8 research outputs found

    Use of coalescer with a bed made of cationic exchange resins for pre-treatment of emulsified oil from oily wastewater

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    O tratamento de efluentes com coalescedor de leito consiste em induzir o aumento das gotas de óleo, pela passagem da emulsão por um leito poroso, para que elas possam, posteriormente, flotar por processo de separação gravitacional. O objetivo deste artigo foi apresentar considerações técnicas e experimentais sobre o uso do coalescedor de leito granular, com leito constituído por resinas de trocas catiônicas, visando o pré-tratamento de óleo emulsionado em efluentes líquidos. Os testes ocorreram em uma unidade em escala de bancada alimentada com emulsão óleo em água (O/A) com um teor de óleos e graxas (TOG) entre 200 e 400 mg.L-1 e diâmetro de gotas entre 3 a 8 μm. As velocidades do fluido (v) testadas foram entre 4,4 e 17,4 m.h-1. A altura do leito do coalescedor foi fixada em 5 cm. Os parâmetros usados para avaliar a eficiência dos testes foram eficiência de remoção de óleo (%E), pressão diferencial através do leito (Δp) e permeabilidade do leito (ko). Os resultados mostraram que o processo operou em estado estacionário e que os valores de TOG testados influenciaram no processo, bem como as velocidades do fluido, cuja elevação reduziu a eficiência significativamente. Os valores aproximados de %E obtidos foram 50 e 20-30%, para valores de v de 4,4 e 17,4 m.h-1, respectivamente202235242The wastewater treatment with a bed coalescer consists of inducing the increase of oil droplets by passing the emulsion through a porous bed, so they can flote by gravitational separation process. The objective of this paper is to present technical and experimental considerations on the use of a granular bed coalescer, with a bed made of cationic exchange resins, for pre-treatment of emulsified oil from oily wastewater. Tests were conducted on a bench scale unit, which was fed with oil in water emulsion with oil and grease concentration (O & G) between 200 and 400 mg.L-1 and oil droplet diameter between 3 and 8 μm. The fluid velocities (v) tested were between 4.4 and 17.4 m.h-1. The coalescer bed height was fixed at 5 cm. The parameters used for assessing the tests efficiency were oil removal efficiency percentage (%E), differential pressure across the bed and, bed permeability. Results showed that the process operates in a steady-state condition and that the influent O&G affected the process efficiency, as well as the fluid velocities which reduced the efficiency significantly, with its increasing. The %E values obtained ​​were between 50 and 20-30% to v between 4.4 and 17.4 m.h-1, respectivel

    Simulation Of Aerated Lagoon Using Artificial Neural Networks And Multivariate Regression Techniques.

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    The aim of this study was to develop an empirical model that provides accurate predictions of the biochemical oxygen demand of the output stream from the aerated lagoon at International Paper of Brazil, one of the major pulp and paper plants in Brazil. Predictive models were calculated from functional link neural networks (FLNNs), multiple linear regression, principal components regression, and partial least-squares regression (PLSR). Improvement in FLNN modeling capability was observed when the data were preprocessed using the PLSR technique. PLSR also proved to be a powerful linear regression technique for this problem, which presents operational data limitations.105 -108437-4