512 research outputs found

    On The Synchrotron Self-Compton Emission from Relativistic Shocks and Its Implications for Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglows

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    We consider the effects of inverse Compton scattering of synchrotron photons from relativistic electrons in GRB afterglows. We compute the spectrum of the inverse Compton emission and find that it can dominate the total cooling rate of the afterglow for several months or even years after the initial explosion. We demonstrate that the presence of strong inverse Compton cooling can be deduced from the effect it has on the time-evolution of the cooling break in the synchrotron spectral component, and therefore on the optical and X-ray afterglow lightcurves. We then show how the physical interpretation of the observed characteristics of the synchrotron spectrum must be modified to take into consideration this extra source of cooling, and give a revised prescription for computing physical parameters characterizing the expanding shock wave from the observed quantities. We find that for a given set of observables (synchrotron break frequencies and fluxes) there is either no consistent physical interpretation or two of them. Finally we discuss the prospects of directly detecting the inverse Compton emission with Chandra. We argue that such a detection is possible for GRBs exploding in a reasonably dense (n>1 cm^-3) medium.Comment: 21 pages, ApJ submitte

    Determinants of innovation in emerging market SMEs: Thirty-five years' evidence from advanced materials in Turkey

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    On the Relationship Between Exchange Rates and Stock Prices: Evidence from Emerging Markets

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    This study examines dynamic linkages between the exchange rates and stock prices for twelve emerging market countries for the period from May 1994 to April 2010 by using linear and non-linear Granger causality tests. Our empirical results show that stock prices and exchange rates have linear and non-linear bi-directional causality in most cases. The exceptional countries are Brazil, Poland and Taiwan, in that there is no evidence for a non-linear Granger causality from stock prices to exchange rates. The results support both the portfolio balance and the goods market theories for eight out of twelve countries. JEL Classifications Codes: F30, G15

    Multiple magnon modes in the Co3_3Sn2_2S2_2 Weyl semimetal candidate

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    We experimentally investigate electron transport in kagome-lattice ferromagnet Co3_3Sn2_2S2_2, which is regarded as a time-reversal symmetry broken Weyl semimetal candidate. We demonstrate dV/dI(I)dV/dI(I) curves with pronounced asymmetric dV/dIdV/dI spikes, similar to those attributed to current-induced spin-wave excitations in ferromagnetic multilayers. In contrast to multilayers, we observe several dV/dIdV/dI spikes' sequences at low, \approx104^4 A/cm2^2, current densities for a thick single-crystal Co3_3Sn2_2S2_2 flake in the regime of fully spin-polarized bulk. The spikes at low current densities can be attributed to novel magnon branches in magnetic Weyl semimetals, which are predicted due to the coupling between two magnetic moments mediated by Weyl fermions. Presence of spin-transfer effects at low current densities in Co3_3Sn2_2S2_2 makes the material attractive for applications in spintronics.Comment: final versio

    The MRO-accompanied modes of Re-implantation into SiO2-host matrix: XPS and DFT based scenarios

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    The following scenarios of Re-embedding into SiO2-host by pulsed Re-implantation were derived and discussed after XPS-and-DFT electronic structure qualification: (i) low Re-impurity concentration mode -> the formation of combined substitutional and interstitial impurities with Re2O7-like atomic and electronic structures in the vicinity of oxygen vacancies; (ii) high Re-impurity concentration mode -> the fabrication of interstitial Re-metal clusters with the accompanied formation of ReO2-like atomic structures and (iii) an intermediate transient mode with Re-impurity concentration increase, when the precursors of interstitial defect clusters are appeared and growing in the host-matrix structure occur. An amplification regime of Re-metal contribution majority to the final Valence Band structure was found as one of the sequences of intermediate transient mode. It was shown that most of the qualified and discussed modes were accompanied by the MRO (middle range ordering) distortions in the initial oxygen subnetwork of the a-SiO2 host-matrix because of the appeared mixed defect configurations.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, accepted to J. Alloys and Compound

    Spitzer Space Telescope Observations of Circumbinary Dust Disks around Polars

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    We present Spitzer Space Telescope IRAC photometry of the magnetic cataclysmic variables EF Eri, MR Ser, VV Pup, V834 Cen, GG Leo and V347 Pav. When we combine our results with the 2MASS data, we find that at least five of the polars have flux densities in the mid-IR in excess of the emission expected from the stellar components alone. We are unable to model this mid-IR excess with cyclotron emission, but we can recreate the observed spectral energy distributions with the inclusion of a simple circumbinary dust disk model. Importantly, we find that the masses of our modelled disks are approximately 12 orders of magnitude lower than required to significantly affect CV evolution. The accretion disk-less polars are ideal places to search for these disks, since the luminous accretion disk in most CVs would drown out the faint IR signature of the cooler, dimmer circumbinary disks

    The Nature and Cause of Spectral Variability in LMC X-1

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    We present the results of a long-term observation campaign of the extragalactic wind-accreting black-hole X-ray binary LMC X-1, using the Proportional Counter Array on the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer (RXTE). The observations show that LMC X-1's accretion disk exhibits an anomalous temperature-luminosity relation. We use deep archival RXTE observations to show that large movements across the temperature-luminosity space occupied by the system can take place on time scales as short as half an hour. These changes cannot be adequately explained by perturbations that propagate from the outer disk on a viscous timescale. We propose instead that the apparent disk variations reflect rapid fluctuations within the Compton up-scattering coronal material, which occults the inner parts of the disk. The expected relationship between the observed disk luminosity and apparent disk temperature derived from the variable occultation model is quantitatively shown to be in good agreement with the observations. Two other observations support this picture: an inverse correlation between the flux in the power-law spectral component and the fitted inner disk temperature, and a near-constant total photon flux, suggesting that the inner disk is not ejected when a lower temperature is observed.Comment: 35 pages, 10 figures, to be published in Ap