10 research outputs found

    General Existence Results for Reflected BSDE and BSDE

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    In this paper, we are concerned with the problem of existence of solutions for generalized reflected backward stochastic differential equations (GRBSDEs for short) and generalized backward stochastic differential equations (GBSDEs for short) when the generator fds+gdAsfds + gdA_s is continuous with general growth with respect to the variable yy and stochastic quadratic growth with respect to the variable zz. We deal with the case of a bounded terminal condition ξ\xi and a bounded barrier LL as well as the case of unbounded ones. This is done by using the notion of generalized BSDEs with two reflecting barriers studied in \cite{EH}. The work is suggested by the interest the results might have in finance, control and game theory.Comment: 23 page

    Doubly Reflected BSDEs With Stochastic Quadratic Growth: Around The Predictable Obstacles

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    We prove the existence of maximal (and minimal) solution for one-dimensional generalized doubly reflected backward stochastic differential equation (RBSDE for short) with irregular barriers and stochastic quadratic growth, for which the solution YY has to remain between two rcll barriers LL and UU on [0;T[[0; T[, and its left limit Y−Y_- has to stay respectively above and below two predictable barriers ll and uu on ]0;T]]0; T]. This is done without assuming any PP-integrability conditions and under weaker assumptions on the input data. In particular, we construct a maximal solution for such a RBSDE when the terminal condition ξ\xi is only FT−{\cal F}_T-measurable and the driver ff is continuous with general growth with respect to the variable yy and stochastic quadratic growth with respect to the variable zz. Our result is based on a (generalized) penalization method. This method allow us find an equivalent form to our original RBSDE where its solution has to remain between two new rcll reflecting barriers Y‾\overline{Y} and Y‾\underline{Y} which are, roughly speaking, the limit of the penalizing equations driven by the dominating conditions assumed on the coefficients. A standard and equivalent form to our initial RBSDE as well as a characterization of the solution YY as a generalized Snell envelope of some given predictable process ll are also given.Comment: 21 page

    Reflected Backward Stochastic Differential Equation with Jumps and RCLL Obstacle

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    In this paper we study one-dimensional reflected backward stochastic differential equation when the noise is driven by a Brownian motion and an independent Poisson point process when the solution is forced to stay above a right continuous left-hand limited obstacle. We prove existence and uniqueness of the solution by using a penalization method combined with a monotonic limit theorem

    Large deviation for BSDE with subdifferential operator

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    In this paper we prove that the solution of a backward stochastic differential equation, which involves a subdifferential operator and associated to a family of reflecting diffusion processes, converges to the solution of a deterministic backward equation and satisfes a large deviation principle