1,155 research outputs found

    Microwave Spectroscopy

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    Contains research objectives, reports on work completed and one research project.Joint Services Electronics Programs (U. S. Army, U.S. Navy, and U.S. Air Force) under Contract DA 28-043-AMC-02536(E

    Conectividad poblacional entre variantes geográficas de Lutjanidae (Pisces) en las costas del Pacífico mexicano a través del reconocimiento de la forma de las escamas

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    Fish scale shape was used to identify geographic variants among Lutjanidae (Lutjanus argentiventris, L. guttatus and L. peru). Specimens were collected from three different geographic areas, north to south of the tropical Pacific coast of Mexico: Puerto Vallarta (PV), Manzanillo (MA) and Caleta de Campos (CC). Configuration of landmark coordinates of fish scales were scaled, translated and rotated using generalized procrustes analysis, followed by principal components analysis of resulting shape coordinates. Principal component scores were submitted to cross-validated discriminant analysis to determine the efficacy of scale landmarks for discrimination by geographic variants. This was done with shape and form (shape plus size). PV and MA were recognized as one population different from the CC sampling area. Using only shape (without size), identification rates predicted geographic variant membership much better than chance (91.3%, 70.6% and 85.4% for L. argentiventris, L. guttatus and L. peru, respectively), and taking size into account, classification is somewhat improved (90.6%, 80.1% and 87.5% for L. argentiventris, L. guttatus and L. peru, respectively). Consistency of the two populations for the three species shows non-fortuitous events. Population discrimination confirmed previous genetic studies that show a zoogeographic barrier between the North Equatorial Current and the California Current. The method is non-destructive, fast and less expensive than genetic analysis, thus allowing screening of many individuals for traceability of fish.La forma de las escamas se usó para identificar variantes geográficas de tres especies de Lutjanidos (Lutjanus argentiventris, L. guttatus and L. peru). Los especímenes se colectaron en tres diferentes áreas geográficas en la zona costera del Pacífico mexicano, de norte a sur: Puerto Vallarta (PV), Manzanillo (MA) and Caleta de Campos (CC). La configuración de coordenadas referenciadas de las escamas fueron escaladas, trasladadas y rotadas usando el análisis generalizado Procrustes, las coordenadas resultantes fueron sometidas a análisis de componentes principales mientras que los scores de los componentes se sometieron a validación cruzada con el análisis discriminante con el objeto de determinar la eficacia de las coordenadas referenciadas en la discriminación de las variantes geográficas. Esto se realizó considerando la forma y la talla. Los resultados mostraron que PV y MA se reconocieron como una sola población diferente de los ejemplares del área de CC. Usando solamente la forma de la escama (sin considerar la talla) las tasas de identificación entre las variantes geográficas fueron mejores que al azar (91.3, 70.6 y 85.4% para L. argentiventris, L. guttatus y L. peru, respectivamente) y agregando la talla la clasificación mejora un tanto (90.6, 80.1 y 87.5% para L. argentiventris, L. guttatus y L. peru, respectivamente). La consistencia en los resultados de dos poblaciones para las tres especies de lutjánidos muestra que este resultado no es fortuito. La discriminación de estas dos poblaciones confirma previos estudios genéticos que muestran una barrera geográfica entre la corriente Nor-ecuatorial y la corriente de California. El método no es destructivo es rápido y mucho más económico que un análisis genético además de permitir la revisión de una muestra amplia de individuos para la trazabilidad de peces

    Deep excursion beyond the proton dripline. I. Argon and chlorine isotope chains

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    The proton-unbound argon and chlorine isotopes have been studied by measuring trajectories of their decay-in-flight products by using a tracking technique with micro-strip detectors. The proton (1p) and two-proton (2p) emission processes have been detected in the measured angular correlations “heavy-fragment”+p and “heavy-fragment”+p+p, respectively. The ground states of the previously unknown isotopes 30Cl and 28Cl have been observed for the first time, providing the 1p separation energies Sp of −0.48(2) and −1.60(8) MeV, respectively. The relevant systematics of 1p and 2p separation energies have been studied theoretically in the core+p and core+p+p cluster models. The first-time observed excited states of 31Ar allow to infer the 2p-separation energy S2p of 6(34) keV for its ground state. The first-time observed state in 29Ar with S2p = −5.50(18) MeV can be identified either as a ground or an excited state according to different systematics.Helmholtz Association grant IK-RU-002Helmholtz International Center for FAIR HIC for FAIRRussian Science Foundation grant No. 17-12-01367Polish National Science Center Contract No. UMO- 2015/17/B/ST2/00581Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education Grant No. 0079/DIA/2014/43, Grant DiamentowyHelmholtz- CAS Joint Research Group grant HCJRG-10

    Capacity of National Malaria Control Programmes to implement vector surveillance: a global analysis

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    Background: Solving the problem of malaria requires a highly skilled workforce with robust infrastructure, financial backing and sound programme management coordinated by a strategic plan. Here, the capacity of National Malaria Control Programmes (NMCPs) was analysed to identify the strengths and weaknesses underpinning the implementation of vector surveillance and control activities by the core elements of programme capacity, being strategic frameworks, financing, human resources, logistics and infrastructure, and information systems. Results: Across nearly every country surveyed, the vector surveillance programmes were hampered by a lack of capacity and capability. Only 8% of NMCPs reported having sufficient capacity to implement vector surveillance. In contrast, 57%, 56% and 28% of NMCPs had the capacity to implement long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs), indoor residual spraying (IRS) and larval source management (LSM) activities, respectively. Largely underlying this was a lack of up-to-date strategic plans that prioritize vector surveillance and include frameworks for decision-making and action. Conclusions: Strategic planning and a lack of well-trained entomologists heavily hamper vector surveillance. Countries on the path to elimination generally had more operational/field staff compared to countries at the stage of control, and also were more likely to have an established system for staff training and capacity building. It is unlikely that controlling countries will make significant progress unless huge investments also go towards increasing the number and capacity of programmatic staff

    A global analysis of National Malaria Control Programme vector surveillance by elimination and control status in 2018

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    Background: Maintaining the effectiveness of the currently recommended malaria vector control interventions while integrating new interventions will require monitoring key recommended indicators to identify threats to effectiveness including physiological and behavioural resistance to insecticides. Methods: Country metadata on vector surveillance and control activities was collected using an online survey by National Malaria Control Programmes or partner organization officials. Country and regional surveillance activities were analysed for alignment with indicators for priority vector surveillance objectives recommended by the World Health Organization. Surveillance activities were also compared for countries in the E2020 (eliminating countries) and countries with more intense transmission. Results: Significant differences in monitoring priority vector indicators between Africa and Asia-Pacific country programmes were found as well as differences between countries approaching elimination and those controlling malaria. Gaps were found between vector data collected and country management strategies (i.e., for insecticide resistance management and integrated vector control strategies) and for making programmatic decisions on surveillance and control using vector surveillance data. Conclusions: Significant opportunities exist for increasing vector data collection on priority indicators and using these data for national programmatic decisions for both proactive insecticide resistance management and enhancing vector control

    Wave–current interactions in a wind-jet region

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    Wave–current interactions (WCIs) are investigated. The study area is located at the northern margin of the Ebro shelf (northwestern Mediterranean Sea), where episodes of strong cross-shelf wind (wind jets) occur. The aim of this study is to validate the implemented coupled system and investigate the impact of WCIs on the hydrodynamics of a wind-jet region. The Coupled Ocean–Atmosphere–Wave–Sediment Transport (COAWST) modeling system, which uses the Regional Ocean Model System (ROMS) and Simulating WAves Nearshore (SWAN) models, is used in a high-resolution domain (350&thinsp;m). Results from uncoupled numerical models are compared with a two-way coupling simulation. The results do not show substantial differences in the water current field between the coupled and the uncoupled runs. The main effect observed when the models are coupled is in the water column stratification, due to the turbulent kinetic energy injection and the enhanced surface stress, leading to a larger mixed-layer depth. Regarding the effects on the wave fields, the comparison between the coupled and the uncoupled runs shows that, when the models are coupled, the agreement of the modeled wave period significantly improves and the wave energy (and thus the significant wave height) decreases when the current flows in the same direction as the waves propagate.</p