141 research outputs found

    Caracterizaci?n sociodemogr?fica, nutricional y cl?nica de los casos de desnutrici?n aguda moderada y severa en ni?os y ni?as menores de 5 a?os , en el departamento del Tolima para el a?o 2016

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    150 p. Recurso Electr?nicoIntroducci?n: la desnutrici?n aguda genera efectos para la salud en la primera infancia, encontr?ndose ligada al crecimiento y desarrollo. El Tolima ha reportado 16 casos a la semana epidemiol?gica 9 del 2016. (6) Objetivo: describir las caracter?sticas sociodemogr?ficas, nutricionales y cl?nicas en menores de 5 a?os con desnutrici?n aguda moderada y severa en el Tolima, enero a diciembre de 2016. Dise?os y m?todos: se realiz? un estudio descriptivo con informaci?n reportada al SIVIGILA en el Tolima durante el 2016. Utilizando fuentes de datos secundarias, analizadas con programas Excel y SPSS versi?n 22. Resultados: De 565 datos, se depuraron y aceptaron 233 datos, encontr?ndose (65,2%) desnutrici?n aguda moderada y severa (34,8%). Mayor frecuencia sexo masculino (53,2%), (57,1%) en cabecera municipal, r?gimen subsidiado (87,3%), el (96,6%) pertenecen a otros grupos poblacionales y la pertenencia ?tnica m?s reportada fueron ind?genas (8,6%). Para las variables sociodemogr?ficas de los cuidadores se hall? que en m?s del 90% son mujeres, superan los 18 a?os (94,4%), el (48,1%) tienen nivel de escolaridad primaria y estrato socioecon?mico 1 (80,2%). Los ni?os con nacimiento a t?rmino presentaron deficiente peso al nacer (32,9%), los que nacieron a pret?rmino evidenciaron bajo peso al nacer (5%). El (92%) inscritos al programa de control de crecimiento y desarrollo y (87,6%) esquema de vacunaci?n completo. Se present? una mayor incidencia en la desnutrici?n aguda moderada, el sexo masculino y los municipios de Guamo y Flandes. Los signos cl?nicos en desnutrici?n aguda moderada son (24,9%) delgadez visible, anemia (15%), lesiones de cabello (7,3%) e hiperpigmentaci?n (6,4%), y en la desnutrici?n aguda severa la piel reseca (9,4%). Palabras claves: Desnutrici?n aguda.Introduction: Acute malnutrition generates health effects in early childhood, being linked to growth and development. Tolima has reported 16 cases in the 9th epidemiological week of 2016. (6) Objective: To describe the socio-demographic, nutritional and clinical characteristics in children under 5 years of age with moderate and severe acute malnutrition in Tolima, from January to December, 2016. Design and Methods: A descriptive study was carried out with information reported to SIVIGILA in Tolima during 2016. Using secondary data sources, analyzed with Excel and SPSS programs, version 22. Results: From 565 data, 233 data were depurated and accepted, finding (65.2%) moderate acute malnutrition and (34.8%) severe malnutrition. The highest frequency was males (53.2%), (57.1%) in the main town of the municipality, subsidized regime (87.3%), (96.6%) belong to other population groups. The most reported ethnic group was indigenous population (8.6%). For the socio-demographic variables of caregivers, it was found that over 90% are women who exceed 18 years of age (94.4%); (48.1%) have primary education level and (80.2 %) socioeconomic stratum 1. Children born to term with low birth weight (32.9%); and those born to preterm with low birth weight (5%). (92%) of those enrolled in the growth and development control program, (87.6%) complete vaccination scheme. There was a greater incidence in moderate acute malnutrition, in male, in the municipalities of Guamo and Flandes. The clinical signs of moderate acute malnutrition are visible thinness (24.9%), anemia (15%), hair injuries (7.3%) and hyperpigmentation (6.4%), and in severe acute malnutrition, dry skin (9.4%). Keywords: Acute malnutrition

    Shouted Speech Compensation for Speaker Verification Robust to Vocal Effort Conditions

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    The performance of speaker verification systems degrades when vocal effort conditions between enrollment and test (e.g., shouted vs. normal speech) are different. This is a potential situation in non-cooperative speaker verification tasks. In this paper, we present a study on different methods for linear compensation of embeddings making use of Gaussian mixture models to cluster shouted and normal speech domains. These compensation techniques are borrowed from the area of robustness for automatic speech recognition and, in this work, we apply them to compensate the mismatch between shouted and normal conditions in speaker verification. Before compensation, shouted condition is automatically detected by means of logistic regression. The process is computationally light and it is performed in the back-end of an x-vector system. Experimental results show that applying the proposed approach in the presence of vocal effort mismatch yields up to 13.8% equal error rate relative improvement with respect to a system that applies neither shouted speech detection nor compensation

    Distribución de las Aguas del Cabildo por la ciudad de Córdoba durante los siglos XVII al XIX

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    Se lleva a cabo una descripción del trazado de las estructuras hidráulicas del sistema de abastecimiento a la ciudad de Córdoba durante los siglos XVII al XIX correspondientes a las Aguas del Cabildo, en funcionamiento desde 1604. Se esquematiza el trazado de ésta en el antiguo distrito de Trascastillo, su funcionamiento, cuantificación y reparto de los volúmenes de agua suministrados. La presencia de determinados elementos de este antiguo sistema aún en el núcleo urbano de esta ciudad, incrementa considerablemente el valor patrimonial de la misma.A description about the hydraulic structures of an old water supply in Córdoba city (Aguas del Cabildo) during the period XVII-XIX century is carried out. The layout Trascastillo district is schematized and quantified its water volumes. Some elements of this water network are identified in its current urban nucleus

    Fundamentos novedosos de diagnóstico y tratamiento del neurinoma acústico

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    Introduction: acoustic neuroma is a benign tumor arising from Schwann cells. They are characterized by surrounding the vestibulocochlear nerve branch and their growth is slow and directed towards the pontocerebellar angle; depending on their size and the areas involved, clinical manifestations will arise, so patients will initially have unilateral hearing loss. Its diagnostic methods are CT and MRI which will help to characterize the lesion and the Koos classification will be decisive to opt for a treatment. Objective: To describe the diagnosis and treatment of acoustic neurinoma in order to develop quality approaches in the management of patients. Methodology: the present research was a systemic bibliographic review that covered the diagnosis and treatment of acoustic neurinoma, for which health sciences descriptors were used, both in Spanish and English; subsequently, evidence-based medicine platforms were used, together with the review of 38 bibliographic sources to fully meet the proposed objectives. Conclusions: it is still a challenge to safeguard the control of neurological work, given the invasive treatments that must be chosen, for that reason new less invasive techniques must be developed to improve both the prognosis and the standard of living of these patients.Introducción: el neuroma acústico es una tumoración de origen benigno que surgen de las células de Schwann. Se caracterizan por rodear la rama del nervio vestibulococlear y su crecimiento es lento dirigido hacia el ángulo pontocerebeloso; dependiendo de su tamaño y las áreas que se vean involucradas surgirán las manifestaciones clínicas, así los pacientes tendrán al inicio pérdida auditiva unilateral. Sus métodos diagnósticos son la tomografía y resonancia magnética que ayudaran a caracterizar la lesión y la clasificación de Koos será decisivo para optar por un tratamiento. Objetivo: Describir el diagnóstico y tratamiento del Neurinoma acústico para desarrollar enfoques de calidad en el manejo de los pacientes. Metodología: la presente investigación se trató de una revisión bibliográfica sistémica que abarco el diagnóstico y tratamiento del Neurinoma acústico, para lo cual se usaron los descriptores en ciencias de la salud, tanto en español como en inglés; posteriormente se usaron plataformas de medicina basa en la evidencia, junto con la revisión de 38 fuentes bibliográficas para abarcar completamente con los objetivos propuestos. Conclusiones: sigue siendo un reto el resguardar el control de la labor neurológica, dado los tratamientos invasivos por los que se debe optar, por esa razón se debe desarrollar nuevas técnicas menos invasivas que mejoren tanto el pronóstico como el nivel de vida de estos pacientes.&nbsp

    Variabilidad radial y acimutal del flujo de savia en olivos plantados en seto

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    5 páginas.-- 4 figuras.-- Comunicación oral presentada en el XI Simposio Hispano-Portugués de Relaciones Hídricas en las Plantas, Sevilla 17-20 Sep. (2012)La heterogeneidad de densidad de flujo de savia tanto alrededor del tronco como en profundidad respecto al cambium es un hecho bien conocido que requiere ser analizado para un correcto uso e interpretación de las estimas de transpiración a partir de las medidas de flujo de savia. Por ello, se hizo un experimento en olivos ‘Arbequina’ de 5 años de edad en una plantación en seto (4 m x 1.5 m) donde se instalaron cuatro sondas por árbol, en tres árboles representativos de la plantación. Los resultados han mostradoque se puede reducir el número de sondas hasta una para estimar el flujo de savia en olivos plantados en seto de esta edad. La correlación obtenida para la densidad de flujo de savia relativa entre la sección más externa del xilema conductor y las interiores frente a la conductancia estomática relativa medida en hojas jóvenes y viejas aportó evidencias sobre la hipótesis de que los vasos exteriores están preferentemente conectados a las hojas jóvenes del año.N

    Comunicación digital y su relación con la decisión de compra en la empresa Lipocenter Woman de la ciudad de Trujillo, 2021

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar cómo se relaciona la comunicación digital y la decisión de compra en la empresa Lipocenter Woman de la ciudad de Trujillo en el año 2021, para lo cual se aplicó un tipo de investigación cuantitativo, no experimental, transversal, correlacional. Además, la población de Lipocenter es de 19,019 clientes registrados desde su inicio de operaciones en 2015, cuya muestra fueron 200 clientes. Asimismo, la técnica fue la encuesta, de la cual se derivaron un Cuestionario sobre comunicación digital y un Cuestionario sobre decisión de compra, debidamente validados y confiabilizados. Los principales hallazgos encontraron un nivel bajo de comunicación digital en un 44%, mientras que en la decisión de compra es desfavorable en un 41.5%. Finalmente, se concluye una relación directa de magnitud grande (rs = .54 ≥ .50) entre la comunicación digital y la decisión de compra

    Linking changes in radial profiles of sap flux density with the response of water vapour exchange to water deficit

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    8 páginas, 5 figuras, 1 tabla, 19 referencias.-- IX International Workshop on Sap Flow, celebrado del 4-7 de junio 2013, en Gante, Bélgica.Knowledge of temporal variations in radial profiles of sap flux density (Js) and its relation to canopy water vapour exchange would help to improve our understanding of plant water relations. In this study we aimed to test if there is a consistent radial profile of Js in olive trees under optimal soil water availability and severe water stress conditions. Furthermore, if the radial profile of Js is not consistent through time we aimed to assess whether this radial variability can be explained through differential water exchange response to evaporative demand (D) of sun-exposed, new foliage and shade, old foliage. We measured sap flux density in the trunk of 6-year-old olive trees under two different irrigation treatments: a full irrigation treatment and a treatment replacing 30% of the of irrigation needs. We related the hourly radial profiles characterized with the Beta probability distribution function with independent water vapour exchange measurements at different exposures in the tree canopy (sun-exposed, young foliage and shade, old foliage). Results showed that under well irrigated conditions the shape of the radial profile of Js hardly varied, but under water deficit situations most of the sap appears to be conducted deeper into the sapwood and Js is also more variable throughout the sapwood. Accordingly, results demonstrated that in shade, old foliage water vapour exchange varied less than in sun-exposed new foliage. As a result, in days under severe water deficit, the contribution of shade old foliage to the whole tree transpiration was greater. Radial profile changes and canopy measurements were found to respond in a similar way to D. During conditions of low D and soil water deficit it was observed a greater contribution of the inner xylem to total stem flow and shade, old leaves to canopy gas exchange.Peer reviewe

    Physiological and genetic response of olive leaves to water stress and recovery: implications of mesophyll conductance and genetic expression of aquaporins and carbonic anhydrase

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    8 páginas, 2 figuras, 18 referencias.-- XXVIII International Horticultural Congress on Science and Horticulture for People (IHC2010): International Symposium on CLIMWATER 2010: Horticultural Use of Water in a Changing Climate. Lisboa, Portugal.Drought is considered to be the main environmental factor limiting photo-synthesis (AN) and, consequently, plant growth and yield worldwide. During photosynthesis, the pathway of CO2 from the atmosphere to the site of carboxylation in the chloroplast stroma has two main components: stomatal (gs) and mesophyll (gm) conductances. Both are finite and dynamic, responding to many abiotic factors, therefore reducing CO2 concentration. However, little is known about gm regulation in the short term, where a possible role of aquaporins (AQP) and carbonic anhydrase (CA) has been proposed. Five-year-old olive trees growing in 50 L pots were used to evaluate the acclimation and recovery of AN to drought and subsequent re-watering. Control trees were well-irrigated, while in stressed trees irrigation was withheld for 13 days and then resumed. We made a simultaneous analysis of the genetic expression of two AQP, OePIP1.1 and OePIP2.1, and of CA, on the one hand, and leaf water status, leaf gas exchange and shoot hydraulic conductivity on the other. This is the first time that genetic expression in olive is related to main physiological variables. Two days after withholding irrigation (a.w.i.), the gs and gm values in Stress tress were lower than in Control trees. This limited photosynthesis. Leaf water status decreased from day 4 a.w.i. Midday leaf water potential dropped from -1.2 on the day before withholding irrigation to -6.0 MPa on day 9 a.w.i. CA expression decreased during drought and there was a peak on OePIP1.1 expression on day 4 a.w.i. Leaf water status recovered in ca. 36 h after resuming irrigation. Both gm and AN did not fully recover until 46 days after rewatering. Stomatal conductance, however, did not recover in that period, probably because of an irreversible loss of shoot hydraulic conductivity. Both OePIP1.1 and OePIP2.1 peaked 36 h after rewatering. We found significant correlations between gm and both OePIP2.1 and CA expression.This work was partly supported by grants for projects AGL2005-00220/AGR and AGL-2009-11310.Peer Reviewe

    Combining a Process-Based Model of Stomatal Conductance with Leaf Turgor Pressure Related Probe Measurements to Study the Regulation of Plant Water Status and Stomatal Conductance under Drought

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    The recently developed plant sensor of relative changes in leaf turgor pressure (LPCP probe) was compared with the turgor pressure output simulated with a process-based stomatal model (BMF model). Our results confirm the good agreement between the simulated turgor pressures and those derived from LPCP readings. The combined use of the BMF model and LPCP probes raised new insights into the regulation of hydraulic conductivity and osmotic pressure.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación español. AGL2009-11310/AGRPrograma FEDER, Comisión Europe

    Report of 2018 equine influenza outbreak in Chile

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    The present study reports an outbreak of equine influenza (EI) occurred in Chile in January 2018, with cases spread along the country, from the Atacama to the Magallanes Region. The virus identified corresponded to the H3N8 subtype, affecting equines, donkeys, and mules. Clinical signs ranged from mild to severe, with a higher mortality rate in donkeys