173 research outputs found

    Japanese Sequential Voicing - Rendaku

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    This presentation details rendaku, a morpho-phonological process in Japanese. According to this process, the initial sound of the second word in a compound (i.e. a word that is made up of two or more words) is altered depending on several constraints in the language. This process can be seen in the word [tegami] ‘letter’, which is a compound comprised of the words [te] ‘hand’ and [kami] ‘paper’. The [k] in [kami] becomes [g] when combined with with [te]. In this presentation, a number of constraints and conditions that determine whether or not rendaku will occur within a compound will be described. This includes whether the word is native to Japanese or borrowed from other languages, and constraints on word reduplication. This study concludes that, although there are very specific constraints on the morpho-phonological system in Japanese, rendaku is still a highly irregular process

    A Long Term Follow Up to a Randomized Controlled Trial of Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention for Tics

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    Tourette Syndrome (TS) is a neuropsychiatric disorder characterized by stereotyped involuntary movements called tics. Tics can be movements or sounds and usually present first during childhood. Although tics may wax and wane throughout life, few long-term follow up studies of tic disorders have been conducted. In the past decade, behavior therapy has become a promising treatment for individuals with TS. Studies on behavior therapy for tics show favorable results at post treatment, but no studies have examined the long-term effects of such treatments beyond 10 months. The current study aimed to address this lack of research by conducting assessments with a group of adolescents and young adults who participated in a randomized controlled trial (RCT) of behavior therapy for tic disorders over six years ago. Results from 15 subjects indicated tics decreased in severity into late adolescence and adulthood and treatment gains were maintained between post treatment and follow up. These effects were even more pronounced for the group traditionally assigned to behavior therapy. Many of the predictors of long-term tic severity identified in the literature did not predict tic severity or general functioning at follow up, and there were no significant differences between baseline and follow up scores on measures related to other psychological and behavior problems. Subjects also reported how long they continued using various treatment components and which strategies were more helpful than others. Implications for future studies on the course of tic disorders and treatment follow-up assessments are discussed

    La ciencia política en las relaciones internacionales

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    Fil: Aja Espil, Jorge A. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Derecho. Cátedra Derecho Constitucional Argentino y Comparado. Buenos Aires, Argentin

    Comparing Fixed-amount and Progressive-amount DRO Schedules for Tic Suppression in Youth with Chronic Tic Disorders

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    Chronic tic disorders (CTDs) involve motor and/or vocal tics that often cause substantial distress and impairment. Differential reinforcement of other behavior (DRO) schedules of reinforcement produce robust, but incomplete, reductions in tic frequency in youth with CTDs; however, a more robust reduction may be needed to affect durable clinical change. Standard, fixed‐amount DRO schedules have not commonly yielded such reductions, so we evaluated a novel, progressive‐amount DRO schedule, based on its ability to facilitate sustained abstinence from functionally similar behaviors. Five youth with CTDs were exposed to periods of baseline, fixed‐amount DRO (DRO‐F), and progressive‐amount DRO (DRO‐P). Both DRO schedules produced decreases in tic rate and increases in intertic interval duration, but no systematic differences were seen between the two schedules on any dimension of tic occurrence. The DRO‐F schedule was generally preferred to the DRO‐P schedule. Possible procedural improvements and other future directions are discussed

    Computerized Response Inhibition Training For Children With Trichotillomania

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    Evidence suggests that trichotillomania is characterized by impairment in response inhibition, which is the ability to suppress pre-potent/dominant but inappropriate responses. This study sought to test the feasibility of computerized response inhibition training for children with trichotillomania. Twenty-two children were randomized to the 8-session response inhibition training (RIT; n = 12) or a waitlisted control (WLT; n = 10). Primary outcomes were assessed by an independent evaluator, using the Clinical Global Impression-Improvement (CGI-I), and the NIMH Trichotillomania Severity (NIMH-TSS) and Impairment scales (NIMH-TIS) at pre, post-training/waiting, and 1-month follow-up. Relative to the WLT group, the RIT group showed a higher response rate (55% vs. 11%) on the CGI-I and a lower level of impairment on the NIMH-TIS, at post-training. Overall symptom reductions rates on the NIMH-TSS were 34% (RIT) vs. 21% (WLT) at post-training. The RIT\u27s therapeutic gains were maintained at 1-month follow-up, as indicated by the CGI-I responder status (= 66%), and a continuing reduction in symptom on the NIMH-TSS. This pattern of findings was also replicated by the 6 waitlisted children who received the same RIT intervention after post-waiting assessment. Results suggest that computerized RIT may be a potentially useful intervention for trichotillomania

    Inclusión sociolaboral. Una experiencia argentina

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    Calidad de vida en mastectomizadas. Hospital Víctor Lazarte Echegaray, Trujillo Enero 2014

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    Determinar la calidad de vida en mastectomizadas, atendidas en el Hospital EsSalud Víctor Lazarte Echegaray, en el mes de enero del 2014 según las dimensiones del SF-12. MATERIAL Y MÉTODO: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, que evaluó 60 pacientes mastectomizadas a quienes se les aplico el cuestionario SF.12. RESULTADOS: El puntaje promedio en las mujeres que solo tuvieron mastectomía fue 53.1+11.4 puntos calificado como buena calidad de vida, donde el Componente Sumario físico (CSF) obtuvo un puntaje de 55.6+12.2 y el Componente sumario mental (CSM) 51.4+14.3. En las que se aplicó quimioterapia obtuvieron como puntaje 44.4 + 11.3, CSF 47.0 + 21.7 y el CSM 42.7+ 9.1. En las que se brindó radioterapia alcanzaron un puntaje de 44.0 + 14.1 CSF obtuvo un puntaje de 39.0 + 25.5 y CSM 47.5+ 6.4. Las que recibieron quimioterapia y radioterapia alcanzaron 46.6 + 9.9 puntos, CSF tuvo 50.7+ 26.5 y el CSM 43.8+ 12.4. CONCLUSIONES: En las pacientes mastectomizadas, sin tratamiento coadyuvante la calidad de vida en salud es buena, mientras que en las que recibieron quimioterapia, radioterapia y radioterapia-quimioterapia, la calidad de vida en salud fue baja. La calidad de vida global fue baja donde los componentes sumarios físico alcanzó buena calidad de vida y el componente mental baja calidad de vida.To determine the quality of life in mastectomies, attended at Victor Lazarte Echegaray Hospital Essalud in January 2014 according to the dimensions of the SF -12. MATERIAL AND METHODS: An observational and descriptive study, which evaluated 60 mastectomizeds patients who were apply the SF.12 questionnaire. RESULTS: The mean score in women who had alone mastectomy was 53.1 +11.4 rated as good quality of life, where the Physical Component Summary (CSF) obtained a score of 55.6 +12.2 and Mental Component Summary (CSM) 51.4 +14.3 points. In which chemotherapy was applied the score obtained as 44.4 + 11.3, CSF 47.0 + 21.7 and the CSM 42.7 + 9.1. Where radiotherapy was provided achieved a score of 44.0 + 14.1, the CSF obtained a score of 39.0 + 25.5 and CSM 47.5 + 6.4. Those who received chemotherapy and radiotherapy reached 46.6 + 9.9 points, CSF was 50.7 + 26.5 and MSC 43.8 + 12.4. CONCLUSIONS: In breast cancer patients without adjuvant therapy on quality of life is good health, while those who received chemotherapy, radiotherapy and radiotherapy - chemotherapy, quality of life in health was low. The overall quality of life was low where the physical component summary achieved good quality of life and the mental component low quality of lifeTesi

    Dependencia emocional según género en docentes casados de colegios privados de la provincia de Chepén

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    El presente estudio de tipo sustantivo, con diseño de corte descriptivo – comparativo, tuvo como objetivo determinar las diferencias de la Dependencia emocional según género en docentes casados de colegios Privados de la Provincia de Chepén, donde la población estuvo constituida por 150 docentes de ambos sexos y la muestra quedo conformada por 90 docentes casados, siendo 44 hombres y 46 mujeres; con edades que oscilan entre 28 y 55 años, para el recojo de la muestra se utilizó el “inventario de dependencia emocional (2012); además, las pruebas estadísticas utilizadas fueron t – student y U de Mann Whitney. Concluyendo que existe diferencia altamente significativa de la dependencia emocional entre docentes varones y docentes mujeres. Palabras claves: Dependencia emocional, docentes varones y docentes mujeres.The present study is substantive type design with comparative descriptive cut, aimed to determine the difference of emotional dependency by gender of teachers married in private schools in Chepen Province, where the population consisted of 150 teachers of both sexes and the sample was composed of 90 married teachers, being 44 men and 46 women, with ages ranging between 28 and 55 years. For the picking up of the sample, we used The Emotional Dependency Inventory (2012); the statistical tests used were T-Student and U Mann Whitney. Concluding that there are highly significant differences of emotional dependence between male teachers and female teachers.Tesi

    John Berger: looking for a Brexit. Una teleología de la mirada

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    This paper reviews the articles by John Berger published in the book About looking. In this sense, this production is chronologically examined. In this way three production moments would be observed.  The first moment marked by the imprint of Cubism –in so much symbolic revolution– in modern culture and the debates of British Marxism about the working class, culture in the mass media and the use of a suitable language in order to achieve The greatest possible number of accessions for democratic political action. A second moment of active participation in the social debate publishing in New Society and making the program of television emitted by the BBC. In these interventions he not only insists on the need for political action but also tries to explain the field in which this action takes place (an outline of Bourdieu's theories accompanies those arguments) and, above all, clearly exposes the role Of the spectator as a consequence of the revolution in the symbolic that led the Cubism. Finally, in a third moment, the theoretical scaffolding used to analyze the development of what we call culture annexes the concepts of aura and experience of W. Benjamin and hegemony of A. Gramsci. In this way he describes the end of an era, modernity, and the continuity of history in something unnamed that sees as a consequence of the pre-eminence of "high finance."El presente trabajo revisa los artículos de John Berger publicados en el libro Mirar. En este sentido, se examina esa producción de modo cronológico. De esta manera se observarían tres momentos de producción. El primero signado por la impronta del cubismo -en tanto revolución simbólica- en la cultura moderna y los debates del marxismo británico acerca de la clase trabajadora, la cultura en los medios de comunicación masiva y el uso de un lenguaje adecuado a fin de lograr la mayor cantidad posible de adhesiones para la acción política democrática. Un segundo momento de activa participación en el debate social publicando en New Society y haciendo el programa de televisión emitido por la BBC. En esas intervenciones ya no sólo insiste en la necesidad de la acción política sino que trata de explicar el campo en el que se desarrolla esa acción (un esbozo de las teorías de Bourdieu acompañan esas argumentaciones) y, sobre todo, expone con claridad el rol del espectador como consecuencia de la revolución en lo simbólico que llevó adelante el cubismo. Por último, en un tercer momento, al andamiaje teórico del que se sirve para analizar el desarrollo de lo que llamamos cultura anexa los conceptos de aura y experiencia de W. Benjamin y hegemonía de A. Gramsci. De este modo describe el final de una época, la modernidad, y la continuidad de la historia en algo innominado que ve como consecuencia de la preeminencia de las “altas finanzas”

    Proceso de capacitación y desempeño laboral en los servidores de la Superintendencia Nacional de Salud Lima, 2022

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    Esta investigación se propuso determinar la relación entre el proceso de capacitación y el desempeño laboral de los servidores en la Superintendencia Nacional de Salud, Lima - 2022. Adoptando un enfoque básico, no experimental, cuantitativo y correlacional, el estudio de corte transversal se basó en encuestas y cuestionarios para ambas variables. La muestra incluyó 145 de los 232 colaboradores. Se desarrollaron cuestionarios específicos para evaluar el proceso de capacitación y el desempeño laboral. Los resultados revelaron una correlación significativa y sólida entre el proceso de capacitación y el desempeño laboral (P<0,05 y Rho=0,807), así como entre las dimensiones del proceso de capacitación y el desempeño laboral. En consecuencia, se concluye que el proceso de capacitación, junto con sus dimensiones, está fuertemente correlacionado de manera significativa con el desempeño laboral de los servidores en la Superintendencia Nacional de Salud de Lima. Este hallazgo resalta la importancia de un enfoque estratégico en la gestión del talento para optimizar el rendimiento laboral en entornos organizacionales similares.This research aimed to determine the relationship between the training process and the work performance of servers in the National Superintendency of Health, Lima - 2022. Adopting a basic, non-experimental, quantitative and correlational approach, the cross-sectional study was based on surveys and questionnaires for both variables. The sample included 145 of the 232 collaborators. Specific questionnaires were developed to evaluate the training process and job performance. The results revealed a significant and strong correlation between the training process and job performance (P<0.05 and Rho=0.807), as well as between the dimensions of the training process and job performance. Consequently, it is concluded that the training process, along with its dimensions, is strongly correlated in a significant way with the work performance of the servers in the National Health Superintendency of Lima. This finding highlights the importance of a strategic approach to talent management to optimize job performance in similar organizational settingsTesi