1,609 research outputs found

    Impact Analysis and Extraction Method: Applications on water resources in Andalusia

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    The objective of this work is to deepen in the relationships between the andalusian productive system and the water consumption. We will use an Impact Analysis and the Extraction Method. The first one allows us to study how it would affect to the regional water consumption a change in the sectorial demand. The second one allows us to simulate how it would affect to the water consumption the hypothetical extraction of a certain sector of the economic system. This study allows us to conclude that a reduction in the exports of some sectors would affect positively on the water saving; and that the extraction, fundamentally of the agro-alimentary industry, would considerably reduce the consumption of this resource. Before this reality we raised the possibility of considering a structural change in the region that consists of a productive specialization less water consumer.Input-Output analysis, Water consumption, Andalusian

    Hugo Francisco Bauzá. Virgilio. Memorias del poeta. Una autobiografía espiritual. Buenos Aires, Editorial Biblos, 2011, 253 pp.

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    Fil: Alonso, Griselda Esther. Universidad Nacional de Cuy

    La configuración del ethos en los parágrafos V a XIX del libro I de El asno de oro de Apuleyo

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    La finalidad de este artículo es el análisis del ethos de los personajes que actúan como narradores en los parágrafos V al XIX del Libro I del Asno de oro. Cabe aclarar que el estudio del ethos de los oradores se hace partiendo de la concepción de que el mismo es el resultado de una elaboración prediscursiva, que tendrá por resultado la construcción del ethos en el discurso retórico, concepto ya expresado por Aristóteles en su Retórica y retomado por las teorías del discurso y de la argumentación a partir de la segunda mitad del s. XX. Por lo tanto, la metodología a utilizar se vale tanto de obras de Retórica Clásica como de la Nueva Retórica. Además, se sirve de enfoques de la Lingüística y la Narratología. Por ser la novela de Apuleyo un ejemplo de lo que Bajtin denomina “dialogismo y alteridad", un segundo objetivo es el estudio de las relaciones que se establecen en el discurso de los personajes para tratar de determinar el sentido buscado en la obra y, en consecuencia, la incumbencia o verosimilitud de estos relatos en la misma.The purpose of this article is the analysis of the ethos of the characters that act as narrators in paragraphs V to X IX of Book I of The Golden Ass. It should be noted that the study of the ethos of the speakers is based on the conception that it is the result of a pre-discursive elaboration, which will result in the construction of ethos in rhetorical discourse, a concept already expressed by Aristotle in his Rhetoric and taken up by the theories of discourse and argumentation from the second half of the 20th century. Therefore, the methodology to be used is worth as much of works of Classical Rhetoric as of the New Rhetoric. In addition, it uses approaches to Linguistics and Narratology. Because Apuleyo's novel is an example of what Bakhtin calis "dialogism and alterity," a second objective is the study of the relationships established in the discourse of the characters to try to establish the meaning sought in the work, and in consequence the incumbency or verisimilitude of these stories in it.Fil: Alonso, Griselda Esther. Universidad Nacional de Cuy

    Modelo Input-Output de Agua. Análisis de las relaciones intersectoriales de agua en Andalucía

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    The aim of this work is to demonstrate the relationships between an economy’s productive sectors and the water consumption generated during productive processes. The methodology used is a water input-output model. We obtain this model combining the Leontief’s model and the Proops’ energy model. We study the andalusian reality, a region of southern Spain characterized by water scarcity, and we will examine whether excessive dependence on water resources which, may occur in some productive sectors, might affect not only the conservation and quality of this resource, but also have negative effects upon the solidity of the economy itself. In other words, we tried to detect the sectors that more amount of water consume, direct and indirect form, and we analyse if this factor could limit the economic growth of the region. This model allow us to distinguish between direct and indirect water consumption and this difference can be used like a factor of saved water policy. In the same way, the model permit us to make simulations in order to determinate the new level of consume when a rule is applied and its consequences on regional economy.Input-Output Model, Water consumption

    La Teoría de Grafos aplicada al estudio del consumo sectorial de agua en Andalucía.

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    The aim of this work is to demonstrate the relationships established between an economy’s productive sectors and the water consumption generated during their productive processes. We study de Andalusian reality, region of the South Spain characterized by its scarcity, and we will examine if the excessive dependence on water resources which may occur in some productive sectors might affect not only the conservation and quality of this resource, but also have negative effects upon the stability of the economy itself. A mixed methodology has been used, combining Input-Output analysis with Graphs Theory. We obtain a water Input-Output model and an interrelationship matrix which is analysed by Graphs Theory. The main conclusion is that Andalusian’s economic specialisation does not make a positive contribution to water conservation and, moreover, that the regional economy’s sustainability might be seriously endangered if the authorities do not take into account water limitations in their economic policy.Water consumption, Input-Output, Graphs Theory

    Performing an Environmental Tax Reform in a Regional Economy. A Computable General Equilibrium Approach

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    We use a Computable General Equilibrium model to simulate the effects of an Environmental Tax Reform in a regional economy (Andalusia, Spain). The reform involves imposing a tax on CO2 or SO2 emissions and reducing either the Income Tax or the payroll tax of employers to Social Security, and eventually keeping public deficit unchanged. This approach enables us to test the so-called double dividend hypothesis, which states that this kind of reform is likely to improve both environmental and non-environmental welfare. In the economy under analysis, an employment double dividend arises when the payroll tax is reduced and, if CO2 emissions are selected as environmental target, a (limited) strong double could also be obtained. No double dividend appears when Income Tax is reduced to compensate the environmental tax.environmental tax reform, computable general equilibrium, double dividend.