201 research outputs found

    Design and implementation of nanoantennas on integrated guides and their application on polarization analysis and synthesis

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    La fotónica sobre silicio se ha convertido en la tecnología más importante en la producción de chips integrados fotónicos. Sus grandes ventajas, entre las cuales destacan su idoneidad para la fabricación a gran escala y su bajo coste de producción, como resultado de la posibilidad del uso tecnología CMOS, son motivo suficiente para justificar su supremacía sobre otras plataformas de integración. Pese a los múltiples dispositivos ya implementados en dicha tecnología, entre los que cabe destacar filtros WDM o moduladores electro-ópticos, todavía hay espacio para la mejora, sobre todo en cuanto a la reducción del foot-print de los dispositivos o a la creación de nuevas funcionalidades para la manipulación de la luz. Dichas mejoras podrían llevarse a cabo mediante la integración de componentes con dimensiones sub-lambda surgidos en el campo conocido como plasmónica. Esta disciplina estudia la interacción entre la luz y los metales, que viene mediada por la existencia de ondas conocidas como plasmones de superficie. Una de las propiedades clave de los plasmones es su capacidad para confinar la luz muy por encima del límite de difracción, lo cual es limitante en el caso de la fotónica sobre silicio. Sin embargo, las pérdidas por absorción de los metales a frecuencias ópticas impiden su uso para el guiado de la luz en grandes distancias. Se hace evidente, por tanto, los beneficios de unificar estos dos mundos. Usando el silicio como material conductor de la señal óptica y el metal como eficiente interactor con la luz en estructuras sub-lambda, se pueden crear nuevos dispositivos para la manipulación de las propiedades de la luz en la nanoescala. Esta Tesis está centrada en la integración de estructuras con dimensiones sub-lambda en guías de silicio y en su aplicación a nuevas funcionalidades de manipulación de la luz en chips de silicio. Dichas nanoestructuras sirven de transductores entre la luz guiada y la radiación en espacio libre, por lo que también pueden ser denominadas nanoantenas. Para empezar, se describen las propiedades de los modos guiados en guías de onda de silicio para la correcta excitación de las nanoantenas, seguido de la demostración de técnicas de integración de estas nanoestructuras en las propias guías para aumentar su eficiencia de interacción con la luz guiada. Además, se demuestra el control coherente de la absorción y el scattering de una nanoantenna metálica integrada en una guía de silicio. Por último, a partir del posicionamiento asimétrico de la nanoestructura con respecto a la guía, se proponen y demuestran nuevos métodos de manipulación de la polarización, como la capacidad para sintetizar estados de polarización deseados a escala nanométrica. Esto desembocará en la demostración teórica y experimental de un nanopolarímetro de Stokes, basado en tecnología fotónica sobre silicio, capaz de determinar el estado de polarización de manera local, óptima, y no destructiva, habilitándose su uso para medidas de polarización en tiempo real en circuitos integrados.Silicon photonics has become the most important technology in integrated photonic chips production. Its great advantages, including its suitability for large-scale production and low-cost production, as a result of the possibility of using CMOS technology, are sufficient reason to justify its supremacy over other integration platforms. Despite the multiple devices already implemented in this technology, among which include WDM filters or electro-optical modulators, there is still room for improvement, especially in terms of reducing the devices footprint or the creation of new functionalities for the manipulation of light. Such improvements could be carried out by integrating components with sub-lambda dimensions arising in the field known as plasmonics. This discipline studies the interaction between light and metals, which is mediated by the existence of waves known as surface plasmons. One of the key properties of plasmons is their ability to confine light well beyond the diffraction limit, which is limiting in the case of silicon photonics. However, losses due to the absorption of metals at optical frequencies prevent their use for guiding light over long distances. Therefore, the benefits of unifying these two worlds becomes evident. By using silicon as the conductive material of the optical signal and the metal as an efficient light interconnector in subwavelength structures, new devices can be created for the manipulation of the properties of light at the nanoscale. This thesis is focused on the integration of structures with subwavelength dimensions in silicon waveguides and in their application to new functionalities of light manipulation in silicon chips. These nanostructures serve as transducers between guided light and free space radiation, so they can also be termed nanoantennas. To begin with, the guided modes properties in silicon waveguides are described for the correct excitation of the nanoantennas, followed by the demonstration of integration techniques of these nanostructures in these waveguides to increase their interaction efficiency with the guided light. In addition, the coherent control of the absorption and scattering of a metallic nanoantenna integrated in a silicon waveguide is demonstrated. Finally, from the asymmetric positioning of the nanostructure with respect to the waveguide, new polarization manipulation methods are proposed and demonstrated, such as the ability to synthesize desired states of polarization at the nanoscale. This will lead to the theoretical and experimental demonstration of a Stokes nanopolarimeter, based on photon-on-silicon technology, capable of determining the polarization state locally, optimally, and non-destructively, enabling its use for real-time polarization measurements in integrated circuits.La fotònica sobre silici s'ha convertit en la tecnologia més important en la producció de xips integrats fotònics. Els seus grans avantatges, entre les quals destaquen la seva idoneïtat per a la fabricació a gran escala i el seu baix cost de producció, com a resultat de la possibilitat de l'ús tecnologia CMOS, són motiu suficient per justificar la seva supremacia sobre altres plataformes d'integració. Malgrat els múltiples dispositius ja implementats en aquesta tecnologia, entre els quals cal destacar filtres WDM o moduladors electro-òptics, encara hi ha espai per a la millora, sobretot quant a la reducció del foot-print dels dispositius o a la creació de noves funcionalitats per a la manipulació de la llum. Aquestes millores podrien portar-se a terme mitjançant la integració de components amb dimensions sub-lambda sorgits en el camp conegut com plasmònica. Aquesta disciplina estudia la interacció entre la llum i els metalls, que ve intervinguda per l'existència d'ones conegudes com plasmons de superfície. Una de les propietats clau dels plasmons és la seva capacitat per confinar la llum molt per sobre del límit de difracció, la qual cosa és limitant en el cas de la fotònica sobre silici. No obstant això, les pèrdues per absorció dels metalls a freqüències òptiques impedeixen el seu ús per al guiat de la llum en grans distàncies. Es fa evident, per tant, els beneficis d'unificar aquests dos mons. Usant el silici com a material conductor del senyal òptic i el metall com eficient interactor amb la llum en estructures sub-lambda, es poden crear nous dispositius per a la manipulació de les propietats de la llum en la nanoescala. Aquesta Tesi està centrada en la integració d'estructures amb dimensions sub-lambda en guies de silici i en la seva aplicació a noves funcionalitats de manipulació de la llum en xips de silici. Aquestes nanoestructures serveixen de transductors entre la llum guiada i la radiació en espai lliure, de manera que també poden ser denominades nanoantenes. Per començar, es descriuen les propietats de les maneres guiats en guies d'ona de silici per a la correcta excitació de les nanoantenes, seguit de la demostració de tècniques d'integració d'aquestes nanoestructures en les pròpies guies per augmentar la seva eficiència d'interacció amb la llum guiada. A més, es demostra el control coherent de l'absorció i el scattering d'una nanoantenna metàl·lica integrada en una guia de silici. Finalment, a partir del posicionament asimètric de la nanoestructura respecte a la guia, es proposen i demostren nous mètodes de manipulació de la polarització, com la capacitat per sintetitzar estats de polarització desitjats a escala nanomètrica. Això desembocarà en la demostració teòrica i experimental d'un nanopolarímetre de Stokes, basat en tecnologia fotònica sobre silici, capaç de determinar l'estat de polarització de manera local, òptima, i no destructiva, habilitant el seu ús per a mesures de polarització en temps real en circuits integrats.Espinosa Soria, A. (2018). Design and implementation of nanoantennas on integrated guides and their application on polarization analysis and synthesis [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/105382TESI

    Transverse Spin and Spin-Orbit Coupling in Silicon Waveguides

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    Evanescent and tightly confined propagating waves exhibit a remarkable transverse spin density since the longitudinal component of the electric field is not negligible. In this work, we obtain via numerical simulations the electric field components of the fundamental guided modes of two waveguides typically used in silicon photonics: the strip and the slot waveguide. We obtain the relation between transverse and longitudinal field components, the transverse spin densities and other important parameters, such as the longitudinal component of the so-called Belinfante s spin momentum density. By asymmetrically placing a circularly-polarized point-like dipole source in regions showing local circular polarization, the guided mode is excited unidirectionally via spin-orbit coupling. In contrast to metal plates supporting surface plasmons, the multimode behavior of silicon waveguides results in different spin-orbit coupling properties for each guided mode. Our results may find application in silicon photonic devices, integrated quantum optics and polarization manipulation at the nanoscale.This work was supported in part by the Secretaria de Estado de Investigacion, Desarrollo e Innovacion under Grant TEC2014-51902-C2-1-R and in part by the Valencian Conselleria d'Educacio, Cultura i Esport under Grant PROMETEOII/2014/034.Espinosa Soria, A.; Martínez Abietar, AJ. (2016). Transverse Spin and Spin-Orbit Coupling in Silicon Waveguides. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. 28(14):1561-1564. https://doi.org/10.1109/LPT.2016.2553841S15611564281

    Exploiting metamaterials, plasmonics and nanoantennas concepts in silicon photonics

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    [EN] The interaction of light with subwavelength metallic nano-structures is at the heart of different current scientific hot topics, namely plasmonics, metamaterials and nanoantennas. Research in these disciplines during the last decade has given rise to new, powerful concepts providing an unprecedented degree of control over light manipulation at the nanoscale. However, only recently have these concepts been used to increase the capabilities of light processing in current photonic integrated circuits (PICs), which traditionally rely only on dielectric materials with element sizes larger than the light wavelength. Amongst the different PIC platforms, silicon photonics is expected to become mainstream, since manufacturing using well-established CMOS processes enables the mass production of low-cost PICs. In this review we discuss the benefits of introducing recent concepts arisen from the fields of metamaterials, plasmonics and nanoantennas into a silicon photonics integrated platform. We review existing works in this direction and discuss how this hybrid approach can lead to the improvement of current PICs enabling novel and disruptive applications in photonics.AM and AE-S acknowledge funding from contracts TEC2014-51902-C2-1-R and TEC2014-61906-EXP (MINECO/FEDER, UE) and, FR-F acknowledges funding from EPSRC (UK).Rodríguez Fortuño, FJ.; Espinosa-Soria, A.; Martínez Abietar, AJ. (2016). Exploiting metamaterials, plasmonics and nanoantennas concepts in silicon photonics. Journal of Optics. 18(12):123001-1-123001-14. https://doi.org/10.1088/2040-8978/18/12/123001S123001-1123001-14181

    On-Chip Optimal Stokes Nanopolarimetry Based on Spin-Orbit Interaction of Light

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    [EN] Full measurement of the polarization of light at the nanoscale is expected to be crucial in many scientific and technological disciplines. Ideally, such measurements will require miniaturized Stokes polarimeters able to determine polarization nondestructively, locally, and in real time. For maximum robustness in measurement, the polarimeters should also operate optimally. Recent approaches making use of plasmonic nanostructures or metasurfaces are not able to fulfill all these requirements simultaneously. Here, we propose and demonstrate a method for subwavelength-footprint Stokes nanopolarimetry based on spin-orbit interaction of light. The method, which basically consists on a subwavelength scatterer coupled to a (set of) multimode waveguide(s), can fully determine the state of polarization satisfying all the previous features. Remarkably, the nanopolarimetry technique can operate optimally (we design a nanopolarimeter whose polarization basis spans 99.7% of the maximum tetrahedron volume inside the Poincaré sphere) over a broad bandwidth. Although here experimentally demonstrated on a silicon chip at telecom wavelengths, spin-orbit interaction-based nanopolarimetry is a universal concept to be applied in any wavelength regime or technological platform.A.M. acknowledges support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competiveness (MINECO) under grant TEC2014-51902-C2-1-R and the Valencian Conselleria d'Educacion, Cultura i Esport under grant PROMETEOII/2014/034. FJ.R.-F. acknowledges support from the European Research Council under project ERC-2016-STG-714151-PSINFONI. A.E.-S. acknowledges support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competiveness (MINECO) under grant BES-2015-073146.Espinosa Soria, A.; Rodríguez Fortuño, FJ.; Griol Barres, A.; Martínez Abietar, AJ. (2017). On-Chip Optimal Stokes Nanopolarimetry Based on Spin-Orbit Interaction of Light. Nano Letters. 17(5):3139-3144. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.7b00564S3139314417

    Coherent Control of a Plasmonic Nanoantenna Integrated on a Silicon Chip

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    [EN] Illuminating a plasmonic nanoantenna by a se of coherent light beams should tremendously modify its scattering, absorption and polarization properties, thus, enabling all-optical dynamic manipulation. However, diffraction inherently makes coherent control of isolated subwavelength-sizecl nanoantennas highly challenging when Uninitiated from free-space. Here, we overcome this limitation by placing the nanoantenna at a subwavelength distance of the output facet of silicon, waveguides that provide monolithically defined paths for multibeam coherent illumination. Inspired by coherent perfect absorption (CPA) concepts, we demonstrate experimentally modulation of the nanoantenna scattering by more than 1 order of magnitude and of the on-chip transmfission by > 50% over a similar to 200 nm bandwidth at telecom wavelengths by changing the phase between two counter-directional coherent guided beams. Moreover, we demonstrate coherent synthesis of polarization of the radiated field by illuminating the nanoantenna from orthogonal waveguides. Our finding paves the way toward coherent manipulation of nanoantennas and all-optical processing without nonlinearities in art integrated platform.All the authors acknowledge support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competiveness (MINECO): A.E.-S. under Grant BES-2015-073146, E.P.-C. under Grant FJCI-2015-27228, F.J.D.-F. under Grant TEC2015-63838-C3-1-R, and A.M. under Grants TEC2014-51902-C2-1-R and TEC2014-61906-EXP.Espinosa-Soria, A.; Pinilla-Cienfuegos, E.; Díaz-Fernández, FJ.; Griol Barres, A.; Martí Sendra, J.; Martínez Abietar, AJ. (2018). Coherent Control of a Plasmonic Nanoantenna Integrated on a Silicon Chip. ACS Photonics. 5(7):2712-2717. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsphotonics.8b00447S271227175

    Valproic acid restricts mast cell activation by Listeria monocytogenes.

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    Mast cells (MC) play a central role in the early containment of bacterial infections, such as that caused by Listeria monocytogenes (L.m). The mechanisms of MC activation induced by L.m infection are well known, so it is possible to evaluate whether they are susceptible to targeting and modulation by different drugs. Recent evidence indicates that valproic acid (VPA) inhibits the immune response which favors L.m pathogenesis in vivo. Herein, we examined the immunomodulatory effect of VPA on L.m-mediated MC activation. To this end, bone marrow-derived mast cells (BMMC) were pre-incubated with VPA and then stimulated with L.m. We found that VPA reduced MC degranulation and cytokine release induced by L.m. MC activation during L.m infection relies on Toll-Like Receptor 2 (TLR2) engagement, however VPA treatment did not affect MC TLR2 cell surface expression. Moreover, VPA was able to decrease MC activation by the classic TLR2 ligands, peptidoglycan and lipopeptide Pam3CSK4. VPA also reduced cytokine production in response to Listeriolysin O (LLO), which activates MC by a TLR2-independent mechanism. In addition, VPA decreased the activation of critical events on MC signaling cascades, such as the increase on intracellular Ca2+ and phosphorylation of p38, ERK1/2 and -p65 subunit of NF-κB. Altogether, our data demonstrate that VPA affects key cell signaling events that regulate MC activation following L.m infection. These results indicate that VPA can modulate the functional activity of different immune cells that participate in the control of L.m infection

    Realistic simulation of metal nanoparticles on solar cells

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    [EN] We present a strategy for simulating the scattering effect of an array of self-aggregated (SA) metal nanoparticles (NPs) on the light absorption in solar cells. We include size and shape effects of the NPs, the effect of a layered substrate and the effect of the interaction between NPs. The simulation relies on realistic characterization by SEM microscopy of the random NP arrays. Time and memory limitations of numerical approaches are overcome using semianalytical expressions. Size and shape considerations deal with truncated-sphere shapes by using a polarisability tensor. This is a development of other models leading to equivalent dipoles from the external source and the radiated fields from the rest of NPs. Once an equivalent array of 3-D dipoles is found, the total electromagnetic field and optical simulations are performed. The general trends show good agreement with experimental measurements. A critical analysis of the model is presented, and some improvement strategies are discussed for future studies.The authors would like to thank the R&D fellowship FPI-UPV (P.A.I.D. program of the Universitat Politècnica de València) and the EU-COST project “MultiscaleSolar” (MP1406) and Dr. Stéphane Collin from the Laboratory of Photonics and Nanostructures (CNRS-LPN) for helpful discussions and SEM characterisation.Cortés Juan, F.; Espinosa Soria, A.; Connolly, JP.; Sánchez Plaza, G.; Hugonin, J.; Sanchis Kilders, P. (2015). Realistic simulation of metal nanoparticles on solar cells. Energy Procedia. 84:204-213. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2015.12.315S2042138