500 research outputs found

    The Effect of TDC Temperature and Density on the Liquid-Phase Fuel Penetration in a D. I. Diesel Engine

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    A parametric study of the liquid-phase fuel penetration of evaporating Diesel fuel jets has been conducted in a directinjection Diesel engine using laser elastic-scatter imaging. The experiments were conducted in an optically accessible Diesel engine of the ``heavy-duty`` size class at a representative medium speed (1200 rpm) operating condition. The density and temperature at TDC were varied systematically by adjusting the intake temperature and pressure. At all operating conditions the measurements show that initially the liquid fuel penetrates almost linearly with increasing crank angle until reaching a maximum length. Then, the liquid-fuel penetration length remains fairly constant although fuel injection continues. At a TDC density of 16.6 kg/m{sup 3} and a temperature of about 1000 K the maximum penetration length is approximately 23 mm. However, it varies significantly as TDC conditions are changed, with the liquid-length being less at higher temperatures and at higher densities. The corresponding apparent heat release rate plots are presented and the results of the liquid-phase fuel penetration are discussed with respect to the ignition delay and premixed bum fraction

    ASCA Observations of the Composite Warm Absorber in NGC 3516

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    We obtained X-ray spectra of the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC~3516 in March 1995 using ASCA. Simultaneous far-UV observations were obtained with HUT on the Astro-2 shuttle mission. The ASCA spectrum shows a lightly absorbed power law of energy index 0.78. The low energy absorbing column is significantly less than previously seen. Prominent O~vii and O~viii absorption edges are visible, but, consistent with the much lower total absorbing column, no Fe K absorption edge is detectable. A weak, narrow Fe~Kα\alpha emission line from cold material is present as well as a broad Fe~Kα\alpha line. These features are similar to those reported in other Seyfert 1 galaxies. A single warm absorber model provides only an imperfect description of the low energy absorption. In addition to a highly ionized absorber with ionization parameter U=1.66U = 1.66 and a total column density of 1.4×1022 cm−21.4 \times 10^{22}~\rm cm^{-2}, adding a lower ionization absorber with U=0.32U = 0.32 and a total column of 6.9×1021 cm−26.9 \times 10^{21}~\rm cm^{-2} significantly improves the fit. The contribution of resonant line scattering to our warm absorber models limits the Doppler parameter to <160 km s−1< 160~\rm km~s^{-1} at 90\% confidence. Turbulence at the sound speed of the photoionized gas provides the best fit. None of the warm absorber models fit to the X-ray spectrum can match the observed equivalent widths of all the UV absorption lines. Accounting for the X-ray and UV absorption simultaneously requires an absorbing region with a broad range of ionization parameters and column densities.Comment: 14 pages, 4 Postscript figures, uses aaspp4.sty To appear in the August 20, 1996, issue of The Astrophysical Journa

    The Type Ic Supernova 1994I in M51: Detection of Helium and Spectral Evolution

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    We present a series of spectra of SN 1994I in M51, starting 1 week prior to maximum brightness. The nebular phase began about 2 months after the explosion; together with the rapid decline of the optical light, this suggests that the ejected mass was small. Although lines of He I in the optical region are weak or absent, consistent with the Type Ic classification, we detect strong He I λ10830 absorption during the first month past maximum. Thus, if SN 1994I is a typical Type Ic supernova, the atmospheres of these objects cannot be completely devoid of helium. The emission-line widths are smaller than predicted by the model of Nomoto and coworkers, in which the iron core of a low-mass carbon-oxygen star collapses. They are, however, larger than in Type Ib supernovae

    Intergalactic UV Background Radiation Field

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    We have performed proximity effect analysis of low and high resolution data, considering detailed frequency and redshift dependence of the AGN spectra processed through galactic and intergalactic material. We show that such a background flux, calculated using the observed distribution of AGNs, falls short of the value required by the proximity effect analysis by a factor of ≥\ge 2.7. We have studied the uncertainty in the value of the required flux due to its dependence on the resolution, description of column density distribution, systemic redshifts of QSOs etc. We conclude that in view of these uncertainties the proximity effect is consistent with the background contributed by the observed AGNs and that the hypothesized presence of an additional, dust extinct, population of AGNs may not be necessary.Comment: To be published in the Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics aasms, 2 figures, 2 tables. Paper replaced to include the figure

    The Lyman-alpha forest of the QSO in the Hubble Deep Field South

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    The quasar in the Hubble Deep Field South (HDFS), J2233-606 (z=2.23) has been exhaustively observed by ground based telescopes and by the STIS spectrograph on board the Hubble Space Telescope at low, medium and high resolution in the spectral interval from 1120 A to 10000 A. This very large base-line represents a unique opportunity to study in detail the distribution of clouds associated with emitting structures in the field of the quasar and in nearby fields already observed as part of the HDFS campaign. Here we report the main properties of the Lyman-alpha clouds in the intermediate redshift range 1.20-2.20, where our present knowledge has been complicated by the difficulty in producing good data. The number density is shown to be higher than what is expected by extrapolating the results from both lower and higher redshifts: 63\pm8 lines with log N_{HI}\geq14.0 are found (including metal systems) at =1.7, to be compared with ~40 lines predicted by extrapolating from previous studies. The redshift distribution of the Lyman-alpha clouds shows a region spanning z=1.383-1.460 (comoving size of 94 h^{-1}_{65} Mpc, Omega_o=1) with a low density of absorption lines; we detect 5 lines in this region, compared with the 16 expected from an average density along the line of sight. The two point correlation function shows a positive signal up to scales of about 3 h^{-1}_{65} Mpc and an amplitude that is larger for larger HI column densities. The average Doppler parameter is about 27 km/s, comparable to the mean value found at z > 3, thus casting doubts on the temperature evolution of the Lyman-alpha clouds.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters. The revised version includes the analysis of the number density evolution of the sample with metal system

    Gallbladder Cancer Incidence Among American Indians and Alaska Natives, US, 1999–2004

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    BACKGROUND. Gallbladder cancer (GBC) is rare; however, it disproportionately affects the American Indian and Alaska Natives (AI/AN) population. The purpose of the study was to characterize GBC among AI/AN in the US population. METHODS. Cases of GBC diagnosed between 1999 and 2004 and collected by state-based cancer registries were included. Registry records were linked with Indian Health Service (IHS) administration records to decrease race misclassification of AI/AN. GBC rates and/or percent distributions for AI/AN and non-Hispanic whites (NHW) were calculated by sex, IHS region, age, and stage for all US counties and IHS Contract Health Service Delivery Area (CHSDA) counties, in which approximately 56% of US AI/AN individuals reside. RESULTS. In CHSDA counties, the GBC incidence rate among AI/AN was 3.3 per 100,000, which was significantly higher than that among NHW (P \u3c .05). Rates varied widely among IHS regions and ranged from 1.5 in the East to 5.5 in Alaska. Rates were higher among AI/AN females than males in all regions, except the Northern Plains. Higher percentages of GBC were diagnosed among AI/AN aged CONCLUSIONS. To the authors’ knowledge to date, this is the most comprehensive study of GBC incidence among AI/AN in the US. The accurate characterization of GBC in this population could help inform the development of interventions aimed at reducing morbidity and mortality from this diseas

    Deconstructing the narrow-line region of the nearest obscured quasar

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    We study the physical and kinematic properties of the narrow-line region (NLR) of the nearest obscured quasar MRK 477 (z = 0.037), using optical and near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy. About 100 emission lines are identified in the optical+NIR spectrum (90 in the optical), including several narrow optical Fe+ lines. To our knowledge, this is the first type 2 active galactic nucleus (AGN) with such a detection. The Fe+ lines can be explained as the natural emission from the NLR photoionized by the AGN. Coronal line emission can only be confirmed in the NIR spectrum. As in many other AGNs, a significant correlation is found between the lines’ full width at half-maximum and the critical density log(ncrit). We propose that it is caused by the outflow. This could be the case in other AGNs. The nuclear jet-induced ionized outflow has been kinematically isolated in many emission lines covering a broad range of ionization potentials and critical densities. It is concentrated within R ∼few×100 pc from the central engine. The outflowing gas is denser (n ≳ 8000 cm−3) than the ambient non-perturbed gas (n ∼ 400–630 cm−3). This could be due to the compression effect of the jet-induced shocks. Alternatively, we propose that the outflow has been triggered by the jet at R ≲ 220 pc (possibly at ≲ 30 pc), and we trace how the impact weakens as it propagates outwards following the radiation-pressure-dominated density gradient. The different kinematic behaviour of [Fe II] λ1.644 μm suggests that its emission is enhanced by shocks induced by the nuclear outflow/jet and is preferentially emitted at a different, less reddened spatial location
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