338 research outputs found

    Adaptation and reproducibility of a questionnaire to assess physical activity in epidemiological studies among Yaqui Indians from Sonora, Mexico

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     Introduction: Due to the benefits of physical activity (PA) for health and the associated risk of physical inactivity with obesity and non-communicable diseases, the evaluation of PA is of great interest in public health. Objective: Was adapt and evaluate the reproducibility of a questionnaire to assess PA in epidemiological studies among Yaqui Indians from Sonora, México. Methods: The participants were 100 Indians from the 9 Yaquis communities, including men and women aged 20 or older. The adaptation phase of the PA questionnaire (PAQ) was done by interviewing 40 Yaquis about their activities related to leisure-time, occupation and transportation. For the reproducibility analysis, the PAQs applied by duplication to 60 adults were evaluated by the Spearman Correlation Coefficient (ρ) and Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC). The level of agreement was evaluated by the Bland-Altman plot. Results: Eighteen leisure time activities, 34 occupational activities, and 5 transportation activities were included in the PAQ. Very strong correlations were found for total leisure-time and occupational activities (ρ=0.92 and ρ=0.88, respectively; p<0.0001), and sedentary behaviors (ρ=0.94; p<0.0001) for the previous 12 months. The Bland-Altman plots indicated high agreement between PAQs. Conclusion: The adapted PAQ had high reproducibility for measuring PA in the Yaqui Indian population.Key Words: Ethnic groups; México; physical activity questionnaire. RESUMENIntroducción: Debido a los beneficios de la actividad física (AF) en la salud y la asociación de la inactividad física con la obesidad y las enfermedades no transmisibles, evaluar la AF es de gran relevancia para la salud pública. Objetivo: Adaptar y evaluar la reproducibilidad de un cuestionario para medir la AF en estudios epidemiológicos de adultos Yaquis de Sonora, México. Metodología: Se incluyeron 100 Yaquis (hombres y mujeres) de 9 localidades con edad igual o mayor a 20 años. Para la adaptación del cuestionario de AF (CAF) se entrevistaron a 40 participantes sobre sus actividades recreativas, ocupacionales y de transporte. Para la reproducibilidad, los CAFs aplicados por duplicado a 60 Yaquis fueron evaluados por Correlación de Spearman (ρ) y Correlación Intraclase (CI). La concordancia fue analizada por gráfico de Bland-Altman. Resultados: Dieciocho actividades de tiempo libre, 34 ocupacionales y 5 de transporte fueron incluidas en el CAF. Se encontraron correlaciones fuertes para actividades del tiempo libre y ocupacionales así como hábitos sedentarios (ρ=0.92, ρ=0.88, ρ=0.94; respectivamente; p<0.0001) para los 12 meses previos. Los gráficos de Bland-Altman indicaron un alto nivel de concordancia entre los CAFs. Conclusión: El CAF adaptado tuvo alta reproducibilidad para medir la AF en Yaquis.Palabras Clave: Grupos étnicos; México; cuestionario de actividad física


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    La creciente prevalencia de diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DT2) representa un problema complejo de salud pública a nivel mundial y particularmente en países en desarrollo, incluyendo México. La DT2 es resultado de una interacción entre la predisposición genética y los cambios drásticos en el estilo de vida. El objetivo de este trabajo de revisión es explorar la interacción entre la genética y el estilo de vida sobre el desarrollo de la DT2, comparando dos grupos genéticamente relacionados, Pimas mexicanos y Pimas de Estados Unidos de América (EUA), así como dos grupos no relacionados genéticamente, pero viviendo en ambientes similares, Pimas mexicanos y no-Pimas (Blancos) de Maycoba, México. En comparación con los Pimas de EUA, los Indios Pima Mexicanos presentaron menor prevalencia de DT2 y obesidad. Asimismo, los Indios Pima Mexicanos presentaron menor consumo de grasa y fibra dietaria, y mayor nivel de actividad física. El estudio de los indios Pima nos indica que aún en poblaciones genéticamente predispuestas a estas condiciones, su desarrollo puede estar determinado principalmente por circunstancias relacionadas con el estilo de vida. ABSTRACT Globally, the increase in Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) prevalence represents a complex public health problem, particularly in developing countries, including Mexico. Type 2 diabetes results from an interaction between genetic predisposition and drastic changes in lifestyle. The aim of this review is to explore these interactions on T2D development, using the Mexican and US Pima Indians comparative study as a model; two genetic related groups, living in different environments, and Mexican Pimas and non-Pimas (Blancos) sharing a similar environment, but not the genetics. Study results showed a lower T2D and obesity prevalence in Mexican Pimas when compared with US Pimas. Likewise, Mexican Pimas had lower fat consumption, higher dietary fiber and higher physical activity than their counterparts in the US. The Pima Indians study showed that even in genetically predisposed populations, T2D development could be mainly determined by lifestyle related factors

    The ATPase inhibitory factor 1 is a tissue-specific physiological regulator of the structure and function of mitochondrial ATP synthase: A closer look into neuronal function

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    The ATP synthase is an essential multifunctional enzyme complex of mitochondria that produces most of cellular ATP, shapes the structure of the inner membrane into cristae and regulates the signals that control cell fate or demise. The ATPase Inhibitory Factor 1 (IF1) functions in vivo as a physiological regulator of the ATP synthase and thereby controls mitochondrial structure and function, and the retrograde signaling pathways that reprogram nuclear gene expression. However, IF1 is not ubiquitously expressed in mammals, showing tissue-restricted expression in humans and mice and large expression differences between the two species in some tissues. Herein, we summarized key regulatory functions of IF1 for tissue homeostasis, with special emphasis on the deleterious effects that its genetic ablation in neurons has in learning. The development and characterization of tissue-specific mouse models with regulated expression of IF1 will be crucial to disentangle the contribution of the ATP synthase/IF1 axis in pathophysiologySD-Z, and IR-C were supported by predoctoral fellowships from FPI-MINECO and FPU-MINECO, Fondo Social Europeo, respectively. PE-M was supported by a predoctoral fellowship from La Caixa. The work was supported by grants from MINECO (PID2019-108674RB100), CIBERER-ISCIII (CB06/07/0017) and Fundación Ramón Areces, Spai

    Costos directos asociados a la multimorbilidad por enfermedades crónicas: México, 2012 - 2018

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    Archivo digital con la tesis aprobada.El objetivo de la tesis es estimar los costos directos asociados a la multimorbilidad entre adultos mayores residentes en México en el periodo 2012-2018

    Prevalence and risk factors of Neospora caninum infection in ovine flocks of central-western Mexico

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    This study, carried out in 13 sheep flocks of central-western Mexico, aimed to identify the prevalence of anti-N. caninum antibodies, to develop a risk analysis of the infection and to estimate the prevalence of parasite DNA in blood. A total of 368 serum and blood samples were subjected to ELISA and PCR tests, respectively, and the association between the prevalence of antibodies and some management factors was estimated. The overall prevalence of anti-N. caninum antibodies was 13.5% [50/368; 95% confidence interval (CI) 10–17], ranging from 2.7 to 90% per flock, and 92% of the farms had seropositive animals. In ewes the prevalence was 14% (48/348, 95% CI 10–17) and in rams 10% (2/20; 95% CI 1– 33). The mean prevalence of Neospora DNA in blood was 27% (99/368, 95% CI 22–31), implying a range between 16 and 82%. In rams, the prevalence was 5% (1/20 95% CI 2–26), while in ewes it was 28% (98/348, 95% CI 23–33). The agreement between the tests was k = 0.19. The presence of other domestic animal species in the farms [odds ratio (OR) 4.4] and the consumption of placental debris, fetuses and stillborn lambs by dogs living in the farms (OR 5.8) were demonstrated to be risk factors

    Patient-Reported Outcome Measures of Quality of Life in People Affected by Diabetic Foot: A Psychometric Systematic Review

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    Peu diabètic; Psicometria; Qualitat de vidaDiabetic foot; Psychometrics; Quality of lifePie diabético; Psicometría; Calidad de vidaObjectives: This psychometric systematic review aimed to identify the most suitable patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) of quality of life (QoL) in people affected by diabetic foot. Methods: We performed a literature search in MEDLINE (PubMed), CINAHL (EBSCOhost), and PsycINFO (EBSCOhost) databases from inception to February 1, 2022. We also searched gray literature databases. Eligible studies were full-text reports developing a QoL condition-specific PROM or assessing one or more of its measurement properties in people affected by diabetic foot. We assessed the methodological quality of included studies independently using the "Consensus-Based Standards for the Selection of Health Measurement Instruments Risk of Bias" checklist. The measurement properties were evaluated using specific criteria. We graded the quality of the evidence using a "Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation" approach modified by Consensus-Based Standards for the Selection of Health Measurement Instruments. Results: Forty-three reports (46 studies) providing information on the measurement properties of 10 different PROMs were included. We did not identify any instruments that could be recommended for use. We identified 2 PROMs that were not recommended for use and 8 that were potentially recommended but would require further investigation. Of these 8 PROMs, 4 had better evidence for content validity. Conclusions: Available PROMs to measure QoL in people affected by diabetic foot have limited evidence for their measurement properties. There is no fully suitable PROM. Pending further evidence, 4 PROMs could potentially be recommended for use