81 research outputs found

    An improved tool of water data analytics for flowmeters data

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    This paper presents an improved tool for data validation and reconstruction of flowmeters. These sensors are installed in the Catalonia regional water network from Barcelona (Spain). Here a new time series model with exogenous variable is proposed with excellent results for data validation. It is postulated that the integration of the electronics alarms, along with other tests about the daily data accumulated and a later analysis of the data reconstruction allow to improve the results of the existing tools. This is accomplished by decreasing the false alarms and missing alarms of more than 6000 hourly data retrieved from more than 200 flowmeters each day. This new tool provides reliable information daily reliable information of the state of the water network. This information could potentially contribute to optimally control and manage this large and complex water network.Postprint (published version

    Proposals of a procedure to asses Pollutographs. Application to Murcia's Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs). PĂłster

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    Directives 91/271/EEC and 93/481/EEC set norms regarding the management of Combined Sewer Overflows. European Commission monitors the implementation status and implementation programmes. In fact, during the year 2019 all the utilities should be able to quantify the pollution spilled during storm events. And afterwards, plans have to be developed in order to reduce the impact of such events. In this paper, we proposed a method to estimate the transported pollution during events as well as to serve as a tool for developing plans to lessen the corresponding pollution. The procedure is divided into three steps: A. Periodical measurements of all relevant pollutants, e.g. total suspended solids and chemical oxygen demand, in wet and dry weather. Such pollutant “concentrations” are correlated with the turbidity, updating the relation among them [1]. B. Continuous measures of the turbidity. Turbidity is continously register in the sewer areas near overflow spillways. Turbidimeters are a very convenient equipment for this purpose [2]. Actually, it is reliable, its measures are very correlated with the total suspended solid concentration and its maintenance is easy. In this way, combining A. and B. turbidity measures provide us a real-time estimation of the pollutant concentration. on real time. C. Assesment of each catchment hydrograph. Depending on the available data, this step could be based on a design, a measured or a simulated hydrograph. In order to apply this methodology to Murcia’s Combined Sewer System, we have used simulated hydrographs based on real measured rainfall. Murcia’s utility has developed a calibrated SWMM model, and therefore, using the rainfall data, it is possible to estimate hydrographs for all the relevant points of the system. D. Estimation of each catchment pollutograph. Combining the pollutant concentration, estimated in the previous steps, with the hydrographs, we can asses how the mass of pollutants are transported. This information allows us to comply with EU Directives, but it will also be useful to design Murcia’s strategy to minimize environmental impacts

    Microbial factories for recombinant pharmaceuticals

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    Most of the hosts used to produce the 151 recombinant pharmaceuticals so far approved for human use by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and/or by the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) are microbial cells, either bacteria or yeast. This fact indicates that despite the diverse bottlenecks and obstacles that microbial systems pose to the efficient production of functional mammalian proteins, namely lack or unconventional post-translational modifications, proteolytic instability, poor solubility and activation of cell stress responses, among others, they represent convenient and powerful tools for recombinant protein production. The entering into the market of a progressively increasing number of protein drugs produced in non-microbial systems has not impaired the development of products obtained in microbial cells, proving the robustness of the microbial set of cellular systems (so far Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisae) developed for protein drug production. We summarize here the nature, properties and applications of all those pharmaceuticals and the relevant features of the current and potential producing hosts, in a comparative wa

    AutopercepciĂłn de inteligencia contextual para jugar y de competencia decisional en el fĂştbol = Game intelligence and perceived competence to decide on soccer players

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    En el presente estudio se analizó la autopercepción de competencia decisional y la inteligencia contextual de jugadores de fútbol de diferente nivel de pericia. Además, se exploraron las relaciones existentes entre las autopercepciones de competencia para decidir y de inteligencia contextual en jugadores de fútbol, para lo cual participaron voluntariamente 467 jugadores (M = 20,26, DT = 4,83). El nivel de pericia de los participantes se estableció en tres diferentes: Autonómico (N = 141), nacional (N = 253) e internacional (N = 73), de un total de 46 clubes españoles así como de varias selecciones nacionales. Se utilizaron dos instrumentos en forma de cuestionarios. El primero fue el Cuestionario de Inteligencia Contextual Percibida en el Deporte (ICD) y el segundo el de Estilos de Toma de Decisión en el Deporte (CETD). Los resultados mostraron que la competencia decisional y la inteligencia contextual están relacionadas y mejoran según aumenta el nivel deportivo. ----------ABSTRACT---------- The aim of this paper was to analyze decisional competence and contextual intelligence in sport among different level of expertise football players. In addition, the relationship between self-perceptions of decisional competence and contextual intelligence was assessed. Participants were 467 football players (M=20,26, DT=5,43). They were assigned three levels of expertise: Autonomic (N = 141), National (N = 253) and International (N = 73), from a group of 46 spanish clubs and several national teams. The Contextual Intelligence in Sport Questionnaire (ICD) and the Decision Making in Sport Questionnaire (CETD) were used to explore self-perceptions of players. Results showed that self-perceptions of Contextual Intelligence and Decision Making increased with the level of expertise

    Inteligencia contextual y pericia en el fĂştbol

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    Para los entrenadores la inteligencia en el juego es uno de los intangibles que predicen el éxito en la competición. De ahí que el objetivo de este estudio fuera analizar la percepción que jugadores de fútbol de diferente nivel de pericia tenían de su inteligencia para el juego. Se aplicó el Cuestionario de Inteligencia Contextual en el Deporte (ICD) que evalúa tres dimensiones: Inteligencia Anticipatoria, Inteligencia Táctica e Inteligencia Competitiva. En este estudio participaron 690 jugadores de fútbol de diferente nivel competitivo. Los resultados mostrarion que a medida que aumentaba el nivel competitivo se incrementaba la percepción de los jugadores sobre su inteligencia contextual. Este estudio confirma el papel que para los jugadores posee el sentirse 308 competentes para solucionar los problemas tácticos de su deporte y que este sentimiento aumenta con su nivel de competencia

    First GPS Baseline Results from the North Andes

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    The CASA UNO GPS (Global Positioning System) experiment (January-February 1988) has provided the first epoch baseline measurements for the study of plate motions and crustal deformation in and around the North Andes. Two dimensional horizontal baseline repeatabilities are as good as 5 parts in 108 for short baselines (100-1000km), and better than3 parts in 108 for long baselines (\u3e1000km). Vertical repeatabilities are typically 4 -6 cm, with a weak dependence on baseline length. The expected rate of plate convergence across the Colombia Trench is 6-8 cm/yr, which should be detectable by the repeat experiment planned for 1991. Expected deformation rates within the North Andes are of the order of 1 cm/yr, which may be detectable with the 1991 experiment

    The UALE project : a cross-sectional approach for trends in HIV/STI prevalence among key populations attending STI clinics in Guatemala

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    To describe and compare trends in prevalence, sexual behaviour and HIV transmission knowledge data related to sexually transmitted infections (STI) and HIV in patients attending three STI clinics over an 8-year period in Escuintla Department, Guatemala. STI clinic attendees were classified into transmission groups as follows: female sex workers (FSW), men who have sex with men (MSM) and 'high-risk heterosexuals' (HRH). Annual cross-sectional analysis and multivariable Poisson regression adjusted for sociodemographic variables were used for prevalence comparisons and adjusted prevalence trends for HIV/STI outcomes and used for adjusted trends in proportions in sexual behaviour and HIV transmission knowledge outcomes. Endocervical swabs were obtained to detect trichomonas, chlamydia and neisseria infections. Serologies for syphilis and HIV were performed using rapid tests. For reactive HIV samples, positivity was confirmed by an ELISA. All reactive syphilis samples were further confirmed for diagnosis of active syphilis disease. From a total of 4027 clinic attendees, 3213 (79.78%) were FSW, 229 (5.69%) were MSM and 585 (14.53%) were HRH. The proportion of FSW, MSM and HRH who had a single visit was 56.42%, 57.23% and 91.10%, respectively. Overall, HIV prevalence was 2.10% in FSW, 8.17% in MSM and 4.12% in HRH. Prevalence trends in HIV and syphilis decreased in FSW. Prevalence trends in gonorrhoea did not decrease over time neither in FSW nor in HRH. Chlamydia and trichomonas infections in HRH showed an increase prevalence trend. In FSW, trends in condom use in last sexual intercourse with regular and occasional clients were above 93%. FSW show a decreasing trend in HIV, syphilis and chlamydia prevalence. Gonorrhoea prevalence in FSW and HRH did not decrease over time. HRH is a hard to engage population with low follow-up rates and high potential to act as a bridge population

    Bioconversion of Lactose from Cheese Whey to Organic Acids

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    Organic acids constitute a group of organic compounds that find multiple applications in the food, cosmetic, pharmaceutical, and chemical industries. For this reason, the market for these products is continuously growing. Traditionally, most organic acids have been produced by chemical synthesis from oil derivatives. However, the irreversible depletion of oil has led us to pay attention to other primary sources as possible raw materials to produce organic acids. The microbial production of organic acids from lactose could be a valid, economical, and sustainable alternative to guarantee the sustained demand for organic acids. Considering that lactose is a by-product of the dairy industry, this review describes different procedures to obtain organic acids from lactose by using microbial bioprocesses

    Uses of the Response Surface Methodology for the Optimization of Agro-Industrial Processes

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    Response surface methodology is a tool for the design of experiments, widely used today to optimize industrial processes, including agro-industrial ones. Since its appearance in the last century’s fifties, hundreds of articles, chapters of books, and books attest to this. In this work, a general overview of this tool’s general practical aspects is made. This statistical tool’s usefulness and popularity, used in the optimization of agro-industrial processes and in making them more efficient and sustainable, is described through multiple examples

    Intercloud Architecture Framework for Heterogeneous Cloud Based Infrastructure Services Provisioning On-Demand

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    Abstract—This paper presents on-going research to develop the Intercloud Architecture Framework (ICAF) that addresses problems in multi-provider multi-domain heterogeneous cloud based infrastructure services and applications integration and interoperability, to allow their on-demand provisioning. The paper refers to existing standards and ongoing standardisation activity in Cloud Computing, in particular, recently published NIST Cloud Computing Reference Architecture (CCRA) and ITU-T JCA-Cloud activity. The proposed ICAF defines four complementary components addressing Intercloud integration and interoperability: multi-layer Cloud Services Model that combines commonly adopted cloud service models, such as IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, in one multilayer model with corresponding inter-layer interfaces; Intercloud Control and Management Plane that supports cloud based applications interaction
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