36 research outputs found

    Estimación del grado básico de calidad en canales bovinas conforme a madurez ósea, marmoleo y predominancia fenotípica Bos indicus

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    In order to estimate the Basic Quality Grade of beef carcasses according to bone maturity, marbling and Bos indicus racial predominance, data from 1,417 carcasses processed in four Federal Inspection Type establishments were analyzed. The following variables were recorded: cavitary fat, rib eye area, dorsal fat thickness, hump length and height, marbling, and bone maturity. Using the variables marbling and bone maturity, the Basic Grade of Quality was estimated in accordance with the norm NOM-004-SAGARPA-2018. The hump height was used as a criterion to determine racial predominance, and four groups were generated from this information. Based on the recorded values, descriptive statistics, analysis of variance, comparison of means, and Tukey's test were determined. The hump height in each group was 7.19, 10.54, 14.38, and 20.11 cm (P<0.01), respectively. 82 % of the carcasses were predominantly Bos indicus. The hot carcass weight was 310.05 kg for group 1 vs 326.99 kg for group 4 (P<0.01). The rib eye area was 85.59 cm2 for group 1 vs 89.14 cm2 for group 2 (P<0.05). Of the total number of carcasses evaluated, 60 were classified as Supreme quality  (4.23 %),  655 as Select  quality  (46.22 %),  621 as  Standard  quality (43.82 %), and 81 as Commercial quality (5.72 %). The beef carcasses in this study have mainly a Bos indicus breed component, and their Basic Quality Grade corresponded primarily to a greater number of carcasses with grade A bone maturity, but with less marbling.Para estimar el Grado Básico de Calidad de canales bovinas conforme a madurez ósea, marmoleo y predominancia racial Bos indicus, se analizaron los datos de 1,417 canales procesadas en cuatro establecimientos Tipo Inspección Federal. Se registraron las variables: grasa cavitaria, área del ojo de costilla, espesor de la grasa dorsal, largo y altura de la giba, marmoleo y madurez ósea. Mediante las variables marmoleo y madurez ósea se estimó el Grado Básico de Calidad con base en la NOM-004-SAGARPA-2018. La altura de la giba se utilizó como criterio para determinar la predominancia racial y mediante esta información se generaron cuatro grupos. Con base en los valores registrados, se determinaron las estadísticas descriptivas, análisis de la varianza comparación de medias, análisis de frecuencias y prueba de Tukey. La altura de la giba en cada grupo fue de 7.19, 10.54, 14.38 y 20.11 cm (P<0.01), respectivamente. El 82 % de las canales mostraron predominancia racial Bos indicus. El peso de la canal caliente fue 310.05 kg para el grupo 1 vs 326.99 kg para el grupo 4 (P<0.01). El área del ojo de la costilla fue de 85.59 cm2 para el grupo 1 vs 89.14 cm2 para el 2 (P<0.05). Del total de canales evaluadas, 60 clasificaron de calidad Suprema (4.23 %), 655 de calidad Selecta (46.22 %), 621 de calidad Estándar (43.82 %) y 81 Comerciales (5.72 %). Las canales de bovino objeto del presente estudio, presentan mayormente un componente racial Bos indicus y su Grado Básico de Calidad primordialmente correspondió a la mayor cantidad de canales con madurez ósea grado A, pero con menor marmoleo

    Prevalencia de Neuropatía Diabética de miembros inferiores en pacientes de 40-65 años con Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 del Hospital Escuela César Amador Molina. Matagalpa, I semestre 2021

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    La presente investigación tiene como objeto determinar la prevalencia de la neuropatía diabética de miembros inferiores en pacientes con 5 años de evolución de la enfermedad y pertenecientes al grupo etario de 40 a 65 años. El universo estudiado consta de 85 casos diagnosticados como diabetes mellitus tipo 2, de los cuales, 20 expedientes clínicos representan la muestra seleccionada de usuarios que asistieron al Hospital Escuela Cesar Amador Molina, Matagalpa; en el primer semestre del año 2021. Se han recopilado los datos de interés a través de la ficha de recolección de la información, desarrollada en base a los objetivos del trabajo, y haciendo uso del paquete estadístico SPSS se ha procesado la información con el propósito de identificar la epidemiología de le enfermedad en estudio, así como la situación sociodemográfica de los pacientes, signos de neuropatía, uso de tratamiento oportuno, abordaje clínico y terapéutico por médicos especialistas. La variable independiente abordada es el porcentaje de prevalencia de la patología para la muestra, en base a las variables dependientes como la identificación de signos determinantes de neuropatía. Del 100% de los casos analizados, el 25% resultó con signos de neuropatía diabética y se registró en los expedientes clínicos, que, para fines del actual estudio, se puede concluir que la prevalencia de esta complicación en la unidad de salud es del 25%. Por ello se recomienda un adecuado abordaje clínico del paciente, con la realización de un examen físico exhaustivo, orientado a la búsqueda de signos de neuropatía diabética y a su vez registrar en el expediente clínico los hallazgos de signos en el paciente, con objeto de garantizar el registro de información objetiva para estudios posteriores. Palabras clave: Prevalencia, Neuropatía diabética, abordaje clínico, expediente clínic

    Factores que influyen en la emesis postaturdimiento en bovinos

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    To determine the effect of lairage duration, stunning effectiveness, type of commercial cattle, and ruminal content consistence on carcass contamination by emesis at slaughter between stunning and exsanguinations (stun-stick interval), data were analysed from 9,446 animals in Federal Inspection and Municipal slaughterhouses (P1, P2, P3, P4). Lairage duration was classified in three categories: T1) less than 3 h, T2) major than 3 h and lesser than 12 h, and T3) major than 12 h. Stunning was classified as effective and no effective. The consistence or ruminal content was identified and evaluated as watery, semi-watery and dense. Was recorded at P1, number of heads and lungs contaminated, data analysis by X2. On P2 y P3, the frequencies obtained were analyzed with logistic regression. In P4 data were disposed in frequency tables and analysed by X2. Long lairage time (T3) with ineffective stunning increased 1.73 times the risk to observe carcass contamination. At the long lairage time (T3), emesis increased (PPara determinar el efecto del tiempo de espera pre-sacrificio, la efectividad del aturdimiento, el tipo de categoría comercial y la consistencia del contenido ruminal en la emesis durante el intervalo entre aturdimiento y desangrado en ganado bovino, se seleccionaron 9,446 canales en cuatro plantas procesadoras (P1, P2, P3, P4). El tiempo de espera pre-sacrificio se clasificó en: 1) menor a 3 h (T1), 2) de 3 a 12 h (T2), 3) mayor a 12 h (T3). El aturdimiento se registró como efectivo y no efectivo. La consistencia del contenido ruminal, se clasificó en: acuosa, semi-acuosa y espesa. En P1, se registró el número de cabezas y pulmones contaminados por emesis, y el análisis se realizó mediante X2. Cuando la espera pre-sacrificio fue mayor a 10 h y el aturdimiento no fue efectivo, el riesgo fue 1.73 veces mayor para observar contaminación de la canal. Al aumentar el tiempo de espera pre-sacrificio se incrementó (

    Productive and reproductive performance and metabolic profiles of ewes supplemented with hydroponically grown green wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

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    Inclusion of high levels of concentrate in the diets of late gestation and lactating ewes to improve productive and reproductive performance is a common practice. However cost-effective alternate feeding strategies for small ruminants must be developed and evaluated in order to counteract sustainability issues of feeding them concentrate feeds (Alexandre and Mandonnet, 2005). Hydroponically grown green forages are a potential high feed quality feedstuff in arid and semiarid regions of the world (Al-Faraki and Al-Hashimi, 2012). The nutritive value and fermentative characteristics of hydroponically grown forages positively influenced the performance of late gestation and lactating ewes (Herrera et al., 2010; Gebremedhin, 2015). Earlier investigations emphasized effects of dietary quality on endocrine and metabolic profiles in ewes during pregnancy and lactation (Lemley et al., 2014; Vonnahme et al., 2013). However adequate nutritional status of ewes is associated with favorable productive and reproductive performance whereby blood glucose, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) are utilized to sustain a desirable protein and energy balance in ewes during gestation and lactation (Hatfield et al., 1999). Changes in metabolic hormones, such as insulin, play an important role in metabolic adaptation to changes in body weight (BW) and body condition while providing diagnostic information to evaluate ewe nutritional status (Caldeira et al., 2007). Cortisol may be particularly important in this regard as it is the predominant glucocorticoid in sheep blood and has been used as a reliable physiological endpoint to determine ewe responses to a variety of physiological, physical and environmental stress (Moolchandani et al., 2008). A paucity of information is available with respect to the metabolic profile and performance during mating, gestation and lactation of ewes fed diets containing hydroponically grown green wheat (HGW). Thus this experiment was conducted to determine effects of replacement of dry-rolled corn (DRC) and cottonseed meal (CSM) by HGW in an oat hay-based diet on the metabolic profile as well as the productive and reproductive performance of Katahdin female lambs.Twenty six Katahdin ewes (i.e., female lambs from breeding to 2 mo of their 1st lactation) were used in a completely randomized design (13/treatment)to evaluate effects of replacement of dietary dry-rolled corn grain (DRC) and cottonseed meal(CSM) with hydroponically grown whole plant green wheat (HGW; Triticum aestivum L.) on productive parameters and blood metabolites during mating, gestation and lactation, and on body weight (BW) gain of their lambs in their 1st 60 days of age. The gestation diet contained 70% oat hay, 20% rolled corn grain and 10% cottonseed meal, while the lactation diet contained 50% oat hay, 20% DRC and 30% CSM. Treatments consisted of total replacement of DRC and CSM with HGW in the gestation diet, while in the lactation diet HGW replaced 100% of the DRC and 33% of the CSM. There were no diet effects on reproductive parameters, and substitution of DRC and CSM with HGW did not affect dry matter intake during gestation and lactation. The BW gain of the lambs that were fed HGW did not differ from controls in the first 2 months of gestation, while it was lower (P < 0.05) at the last 3 months of gestation. Feeding HGW did not affect birth BW of lambs or subsequent BW gains through 60 days of age. Plasma non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) were not affected by the diets fed during gestation, but were 56% lower (P < 0.05) at day 60 of lactation. Plasma glucose was only lower (P < 0.05) at day 90 of gestation, and blood urea nitrogen was only lower (P < 0.05) at day 30 of lactation. There were no effects of diets on plasma insulin, cortisol or progesterone during gestation and lactation. Hydroponically grown green wheat is a suitable substitute for a portion of the DRC and CSM in ewes diets during gestation and lactation without negative effects

    Valoración del confort térmico de bovinos productores de carne en finalización intensiva en clima cálido

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    The thermal comfort of beef cattle in intensive finishing was assessed through the availability of shade and living space, in conditions of the very hot semi-dry climate of the northwestern coastal region of Mexico during autumn and winter and housed in three types of pens. The design of the pens varied according to the infrastructure available in the livestock production unit (pen area and shade per animal). The observation period was six weeks per season. The daily ambient temperature and relative humidity were measured, and the Temperature and Humidity Index (ITH) was calculated. The area of each pen, the shade area, and the number of cattle per pen were measured to calculate the living space and the shade available at the beginning and at the end of the fattening period. In autumn, the cattle were in a state of Danger to Emergency Thermal (ITH ≥84 units) and in the winter in a state of Thermal Alert (ITH ≥70). The provision of living space and shade was insufficient in both seasons and periods according to indicators for confined meat-producing cattle, regardless of the pen design.Se valoró el confort térmico de ganado bovino productor de carne en finalización intensiva, mediante la disponibilidad de sombra y espacio vital, en condiciones de clima semiseco muy cálido de la región costera del noroeste de México durante el otoño y el invierno y alojados en tres tipos de corral. El diseño de los corrales varió de acuerdo con la infraestructura disponible en la unidad de producción pecuaria (área de corral y sombra por animal). El periodo de observación fue se seis semanas por época. Se registró la temperatura ambiente y la humedad relativa diaria y se calculó el Índice de Temperatura y Humedad (ITH). Se midió el área de cada corral, el área de sombra y el número de bovinos por corral para calcular el espacio vital y la sombra disponible al inicio y al final del periodo de engorde. En otoño, el ganado se encontró en estado de Peligro a Emergencia térmica (ITH ≥84 unidades) y en el invierno en estado de Alerta térmica (ITH ≥70). La provisión de espacio vital y de sombra fue insuficiente en ambas épocas y periodos de engorda de acuerdo con indicadores para la especie bovina productora de carne en confinamiento, independientemente del diseño del corral

    Comparing Blend of Essential Oils Plus 25-Hydroxy-Vit-D3 Versus Monensin Plus Virginiamycin Combination in Finishing Feedlot Cattle: Growth Performance, Dietary Energetics, and Carcass Traits.

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    Ninety crossbreed bulls (349.5 &plusmn; 8.25 kg initial weight) were used in an 87day trial to compare the effects of a blend of essential oils plus 25-hydroxy-Vit-D3 (EO + HyD) versus the combination of monensin with virginiamycin (MON + VM) on feedlot growth performance and carcass characteristics. Dietary treatments (nine replicates/treatment) were supplemented with 40 mg/kg diet dry matter of MON + VM (equal parts) or with 120.12 mg/kg diet dry matter of a combination of standardized mixture of essential oils (120 mg) plus 0.12 mg of 25-hydroxy-vitamin-D3 (EO + HyD). There were no treatment effects on dry matter intake (DMI, p = 0.63). However, the coefficient of variation in day-to-day DMI was greater for EO + HyD than for MON + VM (11.4% vs. 3.88%, p = 0.04). There were no treatment effects (p &ge; 0.17) on daily weight gain, gain-to-feed ratio, and estimated dietary net energy. Cattle supplemented with EO + HyD had greater Longissimus muscle area (7.9%, p &lt; 0.01) and estimated retail yield (1.6%, p = 0.03), and tended to have heavier (1.7%, p = 0.10) carcass weight. Differences among treatments in dressing percentage, fat thickness, kidney&ndash;pelvic&ndash;heart fat, and marbling score were not appreciable (p &gt; 0.10). It is concluded that growth performance response and dietary energetic are similar for finishing cattle supplemented with EO + HyD vs. MON + VM. However, compared with MON + VM, supplementation with EO + HyD during the finishing phase may improve carcass Longissimus area and carcass yield