1,652 research outputs found

    Symmetric Jacobians

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    This article is about polynomial maps with a certain symmetry and/or antisymmetry in their Jacobians, and whether the Jacobian Conjecture is satisfied for such maps, or whether it is sufficient to prove the Jacobian Conjecture for such maps. For instance, we show that it suffices to prove the Jacobian conjecture for polynomial maps x + H over C such that JH satisfies all symmetries of the square, where H is homogeneous of arbitrary degree d >= 3.Comment: 18 pages, minor corrections, grayscale eepic boxes have been replaced by colorful tikz boxe

    Scheduling non-urgent patient transportation while maximizing emergency coverage

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    Many ambulance providers operate both advanced life support (ALS) and basic life support (BLS) ambulances. Typically, only an ALS ambulance can respond to an emergency call, whereas non-urgent patient transportation requests can be served by either an ALS or a BLS ambulance. The total capacity of BLS ambulances is usually not enough to fulfill all non-urgent transportation requests. The remaining transportation requests then have to be performed by ALS ambulances, which reduces the coverage for emergency calls. We present a model that determines the routes for BLS ambulances while maximizing the remaining coverage by ALS ambulances. Different from the classical dial-a-ride problem, only one patient can be transported at a time, and not all requests are known in advance. Throughout the day, new requests arrive, and we present an online model to deal with these requests

    Strategic CSR: A Concept Building Meta-Analysis

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    This study develops the concept of Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility (Strategic CSR) by meta-analyzing the available empirical evidence on the relationship between CSR and corporate financial performance (CFP). Using meta-analytic structural equation modeling on effect size data from 344 primary studies, our study documents four empirical mechanisms explaining how CSR positively affects CFP: by 1) enhancing firm reputation, 2) increasing stakeholder reciprocation, 3) mitigating firm risk, and 4) strengthening innovation capacity. We propose these four mechanisms to identify four causally relevant attributes that allow us to conceptually distinguish Strategic CSR from CSR more generally. Our findings indicate that the four mechanisms combined explain 20 per cent of the CSR-CFP relationship, suggesting that considerable room remains for future empirical research. The development of an empirically informed, causal conceptualization of Strategic CSR responds to a long-heard call for better-specified concepts in empirical CSR research

    Ground reaction forces during walking with different load and slope combinations in rats

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    BACKGROUND: Treadmill animal models are commonly used to study effects of exercise on bone. Since mechanical loading induces bone strain, resulting in bone formation, exercise that induces higher strains is likely to cause more bone formation. Our aim was to investigate the effect of slope and additional load on limb bone strain. METHODS: Horizontal and vertical ground reaction forces on left fore-limb (FL) and hind-limb (HL) of twenty 23-week old female Wistar rats (weight 279 ± 26 g) were measured for six combinations of SLOPE (-10°, 0°, +10°) and LOAD (0 to 23% of body mass). Peak force (Fmax), rate of force rise (RC), stance time (Tstance) and impulse (Fint) on FLs and HLs were analyzed. RESULTS: For the FL, peak ground reaction forces and rate of force rise were highest when walking downward -10° with load (Fmax = 2.09±0.05 N, FLRC = 34±2 N/s) For the HL, ground reaction forces and rate of force rise were highest when walking upward +10°, without load (Fmax = 2.20±0.05 N, HLRC = 34±1 N/s). Load increased stance time. Without additional load, estimates for the highest FL loading (slope is -10°) were larger than for the highest HL loading (slope is +10°) relative to level walking. CONCLUSIONS: Thus, walking downward has a higher impact on FL bones, while walking upward is a more optimal HL exercise. Additional load may have a small effect on FL loading

    Generalized Robba rings

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    We prove that any projective coadmissible module over the locally analytic distribution algebra of a compact pp-adic Lie group is finitely generated. In particular, the category of coadmissible modules does not have enough projectives. In the Appendix a "generalized Robba ring" for uniform pro-pp groups is constructed which naturally contains the locally analytic distribution algebra as a subring. The construction uses the theory of generalized microlocalization of quasi-abelian normed algebras that is also developed there. We equip this generalized Robba ring with a self-dual locally convex topology extending the topology on the distribution algebra. This is used to show some results on coadmissible modules.Comment: with an appendix by Peter Schneider; revised; new titl

    Optic Flow Stimuli in and Near the Visual Field Centre: A Group fMRI Study of Motion Sensitive Regions

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    Motion stimuli in one visual hemifield activate human primary visual areas of the contralateral side, but suppress activity of the corresponding ipsilateral regions. While hemifield motion is rare in everyday life, motion in both hemifields occurs regularly whenever we move. Consequently, during motion primary visual regions should simultaneously receive excitatory and inhibitory inputs. A comparison of primary and higher visual cortex activations induced by bilateral and unilateral motion stimuli is missing up to now. Many motion studies focused on the MT+ complex in the parieto-occipito-temporal cortex. In single human subjects MT+ has been subdivided in area MT, which was activated by motion stimuli in the contralateral visual field, and area MST, which responded to motion in both the contra- and ipsilateral field. In this study we investigated the cortical activation when excitatory and inhibitory inputs interfere with each other in primary visual regions and we present for the first time group results of the MT+ subregions, allowing for comparisons with the group results of other motion processing studies. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we investigated whole brain activations in a large group of healthy humans by applying optic flow stimuli in and near the visual field centre and performed a second level analysis. Primary visual areas were activated exclusively by motion in the contralateral field but to our surprise not by central flow fields. Inhibitory inputs to primary visual regions appear to cancel simultaneously occurring excitatory inputs during central flow field stimulation. Within MT+ we identified two subregions. Putative area MST (pMST) was activated by ipsi- and contralateral stimulation and located in the anterior part of MT+. The second subregion was located in the more posterior part of MT+ (putative area MT, pMT)

    Initial properdin binding contributes to alternative pathway activation at the surface of viable and necrotic cells

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    Properdin, the only known positive regulator of the complement system, stabilizes the C3 convertase, thereby increasing its half-life. In contrast to most other complement factors, properdin is mainly produced extrahepatically by myeloid cells. Recent data suggest a role for properdin as a pattern recognition molecule. Here, we confirmed previous findings of properdin binding to different necrotic cells including Jurkat T cells. Binding can occur independent of C3, as demonstrated by HAP-1 C3 KO cells, excluding a role for endogenous C3. In view of the cellular source of properdin, interaction with myeloid cells was examined. Properdin bound to the surface of viable monocyte-derived pro- and anti-inflammatory macrophages, but not to DCs. Binding was demonstrated for purified properdin as well as fractionated P2, P3, and P4 properdin oligomers. Binding contributed to local complement activation as determined by C3 and C5b-9 deposition on the cell surfaces and seems a prerequisite for alternative pathway activation. Interaction of properdin with cell surfaces could be inhibited with the tick protein Salp20 and by different polysaccharides, depending on sulfation and chain length. These data identify properdin as a factor interacting with different cell surfaces, being either dead or alive, contributing to the local stimulation of complement activation.</p
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