9 research outputs found

    Enemigos naturales asociados a diaphorina citri kuwayama (hemiptera: psyllidae) en lim贸n persa (citrus latifolia tanaka) en Nayarit, M茅xico

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    Natural enemies associated to Diaphorina citri in the state of Nayarit were identified.聽The study was carried out in three orchards of Persian lime from May to October 2011. The identified聽depredator species were Olla v-nigrum, Chilocorus cacti, Cycloneda sanguinea, and Ceraeochrysa sp.;聽as well as the parasitoid Tamarixia radiata and the entomopathogenic Beauveria bassiana. Nephus sp.聽Mulsant, 1850 and Pentilia sp. Mulsant, 1850 are new distribution records to Mexico

    Primer registro de Eupelmus cushmani (Crawford) (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae) como parasitoide del barrenador de ramas del aguacate Copturus aguacatae Kissinger (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) en M茅xico

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    Se registra por primera vez a Eupelmus cushmani (Crawford) (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae) como parasitoide del barrenador de ramas del aguacate, Copturus aguacatae Kissinger en Nayarit, M茅xico.Eupelmus cushmani (Crawford) (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae) is recorded for first time as parasitoid of the avocado stem weevil (Copturus aguacatae Kissinger) in Nayarit, Mexico

    Propiedades composicionales, estructurales y fisicoqu铆micas de las semillas de aguacate y sus potenciales usos agroindustriales

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    The avocado fruit is one of the most successful products of agri-food production and industrialization in Mexico. It can be consumed fresh or processed in a wide variety of derived products. During its processing, a large amount of agro-industrial waste is generated, such as avocado seed, which has valuable components, with the potential to be used in various industries as an ingredient in the formulation of functional products. The objective of this research was to summarize the current knowledge of the composition, structure, properties and possible industrial applications of avocado seeds, and their main by-products. This study was carried out in accordance with the PRISMA declaration, for which a systematic bibliographic search of research articles from the last 20 years in different databases was used; taking into account various inclusion and exclusion criteria. It was found that obtaining starches and bioactive compounds from the avocado seed are the most studied categories. Being Nigeria, Mexico and the United States of America the countries with the most related reports during 2015-2020. It is concluded that there is a growing interest in the revaluation of avocado seeds, because it is considered a potential source of various components such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, healthy fatty acids, carbohydrates, among others, with possible industrial applications for the development of functional products with added value.El fruto de aguacate es uno de los productos m谩s exitosos de la producci贸n e industrializaci贸n agroalimentaria de M茅xico. Se puede consumir fresco o procesado en una gran variedad de productos derivados. Durante su procesamiento, se generan una gran cantidad de residuos agroindustriales como la semilla del aguacate, la cual tiene componentes valiosos y con potencial de ser utilizada en diversas industrias como ingrediente en la formulaci贸n de productos funcionales. El objetivo de esta investigaci贸n fue resumir el conocimiento actual de la composici贸n, la estructura, las propiedades y las posibles aplicaciones industriales de las semillas de aguacate y sus principales subproductos. Adem谩s, este estudio se realiz贸 de acuerdo con la declaraci贸n Prisma, para lo cual se hizo una b煤squeda bibliogr谩fica y sistem谩tica de art铆culos de investigaci贸n de los 煤ltimos 20 a帽os en diferentes bases de datos, tom谩ndose en cuenta diversos criterios de inclusi贸n y exclusi贸n. Entre los resultados, se encontr贸 que la obtenci贸n de almidones y compuestos bioactivos a partir de la semilla de aguacate es la categor铆a m谩s estudiada, siendo Nigeria, M茅xico y Estados Unidos los pa铆ses con m谩s reportes relacionados durante 2015-2020. La conclusi贸n es que existe un creciente inter茅s por la revalorizaci贸n de las semillas de aguacate, debido a que se considera una fuente potencial de diversos componentes como vitaminas, minerales, antioxidantes, 谩cidos grasos saludables, carbohidratos, entre otros, y con posibles aplicaciones industriales para el desarrollo productos funcionales con valor agregado

    A new species of Pseudophanerotoma (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) from Nayarit, Mexico

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    Parasitoid wasps are known to be among the most abundant and species-rich on Earth and thus considered an ecologically important group of arthropods. Braconid wasps play a key role in regulating the populations of Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, and Diptera. However, the biology and taxonomy of numerous parasitoid species remain poorly known. In Mexico, only 17 species of the subfamily Cheloninae have been described. A new species of Pseudophanerotoma Zettel, 1990 (Hymenoptera, Braconidae), P. huichol sp. nov., is described from Nayarit, Mexico. The tortricid moth Cryptaspasma perseana Gilligan & Brown, 2011 is reported as the host of this parasitoid wasp. Detailed taxonomic and barcoding information are provided

    Organismos plaga asociados al cultivo de Aguacate (Persea Americana Mill) en Nayarit, M茅xico.

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    A review of the research was conducted in the State of Nayarit, Mexico, in relation to the arthropods considered a pets with the objective of making known the species of economic importance associated with the avocado crops present in the State of Nayarit. It is concluded that there are 17 species registred belonging to the Coleoptera, Hemiptera, Thysanoptera, Lepidoptera and Acari orders.Se efectu贸 una revisi贸n de las investigaciones realizadas en el estado de Nayarit, M茅xico en relaci贸n a los artr贸podos considerados plaga, con el objetivo de dar a conocer las especies de importancia econ贸mica asociadas al de cultivo de aguacate presentes en el Estado. Se concluye que para Nayarit, se tienen registradas 17 especies pertenecientes a los 贸rdenes Coleoptera, Hemiptera, Thysanoptera, Lepidoptera y Acari

    Parasitismo del minador de la hoja de los citricos (phyllocnistis citrella stainton) en limon persa en Xalisco, Nayarit

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    The objective of this research was to identify the parasitism of the citrus leafminer Phyllocnistis citrella in the municipality of Xalisco, Nayarit M茅xico. The samples were taken periodically to detect the presence of larvae during the months of August and September of 2012 and July, August and September of 2013, On the orchard of lemon persa at the Unidad Academica de Agricultura (UAA). The parasitoids were collected, conserved in alcohol 70% and labeled for its mounting and identification. 986 larvae of P. citrella were collected during five sampling dates obtaining a total parasitism of 15.82% about the 1.52% correspond to Baryscapus sp. 0.10% for Aprostocetus sp. 0.61% for Tamarixia sp. and 1.31% for Cirrospilus sp. all of them belonging to the family Eulophidae. About the family Encyrtidae we found two species, Ageniaspis citricola Logvinovskava which obtained 12.71% of parasitism and Metaphycus sp. with a 0.10%.El objetivo de la presente investigaci贸n fue identificar el parasitismo del minador de la hoja de los c铆tricos Phyllocnistis citrella en el municipio de Xalisco, Nayarit, para lo cual se realizaron muestreos de larvas durante los meses de agosto y septiembre de 2012 y julio, agosto y septiembre del 2013, en el huerto experimental de lim贸n persa de la Unidad Acad茅mica de Agricultura (UAA). Los parasitoides fueron obtenidos, conservados en alcohol al 70% y etiquetados para su posterior montaje e identificaci贸n. Se realizaron cinco muestreos, en los cuales se recolectaron 986 larvas de P. citrella, registr谩ndose un parasitismo total de 15.82%, del cual 1.52% corresponde a Baryscapus sp., 0.10% a Aprostocetus sp., 0.61% a Tamarixia sp. y 1.31% Cirrospilus sp. todos pertenecientes a la familia Eulophidae. Dentro de familia Encyrtidae se registraron dos especies, Ageniaspis citr铆cola Logvinosvskava que registr贸 un 12.71% de parasitismo, seguido por Metaphycus sp. con 0.10%

    Actinomicetos antagonistas a Colletotrichum sp. Penz. en el cultivo de mango en Nayarit, M茅xico

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    ABSTRACT The mango crop (Mangifera indica) is susceptible to the attack of plant pathogens including fungi that damage the fruit, which is controlled with synthetic fungicides. An alternative to reverse the ecological damage caused by these chemicals is the biological control with antagonistic microorganisms. The objective of this study was to isolate native actinomycetes in mango orchards of the state of Nayarit, Mexico, with antagonistic activity to Colletotrichum sp. Actinomycetes were isolated from soil samples near the rhizosphere of mango trees of Santiago Ixcuintla, Nayarit. We obtained 112 isolates, presenting 25 isolates in vitro antagonistic activity against Colletotrichum sp. Molecular identification showed the diversity of actinomycete isolates and the antagonistic capacity against Colletotrichum sp., indicates that they have the potential to be evaluated in vitro and in vivo against different mango phytopathogens.RESUMEN El cultivo de mango (Mangifera indica) es susceptible al ataque de fitopat贸genos, entre los que destacan hongos que da帽an el fruto, que son controlados con fungicidas sint茅ticos. Una alternativa para revertir los da帽os ecol贸gicos causados por estas sustancias qu铆micas es el control biol贸gico con, microorganismos antagonistas. El objetivo del presente estudio fue aislar actinomicetos nativos en huertos de mango del estado de Nayarit, M茅xico, con actividad antag贸nica a Colletotrichum sp. Los actinomicetos se aislaron de muestras de suelo cercano a la rizosfera de 谩rboles de mango del municipio de Santiago Ixcuintla, Nayarit. Se obtuvieron 112 aislados, de los cuales 25 presentaron actividad antag贸nica in vitro contra el Colletotrichum sp. La identificaci贸n molecular mostr贸 diversidad de aislados de actinomicetos y la capacidad antag贸nica manifestada contra Colletotrichum sp., indica que tienen el potencial para ser evaluados in vitro e in vivo contra diferentes fitopat贸genos del mango

    Physicochemical, Structural, Thermal and Rheological Properties of Flour and Starch Isolated from Avocado Seeds of Landrace and Hass Cultivars

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    The objective of this study was to obtain and characterize flours and starches from the avocado seeds of Hass and landrace cultivars. The morphological, physical-chemical, structural, thermal and rheological characteristics were evaluated. The flour yield of the Hass and landrace cultivars was 41.56 to 46.86% (w/w), while for starch, it was 35.47 to 39.57% (w/w) (cv. Hass and landrace, respectively). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed the presence of oval starch granules and other particles in flour, in contrast to flours, starches showed lower ash, proteins and lipids content. However, the amylose content was higher in starches (42.25–48.2%). Flours showed a higher gelatinization temperature (Tp = 73.17–73.62 °C), and their starches presented greater gelatinization enthalpy (∆Hgel = 11.82–13.43 J/g). All samples showed a B-type diffraction pattern, and the crystallinity was higher in the flours. The rheological analysis (flow curves and viscoelastic tests) evidenced a pseudoplastic (n = 0.28–0.36) behavior in all samples analyzed, but the consistency index (k) was higher in starches. In general, the flours and starches from avocado seeds presented interesting proximal, thermal and functional properties for possible application in food systems, and these findings could contribute to the revaluation of this by-product