95 research outputs found

    From Global to Grassroots: The European Union, Transnational Advocacy, and Combating Violence Against Women

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    Resenha de:MONTOYA, Celeste, From global to grassroots: The European Union, transnational advocacy, and combating violence against women (2013, ainda não publicado no Brasil ou em português)

    Measuring multipole moments of Weyl metrics by means of gyroscopes

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    Using the technique of Rindler and Perlick we calculate the total precession per revolution of a gyroscope circumventing the source of Weyl metrics. We establish thereby a link between the multipole moments of the source and an ``observable'' quantity. Special attention deserves the case of the gamma-metric. As an extension of this result we also present the corresponding expressions for some stationary space-times.Comment: 18 pages Latex, To appear in J.Math.Phy

    Electrocardiographic diagnosis of left ventricular hypertrophy.

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    São relatadas as modificações eletrocardiográficas observadas em 141 casos de hipertrofia ventricular esquerda. Os achados são distribuídos em 2 grupos: 1) casos com sinais eletrocardiográficos sugestivos de hipertrofia ventricular esquerda; 2) casos com sinais de certezade hipertrofia ventricular esquerda. Os autores classificam as modificações eletrocardiográficas encontradas nos casos acima mencionados em duas séries: alterações fundamentais e alterações secundárias. As modificações eletrocardiográficas fundamentais são: 1) onda R em V5 com mais de 15 mm de amplitude; 2) onda T em V5 achatada, negativa ou difásica; 3) atraso no aparecimento da deflexão intrínseca; 4) onda T em D1 achatada, negativa ou difásica; 5) complexo QRS alargadonas derivações clássicas (com mais de 0,10s). As alterações eletrocardiográficas secundárias são: 1) desnivelamento do segmento RS-T em V5; 2) desnivelamento do segmento RS-T em V3;3) onda T e V3 achatada, negativa ou difásica; 4) complexo QRS de alta voltagem nas derivações clássicas; 5) desvio do eixo elétrico para a esquerda.O diagnóstico de certeza de hipertrofia ventricular esquerda deve ser estabelecido quando forem encontradas todas as 5 modificações fundamentais ou 4 fundamentais e 1 secundária ou 3 fundamentais e 3 ou mais secundárias. O diagnóstico de suspeição de hipertrofia ventricular esquerda deve ser estabelecido quando fôrem encontradas uma das alterações secundárias.Em, 68 (48,22%) dos 141 casos, foi feito diagnóstico de certeza de hipertrofia ventricular esquerda, sendo o diagnóstico de suspeição feito em 73 casos(51,78%). A posição elétrica do coração foi determinada em todos os casos.Nota: Trabalho apresentado e premiado no IV Congresso Médico-Acadêmico Interestadual, São Paulo, em 1948. Neste número especial com artigos publicados na Revista de Medicina em 1948, traz um comentário dos Drs. Alfredo José Mansur e Paulo Jorge Moffa (Departamento de Cardiologia da FMUSP).Eletrocardiographic changes observed in 141 cases of left ventricular hypertrophyare related. These findings were distributed in two groups: 1) Cases with suggestive electrocardiographic signs of left hypertrophy; 2) Cases with undoutable signs of left ventricular hypertrophy. The A.A. classify the electrocardiographic changes found in the above mentioned cases in two groups: fundamental changes and secondary ones. The fundamental electrocardiographic changes are: 1) R waye in V5 with more than 15 mm. of amplitude; 2) flattened,negative or diphasic T wave in V5; 3) late appearance of the intrinsic deflexion; 4) flattened, negative or diphasic T wave in D1; 5) widened, QRS complex in the classic derivations (0,10 of a second or more). The secondary eletrocardiographic changes are: 1) unleveling of the RS-T segment in V5;2) unleveling of the RS-T segment in V3; 3) flattened, negative or diphasic T wave in V3; 4) highvoltage QRS complex in the classic derivations; 5) left shift of the electric axis. Undoutable diagnosis of left ventricular hypertrophy was established whenever all five fundamental changes were found,or five fundamental changes plus one of the secondary changes, or three fundamental changes plus one of the secondary changes, or three fundamental changes plus three or more of these condary changes. Suggestive diagnosis of left ventricular hypertrophy was established when one of the fundamental changes plus one or more of the secondary changes were present. In 68(48.22 per cent) of the 141 cases, undoubtable electrocardiographic diagnosis of left ventricular hypertrophy was established. In 73 cases (51.78 per cent) a suggestive electrocardiographic diagnosis of left ventricular hypertrophy was made. The electric position of the heart was determined in every case

    Inquiry of labor factors stressors and protectors perceived by health workers of three public hospitals of Mendoza

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    A través de los resultados relacionados con la detección de la percepción de los factores estresógenos y de factores protectores de personal de la salud pública de los hospitales mencionados; se puede facilitar la construcción conjunta de dispositivos para la mejora en la calidad de la vida laboral del trabajador sanitario; por lo cual se considera un estudio de relevancia social

    The Dynamical Behaviour of Test Particles in a Quasi-Spherical Spacetime and the Physical Meaning of Superenergy

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    We calculate the instantaneous proper radial acceleration of test particles (as measured by a locally defined Lorentzian observer) in a Weyl spacetime, close to the horizon. As expected from the Israel theorem, there appear some bifurcations with respect to the spherically symmetric case (Schwarzschild), which are explained in terms of the behaviour of the superenergy, bringing out the physical relevance of this quantity in the study of general relativistic systems.Comment: 14 pages, Latex. 4 figures. New references added. Typos corrected. To appear in Int. J. Theor. Phy

    Reliable Activation of Immature Neurons in the Adult Hippocampus

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    Neurons born in the adult dentate gyrus develop, mature, and connect over a long interval that can last from six to eight weeks. It has been proposed that, during this period, developing neurons play a relevant role in hippocampal signal processing owing to their distinctive electrical properties. However, it has remained unknown whether immature neurons can be recruited into a network before synaptic and functional maturity have been achieved. To address this question, we used retroviral expression of green fluorescent protein to identify developing granule cells of the adult mouse hippocampus and investigate the balance of afferent excitation, intrinsic excitability, and firing behavior by patch clamp recordings in acute slices. We found that glutamatergic inputs onto young neurons are significantly weaker than those of mature cells, yet stimulation of cortical excitatory axons elicits a similar spiking probability in neurons at either developmental stage. Young neurons are highly efficient in transducing ionic currents into membrane depolarization due to their high input resistance, which decreases substantially in mature neurons as the inward rectifier potassium (Kir) conductance increases. Pharmacological blockade of Kir channels in mature neurons mimics the high excitability characteristic of young neurons. Conversely, Kir overexpression induces mature-like firing properties in young neurons. Therefore, the differences in excitatory drive of young and mature neurons are compensated by changes in membrane excitability that render an equalized firing activity. These observations demonstrate that the adult hippocampus continuously generates a population of highly excitable young neurons capable of information processing

    Versatility in the biological behavior of two aminobenzoate oxidovanadium (V, IV) compounds. Inhibition or simulation of enzymes

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    The pharmacological potential of vanadium compounds is of great interest to researchers in treatments of various diseases (diabetes, cancer, tropical endemic diseases, etc.). On the basis of the potential biological/pharmacological applications, in this work we have synthesized and physico-chemically characterized, two new complexes containing vanadium (IV) and (V) with 4-aminobenzoic acid as the ligand (L)