35 research outputs found

    ¿Mancharse las manos de negro? El dilema ético de la investigación en territorios petrolizados

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    Es común que los académicos que trabajan en territorios ricos en hidrocarburos enfrenten un dilema ético: recibir o no apoyo económico de la industria energética. En este trabajo desarrollo éste dilema y argumento que, aunque más segura, la peor postura es la de permanecer como observadores ajenos. Se necesita que la academia participe en la innovación y con su visión a largo plazo, y no sólo en situaciones de crisis, que es generalmente cuando se erosiona su credibilidad. Los investigadores deben plantear su participación como un riesgo consciente y éticamente calculado, donde se guíen por una serie de posturas apegadas a la legalidad, la independencia, la certeza, la imparcialidad, la objetividad y la transparencia. Entre menos sabemos, más requerimos investigar.It is common for academics working in territories rich in hydrocarbons to face an ethical dilemma: wheter or not to receive or not economic support from the energy industry. In this work, this paper studies and develops this predicament and argues that, although it is the safest, the least favorable position is to remain as outside observers. Academia sector must participate in innovation with its long-term vision, and not only during crises and emergency situations, which is usually when its credibility is eroded. Researchers ought to plan their participation as a conscious and ethically considered risk, basing their work is based on the basic precepts of legality and independence, and always aligning their positions with certainty, impartiality, objectivity, and transparency. These values are all related and should not be ignored. In a scenario such as the Energy Reform in Mexico, all actors must play their role so that there are counterweights, and Academia musts accept the challenge and take on a more proactive role. The less it knows, the more research it needs to conduct

    La reforma Energética Mexicana en el Marco de la Pesca y el Petróleo en el Golfo de México

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    México modificó en 2014 su andamiaje legal para permitir la inversión privada directa en la explotación de hidrocarburos en su territorio, este proceso se denominó Reforma Energética (RE). Este documento presenta una revisión de la RE en cuanto la sostenibilidad en los acuerdos de convivencia necesarios para permitir la coexistencia de la pesca artesanal y la industria petrolera en el Golfo de México (GM), sitio donde se extrae la mayor parte del petróleo en México. Describimos 1) el concepto de sostenibilidad y los argumentos para estudiarla en las industrias petroleras y pesqueras; 2) las reglas definidas para llevar a cabo los estudios de impacto ambiental y social en los nuevos puntos de extracción y 3) las condiciones de la RE para lograr la sostenible coexistencia de la extracción petrolera y la pesca en el GM. Se concluye que, para mantener la sostenibilidad de la extracción petrolera, se requerirá de mayores esfuerzos del Estado por construir con acciones, una narrativa que sustente para quienes viven en las costas del GM la idea de que esta RE resultará en beneficio de lo nacional, en una sociedad productiva, limpia e incluyente en la que los mexicanos aspiran a vivir

    The Mexican Energy Reform in the Fishing and Oil Framework of the Gulf of Mexico

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    México modificó en 2014 su andamiaje legal para permitir la inversión privada directa en la explotación de hidrocarburos en su territorio, este proceso se denominó Reforma Energética (RE). Este documento presenta una revisión de la RE en cuanto la sostenibilidad en los acuerdos de convivencia necesarios para permitir la coexistencia de la pesca artesanal y la industria petrolera en el Golfo de México (GM), sitio donde se extrae la mayor parte del petróleo en México. Describimos 1) el concepto de sostenibilidad y los argumentos para estudiarla en las industrias petroleras y pesqueras; 2) las reglas definidas para llevar a cabo los estudios de impacto ambiental y social en los nuevos puntos de extracción y 3) las condiciones de la RE para lograr la sostenible coexistencia de la extracción petrolera y la pesca en el GM. Se concluye que, para mantener la sostenibilidad de la extracción petrolera, se requerirá de mayores esfuerzos del Estado por construir con acciones, una narrativa que sustente para quienes viven en las costas del GM la idea de que esta RE resultará en beneficio de lo nacional, en una sociedad productiva, limpia e incluyente en la que los mexicanos aspiran a vivir.Mexico amended its legal framework in 2014 to allow direct private investment in the exploitation of hydrocarbons in its territory, this process was called the Energy Reform (RE). This study presents a review of the RE regarding the sustainability of coexistence agreements to allow the coexistence of artisanal fisheries and the oil industry in the Gulf of Mexico (GM), where most of the oil is extracted in Mexico. We describe: 1) the concept of sustainability and the arguments to study the oil and fishing industries; 2) the rules defined to carry out environmental and social impact studies in the new extraction points; and 3) the current conditions to achieve sustainability in fishing and oils extraction in the GM. It is concluded that, in order to maintain the sustainability of the oil extraction, it will require greater efforts to build a vision, a narrative, that sustains for those who live on the shores of the GM the idea that this RE will benefit the national, in a productive, clean and inclusive society in which Mexicans aspire to live

    Social perception of the salinization of water for domestic use in Puerto Madero, Chiapas, México

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    [EN] The salinization of drinking water in the coastal zone is a growing concern for water security. Our objective was to know the perception of water salinization for domestic use through semistructured interviews in Puerto Madero, Mexico, a border community with high levels of migration, and then to contrast it with quantitative salinity data. The population of this coastal locality depends substantially on artisan wells without government monitoring. Although no wells were classified as saline, results show that artisan wells that present extreme values of dissolved-solid concentration have impact in human health conditions.[ES] La salinización del agua potable en la zona costera representa una creciente preocupación de la seguridad hídrica. Nuestro objetivo fue explorar, a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas, la percepción de la salinización del agua para uso doméstico en Puerto Madero, México, una comunidad fronteriza con altos niveles de migración, y contrastarla con datos cuantitativos de salinidad. La población de esta localidad costera depende sustancialmente de pozos artesanales sin monitoreo gubernamental. Aunque no se encontraron pozos que puedan catalogarse como salinos, los resultados evidencian que los pozos artesanos que presentan valores extremos de concentración de sólidos disueltos tienen incidencia en la salud humana.Los autores agradecen al Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología por la beca otorgada para estudios de posgrado, al Laboratorio Transdisciplinario para la Sustentabilidad (LATSU) de ECOSUR por el espacio de colaboración y discusión facilitado, a la Lic. C. Robledo por el apoyo en la formulación de la entrevista, al Mtro. F.J. Valle Mora por las recomendaciones en el análisis estadístico, a G.M. Williams Jara por la elaboración del mapa de localización del área de estudio, y a M. Hernández por la revisión de estilo.Barrios-Ramos, I.; Espinoza-Tenorio, A.; Mesa-Jurado, MA.; Tovilla-Hernández, C.; Mendoza-Carranza, M. (2021). Percepción social de la salinización del agua para uso doméstico en Puerto Madero, Chiapas, México. Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales - Agricultural and Resource Economics. 21(1):7-34. https://doi.org/10.7201/earn.2021.01.01OJS73421

    José Federman Muñoz Giraldo, Josefina Quintero Corzo, Raúl Ancízar Munévar Molina (2002). Cómo desarrollar competencias investigativas en educación. Bogotá Colombia: Cooperativa Editorial Magisterio, 253 pp.

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    La obra Cómo desarrollar competencias investigativas en educación es una enriquecedora propuesta estructurada de metodologías, conceptos y capacidades que necesita todo aquel profesional inmerso en aprender y enseñar a investigar; trabajo producto de años de enseñanza en la academia. El doctor José Federman Muñoz Giraldo, profesor titular de la Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia, con su amplia experiencia en proyectos de investigación educativa y pedagógica, lideró a los doctores Josefina Quintero Corzo y Raúl Ancízar Munévar Molina, ambos profesores investigadores de la Universidad de Caldas, Colombia. Este libro, editado por la Cooperativa Editorial Magisterio, forma parte de la colección Aula Abierta, diseñada para que un público amplio, pero involucrado en el sistema educativo (maestros, investigadores, administradores, etc.) tenga los elementos básicos para preparar y mejorar su labor pedagógica. Es por ello que desde la introducción se menciona que la justificación del trabajo radica en que se necesita pensar a la educación por la vía del descubrimiento, la indagación, la reflexión y la crítica

    Ein integrativer Planungsansatz für Ökosystem basierendes Fischereimanagement: zwei Studien in mexicanischen Marinegebieten

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    Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management (EBFM) represents a relatively recent concept and scientific paradigm-shift that has been internationally promoted to sustain healthy marine ecosystems and the fisheries that they support. Multiple tools have been designed for the analysis of the complexity of ecosystems and a diverse set of Ecosystem Models (EMs) have received special attention in the context of EBFM strategies. Nevertheless, because EBFM and EMs lack a universal strategy, there are obstacles to their implementation, mainly in developing countries. This is also the case in Mexico that has recently adopted EBFM to stop the deterioration of its fisheries resources. Because no single EM has as yet been identified to successfully contribute to all EBFM goals (societal participation, ecosystem dynamics, spatio-temporal variability, the balance between conservation and resource use, and integrated management), this thesis proposes a structured planning scheme, in which ecosystem modeling can effectively contribute to the decision-making process. In this planning scheme, the complementary use of EMs should be pursued according to the context of each specific area. Therefore, through a contextual factor analysis applied to the co-development of fisheries and environmental policies, six historical phases were identified in Mexico, in which there are infrequent, long periods of stability and frequent, short periods of radical change that alternate between stable and adverse situations. Because of this changing balance between contextual situations, the Mexican capacity building to support fisheries management is being updated, albeit gradually. In an attempt to design new ecosystem management methodologies while taking into account Mexico s context and EBFM goals, this thesis attempts to describe an ecosystem modeling method that uses a trans-disciplinary approach (Local and Traditional Ecological Knowledge, Pressure-State-Response framework, Loop Analysis, and Geographic Information System) to identify ecosystem-level management alternatives capable of diminishing fishing impacts. The viability of this trans-disciplinary approach was discussed using two Mexican fisheries areas: (1) the Upper Gulf of California (UGC), which is an area of official EBFM implementation where a Biosphere Reserve was established with the aim of preserving a high degree of biodiversity and remediating fishing impacts, and (2) the Huave Lagoon System (HLS), which is an area of communal management where two ethnic groups (Zapotec and Huave) have historically managed their fisheries resources using techniques rooted in a profound understanding of the ecosystem. In theoretical model simulations, the responses of both ecosystems to management strategies that allowed to protect top and mid trophic level species were analyzed. The trans-disciplinary approach explored by this thesis allow (1) to improve the fishermen s collaboration during the model-building process, (2) to increment the understanding of ecosystem effects of successful management strategies, (3) to understand the role of key interactions important in maintaining the services of the ecosystem, (4) to identify specific management strategies for each particular fishing seascape and temporal season, (5) to conceptualise the model in an environmental policy framework, analyzing the variables of the model as indicators of human activities and natural resources, and (6) to use of Local and Traditional Ecological Knowledge as information source

    ¿Mancharse las manos de negro? El dilema ético de la investigación en territorios petrolizados

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    It is common for academics working in territories rich in hydrocarbons to face an ethical dilemma: wheter or not to receive or not economic support from the energy industry. In this work, this paper studies and develops this predicament and argues that, although it is the safest, the least favorable position is to remain as outside observers. Academia sector must participate in innovation with its long-term vision, and not only during crises and emergency situations, which is usually when its credibility is eroded. Researchers ought to plan their participation as a conscious and ethically considered risk, basing their work is based on the basic precepts of legality and independence, and always aligning their positions with certainty, impartiality, objectivity, and transparency. These values are all related and should not be ignored. In a scenario such as the Energy Reform in Mexico, all actors must play their role so that there are counterweights, and Academia musts accept the challenge and take on a more proactive role. The less it knows, the more research it needs to conduct.Es común que los académicos que trabajan en territorios ricos en hidrocarburos enfrenten un dilema ético: recibir o no el apoyo económico de la industria energética, por ello, en este trabajo reviso esta disyuntiva y argumento que, aunque más segura, la postura menos favorable es la de permanecer como observadores ajenos. Es necesario que la academia participe en la innovación y con su perspectiva a largo plazo, y no sólo en situaciones de crisis y urgencia, cuando generalmente se erosiona su credibilidad. Los investigadores deben planear su participación como un riesgo consciente y éticamente valorado, donde su labor se sustente en los preceptos básicos de legalidad e independencia, y sus posturas estén apegadas a la certeza, la imparcialidad, la objetividad y la transparencia. Todos estos valores están relacionados y no debe obviarse alguno. En un escenario como el planteado por la Reforma energética en México se necesita que todos los actores jueguen su papel para que existan contrapesos, que la academia asuma el reto y tenga un rol más proactivo. Entre menos se sabe, más se necesita investigar

    An integrative planning approach for ecosystems-based fisheries management: two Mexican case studies

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    Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management (EBFM) represents a relatively recent concept and scientific paradigm-shift that has been internationally promoted to sustain healthy marine ecosystems and the fisheries that they support. Multiple tools have been designed for the analysis of the complexity of ecosystems and a diverse set of Ecosystem Models (EMs) have received special attention in the context of EBFM strategies. Nevertheless, because EBFM and EMs lack a universal strategy, there are obstacles to their implementation, mainly in developing countries. This is also the case in Mexico that has recently adopted EBFM to stop the deterioration of its fisheries resources. Because no single EM has as yet been identified to successfully contribute to all EBFM goals (societal participation, ecosystem dynamics, spatio-temporal variability, the balance between conservation and resource use, and integrated management), this thesis proposes a structured planning scheme, in which ecosystem modeling can effectively contribute to the decision-making process. In this planning scheme, the complementary use of EMs should be pursued according to the context of each specific area. Therefore, through a contextual factor analysis applied to the co-development of fisheries and environmental policies, six historical phases were identified in Mexico, in which there are infrequent, long periods of stability and frequent, short periods of radical change that alternate between stable and adverse situations. Because of this changing balance between contextual situations, the Mexican capacity building to support fisheries management is being updated, albeit gradually. In an attempt to design new ecosystem management methodologies while taking into account Mexico s context and EBFM goals, this thesis attempts to describe an ecosystem modeling method that uses a trans-disciplinary approach (Local and Traditional Ecological Knowledge, Pressure-State-Response framework, Loop Analysis, and Geographic Information System) to identify ecosystem-level management alternatives capable of diminishing fishing impacts. The viability of this trans-disciplinary approach was discussed using two Mexican fisheries areas: (1) the Upper Gulf of California (UGC), which is an area of official EBFM implementation where a Biosphere Reserve was established with the aim of preserving a high degree of biodiversity and remediating fishing impacts, and (2) the Huave Lagoon System (HLS), which is an area of communal management where two ethnic groups (Zapotec and Huave) have historically managed their fisheries resources using techniques rooted in a profound understanding of the ecosystem. In theoretical model simulations, the responses of both ecosystems to management strategies that allowed to protect top and mid trophic level species were analyzed. The trans-disciplinary approach explored by this thesis allow (1) to improve the fishermen s collaboration during the model-building process, (2) to increment the understanding of ecosystem effects of successful management strategies, (3) to understand the role of key interactions important in maintaining the services of the ecosystem, (4) to identify specific management strategies for each particular fishing seascape and temporal season, (5) to conceptualise the model in an environmental policy framework, analyzing the variables of the model as indicators of human activities and natural resources, and (6) to use of Local and Traditional Ecological Knowledge as information source