41 research outputs found

    Pollen morphology of native and cultivated species of Handroanthus (Bignoniaceae) present in Argentina

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    Morfología polínica de las especies nativas y cultivadas de Handroanthus (Bignoniaceae) de la República Argentina. El objetivo del siguiente trabajo consiste en ampliar el conocimiento palinológico de las especies de Handroanthus (Bignoniaceae) presentes en Argentina e incorporar esta información al Atlas Polínico del NOA que se publica periódicamente on line (www.atlaspolinicodelnoa.com.ar). Se analizaron las siguientes especies: H. albus (Cham.) Mattos, H. chrysotrichus (Mart. ex DC.) Mattos, H. heptaphyllus (Vell.) Mattos, H. impetiginosus (Mart.ex DC.) Mattos, H. lapacho (K. Schum.) Mattos, H. ochraceus (Cham.) Mattos, además de la exótica H. pulcherrimus (Sandwith) S. Grose. El material fue procesado según las técnicas convencionales para acetólisis y polen natural, se tomaron fotos a nivel de microscopía óptica (MO) y microscopía electrónica de barrido (MEB). Los resultados muestran que los granos son medianos de 25 a 31,6 μm en polen natural y de 27,45 a 48 μm en polen acetolizado, suboblatos a subprolatos. Tricolporados (colporoidados) en H. albus, H. chrysotrichus, H. heptaphyllus, H. impetiginosus, H. lapacho y H. pulcherrimus, y 3-colporados (colporoidados), 3-hemisincolporados y loxocolporados en H. ochraceus. La exina es de 1,5 a 2 μm de espesor con la superficie reticulada heterobrocada

    Litargirio y plomo (± plata) en la mina La Argentina, Córdoba: Aporte de la mineralogía a la metalurgia extractiva de mediados del siglo XIX

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    La actividad minero-metalúrgica en los distritos mineros El Guaico y La Argentina, en el noroeste de la provincia de Córdoba, comenzó a principios del siglo XIX; sin embargo, los antecedentes de la minería en la provincia se remontan a finales del siglo XVI. En la actualidad sobreviven vestigios de lo que otrora fue un foco de beneficio socio-económico para la región, como establecimientos abandonados, hornos de fundición en ruinas y voluminosas escombreras enmascaradas por la vegetación. En 2018 se halló material digno de estudio en escombreras contiguas a las ruinas del horno de fundición de mina La Argentina. Estudios por difracción de rayos X y espectroscopía de energía dispersiva de rayos X permitieron su identificación como litargirio (PbO) con inclusiones de plomo argentífero (Pb ± Ag). Si bien la muestra presentaba indicios texturales de material artificial, el estudio fue motivado debido a que ambos compuestos químicos pueden también formarse en la naturaleza conformado especies minerales homónimas, precisamente en la zona de oxidación de esta tipología de yacimiento en varias localidades mundiales. Su caracterización como producto metalúrgico derivado del beneficio de menas de plata de La Argentina permitió ahondar en el escaso conocimiento del pasado metalúrgico de la región noroeste de la provincia de Córdoba y confirmar datos previos de la existencia y origen del litargirio, publicados a fines de 1800.Mining and metallurgical activities at El Guaico and La Argentina mining districts, northwest of Córdoba province, began at the dawning of the 19th century; however, mining records in the province date back to the end of the 16th century. At present there are surviving vestiges of what once was the focus of socio-economic benefit for the region, such as abandoned establishments, ruined smelting furnaces and voluminous dumps masked by vegetation. In 2018, a noteworthy sample was found in dumps close to the smelting furnace of La Argentina mine. X-Ray diffraction and energy dispersive spectroscopy studies allowed its identification as litharge (PbO) with inclusions of silver-bearing lead (Pb ± Ag). Even though the sample showed some physical aspects suggestive of an artificial product, its study was justified knowing that both chemical compounds can also crystallize under natural conditions forming homonymous mineral species, precisely in the oxidation zone of this ore deposit type in several worldwide occurrences. Its characterization as a metallurgical product derived from silver ore processing from La Argentina mine allowed to deepen into the barely available knowledge of the metallurgy historical development along the northwestern mining region of Córdoba province, and to validate previous data of the existence and origin of litharge published during the late XIX century.Fil: Lira, Raul. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Museo de Mineralogía y Geología "Dr. A. Stelzner"; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Sfragulla, Jorge Alberto. Provincia de Córdoba. Secretaría de Minería; ArgentinaFil: Espeche, María José. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Museo de Mineralogía y Geología "Dr. A. Stelzner"; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; Argentin

    Benign infantile seizures with mild gastroenteritis: Study of 22 patients

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    AbstractPurposeTo analyze the electroclinical features, aetiology and outcome in patients with normal neurological examination and psychomotor development who presented seizures during a mild gastroenteritis (MG).Patients and methodsEvaluation of the clinical charts of 22 patients who were assessed in the Neurology Department, Hospital Nacional de Pediatría Prof. Dr. JP Garrahan between 1999 and 2007.ResultsTwelve patients were boys and 10 were girls, the age of onset ranged from 5 to 26 months, and the median age was 10 months. Rotavirus antigen test in stool was positive in 9 of 18 studied patients. The seizures were brief, focal with secondary generalization in 15 patients (68.5%), apparently generalized in 5 (22.5%) and focal in two (9%). Seven of the patients (35%) had more than one seizure in 24h. The interictal EEG was normal in all patients. Neuroradiological studies were performed in 19 patients with a normal result. No patient was put on long-term treatment with antiepileptic drugs. Four patients had subsequent mild gastroenteritis and two of them presented convulsions during the disease. After between 12 and 67 months of follow-up, all patients had normal psychomotor development and neurological examination.ConclusionsIn this study we confirmed the association of benign infantile seizures (BIS) and MG with or without rotavirus. The identification of this entity allows avoiding unnecessary complementary studies and treatment with antiepileptic drugs

    Comparison of two surrogate estimates of insulin resistance to predict cardiovascular disease in apparently healthy individuals

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    Background and aims: Insulin resistance is associated with a cluster of abnormalities that increase cardiovascular disease (CVD). Several indices have been proposed to identify individuals who are insulin resistant, and thereby at increased CVD risk. The aim of this study was to compare the abilities of 3 indices to accomplish that goal: 1) plasma triglyceride × glucose index (TG × G); 2) plasma triglyceride/high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio (TG/HDL-C); and 3) Metabolic Syndrome (MetS). Methods and results: In a population sample of 723 individuals (486 women and 237 men, 50 ± 16 and 51 ± 16 years old, respectively), baseline demographic and metabolic variables known to increase CVD risk and incident CVD were compared among individuals defined as high vs. low risk by: TG × G; TG/HDL-C; or MetS. CVD risk profiles appeared comparable in high risk subjects, irrespective of criteria. Crude incidence of CVD events was increased in high risk subjects: 12.2 vs. 5.3% subjects/10 years, p = 0.005 defined by TG/HDL-C; 13.4 vs. 5.3% subjects/10 years, p = 0.002 defined by TG × G; and 13.4% vs. 4.5% of subjects/10 years, p < 0.001 in subjects with the MetS. The area under the ROC curves to predict CVD were similar, 0.66 vs. 0.67 for TG/HDL-C and TG × G, respectively. However, when adjusted by age, sex and multiple covariates, hazard ratios for incident CVD were significantly increased in high risk patients classified by either TG/HDL-C ratio (2.18, p = 0.021) or MetS (1.93, p = 0.037), but not by TG × G index (1.72, p = 0.087). Conclusion: Although the 3 indices identify CVD risk comparably, the TG × G index seems somewhat less effective at predicting CVD.Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    Comparison of two surrogate estimates of insulin resistance to predict cardiovascular disease in apparently healthy individuals

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    Background and aims: Insulin resistance is associated with a cluster of abnormalities that increase cardiovascular disease (CVD). Several indices have been proposed to identify individuals who are insulin resistant, and thereby at increased CVD risk. The aim of this study was to compare the abilities of 3 indices to accomplish that goal: 1) plasma triglyceride × glucose index (TG × G); 2) plasma triglyceride/high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio (TG/HDL-C); and 3) Metabolic Syndrome (MetS). Methods and results: In a population sample of 723 individuals (486 women and 237 men, 50 ± 16 and 51 ± 16 years old, respectively), baseline demographic and metabolic variables known to increase CVD risk and incident CVD were compared among individuals defined as high vs. low risk by: TG × G; TG/HDL-C; or MetS. CVD risk profiles appeared comparable in high risk subjects, irrespective of criteria. Crude incidence of CVD events was increased in high risk subjects: 12.2 vs. 5.3% subjects/10 years, p = 0.005 defined by TG/HDL-C; 13.4 vs. 5.3% subjects/10 years, p = 0.002 defined by TG × G; and 13.4% vs. 4.5% of subjects/10 years, p < 0.001 in subjects with the MetS. The area under the ROC curves to predict CVD were similar, 0.66 vs. 0.67 for TG/HDL-C and TG × G, respectively. However, when adjusted by age, sex and multiple covariates, hazard ratios for incident CVD were significantly increased in high risk patients classified by either TG/HDL-C ratio (2.18, p = 0.021) or MetS (1.93, p = 0.037), but not by TG × G index (1.72, p = 0.087). Conclusion: Although the 3 indices identify CVD risk comparably, the TG × G index seems somewhat less effective at predicting CVD.Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    Morfología polínica de Urticáceas registradas en la provincia de Tucumán (Argentina)

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    Espeche, María L; María E. García; Nora J. F. Reyes; Alber to C. Slanis. 2014. “Morfología polínica de Urticáceas registradas en la provincia de Tucumán (Argentina)”. Lilloa 51 (2). El objetivo del presente trabajo es contribuir al conocimiento de la morfología polínica de la familia Urticaceae, ampliamente registrada en los monitoreos aerobiológicos de San Miguel de Tucumán (Tucumán, Argentina). Se analizaron las siguientes especies: Boehmeria caudata Sw., Parietaria debilis G. Forst., Phenax laevigatus Wedd., Pilea microphylla (L.) Liebm., P. hyalina Fenzl., Urera caracasana (Jacq.) Gaudich. ex Griseb., Urtica chamaedryoides Pursh subsp. microsperma Hauman, U. circularis (Hicken) Sorarú, U. echinata Benth., U. lilloi (Hauman) Geltman, U. mollis Steud. y U. urens L. mediante Microscopía óptica y electrónica de barrido. Se trabajó con material acetolizado y sin acetolizar. Los resultados revelan que los granos son pequeños de 9 a 19 µm, suboblatos a prolatos-esferoidales, 2- 3-4 zonoporados, con exina tectada y superficie que puede variar desde psilada; verrugosa o con nano y microespínulas, en algunos casos con perforacione

    Identificación de una línea de poroto negro con alta resistencia a la mancha angular

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    En el presente trabajo, se muestran los avances obtenidos en la evaluación de genotipos de poroto por su comportamiento frente a mancha angular, los que derivaron en la identificación de una línea de grano negro que muestra resistencia a la enfermedad y que combina además buena adaptación, tolerancia a los virus transmitidos por la mosca blanca (Bemisia tabaci) y capacidad de rendimiento.Instituto de Fisiología Vegeta

    Pollen morphology of ornamental species from San Miguel de Tucumán (Tucumán, Argentina)

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    San Miguel de Tucumán posee vegetación ornamental de carácter exótico y autóctono distribuída en calles y plazas. Con el objeto de facilitar la identificación de los granos de polen presentes tanto en sedimentos melíferos como en muestreos aerobiológicos locales, el presente trabajo continúa la descripción de la morfología polínica de la flora ornamental de esta ciudad. Se analizaron 10 especies arbóreas y arbustivas: Brachychiton populneus (Schott & Endl.) R. Br. (Malvaceae); Caesalpinia gilliesii (Wall. ex Hook.) D. Dietr.(Fabaceae); Campsis radicans (L)Bureau (Bignoniaceae); Euphorbia milii Des Moul. (Euphorbiaceae); Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L.; H. rosa-sinensis L.var.schizopetalus Boulger, H. mutabilis L., (Malvaceae); Hydrangea macrophylla (Thunb.) Ser. (Hydrangeaceae); Jacaranda mimosifolia D. Don (Bignoniaceae) y Ligustrum lucidum W.T. Aiton (Oleaceae). Las muestras provienen de material fresco y fueron procesadas según las técnicas convencionales de acetólisis y polen natural. Las preparaciones microscópicas fueron incorporadas a la Palinoteca (PAL-TUC) de la Fundación Miguel Lillo (FML). Se tomaron fotos con MO y MEB. Las descripciones polínicas amplían estudios previos realizados por diversos autores excepto en Hydrangea macrophylla y Jacaranda mimosifolia, de los que no encontramos referencias sobre morfología polínica en trabajos anteriores. De las especies estudiadas Ligustrum lucidum ha sido registrado en muestreos aerobiológicos. Brachychiton populneus, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis var. schizopetalus y Euphorbia milii se han encontrado en muestras melisopalinológicas

    Riesgo de enfermedades cardiovasculares según categorías de presión arterial en una cohorte argentina

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    Background: Hypertension is a recognized strong risk factor for cardiovascular disease. However, no data was available in our country to quantify the relationship between blood pressure and cardiovascular event. Objective: to quantify the risk of cardiovascular events according to blood pressure categories. Methods: A prospective epidemiological study was conducted in 1526 inhabitants from Rauch City, (Buenos Aires, Argentina) between 1997 and 2012. Subjects were classified into one of these blood-pressure categories: 1-optimal, 2-normal, 3-high-normal, 4-grade 1 hypertension, 5-grade 2 hypertension and 6-grade 3 hypertension. The first CVD event, including unstable angina pectoris, fatal and non-fatal myocardial infarction, myocardial revascularization, and fatal or non-fatal stroke, was defined as the primary endpoint. Multivariable Cox proportional-hazards regression models were used to estimate the relative risk (HR) of CVD according to base-line blood-pressure categories. Results: In 2012, 1124 individuals (73.7% of the baseline sample), 719 women and 405 men (in 1997, aged 45±16 and 46±16 respectively) or their relatives in case of death, could be surveyed again in order to obtain information concerning incident CVD events. Cardiovascular event rates and HR values increased in a stepwise manner across the blood pressure categories (p for trend across categories <0.001 in both sex); however, in subjects aged ≥55 years a j-curve phenomenon was observed, showing the lowest incidence in the high-normal category. In all categories CVD events rates were higher for men. Conclusion: This study quantified relationships between BP and CVD starting from high-normal blood pressure in Argentina.Antecedentes: La hipertensión arterial es un reconocido factor de riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV). Sin embargo, no hay información en Argentina que cuantifique la relación entre la presión arterial (PA) y ECV. Objetivo: Cuantificar el riesgo de ECV de acuerdo a categorías de PA. Método: Se realizó un estudio epidemiológico prospectivo en 1526 habitantes de la ciudad de Rauch (Buenos Aires, Argentina) entre octubre de 1997 y febrero de 2012. Los individuos fueron clasificados en las categorías de PA: 1-óptima, 2-normal, 3-normal-alta, 4-hipertensión grado 1, 5-hipertensión grado 2 y 6-hipertensión grado 3. Fue definido como punto final el primer evento de ECV (angina de pecho inestable, infarto fatal y no fatal, revascularización, y accidente cerebrovascular fatal y no fatal). El riesgo relativo (HR) de tener un evento fue estimado usando modelos de regresión multivariable de Cox. Resultados: En 2012, fueron re-encuestados 1124 individuos (73,7% de la muestra basal), 719 mujeres y 405 hombres, o sus parientes en caso de muerte (edad en 1997 45±16 y 46±16 años, respectivamente). Las tasas de ECV y los HR se incrementaron para cada categoría de PA por encima de la óptima (p &lt; 0.001 en ambos sexos); sin embargo, en sujetos mayores de 55 años se observó un fenómeno de curva en J, con la incidencia más baja en la categoría normal-alto. En todas las categorías la tasa de eventos fue mayor en hombres. Conclusión: Este estudio demostró y cuantificó la relación entre de PA y ECV a partir de PA normal alta en una población de Argentina.Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    Treatment of seizures in the neonate: Guidelines and consensus-based recommendations—Special report from the ILAE Task Force on Neonatal Seizures

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    Seizures are common in neonates, but there is substantial management variability. The Neonatal Task Force of the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) developed evidence-based recommendations about antiseizure medication (ASM) management in neonates in accordance with ILAE standards. Six priority questions were formulated, a systematic literature review and meta-analysis were performed, and results were reported following the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) 2020 standards. Bias was evaluated using the Cochrane tool and risk of Bias in non-randomised studies - of interventions (ROBINS-I), and quality of evidence was evaluated using grading of recommendations, assessment, development and evaluation (GRADE). If insufficient evidence was available, then expert opinion was sought using Delphi consensus methodology. The strength of recommendations was defined according to the ILAE Clinical Practice Guidelines development tool. There were six main recommendations. First, phenobarbital should be the first-line ASM (evidence-based recommendation) regardless of etiology (expert agreement), unless channelopathy is likely the cause for seizures (e.g., due to family history), in which case phenytoin or carbamazepine should be used. Second, among neonates with seizures not responding to first-line ASM, phenytoin, levetiracetam, midazolam, or lidocaine may be used as a second-line ASM (expert agreement). In neonates with cardiac disorders, levetiracetam may be the preferred second-line ASM (expert agreement). Third, following cessation of acute provoked seizures without evidence for neonatal-onset epilepsy, ASMs should be discontinued before discharge home, regardless of magnetic resonance imaging or electroencephalographic findings (expert agreement). Fourth, therapeutic hypothermia may reduce seizure burden in neonates with hypoxic–ischemic encephalopathy (evidence-based recommendation). Fifth, treating neonatal seizures (including electrographic-only seizures) to achieve a lower seizure burden may be associated with improved outcome (expert agreement). Sixth, a trial of pyridoxine may be attempted in neonates presenting with clinical features of vitamin B6-dependent epilepsy and seizures unresponsive to second-line ASM (expert agreement). Additional considerations include a standardized pathway for the management of neonatal seizures in each neonatal unit and informing parents/guardians about the diagnosis of seizures and initial treatment options