2,817 research outputs found

    Evaporation of (quantum) black holes and energy conservation

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    We consider Hawking radiation as due to a tunneling process in a black hole were quantum corrections, derived from Quantum Einstein Gravity, are taken into account. The consequent derivation, satisfying conservation laws, leads to a deviation from an exact thermal spectrum. The non-thermal radiation is shown to carry information out of the black hole. Under the appropriate approximation, a quantum corrected temperature is assigned to the black hole. The evolution of the quantum black hole as it evaporates is then described by taking into account the full implications of energy conservation as well as the back-scattered radiation. It is shown that, as a critical mass of the order of Planck's mass is reached, the evaporation process decelerates abruptly while the black hole mass decays towards this critical mass.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure

    The mechanism why colliders could create quasi-stable black holes

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    It has been postulated that black holes could be created in particle collisions within the range of the available energies for nowadays colliders (LHC). In this paper we analyze the evaporation of a type of black holes that are candidates for this specific behaviour, namely, small black holes on a brane in a world with large extra-dimensions. We examine their evolution under the assumption that energy conservation is satisfied during the process and compare it with the standard evaporation approach. We claim that, rather than undergoing a quick total evaporation, black holes become quasi-stable. We comment on the (absence of) implications for safety of this result. We also discuss how the presence of black holes together with the correctness of the energy conservation approach might be experimentally verified.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure

    Note on Terminology

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    From the Editor

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    Second-Order Fermions

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    It has been proposed several times in the past that one can obtain an equivalent, but in many aspects simpler description of fermions by first reformulating their first-order (Dirac) Lagrangian in terms of two-component spinors, and then integrating out the spinors of one chirality (e.g.e.g. primed or dotted). The resulting new Lagrangian is second-order in derivatives, and contains two-component spinors of only one chirality. The new second-order formulation simplifies the fermion Feynman rules of the theory considerably, e.g.e.g. the propagator becomes a multiple of an identity matrix in the field space. The aim of this thesis is to work out the details of this formulation for theories such as Quantum Electrodynamics, and the Standard Model of elementary particles. After having developed the tools necessary to establish the second-order formalism as an equivalent approach to spinor field theories, we proceed with some important consistency checks that the new formulation is required to pass, namely the presence or absence of anomalies in their perturbative and non-perturbative description, and the unitarity of the S-Matrix derived from their Lagrangian. Another aspect which is studied is unification, where we seek novel gauge-groups that can be used to embed all of the Standard Model content: forces and fermionic representations. Finally, we will explore the possibility to unify gravity and the Standard Model when the former is seen as a diffeomorphism invariant gauge-theory.Comment: Ph.D. Thesis, 281p

    A Note on Terminology

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    Note on Terminology

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    Editorial Board

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