8 research outputs found

    Translating Colloquial Egyptian Arabic Poetry Into English—Challenges of the Register and Metaphors: A Contrastive Study

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    This study tackles the challenges of translating poem composed in colloquial Egyptian Arabic (CEA) into English. It applies Halliday’s concept of register on a CEA poem and its translation to determine the different varieties used in the original and how far they are maintained in the translation. It pays a special attention to the use of metaphors and its relation to the register, highlighting the translation challenge of rendering culture-specific and register-specific metaphors into English. It is evident that both the register and the metaphors carry an essential weight of both the semantic and effective meaning, which is lost to a great extent in the translation. The paper applies a case study on at Al- Gakhs panoramic poem “The Call”: a longitudinal section of the recent three years in the Egyptian society and a précis of the events of the Egyptian revolutionary path.The results reveal that there is a significant correlation between the register and used metaphors. While the register is almost completely lost in the translation; some of the related metaphors are successfully and faithfully rendered into English. This compensates somehow for the lost effective meaning of the register. Notwithstanding, metaphors which are highly related to the registration of colloquial Arabic varieties lose their effective meaning in the translation too. Keeping the tenor and the field is proved not to be enough to communicate the effectiveness and the original semantic meaning

    Когнітивне дослідження концепту «Подорож» у поезії Відад Бенмуса

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    The concept of motion is central to the human cognition and it is universally studied in cognitive linguistics. This research paper investigates concept of motion, with special reference to traveling, in the poetry of Widad Benmoussa. It mainly focuses on the cognitive dimensions underlying the metaphorical representation of traveling. To this end, the research conducts a semi-automated analysis of a corpus representing Widad’s poetic collections. MetaNet’s physical path is mainly used to reveal the cognitive respects of traveling. The personae the poetess assigns are found to pursue a dynamic goal through activation of several physical paths. During the unstable romantic relations, several travel impediments are met. Travel stops and detours, travel companions, paths in journey as well as changing travel destinations are the most stressed elements of ‘Traveling’ respects. With such a described high frequency of sudden departures and hopping, the male persona the poetess assigns evinces typical features of 'wanderlust' or dromomania. Концепція руху є центральною для людського пізнання й сьогодні вона є поширеним предметом вивчення в когнітивній лінгвістиці. У цій статті представлене дослідження концепту руху, а особливу увагу приділено темі подорожі у віршах Відад Бенмуса, а саме: когнітивним вимірам, що лежать в основі метафоричного представлення мандрівки. Для досягнення цієї мети було проведено напівавтоматичний аналіз корпусу поетичних збірок Відад Бенмуса. Фізичний шлях MetaNet головно застосовано для виявлення когнітивних аспектів подорожі. Установлено, що персонажі, про яких пише поетеса, переслідують динамічну мету через активацію декількох фізичних шляхів. Під час їхніх нестабільних романтичних стосунків, трапляються перешкоди на шляху до подорожей. З’ясовано, що найбільш виділеними елементами аспектів «подорожі» є: зупинки й об’їзди під час подорожей, супутники, шлях в дорозі, а також зміна туристичних напрямків. Ураховуючи описану високу частоту раптових від’їздів і поворотів, можна стверджувати, що особистість чоловіка, про якого пише поетеса, характеризують такі основні риси, як «нестримний потяг до мандрівки» або дромоманія

    Toward A Successful Translation of The “Reduced” Anadiplosis in The Quranic Verses

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    This study investigates the use of anadiplosis in both English and Arabic. It focuses primarily on outlining and defining the so-called “reduced” anadiplosis in some Quranic verses. The study investigates, too, the most popular English translations of them, highlighting the mismatches between the original holy text and its translations. The Quranic “reduced” anadiplosis is subtly elaborated to show how far it serves textual, semantic and stylistic functions. Evidently, at least one of these elements, if not more, is lost in the translation.Essential to account for the source of dimly lit culpable background is to understand the philosophical and linguistic perspectives and predisposing factors of such a conflict. The paper traces back, etymologically and deductively, the origin of this manacle and proceeds to propose two suggested strategies toward overcoming this awkward status quo in translation