46 research outputs found

    Modelling the descent of nitric oxide during the elevated stratopause event of January 2013

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    Using simulations with a whole-atmosphere chemistry-climate model nudged by meteorological analyses, global satellite observations of nitrogen oxide (NO) and water vapour by the Sub-Millimetre Radiometer instrument (SMR), of temperature by the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS), as well as local radar observations, this study examines the recent major stratospheric sudden warming accompanied by an elevated stratopause event (ESE) that occurred in January 2013. We examine dynamical processes during the ESE, including the role of planetary wave, gravity wave and tidal forcing on the initiation of the descent in the mesosphere-lower thermosphere (MLT) and its continuation throughout the mesosphere and stratosphere, as well as the impact of model eddy diffusion. We analyse the transport of NO and find the model underestimates the large descent of NO compared to SMR observations. We demonstrate that the discrepancy arises abruptly in the MLT region at a time when the resolved wave forcing and the planetary wave activity increase, just before the elevated stratopause reforms. The discrepancy persists despite doubling the model eddy diffusion. While the simulations reproduce an enhancement of the semi-diurnal tide following the onset of the 2013 SSW, corroborating new meteor radar observations at high northern latitudes over Trondheim (63.4∘^{\circ}N), the modelled tidal contribution to the forcing of the mean meridional circulation and to the descent is a small portion of the resolved wave forcing, and lags it by about ten days

    Mesospheric nitric oxide model from SCIAMACHY data

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    We present an empirical model for nitric oxide (NO) in the mesosphere (≈60–90 km) derived from SCIAMACHY (SCanning Imaging Absorption spectroMeter for Atmospheric CHartoghraphY) limb scan data. This work complements and extends the NOEM (Nitric Oxide Empirical Model; Marsh et al., 2004) and SANOMA (SMR Acquired Nitric Oxide Model Atmosphere; Kiviranta et al., 2018) empirical models in the lower thermosphere. The regression ansatz builds on the heritage of studies by Hendrickx et al. (2017) and the superposed epoch analysis by Sinnhuber et al. (2016) which estimate NO production from particle precipitation. Our model relates the daily (longitudinally) averaged NO number densities from SCIAMACHY (Bender et al., 2017b, a) as a function of geomagnetic latitude to the solar Lyman-α and the geomagnetic AE (auroral electrojet) indices. We use a non-linear regression model, incorporating a finite and seasonally varying lifetime for the geomagnetically induced NO. We estimate the parameters by finding the maximum posterior probability and calculate the parameter uncertainties using Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling. In addition to providing an estimate of the NO content in the mesosphere, the regression coefficients indicate regions where certain processes dominate

    Observations of a noctilucent cloud above Logan, Utah (41.7oN, 111.8oW) in 1995

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    A Rayleigh-scatter lidar has been operated at the Atmospheric Lidar Observatory (ALO) on the Utah State University (USU) campus (41.7°N, 111.8°W) since August 1993. During the morning of 22 June 1995, lidar returns from a noctilucent cloud (NLC) were observed for approximately 1 hr, well away from the twilight periods when NLCs are visible. This detection of an NLC at this latitude shows that the first reported sighting, in 1999 (Wickwar et al., 2002), was not a unique occurrence. This 1995 observation differs from the 1999 one in that temperatures could be deduced. Near the 83-km NLC altitude the temperatures were found to be up to ∼23 K cooler than the 11-year June climatology for ALO. This analysis shows that these cool temperatures arose, not because the whole profile was cooler, but because of a major temperature oscillation or wave with a 22-km vertical wavelength and a ∼0.9 km/hr downward phase speed. This large-amplitude wave has many of the characteristics of the diurnal tide. However, the amplitude would have to be enhanced considerably. These lidar observations were supplemented by OH rotational temperature observations from approximately 87 km. These NLC observations equatorward of 50° have been suggested to be significant harbingers of global change. However, if that were the case, the mechanism is more complicated than a simple overall cooling or an increase in water vapor. Accordingly, we propose enhanced generation of gravity waves that would interact with the diurnal tide to produce a large-amplitude wave, the cold phase of which would give rise to low enough temperatures to produce the NLC. The gravity wave source might be orographic in the Mountain West or convective far to the east or south

    Atmospheric Tomography Using the Nordic Meteor Radar Cluster And Chilean Observation Network de Meteor Radars: Network Details and 3D-Var Retrieval

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    Ground-based remote sensing of atmospheric parameters is often limited to single station observations by vertical profiles at a certain geographic location. This is a limiting factor for investigating gravity wave dynamics as the spatial information is often missing, e.g., horizontal wavelength, propagation direction or intrinsic frequency. In this study, we present a new retrieval algorithm for multistatic meteor radar networks to obtain tomographic 3-D wind fields within a pre-defined domain area. The algorithm is part of the Agile Software for Gravity wAve Regional Dynamics (ASGARD) and called 3D-Var, and based on the optimal estimation technique and Bayesian statistics. The performance of the 3D-Var retrieval is demonstrated using two meteor radar networks: the Nordic Meteor Radar Cluster and the Chilean Observation Network De Meteor Radars (CONDOR). The optimal estimation implementation provide statistically sound solutions and diagnostics from the averaging kernels and measurement response. We present initial scientific results such as body forces of breaking gravity waves leading to two counter-rotating vortices and horizontal wavelength spectra indicating a transition between the rotational k-3 and divergent k-5/3 mode at scales of 80–120 km. In addition, we performed a keogram analysis over extended periods to reflect the latitudinal and temporal impact of a minor sudden stratospheric warming in December 2019. Finally, we demonstrate the applicability of the 3D-Var algorithm to perform large-scale retrievals to derive meteorological wind maps covering a latitude region from Svalbard, north of the European Arctic mainland, to central Norway

    The SPARC water vapour assessment II: comparison of annual, semi-annual and quasi-biennial variations in stratospheric and lower mesospheric water vapour observed from satellites

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    In the framework of the second SPARC (Stratosphere-troposphere Processes And their Role in Climate) water vapour assessment (WAVAS-II), the amplitudes and phases of the annual, semi-annual and quasi-biennial variation in stratospheric and lower mesospheric water were compared using 30 data sets from 13 different satellite instruments. These comparisons aimed to provide a comprehensive overview of the typical uncertainties in the observational database which can be considered in subsequent observational and modelling studies. For the amplitudes, a good agreement of their latitude and altitude distribution was found. Quantitatively there were differences in particular at high latitudes, close to the tropopause and in the lower mesosphere. In these regions, the standard deviation over all data sets typically exceeded 0.2 ppmv for the annual variation and 0.1 ppmv for the semi-annual and quasi-biennial variation. For the phase, larger differences between the data sets were found in the lower mesosphere. Generally the smallest phase uncertainties can be observed in regions where the amplitude of the variability is large. The standard deviations of the phases for all data sets were typically smaller than a month for the annual and semi-annual variation and smaller than 5 months for the quasi-biennial variation. The amplitude and phase differences among the data sets are caused by a combination of factors. In general, differences in the temporal variation of systematic errors and in the observational sampling play a dominant role. In addition, differences in the vertical resolution of the data, the considered time periods and influences of clouds, aerosols as well as non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) effects cause differences between the individual data sets

    Multiplexed identification, quantification and genotyping of infectious agents using a semiconductor biochip

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    The emergence of pathogens resistant to existing antimicrobial drugs is a growing worldwide health crisis that threatens a return to the pre-antibiotic era. To decrease the overuse of antibiotics, molecular diagnostics systems are needed that can rapidly identify pathogens in a clinical sample and determine the presence of mutations that confer drug resistance at the point of care. We developed a fully integrated, miniaturized semiconductor biochip and closed-tube detection chemistry that performs multiplex nucleic acid amplification and sequence analysis. The approach had a high dynamic range of quantification of microbial load and was able to perform comprehensive mutation analysis on up to 1,000 sequences or strands simultaneously in <2 h. We detected and quantified multiple DNA and RNA respiratory viruses in clinical samples with complete concordance to a commercially available test. We also identified 54 drug-resistance-associated mutations that were present in six genes of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, all of which were confirmed by next-generation sequencing

    Validation of SSUSI-derived auroral electron densities: Comparisons to EISCAT data

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    The coupling of the atmosphere to the space environment has become recognized as an important driver of atmospheric chemistry and dynamics. In order to quantify the effects of particle precipitation on the atmosphere, reliable global energy inputs on spatial scales commensurate with particle precipitation variations are required. To that end, we have validated auroral electron densities derived from the SSUSI data products for average electron energy and electron energy flux by comparing them to EISCAT electron density profiles. This comparison shows that SSUSI FUV observations can be used to provide ionization rate and electron density profiles throughout the auroral region. The SSUSI on board the DMSP Block 5D3 satellites provide nearly hourly, 3000 km wide, 10 km x 10 km UV snapshots of auroral emissions. Here we use the SSUSI-derived energies and fluxes as input to standard parametrizations in order to obtain electron-density profiles in the E region (90--150 km), which are then compared to EISCAT ground-based electron density measurements. We compare the data from DMSP F17 and F18 to the Troms{\o} UHF radar profiles. We find that differentiating between the magnetic local time (MLT) morning (03:00--11:00 MLT) and evening (15:00--23:00 MLT) provides the best fit to the ground-based data. The data agree well in the MLT morning sector using a Maxwellian electron spectrum, while in the evening sector using a Gaussian spectrum and accounting for backscattered electrons achieved optimum agreement with EISCAT. Depending on the satellite and MLT, the median of the differences varies between 0% and 20% above 105 km (F17) and ±\pm15% above 100 km (F18). Because of the large density gradient below those altitudes, the relative differences get larger, albeit without a substantially increasing absolute difference, with virtually no statistically significant differences at the 1-sigma level.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, publisehd in Ann. Geophys, 202