593 research outputs found
Study of the effect of pH, salinity and DOC on fluorescence of synthetic mixtures of freshwater and marine salts
In order to provide support for the discussion of the fate of organic matter in estuaries, a laboratory simulation was
performed by changing freshwater ionic strength, pH and organic matter content. The change in spectroscopic
characteristics caused by variations in salinity, pH and organic matter concentration in the filtered samples was
observed by UV-Vis and fluorescence spectroscopy. The increase in emission fluorescence intensity of dissolved
organic matter (DOM) due to increasing salinity (in the range 0 to 5 g l−1) is affected by the pH of the samples. The
emission fluorescence intensity at the three maxima observed in the fluorescence spectra, is linearly correlated with
dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration at several salinity values in the same sample. The increase in organic
matter concentration caused a shift in the emission peak wavelength at 410 nm for several salinity values.We
concluded that it is necessary to take into account the influence of salinity and pH on emission fluorescence of
dissolved organic matter if it is to be used as a tracer in estuarine or near shore areas
Caracterização das explorações de ovinos Serra da Estrela
A raça ovina serra da estrela tem o seu solar ao largo da nascente da bacia
hidrográfica do rio Mondego. Com um efectivo actual de cerca de 90000 cabeças e
encabeçamento de 35,8, esta raça autóctone de vocação predominantemente
leiteira, apresenta na rusticidade, uma característica fundamental para a sua
adaptação ao sistema semi-extensivo em que é explorada.
A alimentação é feita à base de pastagens naturais e melhoradas, forragens e
concentrados apenas durante o alavão.
Nos ovis predominam as construções próprias para o efeito, utilizando tanto o
sistema de camas de mato ou palha, como o ripado.
As condições higiosanitárias da maioria das explorações são ainda muito deficitárias
quer ao nível da qualidade das estruturas quer ao nível do maneio dos animais.
Aquando da selecção das explorações foram tomados em conta, entre outros,
critérios como a dimensão do efectivo, a indemnidade em relação à Brucelose, o tipo
de maneio, bem como a existência de suspeita clínica
O sobredimensionamento das explorações, a não existência de maternidades e
parques de recria, comedouros e bebedouros mal dimensionados, a ausência de
instalações para isolamento de animais doentes ou suspeitos, foram também
identificados como factores predisponentes ao aparecimento e manutenção nas
explorações de doenças com características epidemiológicas semelhantes à
O exame clínico de alguns animais destas explorações revelou a existência de
animais com acentuadas quebras de produção, emagrecimento progressivo, diarreia
terminal e edema intermandibular, compatíveis com um quadro sintomático de
Paratuberculose ovina.Agradecimentos: Ao Projecto Agro 786, Medida 8. Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e Demonstração. Acção 8.1-Desenvolvimento Experimental e Demonstração, bem como a todas as entidades nele interveniente
Effectiveness of the flipped classroom methodology in the performance of higher educationh students: systematic review with meta-analysis
ntroduction: The methodology Flipped Classroom (FC) consists in individual activities that the student
has to do at home through the use of technologies which help the student to prepare for class, and
during classes, activities are performed as more dynamic classes centered on the student. Through the
years, the success has reached the maximum levels of performance and satisfaction in the teaching
sessions in different areas of education compared to the classical methods, and there are no conclusive
and considerable studies that compile and analyze this information succinctly.
Objective: To analyze experimental and quasi-experimental studies that evaluate the methodology
database in FC in performance and student satisfaction in comparison with the expository methodology.
Methodology: This article is a systematic review that analyzes the RCT and Quasi - experimental studies
selected with the methodology FC, which measures the efficacy through the results achieved in the
realization and evaluation of the students. These articles were found in EBSCOhost and PubMed.
Results: We selected 41 articles, that fulfilled all inclusion criteria established by the authors, for the
accomplishment of this systematic review. The results of our meta-analysis, both RCTs and quasi experimental studies, point to a better effectiveness of the FC methodology compared to the expository
methodology in academic performance. However, there is a heterogeneity in planned and developed
activities during class, which means that our conclusions can’t be generalized. The poor methodological
quality of the included studies, especially quasi-experimental studies, does not allow our conclusions
about efficacy to be vigorous. Nevertheless, based on these first promising data, it seems to us that this
methodology offers learning opportunities that aren’t possible in a classroom based on lectures and
subject matter exposition.
Conclusion: Although the articles selected have poor methodological quality, and is necessary more
rigorous investigations on this methodology, we believe that the FC methodology could revolutionize
teaching methods and replace traditional teaching, which is so deeply rooted in today's society and
doesn’t seems to favor the achievement of transversal competences.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Effectiveness of the flipped classroom methodology In the performance of higher education students: systematic review with meta-analysis
Introduction: The methodology Flipped Classroom (FC) consists in individual activities that the student has to do at home through the use of technologies which help the student to prepare for class, and during classes, activities are performed as more dynamic classes centered on the student. Through the years, the success has reached the maximum levels of performance and satisfaction in the teaching sessions in different areas of education compared to the classical methods, and there are no conclusive and considerable studies that compile and analyze this information succinctly. Objective: To analyze experimental and quasi-experimental studies that evaluate the methodology database in FC in performance and student satisfaction in comparison with the expository methodology. Methodology: This article is a systematic review that analyzes the randomized controlled trial (RCT) and Quasi-experimental studies selected with the methodology FC, which measures the efficacy through the results achieved in the realization and evaluation of the students. These articles were found in EBSCOhost and PubMed. Results: We selected 41 articles, that fulfilled all inclusion criteria established by the authors, for the accomplishment of this systematic review. Discussion: The results of our meta-analysis, both RCTs and quasi-experimental studies, point to a better effectiveness of the FC methodology compared to the expository methodology in academic performance. However, there is a heterogeneity in planned and developed activities during class, which means that our conclusions can’t be generalized. The poor methodological quality of the included studies, especially quasi-experimental studies, does not allow our conclusions about efficacy to be vigorous. Nevertheless, based on these first promising data, it seems to us that this methodology offers learning opportunities that aren’t possible in a classroom based on lectures and subject matter exposition. Conclusion: Although the articles selected have poor methodological quality, and it is necessary more rigorous investigations on this methodology, we believe that the FC methodology could revolutionize teaching methods and replace traditional teaching, which is so deeply rooted in today's society and doesn’t seems to favor the achievement of transversal competences.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Feline lungworm infection. An emerging concern?
Infectious feline upper respiratory tract disease is very common and Aelurostrongylus abstrusus is the most often diagnosed parasitic cause, although clinical signs may go unnoticed and diagnosis is challenging as it has several limitations. Noting that more cases have been recorded in recent years, the authors, in the present work, describe in detail the features of five cases of Aelurostrongylus abstrusus registered in their work and influence area, to alert animal health professionals to this emerging concern.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Doddering but dear … even in the eyes of young children? Age stereotyping and prejudice in childhood and adolescence
This study aims to explore age prejudice, and to examine age stereotyping in children and adolescents by adopting the Stereotype Content Model (SCM) as a theoretical framework. It was hypothesised that children are socialised into adopting an ambivalent representation of old age (socialisation hypothesis) and that this cognitive bias becomes weaker in adolescence due to greater cognitive maturity (developmental hypothesis). By analysing representative data from Portugal (European Social Survey; N?=?2367), it was ascertained that the ambivalent age stereotype (higher evaluations of warmth than competence for older people) is indeed a shared social representation of older people in Portuguese society. A total of 103 Portuguese children (6–10 year olds) and adolescents (11–15 year olds) were then sampled from a local school and responded to age-appropriate measures assessing age prejudice as well as age stereotypes. Contrary to previous studies, the findings do not provide evidence for the existence of age prejudice because both children and adolescents reported positive feelings towards older people. However, the socialisation hypothesis was corroborated by showing that the ambivalent old age stereotype was already present in childhood. Contrary to the stipulated developmental hypothesis, the magnitude of this cognitive bias was very similar in adolescence.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio
Canine hair follicular tumours: a retrospective study
Hair follicular tumours in dog comprise a large and heterogeneous group of neoplasms that display morphological features resembling one or several portions of the normal hair follicle which constitute a huge effort for its diagnosis. Histopathological evaluation is required to better characterize the different types of canine hair follicular tumours, in order to better understand its biological behaviour and to collaborate with the daily clinical practice. Thus, a retrospective, cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out with goal of analyse its frequency and characteristics, in order to contribute to a better understanding of this vast group of tumours. As main results the authors verified a higher incidence of follicular tumours in male dogs, being the most frequent types diagnosed trichoepithelioma, followed by, trichoblastoma, infundibular keratinizing acanthoma and pilomatricoma and the average age of dogs was 8.76 years. Also, malignant tumours represented 31.6% of all canine hair follicular tumours diagnosed (n= 114).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Estudo Anatomohistopatológico da Paratuberculose em ovinos Serra da Estrela
A Paratuberculose é de uma doença crónica, de difícil diagnóstico, causadora de importantes perdas económicas. Por haver suspeita da sua presença nos efectivos ovinos da região da Serra da Estrela, é fundamental estabelecer um protocolo de diagnóstico rápido, eficaz e fiável, de modo a poderem ser identificados os rebanhos portadores de casos de doença e, posteriormente, elaborar-se um plano que permita o seu controlo.
Este trabalho consistiu na aplicação de métodos de diagnóstico anatomopatológicos a 34 animais previamente submetidos a dois testes serológicos, ELISA e AGID, aos quais foi realizada a necrópsia. Assim, foram contemplados vários parâmetros de diagnóstico que incluíram a observação do hábito externo antes da realização da necrópsia, necrópsia, exame histopatológico, método de coloração de Ziehl-Neelsen, bem como o método de Imunohistoquímica, cujos resultados se apresentam. Teve como objectivo o estudo anátomopatológico de uma amostragem de animais soropositivos, negativos e duvidosos, de modo a avaliar o padrão lesional macro e microscópico, a presença de bactérias álcool-ácido-resistentes na coloração de Ziehl-Neelsen, bem como a marcação com o anticorpo anti-MAP, de modo a comparar estes resultados com os da serologia e assim contribuir para o objectivo último de estabelecer um protocolo de diagnóstico rápido, eficaz.
Dos trinta e quatro animais enviados para necrópsia, verificou-se que os mesmos apresentaram reacção positiva ao ELISA em dezasseis casos, duvidoso num e foi negativo em doze animais. O AGID foi positivo apenas em quatro animais, e negativa em vinte e seis animais. O exame do hábito externo foi compatível em vinte e sete animais e não compatível em seis animais. O exame macroscópico foi compatível em vinte e oito animais e foi não compatível em três animais. A histopatologia foi compatível em vinte e um animais e foi não compatível em dez animais. Na coloração de Ziehl-Neelsen observaram-se bactérias álcool-ácido resistentes em dezoito animais e não se observaram bactérias álcool-ácido resistentes em treze animais. Na imunohistoquímica dois animais foram positivos.Projecto Agro 786, Medida 8. Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e Demonstração. Acção 8.1-Desenvolvimento Experimental e Demonstração, bem como a todas as entidades nele intervenientes
Paratuberculosis in Sheep from Serra da Estrela Region
Being Paratuberculosis a chronic disease of difficult diagnosis and having suspicious of her presence in Serra da Estrela ovine’s effectives, it’s essential to prove this fact and establish a fast, efficient and viable diagnosis protocol, to be able to identified flock’s carriers of disease cases and, subsequently, being developed an eradication plane that allows her control.
Therefore, in this work were tested several diagnosis’ methods but this report reflects mostly on the histopatological diagnosis’ methods, including the general condition observation before necropsy elaboration, necropsy, histopathological exam and Ziehl-Neelsen’s stain method, as well as Immunohistochemical`s method. A analogy with serological diagnosis was made.
Of the 46 animals sent to necropsy, 20 showed positive reaction to ELISA (enzyme linked immunosorbent assay), 2 doubtful reaction and 21 were negative. The AGID was only positive in 4 animals. The symptoms were compatible in 34 animals. The macroscopic’s exam was compatible in 40 animals. The histopathology was compatible in 26 animals. The Ziehl-Neelsen’s stain of tissues revealed acid fast bacterias in 20 animals. In Immunohistochemical method 20 animals were positives
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