118 research outputs found
Farm Management,
[EN] This research has its starting point in the environmental problems of the planet, to establish new paradigms that improve the quality of life in today's society, providing a contribution by the use of design. The case studies of the 2010 Shanghai Expo and the 2015 Milan Expo will be examined, along with two summer workshops conducted at the College of Design and Innovation at Tongji University (China) in 2012 and 2014, to determine how design plays a major role in social innovation.
This study is divided into four areas of study: reality, movement, action and future research.
Reality will examine the situation of our planet from a general environmental point of view. A discourse on the topic of social innovation and the relationship the designers have in this area also starts here establishing the role design professionals or teachers have in today's world.
Movement will analyze two important milestones in the field of design: the 2010 Expo Shanghai, as a starting point and the 2015 Milan Expo, as the end point, in order to learn how these cultural initiatives have proposed solutions to specific problems. A topic that deepens is, for example, the case of the use of bamboo, as ancestral material and its use in the world today, and how it can improve our quality of life as well as our environment.
Action will study the results of the summer workshops conducted in 2012 and 2014, under the title IDSS, a workshop organized by the College of Design and Innovation of Tongji University (Shanghai) and DESIS-China and the studio of TEKTAO in Shanghai, China.
The result of these studies has become the present thesis, which aims to demonstrate how the designer, with participation in certain projects or using ancestral materials such as natural fibers in globalized environments, can contribute to the development of products or services incorporating a high level of environmental awareness.
The case study workshop held in 2014 on Chonming Island (China), entitled "Urban farming: Inside and Outside" and the Milan Expo 2015 concludes with this investigation.
Future research will focus mainly on establishing the impact of sustainable materials, such as vegetable fibers, on today's society with the support of the Red RISA (Research Network for ancestral knowledge) of which I am a member, which is based in Ibarra, Ecuador, and dedicated to related research and teaching tasks,. In the short term, it is planning a workshop with students from the ETSID (Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería del Diseño) and an invited foreign university about nutritional self-reliance and self-sustainable crops. The current workshop themes have been selected for the Universal Exhibitions and the workshops we will hold with design students overlap in many areas.
The topics I am studying often coincide with a common theme, but approached from different perspectives, leading to a "common development movement". The scheme I have used as the theme of this thesis is a search for solutions that focus towards a present but uppermost for future research. It seems very ambitious but the goal of this research is exciting. Knowing "new realities" of the behavior of some human groups leads to detection of and focus on its operational mechanisms. Setting in motion processes of social innovation highlights the challenge of possible use of new models of behavior.
But does this lead in these fields to new sustainable areas of change? Arguably yes, since this approach of the designers opens a new area of work where solutions develop new ideas in product-service union. Professor Manzini, in his theory of social approach, proposes individualism: "When you decide to start doing things with and for others, you begin to mix what I call environmental sustainability with the partner" . From this fusion arises a whole ecosystem that provides access to other products, being only a part of the whole. This is connected to oriented towards the definition of new services.[ES] Esta investigación tiene su punto de partida en la preocupación por la problemática medio ambiental del planeta, para tratar de establecer nuevos paradigmas que mejoren la calidad de vida de la sociedad actual, aportando una posible contribución a través del diseño. Se examinaran los casos de estudio de las Expo Shanghái 2010 y la Expo Milán 2015, junto a dos Summer workshops, realizados en el College of Design and Innovation Tongji University Shanghái (China) en los años 2012 y 2014, para detectar como el diseño es un actor importante de la innovación social.
El presente estudio se divide en cuatro ejes de estudio: realidad, movimiento, acción e investigación futura.
Realidad, examina la situación de nuestro planeta desde el punto de vista medio ambiental. Se inicia un discurso sobre el tema de innovación social y la relación de los diseñadores respecto a esta materia. Se define cuál es su rol como profesionales o docentes del diseño en la actualidad.
Movimiento, analiza dos hitos en los que diseño es un exponente fundamental, la Expo Shanghái 2010, como punto de partida y la Expo Milán 2015, como punto final, para conocer como desde estas iniciativas culturales se tratan temas y se plantean soluciones a problemas concretos. Una profundiza en el estudio del uso del bambú como material ancestral y su uso en el mundo actual mejorando nuestra calidad de vida y la de nuestro entorno, en el segundo caso se revisa la problemática de los procesos de cómo optimizar el desarrollo de la alimentación mundial.
Acción, estudia los resultados obtenidos en los Summer workshops realizados en 2012 y 2014, bajo título: IDSS workshop organized by College of Design and Innovation de la Tongji University (Shanghái, China) y DESIS-China and studio of TEKTAO en Shanghái, China.
Esta tesis que plantea como el diseñador con su participación en algunos proyectos referencia, puede contribuir para el desarrollo de productos o servicios con un alto nivel de concienciación por el medio ambiente. Con el estudio del caso del Workshop realizado en 2014 en Chonming Island (China), titulado "Urban farming: Inside and Outside" y la Expo de Milán 2015, se concluye ésta investigación, aprendiendo del bagaje que se desprende de la relación del diseño con la innovación social.
Investigación futura, para continuar, nos apoyaremos en la Red RISA (Red de Investigación de Saberes Ancestrales) con sede en Ibarra (Ecuador), que se dedicada a tareas relacionadas con la investigación y docencia, de la que soy miembro. Respecto a la segunda línea de trabajo a corto plazo se plantea un workshop para realizar con alumnos de la Etsid y de una universidad extranjera invitada, sobre la autoalimentación.
Los temas que estamos estudiando coinciden en muchas ocasiones con un tema común, pero que se aborda desde diversas perspectivas, dando lugar a un "movimiento común de desarrollo". El esquema que he utilizado como hilo conductor de la presente tesis doctoral es una búsqueda de soluciones que se enfocan hacia una Investigación presente pero sobre todo futura. Parece muy ambicioso pero el objetivo a desarrollar es apasionante.
Conocer "nuevas realidades" del comportamiento de algunos grupos humanos, nos conduce a detectar y focalizar sus mecanismos de funcionamiento. Puestos en marcha procesos de innovación social, se pone de manifiesto el desafío el posible uso de nuevos modelos de comportamiento. Lo que conduce a nuevos espacios de cambio en el ámbito de la sostenibilidad.
Desde este planteamiento a los diseñadores se nos abre una nueva área de trabajo donde las soluciones desarrollan nuevas ideas en la unión producto-servicio. Según el Profesor Manzini, en su teoría de enfoque social, propone dejar de lado el individualismo: "Cuando decides empezar a hacer cosas con y por los otros, empiezas a mezclar lo que llamo la sustentabilidad ambiental con la social ". De esta fusión surge todo un ecosistema que da acces[CA] Aquesta investigació té el seu punt de partida en la problemática ambiental del planeta per tractar d'establir nous paradigmes que milloren la qualitat de vida de la societat actual, aportant una possible contribució a través del disseny. S'examinaran els casos d'estudi de l'Expo Shanghái 2010 i l'Expo Milan 2015, junt amb dos Summer Workshops realitzats el 2012 i el 2014 al College of Design and Innovation Tongji Universtity (Shanghái, Xina), per detectar com el disseny és un actor important de la innovació social.
El present estudi es divideix en quatre eixos d'estudi: realitat, moviment, acció i investigació/recerca futura.
Realitat, examina la situació del nostre planeta des del punt de vista mediambiental. S'inicia un discurs sobre el tema de la innovació social i la seua relació amb els dissenyadors definint quin és el paper d'aquests com a professionals o com a docents del disseny actual.
Moviment, analitza dues fites importants en les quals el disseny és un exponent fonamental: l'Expo Shanghái 2010 com a punt de partida i l'Expo Milan 2015 com a punt final, per tal de conéixer com aquestes iniciatives culturals tracten temes y plantegen solucions a problemes concrets. La primera iniciativa profunditza en l'estudi de l'ús del bambú, un material ancestral, en el món actual per tal de millorar la nostra qualitat de vida i el nostre entorn. Mentre que la segona revisa la problemàtica dels procesos per optimitzar el desenvolupament sostenible de l'alimentació mundial.
Acció, estudia els resultats obtinguts als Summer Workshops realitzats a Shanghái (Xina), als anys 2012 i 2014 sota els títols IDSS workshop organized by College of Design and Innovation de la Tongji University i DESIS-China and studio of TEKTAO. Ambdós es van realitzar al marc del Chongming Sustainable Community Project (Projecte Sostenible de la Comunitat de Chongming).
Així, amb l'estudi del cas del workshop "Urban farming: inside and outside", realitzat a l'Illa de Chongming (Xina, 2014), i el de l'Expo de Milà 2015, conclou aquesta investigació aprenent del bagatge que es desprén de la relació del disseny amb la innovació social.
Investigació futura, per continuar, ens recolzarem en la Red RISA (Red de Investigación de Saberes Ancestrales), amb la seu a Ibarra (Ecuador), dedicada a feines relacionades amb la investigació i la docència i de la qual forme part.
Respecte a la segona línia de treball a curt termini, es planteja un workshop sobre autoalimentació per realitzar-lo amb alumnes de la ETSID i d'alguna Universitat extrangera convidada.
Els temes que estem estudiant coincideixen en moltes ocasions amb un tema comú, encara que tractat des de diverses perspectives, originant un "moviment comú de desenvolupament". L'esquema que he utilitzat com a fil conductor de la present Tesi Doctoral és una recerca de solucions enfocades a una investigació present però també futura. Sembla molt ambiciós però l'objectiu a desenvolupar és apassionant. Conèixer "noves realitats" sobre el comportament d'alguns grups humans ens conduiex a detectar i focalitzar els seus mecanismes de funcionament. Engegant diversos procesos de innovació social es posa de manifest la possibiltat de nous models de comportament, la qual cosa produeix nous espais de canvi en l'àmbit de la sostenibilitat.
Des d'aquest plantejament, als dissenyadors se'ns obri una nova àrea de treball on les solucions desenvolupen noves idees sobre la unió servei-producte. Segons el Professor Manzini i la seua teria de l'enfocament social, proposa l'abandonament de l'individualisme: "Quan decideixes començar a fer coses amb i pels altres, és quan comences a barrejar el que jo anomene la sustentabilitat ambiental amb la social ". D'aquesta fusió sorgeix tot un ecosistema que dóna accés a altres productes, sent només una part de tot el conjunt.Esteve Sendra, MC. (2016). REVISIÓN Y CONSIDERACIÓN DE UNA PRAXIS DEDICADA A OPTIMIZAR LA CALIDAD DE VIDA, CON EL USO DEL DISEÑO COMO CATALIZADOR DE LA INNOVACIÓN SOCIAL
(2010-2015). ESTUDIOS DE CASOS [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/62210TESI
An economic modelling approach for vulnerability assesment in irrigation farms in Spain
In the last years, vulnerability assessment has emerged as a need for policy making instead of being a pure academic exercise (Hinkel, 2010). In the current context of changing climate, increasing water scarcity threatens economic activities in many arid or semi-arid regions of the World. Climate change (CC) science and policy debates have traditionally focused on CC mitigation and impact assessment (Krysanova et al., 2010). However, even if mitigation policies are successfully enforced some climate change is still expected. Then, adaptation is strongly necessary and, for that, improved knowledge on vulnerability and adaptive capacity is required
Monitoring the Starvation-Survival Response of Edwardsiella piscicida and E. tarda in Freshwater Microcosms, at Various Temperatures
Edwardsiella piscicida is an important fish pathogen responsible for economic losses in global aquaculture, and E. tarda is also a human zoonotic pathogen. In this study, the survival of E. piscicida and E. tarda strains kept in filtered and sterilized lake water microcosms was investigated during a 20-week period at 7 ◦C, 15 ◦C and 25 ◦C, as well as its pathogenicity retention during a starvation period. E. tarda V43.2 stayed culturable for 6 weeks at 7 ◦C, 9 weeks at 25 ◦C and 12 weeks at 15 ◦C. Both E. piscicida strains (V12.1 and V57.2) stayed culturable even longer, for at least 12 weeks at 7 ◦C, 15 ◦C and 25 ◦C under the same starvation conditions. After Edwardsiella cells entered into the VBNC state, some became shorter and "rounded up," but others aggregated and retained a short rod shape. Aggregates of Edwardsiella cells were common throughout the VBNC period, and a well-formed biofilm was observed for all tested strains at the end of the experiment. The growth capacity of VBNC cells was restored by cultivating microcosm water samples in LB broth at 28 ◦C. Resuscitated E. piscicida cells were as virulent for the European eel as the controls. Natural waters can be a reservoir for Edwardsiella, and its underestimation in environmental samples poses a risk to public health and aquaculture
Assessment of Socio-Economic and Climate Change Effects on Water Resources and Agriculture in Southern and Eastern Mediterranean countries. MEDPRO Technical Paper No. 28/March 2013
This study aims at assessing the socio-economic and environmental effects of different societal and
human development scenarios and climate change in the water-scarce southern and eastern
Mediterranean. The study develops a two-stage modelling methodology that includes an econometric
analysis for the southern and eastern Mediterranean region as a whole and a detailed, integrated socioecological
assessment focusing on Jordan, Syria and Morocco. The results show that water resources
will be under increasing stress in future years. In spite of country differences, a future path of
sustainable development is possible in the region. Water withdrawals could decrease, preserving
renewable water resources and reversing the negative effects on agricultural production and rural
society. This, however, requires a combination across the region of technical, managerial, economic,
social and institutional changes that together foster a substantive structural change. A balanced
implementation of water supply-enhancing and demand-management measures along with improved
governance are key to attaining a cost-effective sustainable future in which economic growth, a
population increase and trade expansion are compatible with the conservation of water resources
Perspectives on climate change and human development in the Mediterranean agriculture
The Mediterranean region is one of the world's climate
change hotspots. Future climate projections envisage dramatic implications for the agricultural and water sectors that will endanger economic development and lead to natural resources degradation and social instability
Analysing trade-offs between food production and ecosystem services in tropical forests of lowland Bolivia
The expansion of agricultural land is responsible for most tropical deforestation. Historically, smallholder farming and shifting cultivation has been reported as the main agent of deforestation. However, the increasing global demand for food in recent years has greatly
boosted the development of medium and large-scale commercial agriculture which is nowadays causing the majority of tropical forest cover loss, particularly in Latin America
Water, agriculture and ecosystem services in climate change vulnerable agricultural regions of Spain and Jordan
Irrigated agricultural landscapes generate a valuable set of
ecosystem services, which are threatened by water scarcity in many aridand semi‐arid regions of the world. In the Mediterranean region, climate change is expected to decrease water availability through reduced precipitation and more frequent drought spells. At the same time, climate
change, demographic and economic development and an agricultural sector highly dependent on irrigation, will raise water demand, increasing experienced water scarcity
and affecting the provision of ecosystem services from water
resources and agro-ecosystems. In this context, policy makers face the challenge of balancing the provision of different ecosystem services, including agricultural income
and production and also water ecosystem protection
Analysis of current patterns of deforestation in Latin America and the Caribbean
Climate change is a major threat to human and natural systems, and particularly to the functionality of ecosystems and the services they provide (IPCC, 2014). Tropical deforestation contributes to 12?14% of global greenhouse gas emissions (Harris et al., 2014). Deforestation also reduces the capacity of forests as key above ground sinks of carbon, and has considerable effects upon biodiversity (Peres et al., 2010 and Pereira et al., 2012). Forest conservation and management offers a strategy for climate change mitigation through restoration of the capacity of forest carbon sequestration
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