41 research outputs found

    Novels on the Subject of Sirah / Sirah for the “Market” in the Axis of the Relationship Between Popular Culture and Design

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    Popüler kültüre eklemleyerek ele aldığımız Hz. Peygamber’in hayatını konu edinen romanlarda tasarımı oluşturan görsel ve yazınsal öğeler, kitabı bir tüketim nesnesi haline getirirken aynı zamanda siyeri de kitle kültürü içinde metalaştırmaktadır. İlahiyattan iktisada ev hanımlığından akademisyenliğe ve hatta popüler roman yazarlarına kadar oldukça geniş yelpazedeki farklı sınıf ve mesleklere mensup siyer konulu roman yazarlarının tasarımı, bir propaganda malzemesi haline getirdiği görülmüştür. Ayrıca kadın yazını içerisinde ele aldığımız hanım sahabe romanlarında, cinsiyete dayalı tasarım unsurlarının kullanılarak siyerin kadın okuyucular nezdinde tüketim unsuru haline getirildiğini müşahede etmekteyiz. Tarihi romanlardan biyografik romanlara, kadın romancıların elinde yeniden tüketilen/üretilen hanım sahabe romanlarına kadar siyer konulu romanlar, tasarım ve tipografi unsurları itibariyle siyeri, ısmarlama tüketim kalıbı içinde ticarileştirerek popüler kültür kodlarını yansıtan ortak bir görüntü vermektedirler.By adding it to popular culture, The Prophet and literary elements that make up the design in the novels about the life of the Prophet make the book an object of consumption, while at the same time commodifying the sirah within the mass culture. It has been seen that writer of sirah-themed novels belonging to a wide range of different classes and professions, from theology to economics, from housewives to academics and even popular novelists, have turned the design into propaganda material. In addition, we observe that in the female companion novels that we deal with in women’s literature, the sirah is made into a consumption element by female readers by using gender-based design elements. From historical novels to biographical novels, to the sahabe women novels that are re-consumed/produced by female novelists, sirah novels give a common image reflecting popular culture codes by commercializing sirah in terms of design and typographical elements in a bespoke consumption pattern

    Improvements in cognition, quality of life, and physical performance with clinical Pilates in multiple sclerosis: a randomized controlled trial

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    [Purpose] The aim of this study was to determine the effects of clinical Pilates in multiple sclerosis patients. [Subjects and Methods] Twenty multiple sclerosis patients were enrolled in this study. The participants were divided into two groups as the clinical Pilates and control groups. Cognition (Multiple Sclerosis Functional Composite), balance (Berg Balance Scale), physical performance (timed performance tests, Timed up and go test), tiredness (Modified Fatigue Impact scale), depression (Beck Depression Inventory), and quality of life (Multiple Sclerosis International Quality of Life Questionnaire) were measured before and after treatment in all participants. [Results] There were statistically significant differences in balance, timed performance, tiredness and Multiple Sclerosis Functional Composite tests between before and after treatment in the clinical Pilates group. We also found significant differences in timed performance tests, the Timed up and go test and the Multiple Sclerosis Functional Composite between before and after treatment in the control group. According to the difference analyses, there were significant differences in Multiple Sclerosis Functional Composite and Multiple Sclerosis International Quality of Life Questionnaire scores between the two groups in favor of the clinical Pilates group. There were statistically significant clinical differences in favor of the clinical Pilates group in comparison of measurements between the groups. Clinical Pilates improved cognitive functions and quality of life compared with traditional exercise. [Conclusion] In Multiple Sclerosis treatment, clinical Pilates should be used as a holistic approach by physical therapists

    Determinants of physical activity in minimally impaired people with multiple sclerosis

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    Objective: Despite the commonly known benefits of physical activity, evidence shows that people with multiple sclerosis (pwMS) are relatively inactive. There are several studies about factors affecting physical activity in pwMS. However, these factors have not investigated in minimally impaired pwMS who do not have remarkable symptoms and walking disturbance. The objective was to determine factors affecting physical activity in minimally impaired pwMS

    Utilization of the Expanded Disability Status Scale as a distinctive instrument for walking impairment in persons with multiple sclerosis with mild disability

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    BACKGROUND: The Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) is a well-established clinical measure to assess disability in multiple sclerosis (MS). Gait dysfunction is primarily considered for scoring only above EDSS 3.5. However, the changes in functional systems in below EDSS 3.5 may result gait disturbances

    Вплив телереабілітації на гнучкість підколінних м’язів стегна у здорових дорослих

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    Background. Telerehabilitation used as an exercise method has become increasingly common in recent years. Various methods have been used to increase hamstring flexibility, but more research is required on the optimal program. The study purpose was to investigate the effect of hamstring stretching exercises given as telerehabilitation and home exercise program on hamstring flexibility. Materials and methods. Sixty-eight healthy adults were randomly assigned to two groups, namely telerehabilitation and home exercise. Exercises were performed for 8 weeks (4 sessions/week) in both groups. Active and passive range of motion (ROM), sit and reach test (SRT), and International Physical Activity Questionnaire Short Form (IPAQ-SF) were conducted in the pre- and post-intervention and after a 6-month period.  Results. At the end of 8 weeks, a significant improvement was observed in the SRT scores in both the telerehabilitation group (p = 0.001) and the home exercise group (p = 0.001). In addition, significant improvements were observed in the passive ROM measurements of both the telerehabilitation group (p = 0.005) and the home exercise group (p = 0.001). At the end of 8 weeks, the telerehabilitation group was found to be significantly superior to the home exercise group in the SRT results (p = 0.034). As for the long-term results, significant improvement was maintained in both SRT (p = 0.001) and passive ROM (p = 0.014) in the telerehabilitation group. Conclusions. Eight-week telerehabilitation and home exercise program was observed to have positive effects on passive and active ROM. The telerehabilitation method may prove to be more effective than the home exercise method in the long term.Базова проблематика. Телереабілітація, яку використовують як метод виконання вправ, набуває дедалі більшого поширення за останні роки. Для підвищення гнучкості підколінних м’язів стегна використовують різні методи, але пошук оптимальної програми потребує більших обсягів досліджень. Метою дослідження було вивчення впливу на гнучкість підколінних м’язів стегна вправ на розтягування підколінних м’язів стегна, рекомендованих у рамках телереабілітації, і програми домашніх вправ. Матеріали та методи. Шістдесят вісім здорових дорослих випадково розподілили на дві групи, а саме: група телереабілітації та група домашніх вправ. В обох групах вправи виконували протягом 8 тижнів  (4 заняття/тиждень). У період безпосередньо до та після втручання, а також через 6 місяців після втручання проводили вимірювання активної та пасивної амплітуди руху (ROM), вимірювання гнучкості під час тесту на згинання тулуба вперед сидячи на підлозі з випрямленими вперед руками (Sit and Reach Test, SRT), а також вимірювання рівнів фізичної активності учасників на підставі заповнених ними коротких форм Міжнародної анкети з фізичної активності  (IPAQ-SF).  Результати. Наприкінці 8 тижнів спостерігалося значне покращення показників гнучкості за результатами тесту на згинання тулуба вперед сидячи на підлозі з випрямленими вперед руками (SRT) як у групі телереабілітації (p = 0,001), так і в групі домашніх вправ (p = 0,001). Крім того, суттєве покращення спостерігалося в показниках вимірювань пасивної амплітуди руху (ROM) як у групі телереабілітації (p = 0,005), так і в групі домашніх вправ (p = 0,001). Наприкінці 8 тижнів було визначено, що група телереабілітації значно перевершує групу домашніх вправ за результатами тесту на згинання тулуба вперед сидячи на підлозі з випрямленими вперед руками (SRT) (p = 0,034). Що стосується довгострокових результатів, у групі телереабілітації зберігалося суттєве покращення в показниках тесту на згинання тулуба вперед сидячи на підлозі з випрямленими вперед руками (SRT) (p = 0,001) та вимірювання пасивної амплітуди руху (ROM) (p = 0,014). Висновки. За результатами спостереження восьмитижневої програми телереабілітації та домашніх вправ було встановлено її позитивний вплив на показники пасивної та активної амплітуди руху (ROM). У довгостроковій перспективі метод телереабілітації, можливо, виявиться ефективнішим за метод домашніх вправ