38 research outputs found

    Mediterranean youth and its representation in the press of the region

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    This PhD Project aims to study the situation of the youth in the Mediterranean region with regards to the significance given to this situation by the Mediterranean press. For this purpose, we will try to establish the rapport between the representation of the youth made by the Mediterranean press and the view of this reality by the young people of this area. Determining the current circumstances of the young people, convulsed by civil revolts and political changes in the South of the Mediterranean and the shadow of unemployment in the North, we need to put forward the fundamental issues on both sides of the region. This project will analyse the perspective of the young people and also the diffusion of their identities made by the press. In doing so, we will aim to examine whether coherence exists between both visions. We have chosen four countries that we consider important axes of social movement in the region; Spain and Italy, as members of the North fringe of the Mediterranean, and Morocco and Egypt, as southern countries of the Mediterranean. We would like to contribute to the conference by presenting the results obtained after the application of content analysis to the Egypt and Morocco mainstream press, in comparison with the results obtained from the Spanish and Italian press

    J贸venes adultos y prensa : un an谩lisis de la relaci贸n y la cobertura medi谩tica de los j贸venes al Norte y Sur del Mediterr谩neo

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    Cuando hemos asumido que los diarios en papel se encaminan paulatinamente hacia el fin de sus d铆as conviene fijar la mirada en qui茅n, posiblemente, pueda transformar esta industria period铆stica: los j贸venes. Este trabajo hace un repaso de los motivos que explican el distanciamiento entre los j贸venes y la prensa y observa c贸mo son representados en este medio. Tras aplicar la t茅cnica del an谩lisis de contenido en 10 diarios de 谩mbito mediterr谩neo, los resultados demuestran que la representaci贸n de los j贸venes se caracteriza por su escasa visibilidad, una imagen desprovista de matices y el dominio de la figura institucional.At a time in which we have assumed that the print newspapers are gradually moving towards the end of their days, should we stare at who possibly can transform the newspaper industry: the youth. This paper makes a review of the reasons for the gap between youth and the press and observes how they are represented in this media. After applying the technique of content analysis to 10 newspapers of the Mediterranean, the findings show that the representation of young people is characterised by their poor visibility, an image divested of nuances and the supremacy of the institutional figure

    Young adults and press: an analysis of the relation and media coverage of the young people in the North and South of the Mediterranean Sea

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    Cuando hemos asumido que los diarios en papel se encaminan paulatinamente hacia el fin de sus d铆as conviene fijar la mirada en qui茅n, posiblemente, pueda transformar esta industria period铆stica: los j贸venes. Este trabajo hace un repaso de los motivos que explican el distanciamiento entre los j贸venes y la prensa y observa c贸mo son representados en este medio. Tras aplicar la t茅cnica del an谩lisis de contenido en 10 diarios de 谩mbito mediterr谩neo, los resultados demuestran que la representaci贸n de los j贸venes se caracteriza por su escasa visibilidad, una imagen desprovista de matices y el dominio de la figura institucional.At a time in which we have assumed that the print newspapers are gradually moving towards the end of their days, should we stare at who possibly can transform the newspaper industry: the youth. This paper makes a review of the reasons for the gap between youth and the press and observes how they are represented in this media. After applying the technique of content analysis to 10 newspapers of the Mediterranean, the findings show that the representation of young people is characterised by their poor visibility, an image divested of nuances and the supremacy of the institutional figure

    El tratamiento de la informaci贸n sobre flujos migratorios en los medios de los pa铆ses mediterr谩neos

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    Este trabajo presenta algunos de los resultados obtenidos en el marco del proyecto I+D+i titulado 芦La construcci贸n social del espacio intermediterr谩neo y sus correlaciones en la agenda de los medios de comunicaci贸n. La informaci贸n en prensa y televisi贸n禄 (CSO2012-35955), desarrollado en el seno del Laboratori de Prospectiva i Recerca en Comunicaci贸, Cultura i Cooperaci贸 (LAPREC - UAB) y financiado por el Ministerio espa帽ol de Econom铆a, Industria y Competitividad (2013-2016).El presente art铆culo tiene como objetivo identificar y analizar la informaci贸n difundida por los medios de comunicaci贸n sobre los flujos migratorios registrados en el contexto del Mediterr谩neo y el tratamiento dado al sujeto migrante en las representaciones en torno a la movilidad de personas entre pa铆ses de la regi贸n. Un grupo internacional e interdisciplinar de investigadores ha analizado 3452 noticias relacionadas con la cuenca mediterr谩nea, y producidas por los principales peri贸dicos y canales p煤blicos de televisi贸n de Argelia, Egipto, Espa帽a, Francia, Italia, Marruecos, Reino Unido y T煤nez. Junto a los primeros canales de televisi贸n de 谩mbito estatal, en el caso de Espa帽a tambi茅n se consideran cuatro canales p煤blicos auton贸micos. La selecci贸n de la muestra corresponde a dos semanas del mes de mayo de 2013. La matriz de an谩lisis contempl贸 aspectos formales de selecci贸n y jerarquizaci贸n de contenidos, as铆 como, los temas tratados, los actores destacados en la informaci贸n y sus denominaciones. Los resultados revelan pocas diferencias en la agenda tem谩tica de los medios analizados. La migraci贸n y el migrante se presentan en la prensa y televisi贸n de ambas orillas del Mediterr谩neo como un problema, asociado a fuente de conflictos m谩s que a una idea de oportunidad para los migrantes y tambi茅n para los pa铆ses de acogida.This article aims to identify and analyse the media information on migratory flows registered in the Mediterranean context and the treatment given to the migrant subject in the representations made of the people's mobility between different countries of the region. An international and interdisciplinary group of researchers has analysed 3452 news related to the Mediterranean basin, and produced by the main newspapers and television public channels of Algeria, Egypt, Spain, France, Italy, Morocco, United Kingdom and Tunisia. In addition to the first State-level broadcasters, in the case of Spain were also considered four regional public channels (Spanish autonomous communities). The selection of the sample corresponds to two weeks of May 2013. The matrix of analysis included formal aspects of selection and hierarchization of subjects, the topics addressed, the main actors highlighted in the headlines and the designations used in regards to these subjects and actors. The results reveal a few differences in the thematic agenda of the media researched. On both shores of the Mediterranean, migration and migrants are presented as a problem or associated with a source of conflict rather than an idea of opportunity for migrants as well as for host countries

    Agenda tem谩tica e ideolog铆a en el discurso de los medios de comunicaci贸n

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    En el presente art铆culo, la ideolog铆a se aborda en relaci贸n con los aspectos de la construcci贸n social de la realidad y la contribuci贸n de los medios de comunicaci贸n a esta la 煤ltima. Visiones parciales del mundo como sistema sem谩ntico que da forma a ese discurso. Se toman en consideraci贸n la tendencia socio-fenomenolog铆ca, la semi贸tica y la producci贸n social del discurso de la prensa como un discurso ideol贸gicamente construido. Se desvelan los rastros y signos ideol贸gicos presentes en el mismo a partir del an谩lisis semi贸tico y del discurso aplicados a la informaci贸n en los peri贸dicos y centrado en categor铆as narrativas y discursivas, para observar las propuestas de lectura contenida en dicha informaci贸n y su tratamiento.In the present article, the ideology is approached in relation to the aspects of the social construction of reality and the contribution of the media to this last one. Partial visions of the world as a semantic system that gives shape to that discourse. The socio-phenomenology, semiotics and social production of the press discourse are taken into consideration as an ideologically constructed discourse. The traces and ideological signs present in it are revealed from semiotic analysis and discourse applied to information in newspapers and centered on narrative and discursive categories, to observe the reading proposals contained in said information and its treatment

    In vitro activities of carvacrol, cinnamaldehyde and thymol against Candida biofilms

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    [EN]Oral candidiasis is frequently associated with Candida biofilms. Biofilms are microbial communities related to persistent, recalcitrant and difficult to-treat infections. Conventional treatments are not sufficient to overcome biofilm-associated candidiasis; thus, the search of new antifungal compounds is necessary. In the current study, we have evaluated the effect of three phytocompounds, carvacrol, cinnamaldehyde and thymol, against Candida planktonic and sessile cells. Reduction in biofilm biomass and metabolic activity was assessed during adhesion and mature biofilm phases. Candida albicans was the most biofilm-producing Candida species. All phytocompounds tested were fungicidal against Candida planktonic cells. Cinnamaldehyde was the most active in inhibiting biofilm adhesion, but carvacrol and thymol significantly reduced both mature biofilm biomass and metabolic activity. These results highlight the role of cinnamaldehyde, carvacrol and thymol as promising alternatives for the treatment of candidiasis due to their antibiofilm capacities, and stress the necessity to continue studies on their safety, toxicity and pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics.This work was supported by Gobierno Vasco-Eusko Jaurlaritza, Spain [grant number GIC15/78 IT-990-16, 2016] and Fundacion ONCE "Oportunidad al Talento", Spain and Fondo Social Europeo, Spain [CMA, 2018]

    Ultrasound and Eco-Detergents for Sustainable Cleaning

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    Green chemistry faces a major challenge imposed by the Sustainable Development Goals (6, 14 and 15) defined in the 2030 Agenda. In the case of cleaning products (detergents), the challenges often become a paradox: even if it is biodegradable, no surfactant is harmless to aquatic life. Compared to other studies in the field, this paper covers ultrasound鈥揹etergent interactions beyond the cavitation removal process. It also considers synergistic effects with regard to the initial wetting phase and final rinsing. It concludes that the best detergent鈥搖ltrasound combination is that which minimises receding and critical sliding angles. At the same time, detergent concentration should be reduced so as to just to capture grease in micelles and avoid reattachment during rinsing. In combination with ultrasound, the concentration of eco-detergents can thus be reduced by up to 10% of their nominal value while attaining the same results.The projects leading to this research have received funding from the European Union鈥檚 Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreements No. 654479 WASCOP and No. 792103 SOLWARIS

    In vitro and in vivo anti-Candida activity of citral in combination with fluconazole

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    [EN] Background The ability of Candida to develop biofilms on inert surfaces or living tissues favors recalcitrant and chronic candidiasis associated, in many instances, with resistance to current antifungal therapy. Aim The aim of this study was to evaluate the antifungal activity of citral, a phytocompound present in lemongrass essential oil, in monotherapy and combined with fluconazole against azole-resistant Candida planktonic cells and biofilms. The effect of citral combined with fluconazole was also analysed with regard to the expression of fluconazole resistance-associated genes in Candida albicans and the effectiveness of the combination therapy in a Caenorhabditis elegans model of candidiasis. Results Citral reduced biofilm formation at initial stages and the metabolic activity of the mature biofilm. The combination of citral with fluconazole was synergistic, with a significant increase in the survival of C. elegans infected with Candida. RNA analysis revealed a reduction of the expression of the efflux pump encoded by MDR1, leading to a greater effect of fluconazole. Conclusion Citral in monotherapy and in combination with fluconazole could represent an interesting therapy to treat recalcitrant Candida infections associated to biofilms.This research was supported by Gobierno Vasco-Eusko Jaurlaritza [Eusko Jaurlaritza GIC15/78 IT-990-16] and by Fundacion ONCE "Oportunidad al Talento" and Fondo Social Europeo CM-A [C.M.-A.]; Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad, Gobierno de Espan [PID2020-117983RB-I00]

    Geometric documentation and photogrammetric stereoplotting of Labraza walls (脕lava, Spain)

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    [ES] Se han documentado unos 180 metros de muralla que corresponde a los alzados este y norte. Tambi茅n se incluye el interior de dos puertas de acceso, el muro exterior del cementerio y parte de los muros de la iglesia.La documentaci贸n se ha realizado mediante pares estereosc贸picos en pel铆cula (negativos y diapositivas) obtenidos con una c谩mara semim茅trica de 6x6 cm.[EN] Around 180 metres of the western and northern wall were documented. The documentation also includes the inside of two entries, the wall of the graveyard and part of the walls of the church.The documentation was done by means of photogrammetric stereopairs taken with a semi-metric camera of 6x6 cm.Arabarri (Sociedad An贸nima de Gesti贸n de Los Centros Hist贸ricos de 脕lava)[ES] Memoria del proyecto (7 p谩ginas en formato PDF) + 7 fotograf铆as de documentaci贸n (JPEG).[EN] General report (7 pages in Spanish and PDF format) + 7 photographs for documentation purposes

    Frequent and simultaneous epigenetic inactivation of TP53 pathway genes in acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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    Aberrant DNA methylation is one of the most frequent alterations in patients with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL). Using methylation bead arrays we analyzed the methylation status of 807 genes implicated in cancer in a group of ALL samples at diagnosis (n = 48). We found that 154 genes were methylated in more than 10% of ALL samples. Interestingly, the expression of 13 genes implicated in the TP53 pathway was downregulated by hypermethylation. Direct or indirect activation of TP53 pathway with 5-aza-29-deoxycitidine, Curcumin or Nutlin-3 induced an increase in apoptosis of ALL cells. The results obtained with the initial group of 48 patients was validated retrospectively in a second cohort of 200 newly diagnosed ALL patients. Methylation of at least 1 of the 13 genes implicated in the TP53 pathway was observed in 78% of the patients, which significantly correlated with a higher relapse (p = 0.001) and mortality (p,0.001) rate being an independent prognostic factor for disease-free survival (DFS) (p = 0.006) and overall survival (OS) (p = 0.005) in the multivariate analysis. All these findings indicate that TP53 pathway is altered by epigenetic mechanisms in the majority of ALL patients and correlates with prognosis. Treatments with compounds that may reverse the epigenetic abnormalities or activate directly the p53 pathway represent a new therapeutic alternative for patients with ALL