-1.06), have a higher number of prescriptions (+7%, 1.05-1.09), and substantially more rehabilitation and home care (+20% to 35%, 0.79-1.6, 0.99-1.64), but have fewer visits to specialists (-10%; 0.84-0.97).ConclusionsDistribution of health care consumption in different settings varies within countries, but there are also some common treatment patterns across all countries. Clinicians and policy makers need to look into these differences in care utilization by sex and care setting to determine whether they are justified or indicate suboptimal care