686 research outputs found

    The application of cogeneration systems to the cooling of food and buildings in East Timor : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Technology at Massey University

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    Cogeneration is generation of both heat and power simultaneously using a single primary energy input. Cogeneration recovers "waste heat "from a conventional power generation plant to produce useful energy, leading to the increased overall efficiency of fuel input. This also achieves cost savings, and reduces greenhouse gas emissions where fossil fuels are used. The objectives of this study are to assess the technical and economic viability of a cogeneration system for the cooling of food and buildings in East Timor. The findings of this research provide a basis for recommending action and further research to East Timor's decision-makers on energy issues. Technical assessments in this study focus on cooling, electricity demand, and fuel supply as the basis for choosing the type and size of a cogeneration system. The financial viability of the cogeneration system is assessed using net present value (NPV) and sensitivity analysis. The NPV of the cogeneration system is compared with the NPV of conventional energy supply for cooling and electricity. There is low demand for cooling for comfort and food preservation in East Timor, due to low levels of industrial and commercial investment, and the vast majority of people still living in poverty. Although cooling demand is low overall, numerous government and commercial buildings have installed cooling systems. In this study, six buildings (2 office buildings, a bank, a hotel, a university and a mini-market) were selected based on their relatively high cooling demand and their geographic proximity to one another. The cooling demand of these six buildings was modeled based on a room-by- room approach. The results showed that their overall hourly cooling demand averages 600 kilowatt-cooling, while peak load was 707 kilowatt-cooling. This cooling demand was primarily driven by ambient temperature, number of people present and lighting load. Power demand in East Timor is low. The total operable power supply capacity for the entire country is 22 megawatts, of which more than half is located in Dili. Electricity demand is predominantly driven by residential consumption, rather than commercial and industrial consumption. Although there is low electricity demand, East Timor faces an immediate electricity deficit of 24 megawatts, which is higher than the existing operable capacity. In the six selected buildings, the overall peak and average electricity loads were 489 kW and 422 kW respectively. This load was mainly driven by air conditioning, computers, and lighting applications during working hours. Electricity generation relies on diesel, which is imported from Indonesia. Diesel will remain the main source to generate electricity due to a lack of feasible alternatives. East Timor is rich in natural gas both offshore and onshore. However, until now there has been no plan to provide natural gas distribution pipelines to East Timor. Based on the cooling and electricity demand and fuel availability, diesel was chosen to drive the cogeneration systems. The size of the cogeneration system was selected so as to fulfill both the electricity demand in the six selected buildings and be able to export surplus to the local grid. There are two reasons for employing a larger engine capacity. Firstly, a small engine will not be able to generate sufficient heat to drive an absorption cooling system with a capacity of 600 kilowatt. Secondly, export electricity will increase revenues generated from the cogeneration plant. Financially, the net present value (NPV) of both the cogeneration system and the conventional energy supply system were lower than zero, which means that neither system can be viable financially. The cogeneration system's NPV was lower than that for the conventional energy supply system, due to its higher capital and operating costs. High operating costs were due to fuel costs, with low revenues being due to heavy subsidies on electricity. If fuel and electricity subsidies were removed, a cogeneration system could become a more attractive option compared to a conventional system. However, removing the electricity subsidy would result in the large majority of people being unable to afford electricity

    Tecnologia avançada per fer propera l’Administració

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    La Societat Catalana de Tecnologia

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    La Societat Catalana de Tecnologia

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    El pas clandestĂ­ de la frontera

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    Advanced technology to bring administration closer

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    Role of e-Government to move towards a results-oriented public administration more effective, more efficient and transparen

    Espai MirĂł a Mont-Roig del Camp : Centre d'Estudis d'Art Contemporani

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    Reacções Cutâneas, Oculares e Respiratórias pela Processionária (Thaumetopoea Pityocampa)

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    Pine caterpillar, Thaumetopoea pityocampa, is a phyto-lepidopteran, responsible for the delay in the growth or the death of various types of pine trees. Besides nature damage, pine caterpillar causes dermatological reactions in humans by contact with the irritating hairs of the larvae. Although dermatitis occurs among outdoor professionals, it is primarily non-professional. Means of contamination comprise direct contact with the nest or the processional caterpillar and indirect contact with air dispersed hairs. Dermatitis is generally observed in late spring and particularly from March to June, among campers and tourers. The eruption has its onset 1-12 hours after contact with the hairs and presents with intense and continuous itching. Apart from the skin, T. pityocampa can involve the eyes and rarely the airways. Despite the considerable damages to humans and nature, pine caterpillar infestation is an underestimated problem; medical literature lists few studies and, often, relevant information is referred to local media and popular wisdom.A lagarta do pinheiro, Thaumetopoea pityocampa, é um inseto desfolhador responsável pelo atraso do crescimento ou a morte de vários tipos de pinheiros. Além de danos ambientais a lagarta pode provocar reações cutâneas em humanos pelo contato com os pelos irritantes das larvas. Embora a dermatite ocorra entre grupos de profissionais de ar livre, afecta principalmente grupos não-ocupacionais. Os meios de transmissão compreendem o contato directo com o ninho e/ou processionária e o contato indireto com os pelos dispersos no ar. A dermatite é geralmente observada no final da Primavera, particularmente, de Março a Junho, entre os ultilizadores de parques de campismo. A erupção cutânea tem início 1-12 horas após o contato com os pêlos e apresenta-se com prurido intenso e persistente. Para além da pele, a T. pityocampa pode envolver a olhos e a via aérea, mas de forma menos frequente. Apesar dos danos consideráveis para os seres humanos e para natureza, a infestação é um problema subestimado; a literatura médica é escassa e, muitas vezes, a informação relevante é a que se refere aos meios de comunicação locais e à sabedoria popular

    The surrealist Xavante aesthetic : experience of scenic contact

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    Este trabalho pretende apresentar o relato de uma experiência de contato interétnico, sob a perspectiva estética do espelhamento surrealista, no estabelecimento de relações, no acesso à informação e nas tensões culturais resultantes da elaboração do espetáculo Dança da guerra do povo Xavante, intercâmbio cênico realizado entre o Centro de Documentação e Pesquisa em Dança ErosVolúsia (CDPDan/CEN/UnB) e o Instituto Indígena Tseretomodzatse Xavante.2 Na primeira etapa desse projeto, em março de 2005, foi realizada uma visita à aldeia Nossa Senhora da Guia em Barra do Garça-MT, com o propósito de coletar informações visuais e sonoras de cantos, danças e ritos tradicionais daquela cultura, assim como participar interativamente das manifestações corporais ali presentes. Na segunda etapa, em abril de 2005, realizou-se um espetáculo interdiscíplinar, apresentado no DF (escolas, teatros, florestas, templos), mostrando as danças xavantes, com a participação de trinta dançarinos xavantes, em diálogo com elementos da dança ocidental e performance multimídia denominada “espelhamento especular”, realizada por Soraia Silva. Desse relato também consta o depoimento “A dança e o canto-celebração da existência Xavante” realizado por Estanislau Wéré’ éTsi’róbó”. ______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis work intends to present the reporting of an experience of an inter-ethnic contact, under the aesthetic perspective of the surrealist reflection in the establishment of relations, in the access to information, and in the cultural tensions resultant of the elaboration of the spectacle Dance of the war of the Xavante people, a scenic interchange realized between the Center of Documentation and Research in Dance Eros Volusia CEN/UnB and the aboriginal Institute Tseretomodzatse Xavante. In the first stage of this project, in March, 2005, a visit to the village Nossa Senhora da Guia do Garça-MT was realized, with the intention of collecting Wsuo/s and sonorous information’s, songs, dances and traditional rites of that culture, as well as participating interactively of the corporal manifestations present there. In the second stage, in April, 2005, an interdisciplinary spectacle was performed in the Federal District, presenting the Xavante dances, with the participation of 30 Xavante dancers, in dialogue with elements of the occidental dance and multimedia performance. The work also presents the deposition of "The dance and sing-celebralion of the Xavante existence", by Estanislau Wéré’ é Tsi'robo
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